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My experience with telepathy

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I've experienced obvious, full-on telepathy three times, in three different instances. On mushrooms, on acid and sober,

The first time it happened was on my first mushroom trip, about 3-4 years ago, and i basically had a conversation with my friend who also took the same dose as me (2 dried grams), I was having a really intense, but more inward experience, i couldn't talk at all, and he was the opposite, he was talking a lot, but at some point we realized that we were having a conversation this way! I was diving deep into some things and he was experiencing them with me, kind of being the voice of what was happening. And after the trip HE was the one that said to me "dude, you were there, right? like, i'm not just crazy" and i couldn't believe that it actually hapened. I didn't tell only a couple of people, because i thought people would think i'm crazy.

The second time was with my ex-girlfriend, we were at my cabin and we were just laying in bed, after sex or something, very relaxed and it was like this psychedelic wave of heightened consciousness that hit the both of us simultaneously, and we turned to each other and said "whoaa, did you feel that?" but it lasted only a few seconds. This one felt more like what awakening glimpses feel like, but it happened to the both of us simultaneously and we SAW that we saw the same thing, or had the same experience. This was about 2 years ago.

The third and final time was on acid, and this time i was with two other girl friends in nature, and we repeteatedly had moments of deep insight, and it always happened simultaneously to all of us. We would talk about all kinds of stuff, and at some point "asjgklhfasflsjaklghaljfklsha" we all would go on this trip together, that was so insightful and awake, and after each one we would all be like "there! it happened again!" It's just that we couldn't remember what the fuck were those big insights xD it's easier for me to remember deep trip insights if i'm alone. 

Having those previous experiences, i quickly realized that we were experiencing some sort of telepathy, and i communicated this to them, and it was obvious to them too that this was indeed what was happening. This made it easier for our minds to connect, and the interesting part is that i, having done much more consciousness work than them, could lead the trip, and also initiate the telepathic moments, although not perfectly. It sort of had a rhythm of it's own. This happened about a dozen times that day, i would say. 


So that's about it :P

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Those are amazing and mind expanding experiences. But go a step further, and realize that telepathy implies duality. It is more than telepathy that's going on. You merging with you. 

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@Vibroverse Yes but t's like they are different things. The more enlightened you are the more consciously you act and interact with yourself. That experience of two seemingly separate minds merging together can happen whether you're enlightened or not. Just like having an awakening doesn't change the consistency of the "physical experience".

Edited by Bogdan

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