Hero in progress

Dairy industry Humane or human evil?

42 posts in this topic

Powerful documentary 2021 ( just released )

If you can, watch it and please comment your take on it

thanks for taking part 



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Human evil for sure. And then they pasteurize that stuff so it even loses all its power and is just death juice tainted with antibiotics and growth hormone.


I mean who the f e uek still drinks milk?

Oh yes now they drink soymilk and grow manboobs due to the xenoestrogens.



Just stop the milk you're not a baby anymore I'm sorry 



<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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I could not hurt such beautiful and wonderful beings. I dont understand how this is still going on right. Why are people so apathetic to this?

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Just had 2nd-ever panic attack on the 22nd minute. Kudos to the makers. I can't take any more today. How is this treatment still allowed? 

In high school after seeing PETA's "Meet Your Meat" I had turned fully vegan. Months later about 90%---trying to find the kindest companies/farmers to support and very confused about nutrition. (Unfortunately many of us seem overly concerned with how things impacts us most directly and most immediately---such as our tastebuds, and not concerned enough about others or even our own future health.) Years later, I am again shocked because I had somehow assumed that things had been improving since that exposure, and forgot the emotional impact of actually seeing the truth.

Making a promise now to take more responsibility and also to cut out dairy entirely. 

Let's please, please do our research and support only ethical practices. ???

@Hero in progress thank you for spreading awareness and helping to raise consciousness.


Finished the video. Glad they informed about human health and veganism too. Happy to see a positive, solutions-oriented ending ♡

Edited by artcastle
finished video the next day, completed my comment

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On 2/21/2021 at 0:58 AM, UDT said:

Human evil for sure. And then they pasteurize that stuff so it even loses all its power and is just death juice tainted with antibiotics and growth hormone.


I mean who the f e uek still drinks milk?

Oh yes now they drink soymilk and grow manboobs due to the xenoestrogens.



Just stop the milk you're not a baby anymore I'm sorry 



@UDT Avoiding drinking milk isn't enough. Bread, chocolate, cake, butter, cheese, sour cream, some pastas, ice cream, whey, granola bars, mayonnaise, some sauces, the list goes on. :(

Edited by artcastle
had to add chocolate and cake

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Thanks for your input, you sound like a compassionate human being. I know were you coming from that stuff is hard to watch, let alone experience first hand. Dairy has got to go. Be a vegan Goddess once more.. 

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Easy fix: just use coconut milk and almond milk.

Butter and cheese are tasty though...

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Easy fix: just use coconut milk and almond milk.

+Oat milk and/or Pea protein drink

It's Love.

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Ditch the almond milk it needs the most water to produce.  Of course compared to cows milk it’s a saint, but it’s the highest out of the plant milks.  

Go for oat milk 

Edited by intotheblack



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I know some farms near me kill the bull calves instantly as it costs more to rear them then they would make at market selling them at age. I grew up on a farm and i remember when u took a calf of its mother,the heifer would bawl for its calf for about 5 days come wandering round the yard during the middle of the night. That's like snatching a woman's baby off her in the street, cows soon forget though 


"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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35 minutes ago, Chives99 said:

cows soon forget though 

How do you know they forget?



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21 hours ago, UDT said:

Oh yes now they drink soymilk and grow manboobs due to the xenoestrogens.



Just stop the milk you're not a baby anymore I'm sorry 


hmm not necessarily. I think you mean phytoestrogens (xenoestrogens are synthetic estrogen-receptor agonists). It is important to say that neither phytoestrogens nor xenoestrogens have any impact on biological oestrogen production in testes or ovaries. Phytoestrogens in soy can dock in to Oestrogen receptor and stimulate its secondary effects, that's true but the affinity is like 1/1000 of a real biological 17-b-oestradiol so you would have to consume insane amounts of soy milk in single go. They however DO NOT make your body produce more oestrogen, this is a pervasive internet myth you will see on many bodybuilding forums. In order for phytoestrogen to have a significant effect either on oestrogen receptors or IGF-1 we would be talking about drinking 20-50 boxes of soy milk in one go. 

Funny enough all the guys who use words such as "soyboy" are secretly feminising themselves by eating beef and dairy. These are the real "manboob-makers". Dairy and beef has so much bovine biological oestrogen that it is not surprising you see so many guys with love handles, manboobs and soft voices. It is the effect of eating chickens, cows and dairy. In an attempt to become more masculine they are becoming more feminine :D 

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