
Sea salt - pros and cons

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I use only sea salt and in moderation and love salted/spiced up foods. The other day I slightly oversalted a dish and had a light headache the following day. Any ideas how much salt is too much?

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Put a pinch. I use Himalayan Pink Salt. 

Just a pinch with your two fingers. Like half a teaspoon. 

Adding too much can alter ph. 

Keep practicing adding a tiny amount and gradually increase tiny bit everyday till you reach a comfort level taste wise. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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according to, you should stick below 5g of salt (2g sodium) but that may still not be good enough, it is just that most people in the west are not able to stick to those values because we are salt addicts. A typical American will consume over 7g of salt daily. For the best prevention of cardiovascular complications like hypertension complications, I would keep it around 1-1.5g of sodium (2.5 - 3g salt per day). Multiply the sodium by 2.5 to get the salt value. 

At the same time, I wouldn't go below 1g of sodium (2.5g salt) per day as there is such thing as having too little sodium and that's not ideal for electrolyte balance and kidney filtration either. 

As long as you eat plenty of sodium-rich vegetables and occasionally have a bit of hummus and add some salt in food here and there you are totally fine. 

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Natasha, if by accident you happen to consume an over salted dish, please drink copious amounts of water and drink some milk later to compensate and flush it out. 

Water will easily bring the balance back.  Drink enough water throughout the day till you feel better. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India Yes, I had a sodium overdose. I didn't drink enough water the following day, but yesterday went to a dry sauna (sweat lodge) and drank plenty of water and felt better. My sweat was super salty in the sauna. Hope I got most of the excess salt out of my system. I will test my pH tomorrow morning with pH strips to see if the levels are back to normal.

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@Michael569 Good to know, thank you for the info and suggestions. I do need to be more careful now when it comes to consuming sodium.

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Here dr. Eric Berg says if you're sensitive to salt you need more potassium. 

If you try it out please report the results. 

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@Opo Cool, thanks. Just watched Dr Berg's potassium recommendations and I do have beet tops, spinach, and avocados in my fridge right now. Will make a smoothie later for lunch. I also try to eat a banana a day, but interestingly he didn't include it in his list. 


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 Sea salt pros:

x Mineral rich

x no mine salt



x microplastic contamination 




@Natasha @Natasha

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I eat tons of pink salt.

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Most of the salt people consume comes from the processed foods they eat. It's fine to be generous with high quality salt when adding it to your own dishes.

Too much salt can cause headaches, drink water to balance it out. Although, a headache from over-salting a dish seems like a strong reaction. Could be low potassium as @Opo pointed out.


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Foods already have shit tons of natural salt. I use very little (sea) salt.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I eat tons of pink salt.

Second that. It feels better the more I eat of it. :P

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I eat tons of pink salt.

If I don't do it I can't drink a lot of water and then I feel off. 

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