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What is reality? No body knows what they're talking about.

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Brief introduction: I am convinced that my fellow species, including myself to varying extents (to this understanding I seek amelioration), knows next to nothing about what reality is. In doing so they do not know who they are, what they are, why they are, how they are.

(1) This is a haphazard visual depiction of how I imagine my own experience and everyone else's, its representative of how I am projecting onto reality about what reality is. Everyone is a box, reality is the light beaming from, within, into and out of.




(2) This second visual is depiction of the noice that we all experience in translating reality into meaningful content, this a process of processing chaos into order or order into useful chaos. This is something that would be representative of what's inside everyone's "cube/box". We begin with no signal and through our perceptual receptors we seek to translate something into a signal.

  • If you don't understand that we're going through this feedback loop of no signal, to trying to create a signal, to some kind of signal, you won't have a foundational conceptualisation for how to think about literally anything you've ever thought about before.




(3) this third aspect is representative of a heartbeat that is established, that is, a signal of the sorts with reality. This signal can be strong or weak, loose or fixed, flexible or inflexible, sporadic or not, etc, etc. 





(4) this fourth visual is meant to depict the different cubes/boxes that people are, and thus literally the kind of resolution they have of reality and therefore what they're capable of doing per square unit of time.

Level 1 - Macintosh_128k_transparency.png



Level 2 - nasa computer.jpg



Level 3 - _113044585_mediaitem113044581.jpg




The human brain is a relatively slow processor, it has many bugs (like cognitive biases), has great variability across the human species especially across humans altogether, and so there are many problems that exist within a human consciousness as it concerns the translation problem between reality, which is a language, and subjective coherence, which is our own inner language (which can include from simple understanding to complex strategies).

I argue that for any human consciousness to properly relate to reality in a way that its memories make sense, it has to go through increasingly more sophisticated internal systems to establish reality coherence the more those memories relate either further back in time or further forward in time. Depending on the level of the consciousness in terms of processing and awareness, of which are related, this is a subject of repeating a number of steps one has come to learn they need to employ in order to complete an objective or, if the knowledge and time is available to the consciousness, literally growing the capabilities of their own brain so that they either don't have to perform as many steps as they did before / can improve the sophistication of those steps to save in time. In this sense, human consciousness as it concerns the human brain is not only a time traveling machine, it's a time saving machine in light of the sophistication of its processors around reality coherence. 

It is very important to understand our limitations, let's take the following consciousness for example.


  • Look at this guy stuck in this cage for example, before jumping to fully feel or express the associations you're experiencing, I want you to reflect on them. Think about the judgements you're forming on the guy and the overall picture itself. 






Still completing this post....


Edited by Origins

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What are you representing in reality and how are you representing yourself in your perception of reality?

Consciousness is a representational problem in the context of what images you are superimposing onto reality that exist, like a profile image to any person you think of in your mind to any object you think of in your mind.

Representation is particularly important in the context of self awareness, how many modes of representation do you have?

1. Cognitive - I am aware that I am aware

2. Emotional - I am aware that I have a feeling experience

3. Kinaesthetic - I am aware that I am in a body (can correspondingly experiment accordingly)

4. Psychological - I am aware of any combination of all of the above and this is combined with other intuitive, concrete and projective experiences of mind that transform my ongoing awareness depending on the direction that I would like to take it.

Number 4 is particularly important in the context of wrapping up your psychological perceptions of self and all the myriad to simple salient experiences you go through in that perception. 

As an experiment I want you to go in front of the mirror and see your reflection. What are you aware of? What do you see? What do you feel? What do you think? Why do you have these associations? How do you think these associations formed? What are your thoughts in relation to this reflection in the context of time (past/future)?

The next step I want you to take is to begin to creatively construct your representation of self that you will encode into memory and recall the next day so you can orient yourself in reality that you've personally constructed as opposed to relying on the one that runs on autopilot. Because of how person-image orientated our brains are the best way to encode your own self structure is by taking a snapshot of yourself and importing into your memory followed by attaching associations to that image of yourself to remind your consciousness of all the primary elements that you want it to bring online when you're carrying out your sense of self in this world. 

This is the process of undergoing integration on those above associations you experienced combined with a process of individuation beyond the intersubjective reality that contributed to your perception of self in lieu of their various reactions to you. It is to abridge automatic reaction with self generated mental structure so that their is an easier opening for growth protocols to take place. This is taking advantage of the brains encoding of "how other people behave" in lieu of autobiographical recall. We don't have this ability in general of course because we don't naturally have any eyes on ourselves outside our technological capabilities.

For me, all I need is my awareness. P.S - that's all I imagine "enlightenment" (for lack of a better world) is, just putting it out there.

But my awareness has to do something in this reality of course so I strategically generate self structures that the brain can attach itself to into the receptor sites of "sense of self in the context of awareness". The above process is exemplary of this.

The brain is so used to feedback looping on autobiographical memory however it is going to present itself to us, this keeps us in a loop of older programs that we'd rather rid ourselves of. In saying so, you can consider this more or less a backdoor, a secret passage way by which you can strategically over-write those programs that you'd rather have no longer automatically run in your subconscious about how to respond to various experiences. Moreover, you can continually use this process to question, refine, mature and grow all of those associations that you form because you now have a much more objective scope on not just your sense of self but conceptualisation of self in the context of how you're to navigate reality.

In these associations you can plant your values, principles, life and world views, goals, ambitions and more, in doing so you'll be able to generate a much more objective perception of yourself in the context of your raw sensory and best abstract perception of reality itself. Consider this as well as something that requires preliminary ego development that I wouldn't be able to detail here without putting in much thought on it, secondly, it is also itself a good backdoor through and beyond the ego. Of course, providing that you're not being insensible with the kinds of associations that you're generating here. Lastly, by understanding fully how to implement this process, what should be occurring is when you recall consciously created self / growth self, your brain generates the same associational patterns that it would if it were perceiving and or recalling another person, meaning it falls for the exact same biases you need for the "growth self" as it does when its recalling another person in your imagination. Meaning biases that would have previously held you back by recalling older states of self are now being overwritten because those biases are now steered towards your growth self. This is an ingenious design I've never heard of anyone saying anywhere else so you're lucky if you understand this fully then ;) . Feel free to ask questions, pose ideas, etc I'm open minded.



Questions I'm working with:

  • What makes me do something? What makes me believe something? Where does belief occur in the context of being aware of thought as well as feeling and therefore belief itself? How about at different time segments of processing perception and thinking itself? How do my present beliefs influence my constructions here, what are the pro's versus the cons?
  • What are all the limitations versus open points that allow me to construct meaningful reality based associations (as described above) versus avoid those associations that are intrinsically non-meaningful?
  • Where is the above "consciously created map" in the context of automatic reactions and vice versa?
  • How do you balance the "consciously created growth map" with the automatic reactions combined with updates on said "consciously created map"?
  • How does the brain compare its actions against the "consciously created growth map" and what is the process by which it transposes its inferences when comparing present experiences with said map followed by generating the corresponding adapted action?
  • What is the inner dialogue in context with the projected ideal dialogue that can be inferred as a consequence of the brain making inferences about the "consciously created growth map"? What is the mechanism by which the brain makes intelligent adaptations here?
  • What is the process by which the brain fights the competing impulse, if it occurs (will explore the full extent of), with the "consciously created map"? Is this purely a subject of the brain now becoming completely convinced of the reality of the "consciously created map" being superior to and primary to (more the latter) the older programs? That is to say, that *belief* has been hacked in this sense on a subconscious level.
Edited by Origins

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"Awareness steps into the concert of activity, it doesn't create it if anything at most it influences it." - Origins

It may arise out of it, but there's so many may's we could explore there.

This goes back to my thoughts in the first post that I'm still completing regarding noise and trying to turn that into signal and what that signal even freaking is in the context of the rest of our brain, why and how it came to arise and how it could have otherwise arisen, etc.

This is how I feel right now in terms of understanding all of this and then putting it into sentences haha.

I'll be creating more of these little clever photoshopped images overtime.

Film: Happy Gilmore, changed the golf ball to a brain

screenshot 14.png

Edited by Origins

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