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Quick little guide to fitness and diet

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If you want the most effective program without having to stress over it; without causing fitness to take up a significant portion of your life/development...

3 nonconsecutive days a week (i.e. Mo/We/Fr), stop 1-2 reps (3 tops) short of failure, add weight (preferably) or reps every time -- if you fail to do this 2-3 sessions in a row for a specific exercise, take off 10 percent of the weight (for that exercise/movement only), go to 5 reps, and start the ascent again. 2.5 (1.25x2; microplates) or 5 lb jumps for most exercises (10 lb if you started too low / got over 10 reps), 5-20 lb for squat, 10-20 lb for deadlift.

Always use weight that would have you failing no later than the 15th rep, but preferably by the 10th rep.

3-4 movements, same ones every single training session:

Push -- barbell overhead press OR dips (NOT bench press unless alternated with overhead press, to avoid rotator cuff issues and imbalances, but then you'd be doing them less often, so it's probably best to just choose dips or press and stick with it) -- 2+ (ramped) warm up sets of 5, 3 work sets of 5-10

Pull -- weighted chin-ups (underhand grip) OR bent-over barbell rows -- 2+ warm up sets of 5, 3 work sets of 5-10

Lower -- deadlift -- 2+ warm up sets of 5, 1 (ONE) work set of 5-10 OR squat -- 2+ warm up sets of 5, 3 work sets of 5-10

Curls (optional) -- 2 warm up sets of 5, 1-3 work sets of 5-15


30 min low-impact weight-bearing cardio 3-6 days a week (i.e. Mon-Sat) -- stair climber OR max-incline treadmill walking (preferably with weight vest / pack)


At least 2 meals a day (preferably 3-5)

At least 100g protein a day -- 0.9g/lb bw is optimal (though not required) for fat-loss/cut/recomp (162g / 180 lb bw)

At least 125g carbs a day (thyroid may crash below this) (keto not recommended imo but it probably isn't going to kill you)

Limit vegetable oils


If you would like to lose weight, or you don't mind skipping breakfast in general, intermittent fasting can be a VERY powerful tool for many -- limit eating hours to 8 per day (i.e. don't consume anything other than water outside the hours of 2 PM to 10 PM) -- for some it can be somewhat of a holy grail, as it allows you to basically not even have to think about portion control, provided you eat enough protein and do a proper lifting protocol.

Edited by The0Self

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