
How to connect with higher self? (Proven methods only)

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I am looking to connect with my higher self in order to understand where my inspirations, values and passions in life come from.
Please share some proven methods to accomplish that. I am not interested in the psychedelic route.

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Mushrooms truly work buddy

Edited by Megan Alecia
Only time I "experienced" my inner child in a real way

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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Meditation. Psychedelics show you a very high level of alignment, hopefully, but it is not steady at all. How many psychedelic users are really in tune with their higher selves? I don't think many of them are like that. It is about in the moment alignment. I once also believed that it is impossible to see those heights without psychedelics etc, but meh. It just is not true no matter what anyone else says about this. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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Every night when you're in deep sleep, you're "there" with no psychedelics. 

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31 minutes ago, Megan Alecia said:

Mushrooms truly work buddy

I don't doubt it. I have nothing against psychedelics. I just want to produce the connection from within so I can understand it. Otherwise is like taking an antidepressant. It helps but you never really understand why you were depressed in the first place and there is no real spiritual progress.

3 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

Meditation. Psychedelics show you a very high level of alignment, hopefully, but it is not steady at all. How many psychedelic users are really in tune with their higher selves? I don't think many of them are like that. It is about in the moment alignment. 

I have never heard of anyone achieving connection with higher self through meditation except for fables.

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First contemplate your belief that says it is not, like, possible probably without psychedelics. If you keep having that belief of course you won't experience it without psychedelics. In this forum, as I feel, most people are stubborn about it not being possible without psychedelics, and they get what they believe. If it is who you really are and if reality is you, then why would you need "something else" to be put into your body in order to "experience" it. And of course, many people here can find flaws with my logic, but again, they all get what they expect. 

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My view on it, I just got these insights about it when pondering something Abraham Hicks said, so I'm putting it down here for my own sake too: 

Your higher self/soul is the larger part of you, that is still nonphysically focused. No real need there thus, to connect to it. It is rather about coming in alignment with it. Coming into alignment with what you are, is done by doing what is in line with what you are. When you are in line with what you are you feel joyous, loving, etc. So do what makes you feel good. What makes you feel good is just what you allow most, or with other words what you resist less. So you can either focus doing life with the path of least resistance, or the path of most allowance. Same thing, but you might interpret 'the path of least resistance' in an easier to hear manner.

So that's that. So just do whatever attracts you, listen to your inspirations, joys, passions, etc. Don't do things because you think they must work, etc, because this is coming from your beliefs. Or you could say, do things that feel the least bad. Just act in accordance to your feelings and you'll come into alignment with your higher self. As I see it now, for a large part all spiritual practices are just about releasing resistance too. So if you feel attracted to a certain technique, WHATEVER that is, do it, because it will then obviously put you in a state of least resistance/most allowance. If you do something that feels good, it is thus in accordance with your higher self.

If you want resources (that will tell you the same thing) you could watch Bashar or Abraham Hicks.

Edited by Waken

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51 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

Psychedelics show you a very high level of alignment, hopefully, but it is not steady at all

Actually, what Abraham said something like that with psychedelics there is a defocusing on resistance, and what she is suggesting is a focus on alignment. In alignment there is no resistance, but the no-resistance brought by psychedelics don't necessarily help that that much on coming into alignment. The video is here (I think, but didn't check): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTziyeviMJM



Edited by Waken

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There is no other 'self' than the totality of that which you are aware. 

Who is it that thinks there is a 'higher self' you should seek to access? Some lower self? 

“The reason you want to be better is the reason why you aren’t, shall I put it like that? We aren’t better because we want to be. Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Because all the do-gooders in the world whether they’re doing good for others or doing it for themselves are troublemakers: on the basis of “kindly let me help you or you will drown,” said the monkey putting the fish safely up a tree. Sometimes doing good to others and even doing good to oneself is amazingly destructive because it’s full of conceit. How do you know what’s good for other people? How do you know what’s good for you? If you say you want to improve then you ought to know what’s good for you, but obviously you don’t because if you did then you would be improved. So, we don’t know. We do not really know how to interfere with the way the world is.” —Alan Watts

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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It is not so easy , you are asking for basically Enlightenment, because that it what higher self is. And it comes from disillusion from self patterns, that is what  at least believe it to be as a reason

Well there can be many things that trigger such event, but I am quit certain it all comes down to first of all being engaged in breaking them, but  there are many ways you can go wrong with this.

First you must understand that ego acts on time and it is not even that time is a problem on itself, it is just how it gets interpreted , even now is problem for such task, ultimately time is probably what you have to break, be it as past  , now , or future,

Because ego tries to engage in situations always thinking of terms of time and digging its own grave by doing it.





Edited by PureRogueQ

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@tatsumaru Journaling + dream journaling may help

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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3 hours ago, Vibroverse said:

First contemplate your belief that says it is not, like, possible probably without psychedelics. If you keep having that belief of course you won't experience it without psychedelics. In this forum, as I feel, most people are stubborn about it not being possible without psychedelics, and they get what they believe. If it is who you really are and if reality is you, then why would you need "something else" to be put into your body in order to "experience" it. And of course, many people here can find flaws with my logic, but again, they all get what they expect. 

When did I claim that it couldn't be done without psychedelics. I basically said that I want to that exactly.

3 hours ago, Waken said:

My view on it, I just got these insights about it when pondering something Abraham Hicks said, so I'm putting it down here for my own sake too: 

Your higher self/soul is the larger part of you, that is still nonphysically focused. No real need there thus, to connect to it. It is rather about coming in alignment with it. Coming into alignment with what you are, is done by doing what is in line with what you are. When you are in line with what you are you feel joyous, loving, etc. So do what makes you feel good. What makes you feel good is just what you allow most, or with other words what you resist less. So you can either focus doing life with the path of least resistance, or the path of most allowance. Same thing, but you might interpret 'the path of least resistance' in an easier to hear manner.

So that's that. So just do whatever attracts you, listen to your inspirations, joys, passions, etc. Don't do things because you think they must work, etc, because this is coming from your beliefs. Or you could say, do things that feel the least bad. Just act in accordance to your feelings and you'll come into alignment with your higher self. As I see it now, for a large part all spiritual practices are just about releasing resistance too. So if you feel attracted to a certain technique, WHATEVER that is, do it, because it will then obviously put you in a state of least resistance/most allowance. If you do something that feels good, it is thus in accordance with your higher self.

If you want resources (that will tell you the same thing) you could watch Bashar or Abraham Hicks.

This is good I really resonate with this message even though I think Esther is a fraud, some of the things she channeled rang immensely true.

7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Start with the low hanging fruit. Get the assumptions out of the way. 


Is this similar to what you mean:


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There is no "proven method" that works for everyone. Each person's path is unique. Don't dismiss meditation; it is an ancient path that has worked for a lot of people. Some find it through selfless service. Others through renunciation.

In my case, it was a simple formula:

Suffering (realizing its source) + Bhakti (direct spiritual realization, primarily through the Bhagavad Gita)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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People are probably trying too hard to be assholes. Fuck the idea of people. 

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For me:

  1. Daily meditation
  2. Feeling into myself
  3. Becoming sensitive to my inner workings
  4. Sensing intuition aka higher self
  5. Feeling into intuition
  6. Having the ability to "connect" to intuition at will
  7. Making a dreamboard and writing all things on it that I feel and that intuition points to
  8. Letting go of myself in actualizing what I want and what intuition points to
  9. Being the higher self
Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Pray, meditate, ask for your light body on paper format,  you might just get a crazy experience if you are sincere. Do some fasting and use spirit (ie ask something and then open random page of a book such as bible and see what spirit wants you to see) 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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