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Sustainable Keanan

App Idea (LinkedIn with extra steps)

1 post in this topic

I feel like if INFJs came together and- to start- made an app that classifies users by MBTI groupings. Then organized people into sub-groups by either preferred occupations and/or natural skills and trades...We could effectively execute a plan to bring/manifest a Venus project like kind of city structure. And in turn essentially we can positively reconfigure social paradigms through changing the environment/providing another option of environment which would be super welcoming.

I would like to network with some people to manifest this one because I know that this could help many others. I don't really care if someone goes and takes this idea and networks with their own people to make it happen but I would like to at least 1.Like to be allowed input on certain facets of the concepts and 2.Make at least 5% of the overtime worth and lastly 3.Ensure that personal information/data sharing and anti censorship stances be taken as the thing is in development...We could effectively execute a plan to bring/manifest a Venus project like kind of city structure. And in turn essentially we can positively reconfigure social paradigms through changing the environment/providing another option of environment which would be super welcoming.

download (1).jpg

Edited by Sustainable Keanan
Full context of idea/agenda in mind

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