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Becoming God or graduating foolishness , becoming a revolutionary (or whatever) .

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 Life is an exception to the normal state of being. We come from nothing, become something and back in to nothingness we go . We are all on a one way trip to the same destination . Always remind yourself you can die at any moment, this way you can truly live. Memento mori. 





--i welcome death. A death in the service of freedom and truth is a beautiful death.  On the day of my death my ancestors will smile down upon me with pride. The hero that goes to Valhalla does not lament death. I shall not enter Odin's hall with fear.  sυστεροφημία . --


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Sacrifices have to be made. I am sacrificing a lot to make this dream a reality. I am sacrificing myself. 

Another sacrifice I am making is I won't do any psychedelics' until they have been decriminalized . There are multiple reasons for this decision. First and foremost , I dont feel like I need them.  Breath is my drug (no i shit you not, I can activate a  5-meo-dmt like experience whenever I want.  Fuck it. I'll do it now. sec) 




another reason is.  I need credibility. I need people to take me seriously. I feel like by doing this i will get that cred bruh.

another reason is to show my commitment to this. It's not acceptable that the young people in my country go to jail for 4-5 grams of fucking marijuana, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ACCROSS THE POND ALMOST ALL OF THE USA HAVE NOT ONLY DECRIMINALIZED IT BUT LEGALIZED IT ALSO. FUCK THIS.

they are killing our children. they are killing our future. fucking cunts. 


another reason is. I need to be fully focused. Yeah I love...i absolutely love smoking weed.  Its perhaps my favorite psychedelic.  but... i need to be at maximum capacity if this is going to happen. and weed kinda...slows things down. Its perfect, dont get me wrong. But not for now.


another reason is. The cops(the mafia) will try to find a way to fuck me . Lets not make it easy on them huh? ( its a shame... I had dreams of inviting people over, sharing my 5-meo-dmt freely with them. help people with different psychadelics . I have to sacrifice that dream now... maybe after its legalized? haha) 




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I finished reading all of your posts. 

I hope Bulgaria decriminalizes marijuana and legalizes gay marriage. 

From the looks of it, it seems Bulgaria is steeped in traditional more Orthodox Christianity. 

Regarding the mafia issue, it takes an army of men with a big spine to take over heroically or else it becomes a pipe dream. 

You have only €200 in your pocket  so don't get duped or scammed.  Try to have a strong survival first. You need money to get things done. 

Even if you have money  being a revolutionary means you can easily lose it. 

I can sense that there is a lot of violence in your country, correct me if I'm wrong. This violence can easily hinder people from taking action as violence generates fear and suppression. 

The people are going through deep trauma because of mafia control. 

In order to fight such an environment, you need plenty of resources and support. You might want to find like minded people in your town or city and create a political party out of it. Gather these people. Open a blog where you can share updates. 

I recommend starting a youtube channel and transfer the videos to the blog to highlight different situations in your country. 

If there is an international media in your country, get in touch with them. International media provides protection from mafia or bad controlling government 

The most important tool is education. Write pamphlets and tell people on the street. This is creating awareness from the grassroots. 

Get heard more, on twitter or youtube or a media outlet. 

Hope you do the necessary on your journey. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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"I won't stop till I reach Christ Conscious " - won't stop. can't stop. gamestop. 

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21 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I finished reading all of your posts. 

I hope Bulgaria decriminalizes marijuana and legalizes gay marriage. 

From the looks of it, it seems Bulgaria is steeped in traditional more Orthodox Christianity. 


Ortodox Christianity is not to blame at all for the situation right now. Without Christianity I wouldn't exist. Without Christianity none of the Balkan countries would exist.  (i am not saying they are not corrupt as fuck. ofcourse they are,but when they see the people have woken up they will support us. Those who are smart atleast... the other ones will burn alond with every other corrupt institution . There probably will be another great schism . )



21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Regarding the mafia issue, it takes an army of men with a big spine to take over heroically or else it becomes a pipe dream. 


We are all heros in this reality. Every single one of us. Most of us don't realize it until its too late, some don't realize it at all. If you are reading this right now, i GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEE that you are a here like us. like me. 

Realise. You're it.  Reality is not religion. Reality is not a dream. Reality is not a simulation. Reality is not a lie. Reality is... *singing bowl sound* 


21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


You have only €200 in your pocket  so don't get duped or scammed.  Try to have a strong survival first. You need money to get things done. 




Re-read my posts Preety_India. You skimmed through them...come on be honest. If you actually care, read my thoughts again. My thougts deserve respect. Please do not lie. "I finished reading all of your posts. " Did you? Did you really? 



21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Even if you have money  being a revolutionary means you can easily lose it. 



I don't care about money. My brothers don't care about money. Yet we are going to make Bulgaria one of the richest countries in the world. 


21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


I can sense that there is a lot of violence in your country, correct me if I'm wrong. This violence can easily hinder people from taking action as violence generates fear and suppression. 

The people are going through deep trauma because of mafia control. 



Spend a day researching if you actually care. (or wait for my post here , I'll make a compilation of some blatant examples of corruption in our country. ) 


21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


In order to fight such an environment, you need plenty of resources and support. You might want to find like minded people in your town or city and create a political party out of it. Gather these people. Open a blog where you can share updates. 

I recommend starting a youtube channel and transfer the videos to the blog to highlight different situations in your country. 




i am doing all of this. 


21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


If there is an international media in your country, get in touch with them. International media provides protection from mafia or bad controlling government 




I didn't think about this. Do you really think there is someone who would help us? I don't know. I don't trust anyone blindly. I kinda trust you because its you. i've seen the way you write, you care. I don't know ... who am I to turn away help. Please , please , i beg you, give me some examples of truly free international media. Please. If this is true, this is going to help us... SO MUCH.



21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


The most important tool is education. Write pamphlets and tell people on the street. This is creating awareness from the grassroots. 

Get heard more, on twitter or youtube or a media outlet. 




Oh, people will know. People will not be indorenate or  propagandized . They will have the to make up their own mind. Maybe for the first time truly. 


21 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Hope you do the necessary on your journey.  


I am. I will. There is no other option. I won't accept failure . This is my reality. I am God. This is happening. 

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You're an amazing man.  I hope the situation in your country resolves. 

Here is a link to post issues about your country


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I hope you realize someday what your words meant and will forever mean for me. 


fuck...thank you. i love you. you are an amazing being...fuck we are all so amazing man....



fucking thank you so much.



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I am sorry but... this is being written in a very.. emotional state of conciousness. 

jesus crist...jesus christ i can't believe this.

I only decided to devote myself to this 5 or 6 days ago, i dont even remember. I've lost every concept of time. fuck...

I only started so recently, yet.. EVERYTHING FUCKING CHANGED..FUCK.


it changed so fast. its like the whole fucking world is with me. I fucking feel it. I am not doing anything. It's happening by itself. 50-50. Perfect dance. Perfect duality. Perfect division. Perfect Unity. Perfect chaos. Perfect order.




its so beautiful... i wishh... i wishh you could all see what i've seen this last 3 months. This last 3 weeks. These last 6 days.

I fucking cant believe it...yet I know it's real. 

I... broke up with a girl I was hurting by just being myself. 

I had the best yoga sessions...EVER...EVER.

I am living between death and life... I am having random (but not really random)  hits of 5-meo-dmt produced either by sittuations and people or by me whenever I want.

I felt deep love and connection. Connection that i've never felt before. IAND NOT ONLY WITH ONE WOMAN. BUT WITH TWO???WTF . I felt like a man with both of them. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED THEM OR ANYTHING. I've slept with both of them. I hugged both of them. I felt both of them. I see myself in both of them. 

She is the most beautiful woman . She is perfection. The way she smiles. The way the moves. They way she talks to people. They way she understands me . I don't even need to speak with her. She fucking understands my eyes. She understands my breath , i am telling you. She has spent much time with me, yet she trusted me enough to sleep with me. I don't need to have sex with her. Her every touch is much more orgasmic than any sex i've had in my life.  Her smell. Her smile. ... her smile. 

She is completely covered in tattoos . She has no visible tattoos. 

She is as tall as me. She is a little kitten that barely reaches my neck when she hugs me.

She has her own business. She left her dead end job a month ago.

She has such a sweet mask, always showing love and kindness . She has such a tough guy mask, resting bitch face , yet filled with love.

She goes to psychedelics trance parties and has taken countless psychadelics . She does yoga and psychadelics aren't important for her.

She has put up some huge ass walls. She has a wall than can rival the great wall of china. 

Too bad I know exactly how to bust through those walls. 

She scares weak men. She scares weak men.

She is actively being pursued and rejecting countless men. She is actively being pursued and rejecting countless men.

I didn't try to pick up either of them.  I didn't try anything . I just  was... and yet ... you should have seen her.  


holy mother of duality. damn

I found actual fucking brothers? People that  are different than me , in their own perfect way, yet they still say they AND MEAN that they will die for me? HOW MANY MEN CAN SAY THAT? I HAVE PEOPLE THAT I ABSOLUTELY TRUST WITH MY ENTIRE FIBER OF BEING. AND I WOULD WILINGLY DIE TO PROTECT THEM OR THEIR IDEAS. 

I discovered what trust is. And its perfect.

I found God. Every religion is with me. Every good thing is with me. I am buddha. I am Alah. I am Jesus. I Alan Watts. I am Leo. I am Vasil Levski. I am Leonidas. I am Alexander the great. I am the countless prophets that came and went. I am Judas. I am the romans who killed me. I am the bystander who did nothing while we murdered the son of God. I am the terrorist who killed the 51 innocent muslim souls in New Zealand. I am the little child that was raped by his father. I am the pedophile, who's confused and is looking for a way out. I am evil. I am the 1% of the 1%. I am pure darkness. I am pure white.  I am the ethiopian girl who is starving to death right now. I am the woman who had to make an abortion. I am the child that was aborted, taken away before even having the chance to shine it's beautiful light into this dark world. I am the Son. I am the Father. I am the spirit.

Peace, i'll come back later. 


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 I found a cool journal entry.




Prefacing this with the fact that strategy is not going to be a point at all in this journal simply because it’s just so obvious, if you don’t know that “winning”, “strategy”, “planning” and other vital things are important for war, war probably isn’t for you. Try bingo instead.

C - Clear
P - Precise
A - Accurate
O - Objectives
C - Compatibility
C - Context
T - Time and Timing (they’re different to one another) 
PI - Prudent Intuition
T - Trust

Here are some examples of their meanings - improve the definition and elaboration of these overtime:



C - Clear:

Always be asking how can the target be made clearer. Let’s say you want to take over the world, that’s great but less Pinky and the Brain and more Michael Jordan and NBA championships, what kind of championship do you want to win in life is a clearer target than simply “taking over the world”, though the latter may be a starting point still don’t underestimate what seem like an overstatement. Even as a thought experiment the sentiment can be useful, but what you need to do is imagine what “taking over the world” actually looks like, what changes take place in your actualisation of this objective? How does the world look with you leading it? What are you going to start taking over and does it even start this way?

Can you even see your target? If not, you'll either literally or figuratively swing and miss. Can you visualise your target? If not try or if it’s not even visual associate visual symbology to that objective. The better you can either translate vagueness into vividness and or both into visual symbology, the more clear your target will become and thus the more real it will become to your conscious and subconscious mind.

Visualise the beginning, middle and end of your target. You want to build a story in your mind about all the possible events, prioritising most to least important using the rest of the titles of this acronym to aid in building this overall context. Of course, this will add to the implied (meaning it doesn't need to be mentioned as noted because its so obvious) planning phase that you will implement.

This is also where you can also have a mission statement, as stated (regarding the goal to reduce vagueness here), you could convert the simplicity of "taking over the world" into something that pacts a little more punch to state your intentions more clearly, "This war is dedicated to taking over the world to bring about an original sociocultural techno-political system called ENTOR (the hypothetical details of which are private to you) with the goal to create an entirely new human interplanetary civilisation".

The goal is to save humanity. Earth will continue to live on, with or without us. Humans will become an intergalactic civilization. We will go to mars. We will see the stars dying. The question is whether we will save our humanity or not. I believe it needs to be saved. 



P - Precise:

Always be asking how you could be making your target more precise, there's 9399-3234 but what area code? If you don't put in the area code you might be targeting the wrong state of the country.

Clarity is different to precision, say you’re in primary school and your target is to get into some aimless schoolyard fight with one of the bullies in school, its clear to say you want to get into a fight, its even clearer you want to fight a certain person, it’s precise to say I want to fight a certain person around these people, its even more precise to say that you want to do so at recess not lunch and with x fighting technique not y.

I am striking  from many different directions at the same time. They won't know what hit them. They are simply not going to have time to respond. I am going to use my youtube channel to educate people. I am going to use my gallery exhibition to formally surrender my self to the revolution , i am going to give the speech of my lifetime. I am going to light the fire of my countrymen. I am going to give this country the leader it deserves (don't worry it's not me) . I am going to cause the biggest voter turnout in the history of Bulgaria.  And more aand more...



A - Accurate:

So you've got the right area code but even the number is correct but you weren't even meant to be targeting a phone number, instead you were meant to be sending an email!

Or let's say you're running a business, you had your clear objective of creating a fruit store, it was precise because you said you were going to start the business in x suburb at y cost/benefit ratio to you, however you should never have even started a fruit store in a desert! Cacti don't eat fruit stores! Secondly, starting a fruit store isn't even suited to your strengths! (this goes to compatibility as spoken about below)

will update

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