Mindful Entity

Meditation and thoughts

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Hello! I am new here and am grateful to be a part of this community.
I started meditating couple of years ago to ease my rumination. In the beginning I used to forcibly push away my thoughts because my view on meditation was that of being in a state of bliss. As time went on I came to the realization that by not accepting my thoughts I only make it worse.

My mind is in a better place now. In a way I am new to thoughts and would like to learn more about it. My question is: How do you use meditation for constructive and analytical thinking and how do you apply it in your relationships, work and life overall?

Thank you!

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Let the thoughts go by, as the wind on your face. You can't grab the wind, & neither can you push it away. Notice. Thoughts come, thoughts go. 

When contemplating you are asking a question and then noticing what is going on in direct expirence in the context of the question. You can use meditation as a tool for noticing what is in direct expirence when comtemplating, as you let the thoughts float by so you can have a clear mind to investigate reality, as the contents of thoughts are not ever what is true.

In relationships I find mindfulness is very useful as it helps to decern between concepts about what you think about the person & what they are actaully saying or doing. 

Which technique do you use? What is a session of meditation like for you now?

Just notice.

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Hi this is Misha, you can check this site, they provided me with tips I currently use to meditate and now I don’t have any more issues meditating.



You can also check this channel to listen to some relaxing sound that may help you clear your mind and meditate easier. 


Love and inspiration!

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