
Does the act of "withnessing" change your behavior?

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Does it have any power to influence the body mind behavioral patterns? Or is it just there to only watch and nothing else? Is there nothing else for me to do than to watch? Does it do anything? 

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As you only watch, your vibration raises since you're not efforting. Then you realize that all is you. Then you realize that your awareness is me. 

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And don't confuse effortlessness with actionlessness. Action will continue but with no effort. You will be, like, lying in your bed and dreaming. Resting 24/7. 

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14 minutes ago, Nemo28 said:

@Vibroverse Can one live without effort? 

You are - if you haven‘t noticed yet.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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@Vibroverse @vibv  My university says im going to fail the course if i dont put more effort. And yet i know i cant force myself to do "better". Its true im living with less and less effort, but by doing this im failling the course which cost me so much money. 

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@Nemo28 If you are not motivated to put in the effort needed (which it is!) then you should question that path altogether.

I‘m not at all saying you shouldn’t put effort or less effort. I‘m saying life is eternally effortless. 
We are talking about completely separate levels of perspective here.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Seek a source outside yourself to change your behavior, and you’ll see you already have seven billion. Inspect what is actual and you are the effortless One. 



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16 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Seek a source outside yourself to change your behavior, and you’ll see you already have seven billion. Inspect what is actual and you are the effortless One. 

i dont understand, can you please elaborate :) 

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3 hours ago, Nemo28 said:

Does the act of "withnessing" change your behavior?

Does it have any power to influence the body mind behavioral patterns? Or is it just there to only watch and nothing else? Is there nothing else for me to do than to watch? Does it do anything? 

You’re at code zen slap brother. I’ll happily take a few bullets from ya. 

?ZEN SLAP? Witness! Rather than asking other people. Obviously. 


i dont understand, can you please elaborate

?ZEN SLAP? Inspect (read the link) and respond rather than reacting (to the comment without having read the link). Obviously. As in let these things be obvious. Have a laugh, or a dozen. 

Which emotion did you get stuck on?  


Take big, deep stomach breaths...and straighten up your posture. Your heart sits on your diaphragm which sits on your stomach. Simply by sitting and or standing up straight, breathing from your stomach and relaxing, your heart rate goes down, your mind clears, and focus doubles. Like gd magic. Pineal to follow with momentum. 




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29 minutes ago, Nahm said:




Divide yourself by thinking in two, “you” & “it”. 

Unify by pointing to this “it”. 

sorry i cant undesrtand :'/ All i know is im a "witnessing" 

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7 hours ago, Nemo28 said:

sorry i cant undesrtand :'/ All i know is im a "witnessing" 


What is your "witnessing" like? Can you describe it for us? 

But before telling us, observe your witnessing (you may already be doing this). Nahm is offering two conceptual models: twoness and oneness. Does it appear as a witnesser, witnessing "the body mind behavioral patterns" (subject-object)? Or appear as a singularity of body/mind/witnessing all rolled into one? Ie awareness, being? 

For me, it fluctuates, but when I try and pay attention to the witnesser, all I find is a thought. And yes, it does make a difference to me. 

But ignore me, the important thing is for you to look. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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Witnessing isn't just chilling in the back of your mind, as lazy thoughts come and go. Eckhart Tolle describes it as being in the Transcendent dimension, which is the state of resonating with your ultimate nature as Consciousness. Try feeling your inner body while you Witness. Don't just casually observe, actually feel your true nature. Can you sense the infinite abundance here? Do you feel the divinity of it? You are riding the waves of a depthless ocean, and if you do it Consciously, inspiration and motivation will naturally arise. Offer yourself to Consciousness, which is who You are, and ask for guidance. Then act on it.

Changing mental and physical behavioral patterns is what enlightenment is all about. It is channeling the Consciousness that you are, and allowing its searing light to burn away your attachments. It is ultimately about unconditionally loving yourself, and everyone else, which is God.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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4 hours ago, Moksha said:

Eckhart Tolle describes it as being in the Transcendent dimension, which is the state of resonating with your ultimate nature as Consciousness.

Eckhart is correct. "The witness" as most people try to concieve it,is not a position of playing as a "witness-er", standing back and watching thoughts,feelings emotions etc.,. That position, is the I-thought/identity/ego/ playing the role of not being a thought,watching thoughts. It can seemingly play the two positions of  I and You. It can refer to itself as I(singular individual) and can also refer to that same 'I" it was just playing ,as You (i.e., other),as if playing the part of a separate individual/therapist/criticizer to the "I" singular individual. It can treat itself as subject and object. But the 'trick" it's playing is that it's one thought playing different"personal" roles,and being that it is only a thought/idea,it has no existence. Realizing this is realizing there's "no-self". What one thought and identifiied as "I",me,myself" ,was/is , just a made up thought/idea,and thus not a reality.

The real and only non- individual/,impersonal,undivided "subject" is the one,eternal,boundless,timeless Existence-Reality alone.

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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@Nemo28 I went through this. Be careful. Be ware of all the spiritual advice you take before trying to apply it instantly into your life situation. Every inner move changes everything else.

Be strategic of when you want to practice effortlesness. Not much when you have duties or time pressure. It will gradually grow if you practice it, but if you have an ego it will still not work to apply that truth in the dream. To be effortless is a high luxury. Thus, you must not have ego for it to be automatic and permanent. Its difficult to explain, you have to see it for yourself. 

I got into many troubles following that too when I was new into spirituality. 

Take time to relax, and organize your life through right contemplation for when and how to integrate spirituality into your present life situations.

And yes, witnessing changes everything. It even changes your aura, body language, vibration, and perception in the eyes of others. Practice witnessing when you are by yourself mostly, not socializing. At least initially, when you are trying to get the pull off your old tendencies. After momentum, you can do it anywhere, since it will be more relaxed and natural. People wont understand whats going on with you. People, including my mom, have thought I had mental problems by my drastic behaviour changes, but i knew I was alright lol. The fact that you can control your complete inner world/experience is terrifying to others in ignorance. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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