
What is the difference between hard drugs and psychadelics?

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Isnt that they both produce the mind dissolving effects which leads to bliss? 

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Psychedelics produce bliss and euphoria too, but it usually comes at the price of high vulnerability.

In more vulgar words, I would say with normal drugs you always have control, in psychedelics the higher you go the less control you usually have. I think this difference it's makes 'hard drugs' easy to abuse, while with psychedelics not.

Edited by Javfly33

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Just now, Nemo28 said:

@Javfly33 @BlackMaze  Have you tried both? 

Yeap, can only recommend psychedelics.

Hard drugs are a waste of time and if you are not careful you can wreck your life with them. 

All the bliss that hard drugs provide you can get with psychedelics. It just that it will demand more responsibility of you. But it's the only intelligent way.

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6 minutes ago, Nemo28 said:

@Javfly33 @BlackMaze  Have you tried both? 

Have you?

Only one way to find out.

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Couldnt you just google this... Its not that hard to figure out...


•Psychedelics are mostly non-lethal, hard drugs are not

•Hard drugs have an atrocious comedown, psychedelics do not

•Hard drugs give you 100% pleasure but no usually no insights

•Psychedelics are not physically addictive, in fact its usually the opposite, a trip might shake a persons ego up so much he will hesitate to do it again

Edited by Rilles

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Have you?

Only one way to find out.

Yes agree, i have only tried psychadelics. But now i have to get my life together. Once i'll be more financially secure with actually having a job, i can do these experiments, right now im a mess..

Edited by Nemo28

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Psychedelics is a WHOLE other ball game and there is no drug that comes close to what psychedelics can show you.

Even tho alot of different drugs can also show you stuff and produce different states but psychedelics is not a drug imo. 


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The mindfuck about psychedelics is that they show you that they don't exist. And you also, as a phenomenon, don't exist. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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It‘s not black and white.

There is DMT, 5-MeO-DMT which are very clean psychedelics. Then there is LSD and Psilocybin which can be very powerful, too, but tend to be not as deep or as clean. 
Then there are dissociatives which already can have a kind of „more-ish“ feel to them and thus have a greater potential of addiction. 
Then there are of course the „classic“ harder drugs like speed, cocaine, heroine (which is in itself the opposite in effects of speed or cocaine, but in terms of safety belongs in the same ballpark imo). 
MDMA is somewhere in between and so on ..

I personally classify drugs in terms of potential for addiction. Those which are more numbing/narcotic usually have a higher potential for addiction, because they can be easily abused.

Psychedelics on the other hand are consciousness expanding which cannot at all times be pleasant per definition. But you tend to come out of the experience expanded. 
Not contracted like with heroin, where you will need your next fix to experience the pleasure again.

Edited by vibv

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Drugs like heroin are highly addictive and a lot of young people innocently throw their lives away and destroy families this way. 

I wouldn’t take it so lightly folks. 

Care about each other, not just your selves. 





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@vibv @Nahm After participating in lots of shamanic ceremonies and taking plant medicines i find that there is no end in consciousness expansion, you always come out kinda "wiser" and improved. But i also strongly feel that i want to be self suficient and not depend on these things, but i have fear i might not be as wise as i could be if i stop taking plant medicines.  :D

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1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

The mindfuck about psychedelics is that they show you that they don't exist. And you also, as a phenomenon, don't exist. 

Other drugs can also show you that.

The bliss you experience on psychedelics is different from drugs like heroin/cocaine/ketamine etc., you could say the bliss is more rewarding in a way. With psychedelics it's not guaranteed that you will have a good time, while hard drugs will always feel good (if you dont do them to much).

The main difference for me is after you take 'hard drugs' you will feel bad after the effects wear off and lots of times you dont feel good for a week or so.

But when I have an amazing psychedelic experience, for the next two weeks I feel better then I do usually and there is no down. So you could say the price you pay for psychedelics is different compared to 'hard drugs'

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@acidgoofy Pretty much on point. The price for psychedelics is the potential for a challenging/difficult experience, whereas the price for ‚harder drugs‘ is the down after.

Which is precisely why they differ in potential for addiction.

A more unconscious mind can easily fall into the trap of only wanting to experience the positive without paying the price by sustaining the high - which is not possible: The price will be paid nonetheless. 
With psychedelics the price is much more clear and already included in the experience itself.

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2 hours ago, Nemo28 said:

Isnt that they both produce the mind dissolving effects which leads to bliss? 

Pharmacologically speaking, hard drugs produce very little benefits for ones health. If anything, they deteriorate ones health and the receptors in the neurological system. Psychedelics on the other hand produce many benefits pharmacologically. Binding with the receptors in the brain quite effortlessly, creating a much smoother integration neurochemically, from the research I’ve done that is. Also they leave next to no addictive side affects.

Most of all, psychedelics elicit some of the most profound mind altering states of consciousness known to man. They can spiritually awaken one to the deepest depths of their subconscious, their intuition, creative imagination and most arguably the basis of reality.

Hard drugs do no such thing but merely encase one into an illusory state of euphoria unable to be maintained nor integrated into baseline experience.


Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Jacobsrw The euphoria is real. But it will leave you wanting more.

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10 minutes ago, vibv said:

@Jacobsrw The euphoria is real. But it will leave you wanting more.

Is it though? I question that humbly. I have done MD, speed and other assorted street drugs and I do not feel from those there is a real euphoria. They feel mechanical and fabricated. Just my opinion though. Of course heroine and ice on the other are probably different but yeah, I’m not convinced it’s real. Physical reality also feels real but that is also an assumption up for harsh debate.

Out of curiosity what makes you say they are real?



Edited by Jacobsrw

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