Zigzag Idiot

2 upcoming online courses

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Just passing on info on 2 different online courses that look interesting


Discover the Truth of Who and What You Are

For the very first time, the Ridhwan School will be offering a deeper level of the Diamond Approach teaching online. “Lightness of Being” is a six-part series that will run over six weekends between February and August 2021. It will explore the lataif (plural of latifa), those subtle qualities of our being that invite us to experience the pure, unshakable truth of what we are, which helps dispel the belief that we are individuals who are somehow separate from our spirit.

Each latifa takes us beyond our ordinary cognitive world into the realm of lived, embodied experience of subtler qualities, allowing us to touch into our inner seeing, inner hearing, even our inner tasting. This in turn makes our experiences richer and fuller, allowing the human spirit to thrive and expand.

An Introductory Experience for New Students

Though the lataif are exquisitely subtle, they are nevertheless relatively easy to access and can be experienced in both dual and non-dual states of being. For this reason, “Lightness of Being” is both an excellent introduction to the Diamond Approach – as well as an opportunity for seasoned spiritual seekers to sink more deeply into each of the qualities and to taste the depth this path has to offer.

The series will also be required for all students who enroll in our first-ever Diamond Approach Online group, expected to begin meeting in Fall 2021. Since COVID-19 began, we moved all current in-person groups online for the sake of safety. The kinds of experiences that emerged from this transition have been inspiring, so we feel there is real possibility for offering an ongoing group in this format.

At the heart of this offering is our intention to develop an international group of committed students from many cultures and backgrounds who can continue with the group for some time. This is a novel opportunity for those who want to engage with this path in an ongoing way but are unable to participate in our usual, preferred in-person style. This group is for new students only. 




Spiritual Gifts from the Imaginal Realm

By Cynthia Bourgeault

Thursday, February 18 - Thursday, April 01


Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern-day mystic, Episcopal priest, writer, and internationally known retreat leader. She divides her time between solitude at her seaside hermitage in Maine and a demanding schedule traveling globally to teach and spread the recovery of the Christian contemplative and Wisdom paths. She is profiled in our Living Spiritual Teachers project, and this will be the 12th e-course she has presented through Spirituality & Practice.


We are excited about this offering because it delves into some ancient Wisdom roadmaps that many of us may not be familiar with and yet which hold the key to understanding what's happening in our world (why are we so polarized, unable to take the steps needed to address global problems?) and where the path of healing lies. These perennial maps speak of mutually nurturing realms of being bound together by a continuous energy exchange.


In this e-course, Cynthia will specifically explore the gifts of the imaginal realm that can help us adopt a larger perspective and make a difference today using the cosmic assistance available to us all. She will be introducing us to the teachings in her latest book, Eye of the Heart: A Spiritual Journey into the Imaginal Realm, but approaching the material afresh — cognizant that we are in a worldwide pandemic and that the e-course is coming to you during Lent.


This e-course will begin the Thursday after Ash Wednesday, February 18, and conclude on Maundy Thursday, April 1. You will receive:


13 emails on Mondays and Thursdays with an essay by Cynthia Bourgeault, a text and questions for your conscious reflection, and a spiritual practice to try;

access to the online Practice Circle (open 24/7 to accommodate people from all time zones) where you can post comments on the teachings and the practices. Cynthia will be in the Practice Circle to respond to your experiences and encourage your further explorations.

a link to join us on Zoom twice during the e-course (March 8 and March 29, 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET both days) to hear Cynthia address our comments and questions.

At the risk of sounding too casual, let us say that in these times, we need all the help we can get. Join us to discover how to tap into and offer some cosmic help more intentionally.



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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