
How can you be directly conscious of consciousness?

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If nothing = something, like if these both were identical and if Consciousness is nothing. How's it possible to be aware of conscious itself?

Won't it be that nothing would be something?

Not denying the existence of the pure nothing but wondering how could one be directly conscious of that nothing?

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Nothingness is not nothing, it is simply something you can't really put in words or even make concept of , because it is beyond our logical capacity. 

Edited by PureRogueQ

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@PureRogueQ yes, yea i aware of the fact its beyond logic and words. But I'm wondering whatever i think of nothing it won't be it and whatever i feel it won't be it and whatever i experience it will be also not it. Then how's it possible to be directly concious of this nothing.


Also funny enough if I'm conscious of this nothing then it will be also not it because its in the conscious.

Edited by Dark_White

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2 minutes ago, Dark_White said:

@PureRogueQ yes, yea i aware of the fact its beyond logic and words. But I'm wondering whatever i think of nothing it won't be it and whatever i feel it won't be it and whatever i experience it will be also not it. Then how's it possible to be directly concious of this nothing.

Unknowing and rising awareness simultaneously

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@PureRogueQ so is it possible to be directly concious of this conciousness? Or to be this pure nothing

Edited by Dark_White

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Just now, Dark_White said:

@PureRogueQ so is it possible to be directly concious of this conciousness?

I don't want to say what you can and can't do, for certain you can become true awareness it self, after that can actually go beyond your limitation of logic, can you fully grasp it, or even become it I don't know, I did not went all the way in with it as it was  breaking point for me and it is better for you to dive in yourself if you really want to see.

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I assume you're talking about the experience of pure consciousness (AKA turiya or nothingness as people like to call it)

Yes, it is possible to experience nothing, as paradoxical as it sounds. The experience is a paradox because the finite mind cannot comprehend "experience" and "nothing" co-existing, since it has created a duality between the two. It is a state of consciousness where there is no object for the finite mind to grasp at, an absence of objects.

It is completely impossible to imagine BTW, because your mind is finite and can only know finite things, whereas nothingness is infinite and without end. It's like trying to imagine what having no eyesight is like, it's just absent. There is the experience of it being absent. You don't see black, you don't see any colors, it's just completely gone. That's what nothingness is like, but your entire reality is gone along with your eyesight, and you just exist there.

You are actually experiencing nothingness right now, to a certain degree, but you just don't realize it since you're so fixated on the finite portion of reality. Try to focus on the fact that you cannot see what is behind your head. You are having the experience of being unable to see what is behind your head. This is actually an experience of nothingness. You are experiencing the lack or non-existence of a certain sensation, which is sight. You can't see anything behind you. There is essentially nothing there until you turn around and look at it. Try to feel into that. This is probably the closest you can get to understanding nothingness without going into a full state of nothingness.


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14 minutes ago, Osaid said:

I assume you're talking about the experience of pure consciousness (AKA turiya or nothingness as people like to call it)

Yes, it is possible to experience nothing, as paradoxical as it sounds. The experience is a paradox because the finite mind cannot comprehend "experience" and "nothing" co-existing, since it has created a duality between the two. It is a state of consciousness where there is no object for the finite mind to grasp at, an absence of objects.

It is completely impossible to imagine BTW, because your mind is finite and can only know finite things, whereas nothingness is infinite and without end. It's like trying to imagine what having no eyesight is like, it's just absent. There is the experience of it being absent. You don't see black, you don't see any colors, it's just completely gone. That's what nothingness is like, but your entire reality is gone along with your eyesight, and you just exist there.

You are actually experiencing nothingness right now, to a certain degree, but you just don't realize it since you're so fixated on the finite portion of reality. Try to focus on the fact that you cannot see what is behind your head. You are having the experience of being unable to see what is behind your head. This is actually an experience of nothingness. You are experiencing the lack or non-existence of a certain sensation, which is sight. You can't see anything behind you. There is essentially nothing there until you turn around and look at it. Try to feel into that. This is probably the closest you can get to understanding nothingness without going into a full state of nothingness.


Sounds like what I mean by true awareness for most part, but it is not what I would imply as Nothingness. 

Edited by PureRogueQ

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@Osaid yeah, i get that. I'm aware of that pure nothingness presence in a certain level like intuitively but how can one be directly conscious of this conciousness.

So "mind" bending!

Correct me if I'm wrong but, it said like nothing is the source for everything. If this is the nothing which is the source for everything, how non-duality is possible?

Edited by Dark_White

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Sounds awfully close to objectless awareness or nonconceptual awareness. These two phrases are used in association with Centering Prayer meditation and Zazen practice.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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11 minutes ago, Dark_White said:

@PureRogueQ oh, then how would you describe it as?

I don't want to even try, it is really pointless, but lets call it your home maybe that is far far away. 

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1 hour ago, Dark_White said:

If nothing = something, like if these both were identical and if Consciousness is nothing. How's it possible to be aware of conscious itself?

How is it not possible? If everything is ONE, then you are everything and consciousness is everything, including itself. Thus A = A. No problem remains.


Not denying the existence of the pure nothing but wondering how could one be directly conscious of that nothing?

Nothing is what you presently are conscious of.

Consciousness is not some biological process. Consciousness is simply nothing. It isn't anything. And yet here is it. Here you are.

If you want a more practical answer, take psychedelics.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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39 minutes ago, Dark_White said:

yeah, i get that. I'm aware of that pure nothingness presence in a certain level like intuitively but how can one be directly conscious of this conciousness.

It happened to me by accident, I somehow managed to enter an experience of nothingness when I was waking up from sleep. I heard there are meditation techniques you can try. They call the state "turiya" in Hindu philosophy, if that helps.

39 minutes ago, Dark_White said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but, it said like nothing is the source for everything. If this is the nothing which is the source for everything, how non-duality is possible?

Like you said before, nothing = something. So something coming out of nothing is the same as nothing coming out of something.

I think you've slightly misunderstood. The source of everything is not a state of nothingness, or turiya. The source of everything is actually itself, which is what is meant by "nothing is the source of everything". Things don't need a source. It's a strange loop. What is stopping consciousness from creating without a source? Nothing is, lol. It creates out of nothing, like magic. No method or mechanism needed. It just is itself.

When you're eating a pizza, that pizza actually came from nowhere, you're just imagining that it came from some pizza place.

The problem with looking for a "source" is that it turns into an infinite regression. What created that source? and what created the source that created that source? And so on forever.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

How is it not possible? If everything is ONE, then you are everything and consciousness is everything, including itself. Thus A = A. No problem remains.

Nothing is what you presently are conscious of.

Consciousness is not some biological process. Consciousness is simply nothing. It isn't anything. And yet here is it. Here you are.

Hmm, yea makes sense. Thank you, leo!

So this is nothing not the unattainable no-thing.

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28 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Like you said before, nothing = something. So something coming out of nothing is the same as nothing coming out of something.

I think you've slightly misunderstood. The source of everything is not a state of nothingness, or turiya. The source of everything is actually itself, which is what is meant by "nothing is the source of everything". Things don't need a source. It's a strange loop. What is stopping consciousness from creating without a source? Nothing is, lol. It creates out of nothing, like magic. No method or mechanism needed. It just is itself.

When you're eating a pizza, that pizza actually came from nowhere, you're just imagining that it came from some pizza place.

The problem with looking for a "source" is that it turns into an infinite regression. What created that source? and what created the source that created that source? And so on forever.

Lol, you're imagining that pizza place too. JK!??

yeah i definitely misunderstood nothing. Thank you so much @Osaid, you really made it clear! It's infinite and thanks for nothing.?

Edited by Dark_White

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5 minutes ago, Dark_White said:

It's infinite and thanks for nothing.?

lol no problem

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yes, it is true.. you cant experience it as a object.. you can only be it.. and you are it always..

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@Raven1998 @Kalo  Thank you guys!

You guys are such a boost, let me go and do some work. I think i get some understanding, so let me run!?✌

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By transcending the thinking mind first and realizing that thinking about concepts won't get you anywhere.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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