
Healing Yourself

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I'm wondering if really improving your way of living should be termed as "healing" yourself. Isn't it possible to be a decent person (like living properly) and still struggle with things like communicating with others, meditation, etc. Do you really have to have the mindset of "healing" yourself when you try to improve on certain things. I hope I made some sense, I was just wondering because of this book I read. I'll put a download link below, it's a free ebook.

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I hear you saying "Can people still struggle with things in life and work to improve those things without it having to label 'healing'?  Like perhaps instead of 'healing' one could say 'personal-development'."  True?   If my interpretation of what you said is accurate, the first thing I sense from that statement is some sort of dislike or not wanting the label of 'healing' as you don't like the connotations you associate it with.  True?

I guess I would say you could call "it" whatever you want to call "it".  "It" being something like growth, development, healing, improvement, reaching one's potential, etc.

What is the core issue you're seeking to resolve?

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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i "only" have to healy self to be service for others, my right eye is little bit off lately im trying my best to get it under control.

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