Phyllis Wagner

Where does my consciousness end and the trees consciousness begin?

68 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Someone here well, they say knowledge is power, but what kind of power is that? 

One day.. A guy called Isaac Newton (who had a crush on knowledge) asked a (seemingly) silly question : why does the apple fall on the ground and the moon does not fall???? 

That question is the cause for all the crazy technology and advancement we are experiencing in this Era.

 (not sure if it's folklore but interesting to think about lol). 

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Well it's not just 'fun'. It's 'important'. At least for those who find it so. 

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On 2/16/2021 at 1:55 PM, Phyllis Wagner said:

If I am standing next to a tree where does my consciousness begin and the trees consciousness end? What about the floor I am standing on? Why does it seem to be so clear cut? Is it possible to experience both the consciousness of the tree and myself?

Nonduality is “not two”.  The materialist paradigm is essentially “two”,  “my (1) consciousness (2)”. 




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9 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

It's not finished.... Now, erase it. 


7 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

said who?

@seeking_brilliance is correct, erase your chart and you'll be on the right track.

Done. My new, novel, updated model of reality. The answer to the nature of life, death and the universe. Behold. The very foundation of every scientific institution of the planet is shaking right now :P xD 


Release me.

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@Dark_White I see, yes that sort of model would accommodate the fundamentals of non-duality (collapse of subject - object duality?). That is very hard to verify through direct experience, at-least when you're sober. 

Release me.

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1 hour ago, Conscious Water said:

@Leo Gura Can you elaborate or point me to one of your vids which would explain? Why must God be energy efficient? What’s to stop infinity from being energy inefficient? 

This is genuine, not trying to play devil’s advocate. Please help me understand :) 

There are no videos where I explain it.

It's too profound to explain. You will require a TOTAL God-realization awakening. Took me 100+ awakenings to reach it.

Infinity is literally, Absolute Perfection. So it's perfect in every possible way, including the efficiency of its design. The fundamental question is, what is the best way to design reality? And the answer turns out to be: to make everything an illusion of your own making. This is the ultimate genius.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Only in your imagination ;)

God is energy efficient. It will not create anything it does not need. All it needs is a single personal illusion.

But hey, don't believe me. Find out for yourself whether others exist.

Seems like a words game.

If 'eventually' you will exist as a projection of my mind, it doesn't matter if right now you don't exist. Since time doesn't exist either, it's like you DO exist, since at one moment of time God will experience writing in his own forum and replying to Javfly33 (to myself).

So honestly I see it as a words game .


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@Javfly33 Except when you awaken deeply enough you will realize that I was just a voice in your head.

It's actually you who's playing word games. The game of "you" and "other".


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Javfly33 Except when you awaken deeply enough you will realize that I was just a voice in your head.



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Others don't exist as physical forms. Nothing, including you, exist as a physical form. It is all the motion of consciousness. A DREAM "FOREVER". 

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Javfly33 Except when you awaken deeply enough you will realize that I was just a voice in your head.

It's actually you who's playing word games. The game of "you" and "other".


one thing which shook my materialism was a perspective I read (can't remember where) about it all being my mind. From the materialistic POV, the external, objective world enters our material brains through the 5 senses, and into the brain via the nervous system, where it gets converted into consciousness as an emerging property. 

By that logic, when I open my eyes and look at 'the world', listen to it, feel it etc, what's actually happening is I am always seeing, hearing and feeling only the inside of my own brain. All my awareness is my own brain, I never get to the supposed external world. I only receive a tiny fraction of the information about the external world anyway.  It's Plato's cave I guess. 

The objective world, including my material brain, is only a logical deduction, not an experienced thing. Only my subjective brain is certain. Flip this logic round, and we have the realisation that brains and the material world doesn't exist, only mind. 

My third insight is to throw out both matter and mind, and what's left is, "This". 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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27 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

one thing which shook my materialism was a perspective I read (can't remember where) about it all being my mind. From the materialistic POV, the external, objective world enters our material brains through the 5 senses, and into the brain via the nervous system, where it gets converted into consciousness as an emerging property. 

By that logic, when I open my eyes and look at 'the world', listen to it, feel it etc, what's actually happening is I am always seeing, hearing and feeling only the inside of my own brain. All my awareness is my own brain, I never get to the supposed external world. I only receive a tiny fraction of the information about the external world anyway.  It's Plato's cave I guess. 

The objective world, including my material brain, is only a logical deduction, not an experienced thing. Only my subjective brain is certain. Flip this logic round, and we have the realisation that brains and the material world doesn't exist, only mind. 

My third insight is to throw out both matter and mind, and what's left is, "This". 

The trick in materialistic science is it all is in your brain including what you perceive as your brain. The strange loop. 

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@Leo Gura Could you please elaborate on the point how the tree has no personal experience in a blog post or something ? I think this confuses a lot of people (me too). For example, does this contradict the Bernardo Kastrups idealist whirlpool-consciousness model, or is it another way to say the same thing?

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There are no videos where I explain it.

It's too profound to explain. You will require a TOTAL God-realization awakening. Took me 100+ awakenings to reach it.

Infinity is literally, Absolute Perfection. So it's perfect in every possible way, including the efficiency of its design. The fundamental question is, what is the best way to design reality? And the answer turns out to be: to make everything an illusion of your own making. This is the ultimate genius.

I thought you said that God is ultimately selfless so it wants to share its love woth an infinite amount of others? Doesn’t your statement contradict your entire video “The Ultimate Structure of Reality Explained”? What happened to fragments of universal consciousness

If I was Love i would split myself like you described in that video. Not just create one illusion. I thought the entire metaphysical appeal of “Illusion” is that you can actually create seperateness and have it be real. So why can’t God create multiple illusions? If God can’t even create multiplicity/seperateness using divine illusion, that’s pretty dissapointing. If solipsistic self-deception is literally Gods only trick how can you say You/God has infinite power. According to your logic, It clearly does not have that kind of power, it can’t even create a non-solipsistic universe but can only create a universe by living through one conscious creature only. Kinda lame.

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@Leo Gura Please answer this question/inquiry.:

Posted Thursday at 05:14 PM · 

   On 18/02/2021 at 2:53 AM,  Leo Gura said: 

“There are no videos where I explain it.

It's too profound to explain. You will require a TOTAL God-realization awakening. Took me 100+ awakenings to reach it.

Infinity is literally, Absolute Perfection. So it's perfect in every possible way, including the efficiency of its design. The fundamental question is, what is the best way to design reality? And the answer turns out to be: to make everything an illusion of your own making. This is the ultimate genius.”


I thought you said that God is ultimately selfless so it wants to share its love with an infinite amount of others? Doesn’t your statement contradict your entire video “The Ultimate Structure of Reality Explained”? What happened to fragments of universal consciousness?

If I was Love i would split myself like you described in that video. Not just create one illusion. I thought the entire metaphysical appeal of “Illusion” is that you can actually create seperateness and have it be real. So why can’t God create multiple illusions? If God can’t even create multiplicity/seperateness using divine illusion, that’s pretty dissapointing. If solipsistic self-deception is literally Gods only trick how can you say You/God has infinite power. According to your logic, It clearly does not have that kind of power, it can’t even create a non-solipsistic universe but can only create a universe by living through one conscious creature only.
Kinda lame.

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