
My Apology

18 posts in this topic

Hey guys, 

Until half a year ago, I was known on this forum as "Robi Steel". An account that is now banned permanently. Around election time, I got very much caught up in far-right politics and talking points. I want to deeply apologize for that.

I now realize that I was pulled into an echo chamber and with the help of conspiratorial thinking, I began detaching myself from the real world and my trust in everything around me dwindled. I stopped trusting societal institutions altogether and my friends and family seemed like they were part of the plot. Everyone else was losing their mind and I was the only one that could see how things really are. 

I was struggling with that feeling and was questioning myself many times if this were the right path. After Leo finally banned me from the forum, I just felt more confirmed in my theories and suspicions, but I also knew that Leo is not your regular Joe overcome by leftist ideology, I knew that something was fishy. I was overestimating my knowledge. 

After making a deep dive into information about the "intellectual darkweb" and "the far right rabbit hole", it suddenly came to me that i was taken in and the process of me unwinding started. I now can fully see why Leo banned me, it was appropriate, I was downgrading the space with low consciousness thinking. 

I am making a humble request for my account to be unbanned. I apologize for the misinformation I have spread, I apologize for insulting you Leo, I apologize for underestimating my ego. I am off the Trump train and turned away from populism in the majority of my political views. I embrace equity and diversity, and my views on China and the middle east have become way less western-centric. I am trying my best to become a rounded adaptable person. 

I will mostly refrain from taking part in political discussions on the forum and will only appear here and there on the spiritual forum from now on. I will stick to what Im good at!


Robin :)

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May I ask why do you want the old account?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Great. Stories like this make me feel like there is hope for humanity.

Have you heard the story of Caleb Cain? It sounds very much like a parallel to his account of how he was sucked into the alt-right pipeline. Even though I don't know you, I would like to apologize on the behalf of the people who judge, mock and demonize people like you. That is not the way to go about helping anyone. Nobody is a lost cause.

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1 hour ago, Findus said:

@Gesundheit Because its my actual account.

And this is your imaginary account lol?

1 hour ago, Findus said:

@Gesundheit I wrote about many things on there besides politics. 

Unless you want to remove them, what's the difference?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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I think anybody deserves a second chance. But the boss @Leo Gura needs to decide on the outcome here as you did call him XYZ back then ;)


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2 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

The far right and Fascists are the most intellectually bankrupt people I can think of.

Tankies aren't that far off. 

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11 hours ago, Findus said:

Hey guys, 

Until half a year ago, I was known on this forum as "Robi Steel". An account that is now banned permanently. Around election time, I got very much caught up in far-right politics and talking points. I want to deeply apologize for that.

I now realize that I was pulled into an echo chamber and with the help of conspiratorial thinking, I began detaching myself from the real world and my trust in everything around me dwindled. I stopped trusting societal institutions altogether and my friends and family seemed like they were part of the plot. Everyone else was losing their mind and I was the only one that could see how things really are. 

I was struggling with that feeling and was questioning myself many times if this were the right path. After Leo finally banned me from the forum, I just felt more confirmed in my theories and suspicions, but I also knew that Leo is not your regular Joe overcome by leftist ideology, I knew that something was fishy. I was overestimating my knowledge. 

After making a deep dive into information about the "intellectual darkweb" and "the far right rabbit hole", it suddenly came to me that i was taken in and the process of me unwinding started. I now can fully see why Leo banned me, it was appropriate, I was downgrading the space with low consciousness thinking. 

I am making a humble request for my account to be unbanned. I apologize for the misinformation I have spread, I apologize for insulting you Leo, I apologize for underestimating my ego. I am off the Trump train and turned away from populism in the majority of my political views. I embrace equity and diversity, and my views on China and the middle east have become way less western-centric. I am trying my best to become a rounded adaptable person. 

I will mostly refrain from taking part in political discussions on the forum and will only appear here and there on the spiritual forum from now on. I will stick to what Im good at!


Robin :)

Congratulations on seeing your own way out of such a negative worldview! I bet it wasn’t easy.

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Lol you didn't mention @Leo Gura

@Leo Gura  Leo someone is asking here for something. 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Findus That account was banned. You can use this new account. But mind what you post since I will be watching you and I don't have trust that you won't post more ideological garbage.

You're welcome to show me wrong by using your mind in a conscious manner.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Alright chief! I will keep myself out of politics and further learn about ideological traps. I will also take more political advise from this forum. 

Gonna do some work on the spiritual forums here and there, hopefully you will like it!

Thank you @Preety_India  for tagging him!

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Wow, happy to hear that you got out before it went too far, you dodged a bullet! ??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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This thread really made me smile. Always nice to see people having the courage to change their minds when they realize they were wrong about something.

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@Findus What would you say to someone who was in your shoes to get them out of their paradigm of thinking? I remember people tried to explain things to you yet you just kept insulted them, what was the aha moment where you released you were deluding yourself?

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