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Aaron p

Why are we ignoring emotions? Is it not emotions that are activated during awakening?

7 posts in this topic

I posted this on the "video recommendations for Leo" page...I hope the mods don't mind me posting it here to. 

"...cultivating emotions as a means to intuively raise consciousness..." 



Love is accessed intuively as an emotion. And yet we don't talk about emotions?????? Helo

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p Great post! 

I personally really love bhakti yoga.

Bhakti Yoga is very effective at creating emotions of love, bliss, selflessness, surrender and devotion. And raising your consciousness that way.

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There is ofcourse muchhhhhhhhh greater depth to Love that includes darkness. The simple *emotion* of love is only the connection to the deep hardcore Love with a capital L (where death is actually Love and all negative stuff is actually Love). And so to get stuck on just the emotion of love would be a mistake, but it seems to be extremely handy to use the emotion since it's intuive

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Because ultimately all emotions are cards of the ego.

They might be more honest than thoughts, They are ultimately deceptive too.

The absolute Love leo and so on talk about here, is not an emotion but rather the actual 'material' of reality

Fear is just a thought

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It is hard for us to have enough discipline to feel any emotions as they are present, especially the type that does not feel "good". It is much easier to distract ourselves from them by acting out from them, or by just simply doing something else that makes us forget about the emotion completely. I tend to ignore my emotions sometimes because of the uncertainty of the nature of it. My mind loves labeling things but it can never put a name to what The Body feels , it never serves the feeling justice. The name of the feeling is not the actual feeling, its something indescribable. The mind hates that. It hates when it can't label something so it needs to find ways to ignore simply feeling what it cannot label or put into words.

Edited by Mosess

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Emotion is guidance from the Self. It tells you how connected you are to who you really are, the Self, in this moment. 

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