
Wisdom derives from Life Experience

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Leo, my dear friend. Wisdom is accumulated through difficult life experience. May I humbly advice my respected mentor, that your life experience, from my understanding, is quite limited, in contrast to one who has faced death in combat situations, found love in the most difficult of circumstances One that has lived on snow caves deep above  artic circle and consumed reindeer blood as sustanstance.. This is only a fraction of the survivalist circumstances that round out my wisdom experience. I contend that you have experienced much fewer survival situations that qualify as wisdom for much more life experienced personnel. My point is that you are not equipped with the experiencial wisdoms of those much more qualified.

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uf uf that sounds so "sexy", im only 31, so much to learn....

i admire so much "my" general Ante Gotovina, we had war in Croatia 20years ago....

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4 hours ago, JohnnyRocket said:

May I humbly advice my respected mentor, that your life experience, from my understanding, is quite limited,

Is his life experience limited, or your understanding of his experience that is more limiting? 

Wisdom is always personal.

The highest thing we can give others is knowledge (observation of facts), but not embodied experience (wisdom). 

4 hours ago, JohnnyRocket said:

My point is that you are not equipped with the experiencial wisdoms of those much more qualified.

By definition, nobody is an expert in wisdom but oneself. Thus, nobody is more or less qualified. 

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I haven’t seen any wise responses yet. If wisdom were purely personal, then why would others seek wisdom from wise people.

Wisdom does not equate with sainthood.

The highest thing one can give is wisdom, definitely NOT knowledge. Knowledge is useless at best and dangerous at worse… without wisdom.

Edited by JohnnyRocket

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Wisdom is the way, the ability to discern what is so.

What expirences you have had, & how you relate to them will determin what you are wise about.  So I am assuming you have much wisdom in the sphere of suriving in nature & in combat situations. 

It all depends on what you focus on, what you want to understand, and when you were out there drinking raindeer blood I am sure you wanted to understand how to survive in nature.

The wise one knows they are a fool, and knows what areas they are a fool in. So this is why one would learn from others, others more expirenced then they are in the areas they are a fool in. 

Thing about knowledge is, it is always just concepts. You can't really give anyone anything other then concepts, concepts to try and help point them to what is true. 

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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"Do or do not, there is no try" ~ Yoda

This wonderfully applies to everyone and everything in the world. 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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17 minutes ago, OctagonOctopus said:

The wise one knows they are a fool, and knows what areas they are a fool in. 


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@JohnnyRocket This is just a genetic meme playing out, "who's got the toughest experiences and who learned the most to be deemed the wisest to pass on their knowledge to the tribe", you'd know this if you'd reflected enough on our social condition, monkeys always look to certain other monkeys for direction and they use basic heuristics like indicators of status to determine who to look towards. This is why we have morons that went several steps further on the bullshit train that created memes like "fake it till you make it", its sociogenetic memes like these that are the impetus plus a lack of other obvious faculties.

Seriously, this is legitimately all this is at an underlying core level. End of discussion other than focusing back on your own development. Leo's just a bird in a tree, we're all just birds in a tree that scatter when our attention is averted to do so. Don't make so much out of this human experience more than it needs to be, nor less of it or yours either.

Edited by Origins

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@JohnnyRocket It seems to me that you just have a wish to be something special and identify as being wise and feel threatend by Leo. 

You are wiser then Leo about the certain literal things that happened in your life maybe, but who cares about that in the big picture? Do you even realise how insignificant that is when not looking through your subjective eyes? THAT makes you unwise, that you made your whole life about survival and didn't realise how insignificant it is and that there are grander options.

What would be a wise answer here in your opinion?

"Yea dude you are right. Leo can't be wise cause he doesnt have what you just said is needed for wisom and are right cause you have what you just said defines wisdom so please be our leader."

But maybe I'm wrong cause I'm just 19 and didnt go to war or live in the harshest enviroments on earth, cause that's what explains everything in the whole universe and gives you all the wisdom for anything you could possible experience.

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@JohnnyRocket"Hello, my name is a.... Mario. And well... I read your bio.... 

You did not jump out of a helicopter with a parachute only to take it off and give it to your friend who after trying to release his many times realised he didn't have his followed by slowly gliding the parachute safely to the ground.

You did not raise 5 children like your next door neighbour who has sent all of their kids off to College, a first generation to go to College after all previous generations worked as slaves.

You did not work as a prostitute in the streets of New Mexico like I did, cross-dressing and expressing all of my various feminine qualities that I would not have realised through the lens of my masculine nature if I solely kept to my body building which was not making me any money. Always remember protection, and not just condoms, you need knife. P.S when I'm crossdressing my name isn't Mario, its Marissa.

You did not work as a priest like I did, listening to the problems of many children for many years only to have to also be accused of 200 hate crimes and subsequent courtcases of pedophilia.

You did not have to work as a doctor like I did for 20 years, saying goodbye to hundreds of patients as I watched their eyes slowly glaze over and their hand slowly lose its grip on mine as they died peacefully into their preprogrammed hallucinogenic experience in the afterlife".

Otherwise didn't you notice that Leo is using his 5-MEO-DMT experiences to act as the status substitute here for what qualifies as useful real life experience to talk about and from? Although sometimes ambitions like these are merely the consequence of genuine internal ambition, though for Leo I have no doubt that it was at the very least a bit of both, which is fine. Also do you think that Leo doesn't know what you're talking about? Believe me, he's thought about it and has been criticised about it before. Does it make the person right? No. It simply means they're listening to their pre-programmed tendencies and following suit rather predictably.

So yeah, read the other comment I mentioned before as well to understand a little bit more about our genetic backstory there.

Ultimately, self reflect before making comments like these. You're on a guys site who makes videos that he posts on YouTube that he managed to get a following on that you're now trying to make a critique on. Please explain to me where the place is here to express your critiques? Effort you've exerted to make your comment, next to zero. Do you really think we're now going to have an open dialogue about how Leo needs to jump out of a plane and into the lands of South Africa to fight off the militia to get some forum respect? No. Think before you speak.

Edited by Origins

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@JohnnyRocket And very briefly even though I've noticed that this forum scarcely actually talks about the right technical points let alone correctly, precisely here what ultimately matters, is not the experiences themselves but what one learns from those experiences. 

This is why variability of aptitude is far more important than variability of experience simply because the former is correlated with the depth, scope and breadth of the wisdom garnered from the latter. (side-note: which is why of course people should focus on enhancing their bodies aptitudes as far as possible, don't fall for the bias that your ability to garner wisdom from experience now was the same as it was last year or will be the same a year from now ---- better/worse)

Again, very rarely do technical points matter on this forum which is why someone like yourself can make a forum post like this, leave their desk and then wander off into the desert of human intellectual property and amazon of stupidity without ever giving it a second thought. 

But relating to my first comment here to speak to technical points once again, this is why people like yourself would still rather take advice from a trusted war veteran as opposed to a highly tested artificial intelligence. It appears more human. So the deeper more underlying subject here is the subject of Leo's relatability to you at an "AI level" to euphemistically put, and nothing to do with whether he has eaten reindeer blood or not. 

All the best! Otherwise I agree in putting oneself in difficult situations like these as well but we shouldn't let our philosophy bias us in our interpretations of other people, especially when we don't completely know the breadth of their experiences nor the breadth of how they garner their experiences or experience itself. And who knows Leo after-all could be eating a reindeer he ran over while swerving to avoid hitting his now newly beloved as we speak, a relationship that was fostered during experimental homelessness in the sewerage tunnels of Las Vegas that they refer to as the "Mole tunnels"...

.... Why did I bother making these comments? That's what I ask myself right now as I feel like I'm just wasting my time. I'll screenshot them nonetheless so they mean something to me to learn from at the end of the day.

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Is wisdom a shared experience or a personal one only? If it's shared then the wisdom is only as good as the person receiving it. Consuming reinder blood is not wisdom for a towny like me. Yep, I said it, wisdom is relative.

57% paranoid

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15 hours ago, JohnnyRocket said:

Leo, my dear friend. Wisdom is accumulated through difficult life experience. May I humbly advice my respected mentor, that your life experience, from my understanding, is quite limited, in contrast to one who has faced death in combat situations, found love in the most difficult of circumstances One that has lived on snow caves deep above  artic circle and consumed reindeer blood as sustanstance.. This is only a fraction of the survivalist circumstances that round out my wisdom experience. I contend that you have experienced much fewer survival situations that qualify as wisdom for much more life experienced personnel. My point is that you are not equipped with the experiencial wisdoms of those much more qualified.

I am incredibly profounded by my own Profundity!

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2 hours ago, OctagonOctopus said:

Wisdom is the way, the ability to discern what is so.

What expirences you have had, & how you relate to them will determin what you are wise about.  So I am assuming you have much wisdom in the sphere of suriving in nature & in combat situations. 

It all depends on what you focus on, what you want to understand, and when you were out there drinking raindeer blood I am sure you wanted to understand how to survive in nature.

The wise one knows they are a fool, and knows what areas they are a fool in. So this is why one would learn from others, others more expirenced then they are in the areas they are a fool in. 

Thing about knowledge is, it is always just concepts. You can't really give anyone anything other then concepts, concepts to try and help point them to what is true. 

Beautiful said!

Although, my point, or question rather, is what wisdom does Leo have to bequeath upon us selfish fools?

I know! In his next biggest awakening ever!!! He will let us know that he has transcended his God/Self and is now an ALIEN/Self from another universe.

Holy Shit! Leo is the 5-meo -Dmt- machine elf , God/Alien/Self Master of The Universes!!!

or just some dude trippin’ on his couch.

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2 hours ago, Origins said:

@JohnnyRocket This is just a genetic meme playing out, "who's got the toughest experiences and who learned the most to be deemed the wisest to pass on their knowledge to the tribe", you'd know this if you'd reflected enough on our social condition, monkeys always look to certain other monkeys for direction and they use basic heuristics like indicators of status to determine who to look towards. This is why we have morons that went several steps further on the bullshit train that created memes like "fake it till you make it", its sociogenetic memes like these that are the impetus plus a lack of other obvious faculties.

Seriously, this is legitimately all this is at an underlying core level. End of discussion other than focusing back on your own development. Leo's just a bird in a tree, we're all just birds in a tree that scatter when our attention is averted to do so. Don't make so much out of this human experience more than it needs to be, nor less of it or yours either.

Excellently said! Thank you.

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You look at wisdom from a very limited POV.

Wisdom can come from insights through being high conscious. And my friend this is the highest Wisdom.

Love is the answer for all understanding of reality. Contemplate that and wisdom will arise.

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He doesn't, Leo doesn't exist, it is all You. 

Leo is a concept, that you made up based on your interpritations of whatever you have expirenced of the this distinction "Leo". 
Leo is you, giving yourself concepts about what is going on. 

Wisdom can only be grown by you. Nobody is gonna give it to you. 

Maybe I am an alien and so Leo already is an alien to me :P
How would you know?

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Knowledge isn't useless. It can help you build relationships, guide you to the Truth, build businesses etc. 

It's limited in the sense that it alone doesn't give you the fruits of the knowledge. Knowledge =/= actuality 

experience can give you even deeper knowledge because you learn with the experience of it. The experience gives you learned knowledge which is much deeper. By deeper I mean it becomes a strong knowing 

But experience is limited because, as a single person we only have one brain with limitations. And the collective knowledge of others can improve your own model of the world 

But the learned model of the world is limited because you don't know which is wrong/right and experience will help you develop that model 

It's a balancing act between internal/external information 

It's not either/or, knowledge/wisdom. It's a balancing act. Both 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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