
What Enlightenment Really Is

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Just speaking from personal experience, I doubt Leo would agree with what I'm saying because he seems to believe in or at least perpetuate the idea of enlightenment being a pleasurable experience, which I now realize is not. Over the past several weeks, through much contemplation and certain insights I have gained through other supposedly enlightened teachers, I've triggered a few epiphanies in the process.

For one thing, Leo is absolutely right when he said that your ego is actually the entire llfe that you have lived. Every influence, major or miniscule is factored into the aggregate of influences that sums up your ego. I'm talking all the way back to your broken leg and the birds chirping outside your window when your were six years old. The more substantial influences, are obviously your parents or friends. 

I haven't smoked weed in years on account of the fact that it's what first triggered the unraveling of my reality. I was never the same since I first saw through myself and everyone else. I don't even remember what exactly I saw but whatever it was, it made me question everything I ever believed in and transformed me in the aftermath. Now, revisiting the drug, I saw an incredibly stark difference in my mode of thought while high as opposed to when I'm sober. This seems obvious but the point I'm trying to make comes from the fact that my thought patterns were based on religious precepts while I was high and were entirely secular when I wasn't.

I'm quite disgusted by religion in general so why would I think thoughts about God, Satan, etc. all of a sudden. I thought about this for days until I realized that those weren't my thoughts, they were my mother's thoughts. My mother is deeply religious and her deeply ingrained influence still lies dormant within my mind regardless of how I feel about religion.  However, because those thoughts weren't mine, the same had to be true of my more secular thought patterns that have been conditioned through various influences.

None of my thoughts are mine at all. Everything I think each and every day is a replay of a soundbyte that I've heard from someone or something else at some point throughout my life. That soundbyte came from whoever that person got it from and the next and the next and so on. Ego is seemingly endless. There's no real telling where it starts and ends, although it's not infinite in the same way reality is.

Going even further, I realized that to be "ego-less" i.e. "enlightened" I would have to systematically unlearn every belief I have about everything and denounce every single life experience I've ever had. This is why so few people become enlightened. You have to be insane to want something like this or incredibly unlucky. You have to hate ego so much to the point where your willing to burn every bridge with the people in your life and figuratively burn yourself alive.

This is hell. Most people don't even have the mental strength to question their beliefs. Think about the idea of systematically destroying everything you hold to be true. That can drive a person insane. This is also why psychedelics can be incredibly unpleasant experiences for people (see horrific trip reports). I would imagine that the most psychedelics rip you out of your own body except without your permission and it's no holds barred. There's no pause button, you can't tap out. It's surrender or suffer. 

There's also no free will as a result because what you are and what everyone else is is a phantom. There's no telling where the thoughts that you're thinking came from to begin with. Everything that you are is a consequence of biological drives, life experiences, and outside influences, none of which you were directly responsible for. You can take control to an extent by exposing yourself to different influences but you are ultimately at their mercy and at the mercy of the influences which came before. 

In any case, because reality is infinite, none of this even matters. Everything that could happen or could have happened to you in your life is already happening in this reality or another. It doesn't matter what decisions you make, there's no such thing as "fate". Everything is a coincidence, a logical consequence of an infinite number of permutations. There is no such thing as "death". You are always existing all the time somewhere somehow. 

Do whatever the fuck you want. Also, Jed Mckenna is right, why the fuck would you want to be enlightened? Enlightenment isn't this blissful, lofty state that spirituality has made it out to be. If you were truly "enlightened" i.e. the "truth-realized state" or "untruth-unrealized" then you wouldn't be able to function within society. YOU DON'T WANT THIS. There's nothing to be gained. Meditation is a waste of time, at least in my opinion. Self-inquiry and contemplation is more fruitful, but nonetheless there's nothing to seek out. Stop wasting your time seeking enlightenment. Just try to enjoy your life. I know Leo is trying to sell you all something and may hate me for this but that's the truth.



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As McKenna states Truman was just someone who detected a loose thread within his reality, and began tugging on it. 

For me personally the desire is one of disillusion, I've always been confronted with questioning what I know, all throughout my life things never seem real. So I seek Truth, to find what's real, and that within itself is a journey worth taking, for that is what brings me (ego) happiness. 

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When I said that what happens to you under psychedelics is hell, I mean that in every sense of the world. This is the "hell" that they talk about in the bible. Those who have sinned, i.e anyone who has an ego, will experience incredible pain at varying degrees depending on how deeply identified they are with ego. Those who refuse to surrender, burn for eternity. But eternity is the now. This is eternity. You either go to hell when your body dies and you "see god" i.e realize you are consciousness or you can see it now.

Remember the story of Adam and Eve? Why was Eve cast out of the garden? because she ate from the tree of knowledge and realized she was naked i.e she developed an ego, a self image. Satan, sin, ego, is all the same thing. All that shit about "let there be light" (consiousness is the "light" that lights experience, god being everywhere (energy/consiousness), and so on. All biblical tales are allegorical but all true. The ideas where just too complex to be conveyed directly to the masses.

Jesus was enlightened; fully disidentified with his body. How else was he able to endure such great pain? He loved everyone because he knew that everyone else was essentially empty space just like him (a hologram), none better or worse than him. He could very well have "arisen" again "three days later" in some other universe or whatever. 

Edited by Elzhi

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Are you saying that you know for a fact that infinite bliss does not exist? 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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The only reason I'm writing this stuff is because I have an ego and desire some sort of significance to my own existence. You caught me, I admit it. None  of what I'm saying has any point. Because reality is infinite, everything is as it should be. You are perfect, I'm perfect. There's nothing to change or improve. You're not better than the masses for seeking out enlightenment. Everyone on this website who talks about "enlightenment" is full of shit. Including me. I'm just a dog barking, like U.G always says

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So this won't be a complete answer but something. Also I could be wrong. Do (almost surely) know that some of your thoughts are wrong though.

Beliefs as I have understood them are things you hold true. Just because you don't have beliefs doesn't mean you can't think etc.. It just means that you are open minded about what could be the real answer. You still have the ability to figure out for yourself what is most likely the correct answer if there is one.

Now if someone gave me the ability to be openminded then hell yes I would take it. Even if I agree with you saying most people hate questioning or shattering their beliefs I still enjoy it because the payout of doing it is so rewarding. I'm sure some other people see it the same way.

I think the definition of free will you have is wrong. If I have free will it doesn't mean that I can't have information from outside sources. It means that I am not bound by ego to do something. It means that I am able to use that information as I see fit instead of being its slave.

If life or the whole world has no purpose then why should that take our joy or life from us? I think that because there is no purpose to all of it we can do whatever we want to do and this probably includes making us and other people happier. We can still make our own goals in life and possibly, if it works that way while enlightened, make our own life purposes for ourselves.

I'd have you question why you think an enlightened person can't function within our society or be happy because honestly you showed no proof so far. For them it's pretty much effortless to do what they want and if it's related to our society then they should be able to do it.

Lastly nothing to be gained? I think making people happy and having a good life can be something gained even if it doesn't mean anything for the universe. Maybe it still is a gain though. What are you losing then? I mean you will be happy while enlightened how I see it and the efforts used to reach that point certainly don't matter in the long run so why not give it a shot. It's not like you're losing anything if you don't live the normal life imo.

Please appreciate what I wrote because there's probably a lot for you to learn. If you're moody right now then get back to it later. I could be wrong so feel free to question but question yourself as well. Gl hf

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54 minutes ago, Elzhi said:


What about happiness ?

is it important ?

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7 minutes ago, Society of the Spect said:

What about happiness ?

is it important ?

I really hope you're being ironic. 

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4 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

I really hope you're being ironic. 

Not at all

Its Constitutional.

by that i mean an inherent part of man's constitution.

The current main stream culture is a death cultrue.

One of perpetual gloom, with constant emphasis on Zombies Vampires and demons.

It's the reverse life of the "Adams Family" on acid.

and it's WRONG:


Edited by Society of the Spect

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@YaNanNallari I have no motivation to argue against you. I have said everything that I needed to say. I am not trying to take anything from you or anyone else. The fact that I even posted this is incredibly selfish and I understand that now.  Believe whatever you like

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@Society of the Spect It's all about context. There is no real context. There's no such thing as happiness. All context is ARTIFICIAL. THERE IS NO INHERENT RELATIVENESS IN ANYTHING. The words that I'm typing don't mean anything. The words you speak everyday don't mean anything. They are no different than the barking of a dog. With that being said, you've entirely missed the point of me telling you not to ask gurus how to make sense of your life. Delusion is nearly infinite but not quite

Edited by Elzhi

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So maybe we should all finally agree with Maharshi and conclude that silence is best. lol

-1/12 is Infinity 

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5 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

So maybe we should all finally agree with Maharshi and conclude that silence is best. lol


Dads Army Frazier - doomed.png

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Just now, Society of the Spect said:


Dads Army Frazier - doomed.png


-1/12 is Infinity 

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Japanese people have said that there are certain emotions that they can feel when they speak Japanese that the can't feel when they speak English and vice versa. What does that tell you? Moreover, mathematics is a fictional system used to explain reality all the same as science. "two apples" you hold in your had could just as easily be called "100" apples or a thousand, three apples, four and so on. It's endless. Science is only a pseudo-science because it BY COINCIDENCE explains certain aspects of THIS reality but not EVERY POSSIBLE REALITY, nor every phenomena in this one. 

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Try some music.

Really don't mind if you sit this one out
My word's but a whisper your deafness a SHOUT

I may make you feel but I can't make you think.

and the sandcastle virtues are all washed away,

In the tidal destruction the moral melee
The elastic retreat rings the close of play
As the last wave uncovers the newfangled way

And the love that I feel is so far away:
I'm a bad dream that I just had today
And you shake your head
And say it's a shame


Thick as a BRICK jethro tull.


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No-one mentioned the search for "truth". This features quite highly in Leo's videos so is no doubt part of why people put so much effort and time into following this "pursuit". @Elzhi  It's quite important to see critique of views here.

Edited by Neo

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