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Can someone give me some guidelines to start a breathing routine? Times, intensity ...

TY! :D

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@andyurb Check Manoj The Yogi on YouTube. He has some good videos on that.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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13 ujjayi

42 Bhastrika

Breathold on inhale, "vase" lock

69 Wim Hof Breaths 

Breathold on exhale

Deep inhale , 15 sec. breath hold

relax and.slowly begin another Ujjayi round


REPEAT the whole sequence as desired and how capable/comfortble you are... 3 times at least... (ca. 20-30 minutes, more than that repetitions for "psychedelic" intensity ?)


You're wellcome!


P.S. You can find technique explanations on youtube... This routine, though... just check it out...

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@JodoLlevaba un tiempo haciendo este tipo de ejercicios de forma aislada pero no encontré una rutina equilibrada donde integre varios tipos. Gracias y te mando las mejores vibraciones de España :D

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strong inhale, strong exhale, hold right there til the 30 seconds is up ... do 120 of these reps is a hour of meditation

i find it helps to make noisy inhale, noisy exhale for keeping mind quiet

link below can be used to beep every 30 seconds to make the hour pass easily


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10 hours ago, gettoefl said:

strong inhale, strong exhale, hold right there til the 30 seconds is up ... do 120 of these reps is a hour of meditation

i find it helps to make noisy inhale, noisy exhale for keeping mind quiet

link below can be used to beep every 30 seconds to make the hour pass easily


You describe Ujjayi pranayama - deep "noisy" inhale and exhale... Yes, it is deeply relaxing and focusing...

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12 hours ago, andyurb said:

@JodoLlevaba un tiempo haciendo este tipo de ejercicios de forma aislada pero no encontré una rutina equilibrada donde integre varios tipos. Gracias y te mando las mejores vibraciones de España :D

? I am not Jodorowsky if you thought that. Thanks for the best vibes from Spain anyway! ✌ Yes, I like combinations over single style, also the retentions are important.

You might be interested in Tibetan Tsa Lung practice, too... 

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