
Vaccine thoughts after

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I work at a drugstore and the covid vaccine was made available to me about a month ago at this point. I've been traveling recently and just made a move to a different state. I originally was against getting vaccinated, but when I was offered the vaccine, I decided to be open minded and took it at my next opportunity. So I did have a couple days to think about it. But I just came back from an Ayahuasca retreat and while I was there it just became pretty apparant that a lot of the things that are happening in the world are in fact of a darkness versus from being of the light. Maybe I  am just being "paranoid" or a "conspiracy theorist" but some of the thoughts I've been having following that realization are as follows.


Safety being number one. The vaccine is obviously in its testing stages right now so we still don't officially know how safe it is but it is generally presumed to be safe. Yet out of the people I know about 1/3rd have had a negative reaction. Someone in my extended family became quite ill for several days. 


Widespread vaccines seem to be the way of the future in regards to keeping society healthy. A move away from a more "hippy", holistic approach. Is this really the way things need to be? I still have my doubts that whether a vaccination required to function in society is for our highest good. 


I have yet to get my second shot while thinking about these things. 

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:



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The cutest anti-vaxxer:


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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No correct answer for the moment. One thing for sure. This COVID thing kills, and kills fast and destroys economies, society and corrupts peoples values.

I am a first line responder in this thing and in the region i live many of us have not been vaccinated yet..

My concern now it's about the multiple vaccines there'll be running in the community and that they're not all made from the same technologies...

stay safe u' all!! 


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4 hours ago, Natasha said:

@Flowerfaeiry Do you read the ingredients before buying and taking food? Same with vaccines - research what a vaccine is made of and then decide if it's safe to put into your body

[image removed for being fake news]

Ingredients of Covid vaccine:


Is this true? It's looking like a nightmare to me 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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4 hours ago, Natasha said:

@Flowerfaeiry Do you read the ingredients before buying and taking food? Same with vaccines - research what a vaccine is made of and then decide if it's safe to put into your body


Found vaxxine ingredient list on 4chan. This is no joke wake up guys



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3 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Is this really the way things need to be? 

There was a covid outbreak at my workplace. I caught it as well. For a week straight worst headache of my life, but thats it. I was fully functional besides that. 

I had a near fatal lung infection when I was 3 yrs old and it seems that  that didn't affect . 

Are vaccines the way things need to be? 

Naturally, a pandemic  would weed out the "weak ones". Kill all the disease vulnerable people and life would go on. Nature don't care. 

But are you ok with potentially being the one that's weeded out? Are you ok with your sister and mother potentially weeded out? 

You decide. 


Little bonus. 



And here we are. 

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@Natasha  this looks really bad to me. 

I'm no longer getting a flu shot. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Natasha  this looks really bad to me. 

I'm no longer getting a flu shot. 


Yes, people need to read the ingredients before following trends and allowing substances into their bodies. This is some toxic stuff if you ask me. With no actual guarantee to be even effective.

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@Natasha so true. Absolutely agree. 

I'm shocked to be honest. I had zero idea before seeing those pictures. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India They haven't been able to find cure for cancer or a vaccine for HIV (or even a common cold) for a hundred of years, but a vaccine for covid in a couple of months? And the same companies that sell it also sell products for side-affect conditions from it. Follow the money trail.

Leo, if this is too much I'll stop.

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@Natasha  @Preety_India  The reason they were able to find a vaccine for COVID19 quickly is that they already had a head start by working on the Sars-COV-2. & Of course when the entire world is on the brink of economic collapse, you better expect governments/businesses to pour everything at their disposal to fix it. If anything, this only proves that we can accomplish so much if we wanted to.

Feeling ill after a vaccine is pretty common and a predictable side-effect, this actually proves that the vaccine is targeting an immune response. Your immune response is what makes you feel ill.

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35 minutes ago, Natasha said:

hey haven't been able to find cure for cancer or a vaccine for HIV (or even a common cold)

Cancer is very hard to cure with a vacine because there are multiple pathways for cancer to develop (carcinogenic compounds) and there are multiple pathways in which cancer cells can be destroyed (programmed cell death, inhibition of IGF-1,  etc etc etc) common cold is also not one virus, how can a vaccine target multiple viruses which cause the common cold (although many types of viruses can cause a common cold rhinoviruses are the most common culprit)


No offense, I honestly don't mean to be rude.. But you clearly lack basic knowledge on biochemistry / virology. I'm not saying obey authority blindly but at least try to seriously be knowledgable about these before claiming things for which you know almost nothing.

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@Twega Thanks for clarification. I understand. Still it's good to question everything and have healthy skepticism, esp after having been lied by Big Food and Big Pharma on multiple occasions.

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@Twega I am a cancer survivor (stage 3) and know what cures it. I took a holistic approach by doing a full body detox first and changing my diet to bring it to balanced pH. No descease/virus can thrive in a pH balanced body. Why do conventional docs not tell their patients that, but instead prescribe toxic treatments? The cure is simple, but it won't make Big Food and Big Pharma profit. Follow the money trail. And yes knowledge is power.

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2 hours ago, Preety_India said:

@Natasha  this looks really bad to me. 

I'm no longer getting a flu shot. 

Here are some fruits and berries for comparison:




Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I just looked up the actual flu shot ingredients and what you posted about the flu shot is anti-vaxx fake news. According to the forum guidelines fake news is not allowed here so please delete it because it is misleading.

You fell into the trap of simply parroting things other say without actually questioning honestly if they are true.

I looked up the actual ingredients list of the flu shot it can be found at point 11 Description



So each 0,2 ml shot contains actually:

live attenuated virus:

an A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;

an A/HongKong/2671/2019 (H3N2)-like virus;

a B/Washington/02/2019- like virus (B/Victoria lineage);

a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata lineage).




0.188 mg monosodium glutamate

2 mg hydrolized porcin gelatin

2.42 mg arginine

13.68 mg sucrose

2.25 mg dibasic potasium phosphate

<0.24 mcg ovalbumin

may contain: <0.015 mcg gentamicin sulfate and < 0,37 mcg EDTA


So the graphic you posted is just fearmongering



Do not believe things you read on the internet do your own research.

Edited by Calmness
forgot mcg

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1 hour ago, Natasha said:

And the same companies that sell it also sell products for side-affect conditions from it. Follow the money trail.

Leo, if this is too much I'll stop.

Too much? What it is: embarassing.

Isn't this forum supposed to be about awareness? Surely you understand that reasoning is often harmful and that we can't let our minds get the better of us!

Credulously posting propaganda while claiming to be a skeptic is bad enough but the line of resoning I just quoted is far into Poe's law territory. If you don't know that that is: I'm hoping you're playing some game of pretend.

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