
Advice to someone considering to be a doctor

6 posts in this topic

Hi everyone,

In this thread can doctors give advice to anyone who is considering to become a doctor as a career? I am a young student who graduated high school and I am considering to make doctor as a career. So, in this thread can all the doctors across the forum give me advice? So, I can decide whether a doctor is a good profession for me or not.

Thank you 


Edited by Yahya

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Have you checked out natural medicine? @Michael569 Is an NMD I believe. 

There is a fair amount of stigma around NMD I feel like. I can say so far it has worked for me. There is a lot of great stuff. A blend between the two would be great. I think western medicine is mostly toxic stage orange, but still some useful stuff there too.  

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7 hours ago, Yahya said:

Hi everyone,

In this thread can doctors give advice to anyone who is considering to become a doctor as a career? I am a young student who graduated high school and I am considering to make doctor as a career. So, in this thread can all the doctors across the forum give me advice? So, I can decide whether a doctor is a good profession for me or not.

Thank you 



I think there is no difference what you want to study. If one follows the standard path results will be standard and one will work with average people. At least in Germany high school degrees are thrown after. It's very easy to get an A and be accepted to a medical University. Unless you are at top 1-3 universities world wide. That's why it is even more necessary to think out of the box.

The dumbest thing I ever did is getting a university master's degree. The work is not that attractive as it looks like. Because of the mindset of people working there, the culture etc. .

It's not recommended for people with bigger dreams than just a family, dog, house and an annoying neighbour. 

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

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11 hours ago, Average Investor said:

Michael569 Is an NMD I believe

not an ND unfortunatelly :D, in UK that title does not exist yet. So far naturopathic doctors are only in States where there are few selected Universities that offer this sort of education, everyone else who calls themselves naturopaths or Naturopathic "something" have extensive training in alternative medicine but have not gone through the medical part of training (e.g. diagnosis and prescription). 

@Yahya I think it depends on what your vision for your life is. As a medical doctor expect to go through extensive and really really hard training and at the same time be prepared to be a part of rigid and bureaucratical system (unless you go private). being an MD can be extremely rewarding but also extremely frustrating because your hands are usually tied behind your back and you have to apply many procedures that may not always be the best thing for the person in the long term. You will see patients over and over and they won't necessarily be getting better, especially if you end up treating chronic disease like diabetes, hypertension, asthma etc. 

If I was to become MD, I'd either go into emergency medicine, general surgery or obstetrics. That's where you have the highest amount of satisfaction when you're actually saving people's lives or helping moms bring new lives into the world. Most of the medicine unfortunately has become a crisis management and symptom suppression, even at the highest levels of speciality such as being a cardiologist or endocrinologist. Also in countries like US, medicine has become a nasty business. 

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Hi, my name is John and I am very glad that you want to become a doctor. This is a very interesting, complex and responsible profession, but I adore it. If you want to understand if you can be a doctor, I can give you a couple of tips on how to understand it. First, you must love helping people. Secondly, your grades must be perfect. As for employment, in any case, do not work in state clinics, the salaries there are less and the conditions are worse. I have been working for 12 years in a private clinic https://www.iinsight.biz/, and believe me, this cannot be compared with one state

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