Ernest Werbel

What started the Universal self-consciousness?

42 posts in this topic

Hi All,

Been a follower since 2014 on Actualized YouTube channel.  Leo's content has helped me overcome some addictive and self-destructive behaviors while going into the adult man version of myself. 

I have been losing sleep over and struggling with understanding the whole self-awareness of the Universe subject.

My take-away so far is that at some 'moment' or 'point of time' the Universe became aware of itself, or rather the fact that is was aware of itself.  And that nothing existed prior to this.

I realize that time has only subjective meaning since the Universe existed before time but for the purpose of ''making it easy'', I am trying to use the best words I can to make sense.

Perhaps 'one day' God/Universe recognized that It was in a dark and lonely place.  It realized that there was no other conscious beings to relate with.  No one to love or be loved by.  No one to communicate with or gain insight from.  And so it started fragmenting and creating separate, smaller instances of itself to deal with the loneliness.

But being that these fragments were still being controlled by the Self, there was no element of randomness or surprise.  Similar to a lonely child who recognizes her loneliness and decides to create dolls to play with in order to create a sense of 'others'.  The dolls are individuals and can have created personalities within the mind of the child.  But they are ultimately controlled by the child and thus have no free will.  So in time, the illusion of others fades and the child realizes once again she is alone.  And at the least, the child is bored.

So then Godhead decided to allow these fragments to develop wills of their own.  'Egos' I suppose.  This would allow for unpredictability and uncertainty.  

I do not claim to be any authority on this.  I am also on the self-actualization journey.  I am just compiling my current understanding of the subject based on what I have been studying, and dreams/thoughts I have had.  I recognize this subject is something people study their entire lifetimes and may never understand.  I graciously welcome any correction that comes my way from a place of genuine truth-seeking.

I can for now, accept the explanation of the Godhead Universe being all-encompassing infinity with no thing or being outside of it.

What I cannot get past wondering is, what started the whole process; moreover HOW did it start, and for what purpose?

If Universal Consciousness is all-encompassing and infinite, with nothing or no being outside of itself, then what was the catalyst that started the cycle of self-awareness?

I suppose a real world analogy could be a matchstick.  A fire needs a spark to ignite.  How can it be its own spark and ignite itself?  I can accept that there was a moment of ignition, but what lead up to it?

And is this why it is impossible to truly return to God?  Because the Ego portion of Godhead would face self-antihalation and the ultimate destruction of everything good and positive it has ever conceived of?  Is the eternal God Vs Devil a metaphor for the Ego clinging to its own existence?



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Itself, if you wanna suggest that anything started at all.
Who says anything ever started? If God is infinite, why does it need to start anything?
It already just is. It doesn't need to be aware of itself, it is being itself already. 

The process of identification is where the loneiness comes from, a belief in seperateness. 
The ego is a conceptual system trying to run the human so it can survive, if you where to realize the boundless nature of you, the ego would be realized to be what it is, what it always was, stories about a self. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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23 minutes ago, Ernest Werbel said:

My take-away so far is that at some 'moment' or 'point of time' the Universe became aware of itself, or rather the fact that is was aware of itself.  And that nothing existed prior to this.

A few things to note: The Universe is outside of time. "Nothing" is the same as "Something". Self awareness is the Universe.

If you like, a new Universe is coming (or unfolding) into existence fully formed in every moment. Existence is a synonym for self awareness. The Universe comes from nothing and goes back to nothing in every moment - there's no time line.

57% paranoid

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2 hours ago, Ernest Werbel said:

Hi All,

Been a follower since 2014 on Actualized YouTube channel.  Leo's content has helped me overcome some addictive and self-destructive behaviors while going into the adult man version of myself. 

I have been losing sleep over and struggling with understanding the whole self-awareness of the Universe subject.

My take-away so far is that at some 'moment' or 'point of time' the Universe became aware of itself, or rather the fact that is was aware of itself.  And that nothing existed prior to this.

I realize that time has only subjective meaning since the Universe existed before time but for the purpose of ''making it easy'', I am trying to use the best words I can to make sense.

Perhaps 'one day' God/Universe recognized that It was in a dark and lonely place.  It realized that there was no other conscious beings to relate with.  No one to love or be loved by.  No one to communicate with or gain insight from.  And so it started fragmenting and creating separate, smaller instances of itself to deal with the loneliness.

But being that these fragments were still being controlled by the Self, there was no element of randomness or surprise.  Similar to a lonely child who recognizes her loneliness and decides to create dolls to play with in order to create a sense of 'others'.  The dolls are individuals and can have created personalities within the mind of the child.  But they are ultimately controlled by the child and thus have no free will.  So in time, the illusion of others fades and the child realizes once again she is alone.  And at the least, the child is bored.

So then Godhead decided to allow these fragments to develop wills of their own.  'Egos' I suppose.  This would allow for unpredictability and uncertainty.  

I do not claim to be any authority on this.  I am also on the self-actualization journey.  I am just compiling my current understanding of the subject based on what I have been studying, and dreams/thoughts I have had.  I recognize this subject is something people study their entire lifetimes and may never understand.  I graciously welcome any correction that comes my way from a place of genuine truth-seeking.

I can for now, accept the explanation of the Godhead Universe being all-encompassing infinity with no thing or being outside of it.

What I cannot get past wondering is, what started the whole process; moreover HOW did it start, and for what purpose?

If Universal Consciousness is all-encompassing and infinite, with nothing or no being outside of itself, then what was the catalyst that started the cycle of self-awareness?

I suppose a real world analogy could be a matchstick.  A fire needs a spark to ignite.  How can it be its own spark and ignite itself?  I can accept that there was a moment of ignition, but what lead up to it?

And is this why it is impossible to truly return to God?  Because the Ego portion of Godhead would face self-antihalation and the ultimate destruction of everything good and positive it has ever conceived of?  Is the eternal God Vs Devil a metaphor for the Ego clinging to its own existence?

Welcome to the forum! ?.   All that ( ⬆️ ) is referred to as “thinking”, or thoughts, or, thought. (And that is all that is). 

Awareness is also aware of perception, and feeling. 


2 hours ago, Ernest Werbel said:

I have been losing sleep over and struggling

There is no “losing sleep” or “struggling” perception, nor feeling. 


And you - are in control - of focus. 


Begin to notice “I have been losing sleep”... is...a “thought”. ?

You have NEVER experienced sleep. 



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15 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Welcome to the forum! ?.   All that ( ⬆️ ) is referred to as “thinking”, or thoughts, or, thought. (And that is all that is). 

Awareness is also aware of perception, and feeling. 


There is no “losing sleep” or “struggling” perception, nor feeling. 


And you - are in control - of focus. 


Begin to notice “I have been losing sleep”... is...a “thought”. ?



15 minutes ago, Nahm said:


You have NEVER experienced sleep. 

But this, @VeganAwaketold me that I can be unconscious and that Consciousness is dependant of mind (pls don't tell me it's ❤️ thing) and when mind doesn't work it's gone. Need resolve of this paradox. 

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I beleive that happens when you inquire using logic and materialist /separate self paradigm and you skip practises. 

See Nahm gave you answer. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Need resolve of this paradox. 


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14 hours ago, Ernest Werbel said:

What I cannot get past wondering is, what started the whole process; moreover HOW did it start, and for what purpose?

It 'started' itself. It is itself. And its purpose is to be.

14 hours ago, Ernest Werbel said:

If Universal Consciousness is all-encompassing and infinite, with nothing or no being outside of itself, then what was the catalyst that started the cycle of self-awareness?

Being. Awareness is only ever aware of Being.

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It never started. It has existed eternally, forever, thus avoiding need for a beginning or end.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Stefan Heuer said:

But our cosmos we live in has had a start and an end right?


There is no cosmos 

Only you

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but what about my brother, or mother, father or dog or cat

or even yourself javfly33?

what do you mean exactly with "only you"??


Edited by Stefan Heuer

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38 minutes ago, Kalo said:

The only purpose of the Universe, in Human-Ego form, is to die as human-ego form and awaken to God, which is no game. 

Difficult don't ask yourself: why?

Edited by Breakingthewall

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14 minutes ago, Stefan Heuer said:

but what about my brother, or mother, father or dog or cat

or even yourself javfly33?

what do you mean exactly with "only you"??


18 minutes ago, Stefan Heuer said:



Cosmos is something that appears in your mother's, father's, or your dogs POV.

But there is nothing outside of this POV, this POV is all that exists.

So cosmos is an appearance, but it doesn't exist as a material thing.

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but why wouldnt there be something outsite of our perception? how come we all agree there is a cosmos with specifically named stars in the galaxy

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7 minutes ago, Stefan Heuer said:

but why wouldnt there be something outsite of our perception? how come we all agree there is a cosmos with specifically named stars in the galaxy

Ask yourself how anything can exist without consciousness if the mere world "existence" happens because of consciousness.

You know an object with your Consciousness, isn't it?

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yes, well, I heard leo talk about the imaginary universe where we literally live inside the godhead and therefore everything(atoms, etc..) is made out of consciousness. I understand that but not your view on reality. I know an object with my consciousness but so does my brother. that means there must be this outsite world I perceive and so does my brother. Same world, different perceptions. you get what I mean? Galaxies and stuff is there and 8 billion people perceive it with their consciousness right?


Edited by Stefan Heuer

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16 hours ago, Ernest Werbel said:

Hi All,

Been a follower since 2014 on Actualized YouTube channel.  Leo's content has helped me overcome some addictive and self-destructive behaviors while going into the adult man version of myself. 

I have been losing sleep over and struggling with understanding the whole self-awareness of the Universe subject.

My take-away so far is that at some 'moment' or 'point of time' the Universe became aware of itself, or rather the fact that is was aware of itself.  And that nothing existed prior to this.

I realize that time has only subjective meaning since the Universe existed before time but for the purpose of ''making it easy'', I am trying to use the best words I can to make sense.

Perhaps 'one day' God/Universe recognized that It was in a dark and lonely place.  It realized that there was no other conscious beings to relate with.  No one to love or be loved by.  No one to communicate with or gain insight from.  And so it started fragmenting and creating separate, smaller instances of itself to deal with the loneliness.

But being that these fragments were still being controlled by the Self, there was no element of randomness or surprise.  Similar to a lonely child who recognizes her loneliness and decides to create dolls to play with in order to create a sense of 'others'.  The dolls are individuals and can have created personalities within the mind of the child.  But they are ultimately controlled by the child and thus have no free will.  So in time, the illusion of others fades and the child realizes once again she is alone.  And at the least, the child is bored.

So then Godhead decided to allow these fragments to develop wills of their own.  'Egos' I suppose.  This would allow for unpredictability and uncertainty.  

I do not claim to be any authority on this.  I am also on the self-actualization journey.  I am just compiling my current understanding of the subject based on what I have been studying, and dreams/thoughts I have had.  I recognize this subject is something people study their entire lifetimes and may never understand.  I graciously welcome any correction that comes my way from a place of genuine truth-seeking.

I can for now, accept the explanation of the Godhead Universe being all-encompassing infinity with no thing or being outside of it.

What I cannot get past wondering is, what started the whole process; moreover HOW did it start, and for what purpose?

If Universal Consciousness is all-encompassing and infinite, with nothing or no being outside of itself, then what was the catalyst that started the cycle of self-awareness?

I suppose a real world analogy could be a matchstick.  A fire needs a spark to ignite.  How can it be its own spark and ignite itself?  I can accept that there was a moment of ignition, but what lead up to it?

And is this why it is impossible to truly return to God?  Because the Ego portion of Godhead would face self-antihalation and the ultimate destruction of everything good and positive it has ever conceived of?  Is the eternal God Vs Devil a metaphor for the Ego clinging to its own existence?



This would make for a fun novel. Beyond that, there's nothing to think about, really... ?‍♂️

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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@Ernest Werbel Too conceptual. Look right in front of you. The present moment is the beginning and the end and neither. It's the literal definition of eternity. Get out of the conceptual bubble you've put yourself in and derive answers from actual reality ;)

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