
Do things happen for a reason?

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Do you believe that everything is random? I don't. From my experience the things that happen appear to happen for a reason. It's just crazy sometimes how random events connect with each other and lead to something that otherwise would never happen. Is there a plan? I read this somewhere, i don't know who said it but i agree: if you want to make god laugh tell him your plans. 

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@BlackMaze  There is a grand design by a Grand Master.  But this master is not a human.  It is selfless. 

At the deepest level you are the Master.  But it could take years of work to become conscious of this even if just for a moment.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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33 minutes ago, BlackMaze said:

. It's just crazy sometimes how random events connect with each other and lead to something that otherwise would never happen

 The possibilities' are infinite. Nothing is random. Everything is connected whether you see it or not.

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Yes everything is connected. Time to assign blackies.

Oh yes for the record this is the best emoji ever. ;)

People complaining about emojis. Field Trip to Bangladesh and living there just for a month will solve it all. 

Seen it all honestly. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Everything happens just for you to 'wake up' from the dream of separation. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@allislove it sure seems this way. No matter what i do the circumstances are leading me there. I don't use the word synchronicity because of the fear that i use it wrong but it feels like i had enough of them so far. 

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Yep. You may not like it because there is still an apparent 'you'. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Vibroverse it seems that there is a pushing through circumstances in the direction of growth. On a deeper level i could say no it doesn't but this is true for every word that exists. 

@nistake it's scary how both the things i like and don't like are created. It sure feels that i created some of these. Maybe i am deluded this is a possibility. But i somehow know that i created some things good and bad but without having any control over it. 

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Is there a reason of that? And if so, what is the reason of that? If it is x, then why x? This is ad infinitum. 

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Yep. ?

To say it differently: "No unicorn - no unicorn". 

Perhaps, it makes sense to just stay silent and appreciate the present moment.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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So i guess the answer to everything is to stay silent and appreciate the present moment?

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Exactly. Let the answers come to your silence. This is all a fiction anyways. 

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I don't know if by "reason" you mean a pre-planned purpose or intelligent design. It seems like there is no such thing. But there is certainly "cause" to everything (apparently). So there is cause and effect. 

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32 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I don't know if by "reason" you mean a pre-planned purpose or intelligent design. It seems like there is no such thing. 

How do you know that? I don't agree or disagree just curious how you came to that conclusion. I'm referring to the pre-planned purpose. 

For the intelligent design i would say that it's obvious. 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

there is certainly "cause" to everything (apparently). So there is cause and effect. 


If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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