
A Biography of No-Self!

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I'm going to post my journey and how i came to spirituality and also i would talk about my mistakes, struggles and some of the techniques worked for me. So stay tuned!:P

I kinda love oxymorons, so i think this title fits my style!?

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?? ????? ??????? (Nothingness):-

???????? :- so basically i came to realize this Nothingness by asking this question of who's the observer and by using neti-neti method to tap into it. As from this technique if I'm able to perceive or see or hear things that's not me so what am i nothing pure nothing.

?????? ??????? (Everything):- 

???????? :- Basically i thought nothing is something and i tried to capture this but this so not how it was. Nothing is this entirely this not separate from me. And also i had this insight nothing is not different from something. Something = nothing and this is a tautology. (Something = nothing) = pure Being .


Edited by Dark_White

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Some tricks that i use to boost my progress while doing inquiry :-

  • Reducing my screen time and information consumption, on the day when i gonna do inquiry. It helps to calm the mind down.
  • Intention is 100% must to get to know what you know so don't sit back and see everything. You also have some intent and search for it.
  • Willingly not using mind and grounding in the present.
  • Before getting a direct experience, i specifically try to know the pointers and conceptual map. In this way, so i can hold on to it when it occurs. (Trying to logically figuring out won't work so careful on that). Logical knowing is not equal to direct experience of it.
  • Before doing inquiry i do some mantra chanting and also some pranayama breathing.

????? (Some Unorthodox ways) :- So l personally i saw astrology works great with my life and i used it as map to abstractly understanding for example 12th house represents both psychedelics and spirituality so it made sense how things are abstractly classified with one and other.

  • So the main thing is before i try to do these practices i always repeat the the mantra of my 12th house lord's nakashtra placement or activate it by drawing the 12th house lord nakashtra animal. 
  • Also i mostly try to do in the hora of my 12th lord and i seen it directly whenever i try to do meditation in the hora of mercury i simply can't able to do it and it is really difficult to do in that specific hora.

Those are my bonus tricks!

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????? ???????(No duality between the subject and object):-

????????:- Basically i thought, if there was no me then who observes all it turns out everything is pure beingness. There's no subject and object.


Edited by Dark_White

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