
How to summon and "digest" my inner demons without psychedelics?

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15 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Hey I have a big strong fucked up shadow and I was wondering if there are any sober methods (except kundalini) to accelerate the seeing inner demons and digesting them.

I was barely able to handle the Kundalini awakening but it nearly totally erased one trauma before K disappeared.

I'm looking for other accelerated methods besides K or psychedelics.

For example I would love it to be as easy as just meditation on pain like hot sauce, heat or cold. Intense Heat and cold give me a break and feel good afterwards (haven't tried hot sauce yet). But it's not letting demons resurface.

Strong determination sitting doesn't do it either and I feel like I am practicing asceticism. 


Digestion is easy: "foetal position" and "surrender"

You’re struggling on your path because you are believing you have yet to do, what in actuality, you’ve already done. 

You’ve already tried countless hours of conceptualization materials. 

You already digested the conditioning, the hot sauce. 

You already experience and know the thoughts which don’t feel good to you. 

You already know the demons, kundalini, etc are all conceptualizing so the body doesn’t release the conditioning. 

You already have access to the emotional scale to ‘do the work’ if you want to. 

You already tried asceticism, fetal position, and all kinds of avoiding emotional release & understanding. 

You already know everything else doesn’t work. 


All that’s being missed is how easy it is, the incredible degree by which everything is already working out for you perfectly. You already did all the “work”. All that’s left is to relax. Let go. Enjoy. 



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Work with a therapist, if your financial situation allows.

But not just any therapist; most of them are useless and don't have any working techniques.

Weirdly, techniques that work are not that popular. And stuff that's popular doesn't work.

Below are some modalities that do work for releasing trauma, better than psychedelics or breathwork.

  • RPT (reference point therapy or rapid personal transformation) 
  • Systemic / family constellations
  • WHH (Whole hearted healing)
  • Shamanic soul retrieval
Edited by vladorion

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7 hours ago, blackchair said:

i devoured my pedophile shadow with pleasure :)


Good to know  with whom  to schedule a meeting after I finish yoga session with Connor. 

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7 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Good to know  with whom  to schedule a meeting after I finish yoga session with Connor. 

i dont understand the reference, but  im here to help joke or not :)

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21 hours ago, Nahm said:

That is weird man. Where’d all this digesting demons, kundalini, etc verbiage even come from?  Parental revolt maybe? 

I talk about demons in a metaphorical purely psychological sense. I don't believe that I am possessed by negative energies or something. Kundalini, is simply because I had a Kundalini awakening once. There's not much of an interpretation to make here.

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20 hours ago, allislove said:


Love everything. By giving a loving attention you are receiving it. 

giving = receiving

Loving attention heals, dissolves any apparent fear. 

Yes this is practice I am already following. Maybe it's best for me to not do anything else, who knows.

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@Endangered-EGO ?

"Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility & devotion." – Bhagavad Gita

"Simplicity is very difficult for twisted minds." – ACIM

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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