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What is beauty?

40 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Username said:


It will pass never complained. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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In reply to your post, I've gotten the idea or sense at times, that perception IS the expression of pure beauty. The more you undo the disortions of perception, the more perception itself feels like pure beauty. Some forms seem to take you to the experience, that you could call beauty, faster than others. Or perhaps you can say, some forms can direct your focus on the reality of beauty better than others, but beauty doesn't seem to be in my sense of things, to be confined to form. Rupert Spira says something similar, that if you come to realise the infinite through perception, you call it beauty, you come to realize it through feeling, you call it love, you come to realise it through thinking, you call it understanding.

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2 hours ago, PopoyeSailor said:

This particular passage seems to suggest that even beauty depends on the mind which is projecting(Universal) and observing(Individual within that universal) it. 

Yeah I guess Aesthetic relativism is part of the relativity of every objective concept. This comes from casting doubt on the possibility of direct epistemic access to the "external world".. and which therefore rejects the positive claim that statements made about the external world can be known to be objectively true. Beauty falls into the same category imo. Meaning it's relative and mind-assigned. 

Edited by Someone here

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2 hours ago, Gesundheit said:


@Someone here Contemplate this picture as an exercise. I know you love blondies lol.

@Gesundheit you had to like cut few millimeters so that you don't get banned right ? xD

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Phenomenologicaly, beauty is when you melt in the witnessed. The duality between you and the witnessed disappear and only the witnessed remains. It's non-duality. It's a taste of the essence of spirituality. Beauty is not a meaning but a phenomena.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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10 minutes ago, martins name said:

Phenomenologicaly, beauty is when you melt in the witnessed. The duality between you and the witnessed disappear and only the witnessed remains. It's non-duality. It's a taste of the essence of spirituality. Beauty is not a meaning but a phenomena.

Interesting. Still the essence of what makes a beautiful object beautiful missing. What gives it the capacity to dissolve the duality between the witness and the witnessed. 

Philosophers who have given influential objectivist accounts include Plato. and in particular his Theory of the Forms... Where he believes that there is Abstraction realm of perfection and beauty and our world contains unperfect copies of these perfect images. 

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@Someone here Plato's idea of the abstract realm only made sense back then because they didn't know physics and how the brain works. 

Our brains' neural nets in combination with our bodies result in the phenomena of beauty in consciousness.

Then we can describe how this body mind system works: Beauty can come from the complexity, order, harmony and symmetry of sense perception. For example a beautiful landscape. It can also come from ideals, the way we find virtues people beautiful. This is more emotionally based. If your 3rd eye chakra is open/if you are present everything you wittness will be beautiful.


The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@Username You're too demanding. She just woke up lol.

@Someone here Thanks. I feel like a toilet lol.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@martins name


Perhaps the most familiar basic issue in the theory of beauty is whether beauty is subjective.. Located ‘in the eye of the beholder’.. or whether it is an objective feature of beautiful things.which is the primary question I'm asking here.

A pure version of either of these positions seems implausible.. for many reasons. and many attempts have been made to split the difference or incorporate insights of both subjectivist and objectivist accounts. Ancient and medieval accounts for the most part located beauty outside of anyone's particular experiences. Nevertheless.. that beauty is subjective was also a commonplace from the time of the sophists. 

My take is that Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.. and each mind perceives a different beauty. One person may even perceive deformity.. where another is sensible of beauty etc. 

The judgment of taste is therefore not a judgment of cognition.. and is consequently not logical but aesthetical.. by which we understand that whose determining ground can be no other than subjective. Every reference of representations.. even that of sensations.. may be objective (and then it signifies the real elementof an empirical representation).. save only the reference to the feeling of pleasure and pain.. by which nothing in the object is signified.. but through which there is a feeling in the subject as it is affected by the representation


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@Someone here I think we have to make a distinction between beauty and beautiful. Beauty is a purely subjective experience that I described. Something being beautiful is a meaning we apply to an object the same way that we apply the meaning symmetrical or pointy. To understand beautiful we have to understand qualities and meaning in general. I think a quality is a material process described by how photons bounce of the object, enter our pupils, goes through our neural net to finally fire the neurons that represent that quality. 

Different people's neural nets are similar which gives the illusion of objectivity. 


The road to God is paved with bliss.

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On 2/12/2021 at 3:13 PM, Someone here said:

Still the essence of what makes a beautiful object beautiful missing. What gives it the capacity to dissolve the duality between the witness and the witnessed. 

You do. There is no it. That’s the materialist paradigm. You & an it....

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

the theory of beauty is whether beauty is subjective.. Located ‘in the eye of the beholder’.. or whether it is an objective feature of beautiful things.which is the primary question I'm asking here.

....subject / object thinking, aka thought attachment. The belief in objects & things. 

Try meditation, self inquiry, inspecting your beliefs, etc. When you self realize there are no more objects or things because it was just beliefs. This is already the actuality. 

You’re wondering why and how beauty can be congruent among multiple people, missing you’re objectifying, people. You experience people as separate objects, due to believing you are a separate self, a person/ object. 

These beliefs are the over activity of thinking, from emotional suppression. These beliefs are ‘conditioning’ & can be expressed right out of the body mind and ‘it’ is amazing. It’s all letting go, all no-effort, no thinking or concepts are needed nor helpful. ‘It’s’ truly beautiful. You can’t even handle that beauty. 



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On 12.2.2021. at 8:50 PM, Someone here said:

@Gesundheit you had to like cut few millimeters so that you don't get banned right ? xD

@Someone here

I will get banned only for expressing my thoughts.So I can't do it. ;)(it really is the best emoji hands down). 

There are no limits to anything. 

All of this is so beautiful words actually can't really express it. 

Where is my yugo friend with pack of cigarettes. Just look anything and you will realize God's beauty is actually unlimited. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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I did a little contemplation on beauty and ugliness. While looking at pictures of dog poop(with parasites) and "ugly faces" on google, compared them with what I call beautiful stuff. All I can gather is that ugliness makes you uncomfortable and beauty makes you comfortable. With ugliness you see that thing and immediately refuse to have any connection to it whatsoever. You dont try to feel like it and be it while looking at it. There is resistance. While with something beautiful, you immediately start observing with great care, and become it and feel it. But what originally determines something as ugly or beautiful to then react to accordingly? I think it's a mix of, social conditioning(Which is slowly built into us and become automatic and feeling based over time) and survival(which is alr built into us and feeling based). Well, if this is the case, when looking at something you call ugly, should you try to look at it more closely and try to be it, feel it? Well I think this does work when trying to see the beauty in something. Becoming it, feeling it, and loving it as yourself. 

So beauty is love? And what is ugliness, but fear, in some sense. Fear is also just very contracted love. Then a new question arises, what is love?

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Beauty:  The end of the need for anything to be other than what it is.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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8 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:



Infinite Intelligence ❤️

Infinite Beauty❤️

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