Guest Bazooka Jesus

Are you confused? Great! That means you're on the right track!

6 posts in this topic

I know how deeply frustrating this work can be. Here you are, trying your darndest to wrap your mind around Nonduality and Liberation; and so you read countless threads, watch countless videos and spend countless hours in silent meditation... but the more you try to grasp it, the more it seems to elude you. Instead of gaining clarity, you just seem to become more and more confused. It's like the fight against Hydra: For every head that you cut off, two new heads immediately take its place. The harder you try, the harder you fail!

Did you recognize yourself in that description? If so, then I have some good news for you: Your growing confusion and frustration is actually a sign of progress, believe it or not. You are slowly waking up to the fact that none of this can ever be grasped by a thing called "you". But you need to go all the way.

I have said in a recent thread that you are not going to understand THIS with your mind. But of course, me telling you this is not enough. You need to realize it for yourself. So by all means, keep on trying to understand. Keep trying and trying and trying and trying and trying and trying until you're blue in the face, until the confusion and frustration becomes so intolerable that you want to scream, until you feel completely powerless to improve your situation in any way, until you are completely at your wit's end and simply don't know what to do anymore... and BAM!, that's the moment where something inside you snaps. It's the moment where you finally let go of the need to understand, and you realize what is.

My friend, I wish you all the best, and I sincerely hope that this post has managed to confuse the hell out of you. Have a great day! :D

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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The conceptual understanding will likely never give you a direct nondual experience, but the conceptual understanding is useful after having a collection of nondual experiences. It’s funny because all the information beginning seekers find early on usually will only be of much real value after they’ve already found their prize. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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nope, cristal clear head here, only i dont like to go in philosophy too much, and which word is "right" or "wrong" , that's all....

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6 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

The conceptual understanding will likely never give you a direct nondual experience, but the conceptual understanding is useful after having a collection of nondual experiences. It’s funny because all the information beginning seekers find early on usually will only be of much real value after they’ve already found their prize. 

Conceptual understanding ≠ Realisation of What Is

A collection of nondual experiences ≠ Liberation



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On 2/11/2021 at 1:36 AM, BipolarGrowth said:

The conceptual understanding will likely never give you a direct nondual experience, but the conceptual understanding is useful after having a collection of nondual experiences. It’s funny because all the information beginning seekers find early on usually will only be of much real value after they’ve already found their prize. 

Awakening isn't about finding something.

It's actually the collapse of that which thought something was missing and needed to be found.

THIS is already completeness appearing as something else❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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