
Lower back pain at the age of 19

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Is lower back pain at the age of 19 something to concerned about ?

I don't feel constant pain but i do have it once in a sometimes if i am sitting still(meditating, having meals etc) it suddenly starts paining(sometimes with a sudden jerk) and also sometime after waking up from sleep it starts paining, mostly the pain is not severe and it does go away in some time.

just wanted to know if anybody had something like this and if it is something to seriously look after.

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Little back pain is really common and usually not to be worried about.

It's usually caused by some basic habits, such as some certain sports, lots of sitting/bad sitting posture or in your case maybe too soft bed mattress or bad sleeping posture.

Try bringing attention to those simple factors and if the pain remains or becomes worse, it wouldn't be bad idea to go see an orthopedist.

Edited by Snader

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@Madhur Yea I second what fridjonk says. I'm going to assume that you are sitting down in a chair most of the day? If so, you need to start lightly and carefully decompressing your spine. Best way to do that is to buy a pull up bar that can attach to the door frame and hang on it for few minutes here and there. You can decompress the spine in other ways, hanging off the edge of your bed etc. Just google them. Best option is hanging bar.

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youtube teal swan back pain

& hanging really seems like it will work SHORT TERM

long term at the root/core this is an emotional problem - believe fucking me

had it for 10 ish years before and just getting over it now by listening to teal swan


you're welcome

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This is common today with all the sitting. 

I had it at your age because of this. 

1_6-MPRi55oBECO6mrZEQfAg (1).png

Sry had to. 

Edited by Opo

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On 2/11/2021 at 3:51 PM, levani said:

Long term at the root/core this is an emotional problem

Just what I was going to say. Different emotions happen in different places in the body. This is described by the chakra system. The second chakra responsible for pleasure, intimacy and passion is in the lower back and when it's closed/contracted/up tight then the surrounding muscles and organs tense up and blood flow. I wrote a post on a technique for how to open the second chakra that i recommend you try, and then feel how relaxed your lower back becomes. 

Also strengthen your lower back with exercise, for example pilates. Don't let this problem get worse, it will if you don't fix it.

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Here are a few tips

  • Buy foam roller and roll out back
  • Find a pull ar and hang off of it
  • Fix your Posture, look up it up on youtube
  • Invest in a high quality chair that supports your body
  • Look into sitting posture

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pretty much everyone here gave you solid advise but you have to do it to see for yourself

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On 11/02/2021 at 0:05 PM, fridjonk said:

Get a pullup bar and start hanging for 3 minutes each day. 


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Aerobic exercise strengthens your lungs, heart, and blood vessels and can help you lose weight. Walking, swimming, and biking may all help reduce back pain. Start with short sessions and build up over time. If your back is hurting, try swimming, where the water supports your body.

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On 2/11/2021 at 8:21 PM, levani said:

youtube teal swan back pain

& hanging really seems like it will work SHORT TERM

long term at the root/core this is an emotional problem - believe fucking me

had it for 10 ish years before and just getting over it now by listening to teal swan


you're welcome

I would suggest the same.

I had a severe lower back pain that didn't seem to budge. Then, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) did the work.

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Search youtube for yoga and stretches for lower back pain. It takes a while to find the right stretches that work for you. The problem may be in your hips. Sometimes just strengthening your abs can solve the problem. Be patient and open-minded because this part takes a lot of research and experimenting. 

Also if you're doing high impact exercise, check into stuff like your shoes, or changing how you exercise. If you sit a long time in a chair, consider getting a better one or maybe a standing desk. Stuff like that can make a big difference. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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i realised that the pain was because of my all day sitting posture, i have been spending most of my time sitting because of the lockdown and i think it could be the reason of that pain, but i started working out and also i am doing the body awareness relaxation from leos video and it is helping.

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@Madhur  that's awesome man. 

You have no idea how much thinking too many thoughts can destroy your body. Many ways to remedy that. one is sports, music, friendship, sex, life purpose.... etc.

Second, your body need blood flow. Of course, the ideal situation is that you have no thoughts or negative emotions in your body to be toxic. Negative emotions destroy your body by blocking blood flow. 

Third, the artificial way to increase blood flow is indeed sports. I recommend yoga! Beautiful thing! You see beautiful women as you have your body healthy. Most importantly, stretching your body is the best to remedy blood flow and giving your body a balanced muscle bone structure, and it has far less chances of injuring yourself, even more so than simply running and jumping!

Fourth, enjoy life! 

Fifth, don't be a hypochondriac like me!

sixth, discipline yourself to at least work out twice a week. AT LEAST! 

seventh, occasionally give yourself love by baking fresh bread or buying it from the local bakery. Chop some fucking real lettuce and cook chicken or egg, and put them together with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and the salad will be magnificent. 

eighth, for emotional support, listen to some stand up comics. Take this advice cautiously though, people like Bill Burr is funny as hell, but he can be quite toxic at times. I love Bill Burr but the guy has some fucked up energy in him, so I occasionally listen to the guy. But I do give props for Bill Burr cause he really knows what it takes to live your life purpose/calling! This man may not be spiritually gifted, but his love for his work is inspiring! Listen to him if you wanna focus on your work and love your work at the same time. I think it will give you positive throughout your working life with Bill. 

Edited by charlie cho

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Don't slouch when sitting keeping your lower back in a state of flexion for long periods of time (recliners are bad for this.. people who spend countless hours gaming in a soft chair) because this will cause the disks to bulge outward and hit nerves over time.. usually it won't affect you until your 30's though. Also lifting sloppily.. trying to squat or deadlift with bad form does the same thing. You don't really want this to happen. Work out smarter, not harder. Fortunately at age 19 your body should jump back from injuries quickly assuming you develop some healthy habits. Get an office chair with good lumbar support or a kneeling chair. Sleeping in firm beds is preferable to soft ones also. Move around every half hour to 45 minutes when you are sitting.. get up.. do a couple of cat cows and sit back down. The spine likes movement.

Hanging from a pullup bar, doing press ups and extension exercises to work the back the opposite direction and push the bulges back in, core work to support the lower back such as planks, side planks, hip flexor, hamstring, and piriformis stretches, not sleeping on your stomach... all good things. Steps to a Pain-Free Back - Esther Gokhale.pdf

There's lots of yoga that can do more harm than good if you don't use perfect form also such as forward folding. Core work is more important than static stretching for back pain anyways.  Focus on hip hinging or squatting when you lift things in life instead of rounding the lower back. Get these healthy habits in place at your age and you'll be good for life. Most people don't make major habit changes unless faced with a crisis... be proactive in this regard. :)



Edited by sholomar

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