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Developing Emotional Intelligence

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Edited by AlexB
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Hey there, I started exercising on my eq, got an alarm clock that when it rings I must feel my emotions, like Leo tought in one video. Many of my emotions I understand but many others no, they just come and go but I can't label them, and when I say label it's not for good or bad but just understand what kind of emotion is it, what did you guys do when developing emotional mastery that helped? 

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Some emotions don't even need a label or language to understand. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

What do you mean by emotional mastery, anyways? You mean having a lasso around your emotions? Being able to control them? If that's the case, I don't think you're going to get anywhere.

What I think you're actually referring to here is self-mastery. Divisive, painful emotions are generated by ego. Instead of just labeling emotions or trying to control them, maybe you ought to go deeper to understand where those emotions are coming from in the first place. There are certain triggers that make you tick. What are those triggers? Learn to understand why you react the way you do, and you will be on the path to mastering not only your emotions, but yourself. 

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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