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Gradual approach to love/heaven Awakening + Empathy. Ideas?

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I hope this doesn't go against the guidlines, "Starting new spiritual communities, private groups, or cults" , "PMing members with pitches or promotions or recruiting"

But I want to create a webproject/app and am looking for a partner (and also find insights into the "stuff") that is familiar with abiding in love/heaven and who is able to create with me an algorithmic approach to the increase of love-experience and empathy.

I know how a love-awakening and heaven-awakening feels like, but it didn't last long for me, and I don't consider myself awake or enlightened (at all). So I'm looking for someone who IS.

I am familiar with all the technicalities of "online marketing", so that is not an issue.

I am not looking for self-inquiry methods that lead most people to a sudden falling into the love/heaven perspective, but more like a gradual(!), algorithmic and measurable approach meant for the general population.

I am familiar with loving kindness meditation, but it's imo not enough.

What do you guys think about that Idea? Do you have any insights that could help me?

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