
Gospel Of Thomas

21 posts in this topic

Jesus was not a man? time to wrap up the idea that Jesus was some bloke who said this and said that.  He wasn’t, he didn’t exist as a man??‍♂️. There was no man called Jesus. The bible is fucking hilarious when looking at someone believing it literally. The bible is the greatest law of attraction book you could ever wish to come across if only you could understand it. It’s telling you that you are God, and how to manifest your desires, using your own consciousness. It’s fucking beautiful! Not in the religious Christianity way. No no no, nonsense that! I’m amazed the more and more I look into the bible what it is. Tremendous! Jesus was not crucified on a cross. He wasn’t even a man?. Work to do for anyone who thinks Jesus was a man. If you genuinely think the likes of Jesus and Moses and Noah and whoever lived, and you want to awaken, then you need to get that out of your mind. It needs to go

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