
Video Evidence For Impeachment Of Trump

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This video from the democratic house managers is perfect. It shows the dangers of red and its confrontation with blue. It also shows the impact of social media, the limitations of free speech, and the dangers of easy gun circulation.


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Most senate republicans are worried if they vote to convict Trump, they will lose half the republican base. They would face a MAGA-like primary challenger that would be a very difficult race to win. Even if they won their primary, they would have a hard time winning the general election losing MAGA voters. 

From the perspective of political survival, it's in their interest to act like they are "concerned" and "troubled" by the events and then acquit Trump. They could say that the riot and violence was wrong and then pivot to "all violence is bad" and there is "violence on both sides" we need to address. And then say that they acquitted Trump because a former president can't be impeached (even though he was impeached while president). Or that Trump didn't give an explicit order to storm the capital (mob leaders never give explicit orders that would incriminate them).

In the end, I predict 6 republican senators will vote to convict. 

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6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Forestluv what happens if there's a successful conviction? 


They would then vote whether to permanently ban him form future office. This only requires 51 votes. 

Conviction requires 67 votes. So if they vote to convict, there will certainly be 51+ votes to bar him from future office. 

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Forestluv im so angry that impeachment doesn't mean jail. 

Unfortunately, Trump stacked the courts with his judges. Let the good news is that no lawyers want to defend Trump. His entire legal team to defend him against impeachment conviction quit because he is a nightmare to work with. Now he has an incompetent county lawyer representing him. He will skate through this impeachment trial, yet he will be in trouble in real courts. No good lawyers want to defend Trump. 

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A big lesson to learn that democracy is very fragile.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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22 hours ago, Forestluv said:

Most senate republicans are worried if they vote to convict Trump, they will lose half the republican base. They would face a MAGA-like primary challenger that would be a very difficult race to win. Even if they won their primary, they would have a hard time winning the general election losing MAGA voters. 

From the perspective of political survival, it's in their interest to act like they are "concerned" and "troubled" by the events and then acquit Trump. They could say that the riot and violence was wrong and then pivot to "all violence is bad" and there is "violence on both sides" we need to address. And then say that they acquitted Trump because a former president can't be impeached (even though he was impeached while president). Or that Trump didn't give an explicit order to storm the capital (mob leaders never give explicit orders that would incriminate them).

In the end, I predict 6 republican senators will vote to convict. 

I know! This whole impeachment trial is a complete waste of Time! It's practically a guarantee that Trump will be acquitted. Also, this trial is unnecessarily slowing down the agenda of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer, and all of the other good democratic politicians in Congress. The Biden administration and the senate are behind with confirming the rest of Biden's cabinet picks.:(

22 hours ago, Forestluv said:

Unfortunately, Trump stacked the courts with his judges. Let the good news is that no lawyers want to defend Trump. His entire legal team to defend him against impeachment conviction quit because he is a nightmare to work with. Now he has an incompetent county lawyer representing him. He will skate through this impeachment trial, yet he will be in trouble in real courts. No good lawyers want to defend Trump. 

That's true. Though is it possible that the Trump appointed judges can and will be able to protect Trump from being punished by exonerating him?

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22 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

I know! This whole impeachment trial is a complete waste of Time! It's practically a guarantee that Trump will be acquitted. Also, this trial is unnecessarily slowing down the agenda of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer, and all of the other good democratic politicians in Congress. The Biden administration and the senate are behind with confirming the rest of Biden's cabinet picks.:(

I think it's better that Trump got impeached and there was a short trial. If Dems let this go without any response or accountability, they would have been complicit and Trumpers / Authoritarian hopefuls would have been empowered to do worse in the near future. As well, the impeachment and trial has helped to solidify the narrative that Biden won the election and their was an insurrection. Even most republicans concede those points now. 

I also like having republican senators on record. Trump's #1 legacy will be inciting the insurrection. In 100 years, Trump may be a blip on the screen yet he will be known for the insurrection. Similarly, all senators who acquit him will be tied to the insurrection. And the political winds can change rapidly. I wouldn't be surprised if in 2023 Trump is toxic and all the republican presidential candidates are trying to distance themselves from Trump. Similar to the Iraq war vote for Democrats. It seemed like a good idea at the time, yet a few years later it was an albatross around their neck.

22 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Though is it possible that the Trump appointed judges can and will be able to protect Trump from being punished by exonerating him?

I think there will be Trump-sympathizing judges, yet that only goes so far. Trump's legal team looks really, really bad. "Lawyers" that probably shouldn't be practicing law. Imagine you are a Trump-sympathizing judge and Trump's 1st defense lawyer babbles for hours about his own personal childhood stories that has nothing to do with Trump's case, the 2nd lawyer goes off on an hour about how Trump really won the election and this is a witchhunt. The next lawyer tells same batshit crazy conspiracy theory about how communists in Venezuela changed Trump's records at deutsche bank and the evidence is on Hunter Biden's laptop that was lost in the mail?. . . There is only so far a Trump-sympathizing judge can go and retain any credibility. Judges are lifetime appointments. They also have their own selfish interests. A judge doesn't want to get impeached for agreeing with complete BS or lose all credibility within the judicial system. 

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6 hours ago, Forestluv said:

I think it's better that Trump got impeached and there was a short trial. If Dems let this go without any response or accountability, they would have been complicit and Trumpers / Authoritarian hopefuls would have been empowered to do worse in the near future. As well, the impeachment and trial has helped to solidify the narrative that Biden won the election and their was an insurrection. Even most republicans concede those points now. 

I also like having republican senators on record. Trump's #1 legacy will be inciting the insurrection. In 100 years, Trump may be a blip on the screen yet he will be known for the insurrection. Similarly, all senators who acquit him will be tied to the insurrection. And the political winds can change rapidly. I wouldn't be surprised if in 2023 Trump is toxic and all the republican presidential candidates are trying to distance themselves from Trump. Similar to the Iraq war vote for Democrats. It seemed like a good idea at the time, yet a few years later it was an albatross around their neck.

I see what you mean. Though I am worried about the possibility of Trump supporters getting even more outraged than they already have been by the government and media for constantly attacking Trump. After Trump gets acquitted, the MAGA zombies are probably going to be like "This is some f****ing bull****! President Trump has done nothing wrong, but the government and the mainstream media keep targeting him over and over and over again! We've had it!" Afterwards, countless Trump supporters may start another violent protest or riot of some kind at the US capitol again or at any of the state-level capitols in the country or at any government building throughout the country. Maybe I am just catastrophizing too much?

Even if the Trump supporters don't riot or violently protest again, wouldn't Trump's second acquittal still further reinforce the narrative that the left NEVER accepted trump as president or even as a political candidate from the beginning, the government and the mainstream media are filled with the some of the most corrupt people in the world who keep continuing the greatest witch hunt ever in the history of US politics on Trump?

6 hours ago, Forestluv said:

I think there will be Trump-sympathizing judges, yet that only goes so far. Trump's legal team looks really, really bad. "Lawyers" that probably shouldn't be practicing law. Imagine you are a Trump-sympathizing judge and Trump's 1st defense lawyer babbles for hours about his own personal childhood stories that has nothing to do with Trump's case, the 2nd lawyer goes off on an hour about how Trump really won the election and this is a witchhunt. The next lawyer tells same batshit crazy conspiracy theory about how communists in Venezuela changed Trump's records at deutsche bank and the evidence is on Hunter Biden's laptop that was lost in the mail?. . . There is only so far a Trump-sympathizing judge can go and retain any credibility. Judges are lifetime appointments. They also have their own selfish interests. A judge doesn't want to get impeached for agreeing with complete BS or lose all credibility within the judicial system. 

Yeah, that's true what you're saying.

It's indeed going to be almost impossible for Trump to ever get any good lawyer to represent him.

Judges are not politicians. They really are professionally obligated to be much more impartial and neutral in their decision making than politicians do. 

Though what illicit deals can Trump get away with making with any of the judges he appointed?

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Trump just got acquitted for the second time. Of course that was the expect result, but it’s still very sad.

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