
Am I Imagining You Guys?

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And I am afraid to ask questions, because you probably give me the answers I, like, imagine. 

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No you don't, because you don't exist! What you call "you" is just a thought, just as "we" are just a thought! How can a thought imagine another thought?


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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Most of the philosophical problems are languaje problems.


What do you mean by that question? I don´t understand. You mean we are in your thoughts? Of course. Isn´t it obvious to everybody?



Edited by RedLine

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54 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

But it is all being imagined somehow. 

Awareness & it = duality. Thinking. Concept. 

Awareness which thinks & says ‘it’ is imagining a ‘this’, is the awareness, expressing from a miscontextualization (any contextualization) of what is in-contextable. 

‘How’ is a thought, a thought about causation. How is C? A + B. 

But this is... not, two. 

“Causation” is a only the thought...that there is...”causation”...which there isn’t. 

That’d be awareness and whatever else (causation).

The ‘separate selves’ is only in thought, or, the activity of thinking. That is an illusion. (Thought attachment). 

This is not an illusion, “it’s” appearance. This is a mystery unto itself. 

The knower can never see beyond what the knower knows, because the knower & knowing is duality, or the illusion. 



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God = Everything/Nothing (God can not be 'known' in relative/rational/logical/dual terms... 'it' has no limits, no qualities, no 'somethingness') 

For 'Everything/Nothing' to 'seem like something'.. introducing... 'imaginary duality'. (by 'pretending/imagining' that 'Everything/Nothing' is not what it is (is separate from itself).. Something 'appears' (seems to be)) 

All 'duality/limits/qualities/description' is 'imaginary'.. and this is what 'Creation' is... the 'mechanism by which Everything/Nothing 'knows/imagines/creates' itself (Somethingness, rather than 'Everythingness/Nothingness')

The Map (imagined duality/separateness) is not, and can never be 'The Territory' (non-duality/oneness), and at the same time.. it IS the territory (you, me, everything there 'is').

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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22 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

But it is all being imagined somehow. 

"Imagined" is nothing but a concept, so just drop it. Who says that things need to be imagined in order to exist?

The key word in your post is "somehow". Yes, it somehow is, end of story! There's nothing else to it, so don’t unnecessarily try to complicate it, my friend. ;)

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

No you don't, because you don't exist! What you call "you" is just a thought, just as "we" are just a thought! How can a thought imagine another thought?




What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

And I am afraid to ask questions, because you probably give me the answers I, like, imagine. 

Ya. It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘your’ thought per se, or ‘your’ thought which is from hearing what someone says, about Nonduality. Every single thought about what is not two, without exception, is a step away from, not two. The thought is ‘itself’ the step away, the veil. The ‘path’ is not conceptual, the ‘path’ is a concept. Only deconstruction, uncovering assumptions and beliefs ‘works’. ‘Removing layers’, never adding more concepts. 



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I wanted to engage in this initially, but not so much anymore. 

You're here asking strangers the question, so decide for yourself.

Edited by SourceCodo


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Yes, you are God and you are imagining me right now...

And I am imagining you.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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I agree that many here are preaching madness. However, since you do value fact over incoherent babble, the *fact* remains that...

17 minutes ago, SourceCodo said:

You spent an entire lifetime building your identity... It's the foundation of you while you hang out here. It really does give our interaction meaning... Gather experiences, live life, smell the air... It's a miracle we're here. 

... I most certainly did not. As you say, this identity is key to our interaction. It is not however of any use to me when it comes to smelling the air and so forth. It's a social thing. And while society is indeed a foundation to both our interaction and my life, it's not the identity part which is fundamental but the products and services I need such as food, the ER and so forth. Free access to essential services can unfortunately not be taken for granted but you need not be a communist in order to understand that neither our interaction nor smelling the air actually requires the property and good credit which happens to be associated with this legal identity of mine in certain databases.

17 minutes ago, SourceCodo said:

 why this line of thinking has been barred from normalized society since the early times. It often creates deluded minds that don't take anything seriously aside from their own perspective...

Oddly enough this delusion and lack of perspective strikes me as a good description of people well-adjusted to this "normalized" society.

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1 minute ago, commie said:

Oddly enough this delusion and lack of perspective strikes me as a good description of people well-adjusted to this "normalized" society.

I agree. I've just seen too many people fall off into the depths of madness, homelessness, isolation and worse from bringing in ideas they weren't ready for. I don't agree with lying to people, but I do believe it happened out of fear and for a reason (even if I disagree). It's an observation. 


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8 minutes ago, commie said:

I most certainly did not. As you say, this identity is key to our interaction. It is not however of any use to me when it comes to smelling the air and so forth. It's a social thing. And while society is indeed a foundation to both our interaction and my life, it's not the identity part which is fundamental but the products and services I need such as food, the ER and so forth. Free access to essential services can unfortunately not be taken for granted but you need not be a communist in order to understand that neither our interaction nor smelling the air actually requires the property and good credit which happens to be associated with this legal identity of mine in certain databases.

The you talking to me now is all I need. You're speaking from a frame of reference developed by you over a lifetime. You built ideas, let some go, accepted new ones, let others go... Imagining you're beyond concepts is still a concept. etc. etc.

It's not involved in your experience much, but it manifests in your interactions with me fairly clearly. 


Edited by SourceCodo


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3 hours ago, Vibroverse said:

Am I?

Why are you asking us if we could be imaginary?  Find out for yourself!  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 minutes ago, SourceCodo said:

The you talking to me now is all I need. You're speaking from a frame of reference developed by you over a lifetime. You built ideas, let some go, accepted new ones, let others go... Imagining you're beyond concepts is still a concept. etc. etc.

It's not involved in your experience much, but it manifests in your interactions with me fairly clearly.

Sure, but it's something you are imagining about someone else's life. I wouldn't recognize the identity you built for me. And no identity or individuality is required on my end of the conversation, except inasmuch as I happen to use an identity to pay the electrical utility, the telco and so forth which are enabling this conversation.

Like it or not, *these* are the facts of the matter... which is of course not an excuse for craziness. I've always said in this forum: if you're going to believe in anything, believe in other minds!

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18 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Why are you asking us if we could be imaginary?  Find out for yourself!  

Or your answers or my interpretation of your answers or even both perhaps might be so. 

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