
High Magick=Solipsism

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I read about high magick and these concepts seem to only make sense in the context of Solipsism, otherwise known as truth or awakening.

This guy Damien Echols is a great guy, he explains a bit how the Goetia is actually an element of the Solipsistic mechanics of the universe.

So here is the real question. Are the teachings of high magick (including all books and organizations) actually the scientific study of consciousness or the universe, but in the context of Solipsism, when it is recognized that physical and mental realities are in fact one and the same? Is Enlightenment what it means to be initiated into the occult?

I have learned to perceive auras, and I have realized that all objects have a distinct energy signature, or aura, and upon interacting with said objects, they will harmonize with my aura. Other humans have stronger auras than animals. Trees have powerful auras, even more so than humans. I have always perceived auras however, most of my life I was not conscious that these "feelings" when interacting with things was what an aura is. It was entirely subconscious. After learning these things, I became more interested in occult concepts, for I realized that many of these ideas sound fantastical, like "energy", "auras", "angels",  or "blessings", but in reality, when it comes to the occult, these words are not referring to something mysterious and inaccessible or some religious or Hollywood-esque interpretation.  These ideas are actually referring to things that are easily available to us everyday, things that exist in plain sight but we just don't notice them because they are subtle and we lack the terminology to be able to point at these things. Of course, High Magick supplies us with the vocabulary, we just don't know what they are pointing at.

I have been considering the idea of actually experimenting with conjuration. The Archangels, and their demonic counterparts, must correspond with the underlying mechanics of the universe, and how this reality is generated. You could call these psycho-physical forces? These correspond to different psychological components of the soul, and must invariable each have their unique influence on the occurrences of reality. I have no experience with conjuring angels and demons, but I have some ideas about what they are. The proper way to interpret is to see that God is synonymous with me, myself. God created these angels to help him manage this universe somehow.

Could these entities actually represent a finite number of souls, that manifest themselves as people? What if Archangel Michael is actually a person, but a sort of shapeshifter, becoming people at different times in my life, and because he is an angel, he takes the form of friendly, helpful people? Same with the demons, except when I encounter people who bring challenges, they could simply be one of these entities of mine, assuming a human form? In which case I have met these entities before when they were wearing human disguises. These angels and demons could simply be alter egos of God, manifesting as humans. This makes sense to me, for it's a simple explanation. After all, how many people do I ever have in my life at once? 10? 20 max? At the very most I will never really have more than 100 people in my life, so that corresponds roughly with the numbers. That is one theory. It could very much be wrong.

There is something to this however, I would like to know what angels and demons actually are.

Edited by Lionhead

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Well, gonna give u an answer if that is what u desire. The main problem I had with understanding angels and demons is duality. So if there is up, there is down, if there is cold there is hot. How then could it be that angels and demons are the same? Well, they are not. I recommend u leo's video about the ultimate structure of reality, but briefly: there is this singularity point that is fragmented in to infinite losing more and more it's shape. The closer they are to this singularity the more they remember and the more god-like they are. The further away the more they have forgotten, the more attached to themselves they are. So angels would be those who are close (more Non-duals, more god like) and demons would be far away, having forgotten that they come from source, having forgotten that they have forgotten, so more dual and more attached. They are both the same, we are all the same that is clear, the difference is how much they love and how non-dual they are, that is also the difference between angels, how close they are to this singularity. Demons are fear based that is their food. Angels are loving, and love is it's own food and it's own reword, the highest reward.

Also about auras, consider that they are even more superficial than the skin, so take that into account.

Also consider that magick is an amazing tool to understand reality. But don't get attached to it, that is the main problem. It is so amazing and incredible that it is very easy to take it as Truth. It is just a tool to understand.


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21 hours ago, Lionhead said:

concepts seem to only make sense in the context of Solipsism, otherwise known as truth or awakening.

As you said, solipsism is context. 

Awareness believes that context, and forms a concept of truth / awakening.

That concept is then a belief.  

The “believer” is “the knower”, of the concept of “truth” or “awakening”. 

Awareness sometimes bamboozles itself, apparently. 



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6 hours ago, The Buddha said:

Well, gonna give u an answer if that is what u desire. The main problem I had with understanding angels and demons is duality. So if there is up, there is down, if there is cold there is hot. How then could it be that angels and demons are the same? Well, they are not. I recommend u leo's video about the ultimate structure of reality, but briefly: there is this singularity point that is fragmented in to infinite losing more and more it's shape. The closer they are to this singularity the more they remember and the more god-like they are. The further away the more they have forgotten, the more attached to themselves they are. So angels would be those who are close (more Non-duals, more god like) and demons would be far away, having forgotten that they come from source, having forgotten that they have forgotten, so more dual and more attached. They are both the same, we are all the same that is clear, the difference is how much they love and how non-dual they are, that is also the difference between angels, how close they are to this singularity. Demons are fear based that is their food. Angels are loving, and love is it's own food and it's own reword, the highest reward.

Also about auras, consider that they are even more superficial than the skin, so take that into account.

Also consider that magick is an amazing tool to understand reality. But don't get attached to it, that is the main problem. It is so amazing and incredible that it is very easy to take it as Truth. It is just a tool to understand.


Auras are more superficial than skin? That's a new idea for the mind. I have always considered auras as a means to uncover underlying emotions and energies that are driving an appearance or manifestation, or at least, a perceptible extension of an object/ person's essence. Do you mean to point out that auras constantly change, and it is therefore unreasonable to make conclusions about something based on information gathered from the aura? Isn't the aura the astral body, the energetic signature of something?

Also, I understand the difference between angels and demons. I'm talking about what these entities actually are in direct experience. When it comes to magick, certain terms are usually coded language meant to refer to something subtle and illusive. Angels are an actual phenomenon that can be observed directly, but I have no idea how to uncover this or where exactly to look, but it does refer to something real.

5 hours ago, Nahm said:

As you said, solipsism is context. 

Awareness believes that context, and forms a concept of truth / awakening.

That concept is then a belief.  

The “believer” is “the knower”, of the concept of “truth” or “awakening”. 

Awareness sometimes bamboozles itself, apparently. 

Unfortunately I am forced to do that in order to continue constructing concepts and understandings about reality. I know that I'm correct but I'm not experiencing it or living it necessarily. In the rare moments that I actually experience the truth of life directly, I couldn't care less about any of this stuff, ironically.

It's strange to think about. My heart doesn't give a shit about being a philosopher, but my mind does. You are right in that I'm off-track. It makes me sad if I'm being honest. Even if I know the truth of reality, it makes no difference and I still don't know how to be a human.

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39 minutes ago, Lionhead said:

Unfortunately I am forced to do that in order to continue constructing concepts and understandings about reality.

I’m just gonna flat out level with ya brother, that is a sad, practically heartbreaking sentence to read. If it feels that way to you as well, at least consider you might be driving under a not-you influence, and going the wrong way. Maybe someone from your past, a parent, etc. If you were raised Catholic, this would make a lot of sense. 


I know that I'm correct but I'm not experiencing it or living it necessarily. In the rare moments that I actually experience the truth of life directly, I couldn't care less about any of this stuff, ironically.

Unknow it. Stop “learning” & “conceptualizing”. Start expressing, start living. Use the emotional scale on the daily. This whole place comes alive. 

When, exactly, is the truth of life not so?  When is the sky not clear, clouds or no clouds? 

Why brings clouds? What could be said to force such a thing? 


It's strange to think about. My heart doesn't give a shit about being a philosopher, but my mind does. You are right in that I'm off-track. It makes me sad if I'm being honest. Even if I know the truth of reality, it makes no difference and I still don't know how to be a human.

I kinda figured. I feel for ya man. Path ain’t always easy I suppose, but that’s when we stop and listen to feeling. Feeling is always there, always there for you, without fail, without misdirection, without exception. I might be speaking from a certain drunkenness and intoxication admittedly, but I wouldn’t set a foot in this place without feeling. Maybe that’s just me though (solipsism call back pun.) xD 

Expression. ? Poetry. Relief. This. ? Dreamboard stat! 

I don’t know much about being human either. No one does really. I’m just me’in. 

Edit...also...these grounding, body awareness, etc...once or twice a day, five or ten minutes each time...they’re game changers. The mind calms, voluntary thinking is spotted in it’s quieting...and insights naturally arise... and they don’t feel busied...they feel really good. 



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51 minutes ago, Nahm said:

I’m just gonna flat out level with ya brother, that is a sad, practically heartbreaking sentence to read. If it feels that way to you as well, at least consider you might be driving under a not-you influence, and going the wrong way. Maybe someone from your past, a parent, etc. If you were raised Catholic, this would make a lot of sense. 

Unknow it. Stop “learning” & “conceptualizing”. Start expressing, start living. Use the emotional scale on the daily. This whole place comes alive. 

When, exactly, is the truth of life not so?  When is the sky not clear, clouds or no clouds? 

Why brings clouds? What could be said to force such a thing? 

I kinda figured. I feel for ya man. Path ain’t always easy I suppose, but that’s when we stop and listen to feeling. Feeling is always there, always there for you, without fail, without misdirection, without exception. I might be speaking from a certain drunkenness and intoxication admittedly, but I wouldn’t set a foot in this place without feeling. Maybe that’s just me though (solipsism call back pun.) xD 

Expression. ? Poetry. Relief. This. ? Dreamboard stat! 

I don’t know much about being human either. No one does really. I’m just me’in. 

Edit...also...these grounding, body awareness, etc...once or twice a day, five or ten minutes each time...they’re game changers. The mind calms, voluntary thinking is spotted in it’s quieting...and insights naturally arise... and they don’t feel busied...they feel really good. 

Well you are right. I feel vulnerable these days. I'm a sad person. I don't have the strength to follow my heart. Something is wrong with the way I live and make decisions. I hate it. The only hope is that it's all crumbling, the cracks have become fissures. I think I'm beginning to understand what the shadow is. I'm going through a lot of pain, the way I think, it's all to suppress the heart. Because I don't really believe I can meet my heart's desires, so I run away. That's when the false personality is created. But it's too painful, thinking about this just makes me want to cry. The worst part, these facts always elude me, but it's probably transparent and plain to other people.

Thank you for that resource though, I've never used the emotional scale.

I pursue spirituality to run away from my heart, but spirituality only leads me back to the heart. That's my situation.

Edited by Lionhead

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16 hours ago, Lionhead said:

Auras are more superficial than skin? That's a new idea for the mind. I have always considered auras as a means to uncover underlying emotions and energies that are driving an appearance or manifestation, or at least, a perceptible extension of an object/ person's essence. Do you mean to point out that auras constantly change, and it is therefore unreasonable to make conclusions about something based on information gathered from the aura? Isn't the aura the astral body, the energetic signature of something?

I mean that from the inside to the outside, the aura is the most superficial part of yourself. There is no much point about them. 99% of the people have  totally disharmonic auras, so u won't see much. Only when people is very specific, or they struggle a lot with something is when it is shown. Also obviusly with saints, but u don't need to see the aura to feel the love!

16 hours ago, Lionhead said:

Also, I understand the difference between angels and demons. I'm talking about what these entities actually are in direct experience. When it comes to magick, certain terms are usually coded language meant to refer to something subtle and illusive. Angels are an actual phenomenon that can be observed directly, but I have no idea how to uncover this or where exactly to look, but it does refer to something real.

Well If I had to describe them in very easy and simple words would be like this: Demon understands there is good and evil, an angel does not. Even the most advanced magician think that angels and demons are two sides of the same coin, but they couldn't be more wrong. The angel sees the coin, the demon sees both sides.


However to be honest this is purely spiritual masturbation, which is great not gonna lie. But do the work first. Then contact and ask for help to this entities. Have at least a very good base to start. That base is gonna be fucked up hundreds of times but anyway I can feel that u are bit green and for doing any type of magic first u have to do magic with yourself. Transform yourself in a more loving and compassionate being then do magic

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Though I’d been intending to do it for a while, what you shared inspired me to add an example of going through the emotional scale on my site. Check it out if you like, just scroll down below the picture of the scale. Thank you, and I hope you find some relief & inspiration as well. 



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I read it. Well my vibrational match appears here not in my life. How wonderful is that. 

Well if I am ought to live this. Pointless since for me there is no experience anymore so why dream when it's all the same.

Will like to hear an answer to that. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity Gd lol. 

@Nahm Asking you because I know you are actually awake and not philosopher and I know you live as this love thing. 

So why do you dream knowing all this stuff. 

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@Nahm Can't really ask Connor. 

Like he purifued himself and all that but he will fall off eventually. 

One of the beauty of being who you are is that you are not separated from anyone and that you can actually feel anyones "energy" and ❤️. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

That is illusory, this is why. 

You mean "fight for love" how you call it. 

In a sense I dropped all interest in all "fight for love" understanding too. Just compassion for it. 




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32 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

You mean "fight for love" how you call it. 

In a sense I dropped all interest in all "fight for love" understanding too. Just compassion for it. 

Sounds nice, but no mind is just an apparent reflection. Not even really. 



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