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Jared Gregory

Replacing Work With The Word Enjoyment

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Hello you wonderful people :)

I am a recent graduate from university and now I am a professional Actor, which is pretty cool for me. I understand many of you all have different types of jobs some that you may like or some that you really don't like. Me and my cousin were talking about this topic. Recently i told a friend about me graduating etc doing acting not because it's a dog eat dog world and that " you got to fight in this world for work' just a common thing some people say to me, but because i enjoy it and treat it as a game.  

Since I have had this mindset towards acting I've had quite a lot of auditions which has surprised me because several years ago I would be very competitive, selfish, and very much unconscious towards the thing i enjoy doing.  Just having this approach towards work has made me feel happier and now i don't really call it work anymore more as i treat it like a game. 

I just wanted to see if anybody else has a positive outlook in there line of work. :)


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i feel exactly like that because i follow an academic career in the computer science field. everything flows so softly. my rhythm is so slow and i have time to live well.

in 2014 i was selfish and ambitious and it hurt me a lot.

unborn Truth

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