Man will not think of lofty things unless they are satiated

charlie cho
By charlie cho in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
One ancient politician had quoted this "Man will not think of lofty things not until they are fed enough bread". I know this quote may be controversial to many, but this has stuck in my head since I was 16 years old. It turns out the politician was right. He made his country so rich (about 2500 years ago) richer than any other faction that people started to be more mannerly, loving, and preside with dignity. Although the politician himself may have acted or made speeches that may have seemed ruthless, while he was living, people were living both prosperously and most morally.  What do you guys think? can man ever think of lofty things without being satiated physically? I guess, Jesus wasn't very rich from an early age, but was still able to think of lofty subjects, so there are always exceptions. What is the best course for us to be more mannery, polite, and loving? Focusing on the physical world only?
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