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charlie cho

Man will not think of lofty things unless they are satiated

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One ancient politician had quoted this "Man will not think of lofty things not until they are fed enough bread". I know this quote may be controversial to many, but this has stuck in my head since I was 16 years old. It turns out the politician was right. He made his country so rich (about 2500 years ago) richer than any other faction that people started to be more mannerly, loving, and preside with dignity. Although the politician himself may have acted or made speeches that may have seemed ruthless, while he was living, people were living both prosperously and most morally. 

What do you guys think? can man ever think of lofty things without being satiated physically? I guess, Jesus wasn't very rich from an early age, but was still able to think of lofty subjects, so there are always exceptions. What is the best course for us to be more mannery, polite, and loving? Focusing on the physical world only?

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Thanks for making this post. 

I don't know who said that quote. 

But it's a very wise one. In so many days I found at least one good thread in the meditation subforum which looks like a no nonsense thread. 

I always feel like when my basic needs are not met, I tend to behave in animalistic ways where I toss out lofty ideals of character out of the window 

So it's right. When our lower chakra needs are not met, we can't truly invest in higher purpose and great character. 

It's not like it's impossible, but it's difficult. 

For example if my survival is in danger, I could care less about Decency and punch a person in the face if that person was threatening my survival.. 

Our basest survival is where our greatest virtues are tested. 

That's the basis of abuse. That's where it begins. 

But when a rich cushy person who never had to struggle much in life and had a privileged existence lectures me on how I need to be Divinely forgiving and cute and sweeter than sweet, that's what I find deeply hypocritical. 

Because I want to see how those same people would respond if they were made to suffer in similar ways. 

Once when I was assaulted on a bus by a guy trying to get his hands on me, I fought back hard and pushed him off. 

I hate when people looked at me and thought I was too harsh. No. I was simply trying to survive and not get hurt. 

It sucks when people judge you but don't understand your struggles. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India well. Yeah. I'm one of those poor guys. I'm currently really trying to be whole as a person, and not be too one sided. Not too philosophical nor be too pragmatic. To embrace paradox into my life. 

the politician's name is Guan Zhong. I was really inspired by him because he himself was ruthless and cruel in some ways when he was young. His friend named Po used to always be nice to him even when he was a little devilish. They would do business together, and Guan would take more money from Po from the profit. Po knew Guan wasn't wealthy, and he would tell others to not worry about him getting his profits unfairly stolen. Guan would lose 3 battles in a row and run away to find Po for help. Po would always consolidate him saying that he will win next time. And the last time when Guan was working for another faction and tried to kill the Po's faction warlord, he failed and got captured. Po pleaded the king to save Guan (you should never argue against king's decision at the time so easily) saying Guan is actually a talented young friend despite having no credentials (this is a very dangerous move, and people who do this often gets killed altogether)

Eventually, Guan had rose higher in rank than Po because he indeed was talented in both politics, economics, and war. While Guan was dying, he said it was all because of his friend Po, not his parents, that bred him to do what he wanted to create in his life. Crying, he told his disciples that although his parents brought him to this world, it is actually Po who had created him. 


Edited by charlie cho

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@charlie cho yep that story makes sense. 

Our environment has a huge impact on us 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@charlie cho yep. Your right. A person is not heartless just because they are a warrior. They are simply trying to survive. And they deserve respect. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India im sorry. i haven't read your post that deeply first, but now i have. I personally think mindsets are important. My brother thought a lot like you. He lived in Korea in early childhood 1 -10 while i lived in new zealand 1- 10. But he views the world as if it is out of get him. He has a scarcity mindset and would always complain how he struggled in life. He always emphasized, "struggle"! Sometimes, he would glorify this "struggle" and make it into a victim mentality. 

Not to say I never had times I really didn't want to live. But I never ever felt the way he did. I could not see the world that long term as my brother still lives in that paradigm. 

I saw this mostly when I first came to Korea at age 10. People in New Zealand were kind, natural, just really connected with nature. We don't have big dreams, no ambitions. People in New Zealand just talks about chilling, loving yourself, then loving the people around you when you feel like it. When I first came to Korea, it was so tense, the energy was dense, hateful, and cynical. The fucking education competition, the competition to win was intense. And the competition isn't healthy at fucking all. The competition has no fucking rules! You lie cheat and rob people! You see this really well in the Korean education system which is so fucked up to the T. These fucking english teachers who can't speak a lick of english pretended to be better than me, and I believed them! The propoganda in history class bashing on other countries but always praising how beautiful korea was was outstanding to me. The military propoganda to oppose North Korea was immense! I initially would have never talked about the importance of energy in social dynamics, but after taking a course from RSD Tyler, I am absolutely convinced this "energy" concept is too real to just ignore - I don't care how selfish and egotistical Tyler is, he makes statements that make total sense to me- and Korea fit exactly with that tense energy mindset. I realized, 90% of the students in Korea was exactly like my brother! I thought it was solely his fault, but no! The other 10% were my friends. LOL. I have an ENTJ personality, and I was good at making groups and being the leader of the pack. Somewhat, I made my group shame those 90% who would not shut the fuck up because sometimes they would get too negative to my tastes.

My point is, you're from India right? Not trying to sound patriarchal, but there is a certain energy field that can really get in your head. And the stronger you are, the more resistant you can be, but most people can't be that way when they are young. Young kids suck the energy out of the environment. That's why it's crucial! Crucial how you lived from 1- 8 years old! This has been documented with psychology professors, but though I have not much experience of life, I think this is true! And usually it's true that countries that are not as rich, countries that feel they are inferior to other nations usually have that negative energy (you gotta understand, new zealand isn't that superior to Korea that much, yet New Zealanders have a pride about them that is solid and healthy!) 

So I was always the lone leader of the pack in Korea, sucking korean kids who were positive! (very rare though). Maybe in India, that energy is dense right? MAybe, don't you feel like you fell victim to your environment's energy? You gotta understand, I lived in korea, and I did not, or I had the power to fuck the negative "Korean" energy and tried to find Korean kids that were positive and I'll tell you it was hard as fuck. 

Edited by charlie cho

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