
Are You Enlightened? An Honest Self Exam

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@Tim R It's all Love. Like all and you are it. 

OP just want you to grow a bit nothing else. I know you are me and I love you in best way I can. 

But if you really want this stuff and ar really intersted in this. I am sorry to say but you will lose pretty much all your egoic emotions for example also pretty much all of your own devilry too etc. 

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9 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

It's all Love.

@zeroISinfinity I've glimpsed that by accident and it's to this day the most incredible realization I've ever had. 

10 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

But if you really want this stuff and ar really intersted in this. I am sorry to say but you will lose pretty much all your egoic emotions for example also pretty much all of your own devilry too etc. 

I'd really like to meet a human being who is like this. Get infected with their Love.

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@Tim R You are that Love you just have to feel it. Not really hidden since it's you/all. 

Also one more thing it's kind of lets say self actualization thing. Love and respect yourselves.I don't beleive Leo wants his bald head kissed for example whole point of doing this work is for you to finally stand on your feet. 

So it's not really about me it's about you and what you want to dream about. 

I am serb you know, kinda of a like to remain hidden and we are crazy so I don't recommend hanging out with me. ?

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@zeroISinfinity @Forestluv  

I’m in a process of waking up to the real nature of reality and you guys are fucking awesome. Wow. You are showing me how deep This goes. Thank u?❤️

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The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.

- Luke 17:20-21

Isn't it interesting that observation is meaningless, and Self-realization is everything?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, Valwyndir said:


1. Do you ever seek to invalidate someone else's perspective?

2. Do you see certain perspectives as more "correct" than other perspectives.

3. Do you believe gaining another perspective means letting go of an old one?

4. Do you believe that to abide in non-dual awareness you must erase all dualities in your mind?

5. Do you believe that from the absolute perspective, reality is infinite?

6. Do you believe that from the absolute perspective, you are God?

Enlightenment is seeing past the fabrication of perspective itself. 

Enlightenment is to see the dependence of everything on everything else.

So many people get caught up in being God that they forget to enjoy their humanness. 

You are both human and God. You are not one more than you are the other.


The bottom line is that reality is non-dual. 

The dualities you seek to invalidate are the essence of the non-dual paradigm you seek to validate. 

The key here is nonattachment. 



Good examination of non- duality here but I had a few more questions. 

Who is the "you" you refer to in your questions? 

What do you mean when you use the word Enlightenment? 

What do you mean when you use the word "God"? 

How (experientially not theoretically) have you arrived at this perspective? 

You describe Enlightenment as a way of seeing. But perhaps place less emphasis on it's meaning and more emphasis on it as being or a Knowing. 

You are trying to describe the indescribable. 

Good attempt though. 


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5 hours ago, Valwyndir said:

You are both human and God. You are not one more than you are the other.

Abiding on the ground of God is like playing a video game and always having awareness on the screen.

It takes away from the immersion of the video game

Lol I guess that's one way of putting it.  I'll take infinite beauty and love over narrative and illusion through.  Isn't that the whole point of spiritual work?

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@Arcangelo Lol, he isn't. He is smart though. 

This isn't at all an examination of enlightenment. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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(AND it's okay.) 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I'm not enlightened because I fear it too much ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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4 hours ago, Tim R said:

So what about your perspective of "reality is groundless" then?

Isn't that itself what you in your own words "would consider a ground"?

Exactly :)

That's why I also said not to get attached to my perspective. The dualistic mind will just make it another ground. 

It's impossible to use language to describe what "groundless" points to. 

5 hours ago, Tim R said:

Not true non-duality. The essence of non-duality is that it has no opposite. 


I'm attempting to explain how most people just create the duality of non-duality vs duality instead of directly realizing what "non-duality" points to. 

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5 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

@Valwyndir I don't think you are enlightened.


Me neither. Enlightened vs unenlightened is just another duality haha. 

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4 hours ago, Surfingthewave said:

Who is the "you" you refer to in your questions? 

Only you can answer that question. This post is designed to help you do just that.

4 hours ago, Surfingthewave said:

What do you mean when you use the word Enlightenment? 

What do you mean when you use the word "God"? 

I don't mean anything by them. To me, those words have about as much meaning as the word "reality."

But I do have an idea of most people's limited definitions of those words, which is why I used them. 

This post is designed to shatter any paradigm of "enlightenment" or "God" that you have. 

Even though most paradigms on this forum could be considered relatively more conscious than the average person,

they are still being grasped onto. 

This post is designed to help people become aware of this attachment.   

4 hours ago, Surfingthewave said:

How (experientially not theoretically) have you arrived at this perspective? 

This is implying that this perspective is my new ground. 

It's not. This perspective is no more "correct" than any other.  

It's simply a perspective that I know most people haven't entertained, which is why I offered it. 

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1 hour ago, Heart of Space said:

Lol I guess that's one way of putting it.  I'll take infinite beauty and love over narrative and illusion through.  Isn't that the whole point of spiritual work?

Before spiritual work, you looked at a tree and simply saw a tree.

During spiritual work, there will be a point when you start to see a tree as something other than a tree such as a hologram or God's fabricated dream tree. 

At this point, you'll feel more sapient, but you'll notice there's still a significant amount of suffering. 

Many experience a dark night of the soul at this point because their world is perceived as unreal and lacking meaning.

As you progress even further, you'll go back to seeing a tree simply as a tree (this is progress not regress). 

And this is where the liberation really starts kicking in. 

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@Moksha look closer into the translation of that verse. Many suggest it is not saying the Kingdom is within

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Ultimately, no test can truly capture if someone is Enlightened. This term also varies in definition for practically everyone. I consider myself to be Enlightened in a certain sense, but this is not typical Theravada Enlightenment. It’s based more on how “deep” or “high” your insight and consciousness has gone rather than where your baseline state is at. Imo, if you haven’t realized yourself as God to the extent ALL fear is destroyed and you most likely do something radical in this state that shows the extent in which you have extinguished fear, you aren’t fully awake. That’s just my take and one facet of awakening, but if you haven’t had it, you haven’t had it all. 

What does one example of this look like? Running outside on public streets fully nude without even feeling the rocks under your feet as painful and being fully comfortable conversing with a family on their porch. When you know you created literally everything, worries about legality, social norms, etc. fly out the window. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I think it's important to offer a perspective yes,  and what you're offering is exactly how attached we get to certain perspectives. 

The perspective is still not real. 

It is still a story. 

If it helps you to arrive at the recognition of what is, then great.

Just be careful of over complicating and over theorising. 

Walk away from all perspectives and see what happens.

I don't personally have a paradigm of what Enlightenment or God is. I gave all that up years ago. That's the golden key. I had the key, but there is no door. 

I just relish in the what is. 

The what is, is, experiencing. 

No concepts, no stories. 

It's the most beautiful thing. 


Edited by Surfingthewave

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All of this just feels like a mystery. Whether it is the so called "sound" of a so-called "dishwasher", or the so-called "human's" so called "Search" for so-called "enlightenment". The contrast between nothingness and somethingness.

I can safely say i can never know what enlightenment is or whether i have reached it or not.

I mean, i could be enlightened already but wouldn't know it because i cannot see what they mean by enlightenment. All i got in the end are descriptions and stories from other people.


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The questions seem more like: are u yellow?

However I well understand your point but you are also clinging to the no-attachment of reality, see? That is why it is not that easy. It's the game of the mind, the prison of the mind, wanting reality to be one way not another. So by saying don't get attached to anything you are getting attached to that perspective of the world. The only way out is full desire, in other words desire all reality (unconditional love) or not desire anything at all (neither desiring not to desire), if desire nothing the it is also unconditional love. So the way is not saying this is like this or like that, or u should do this or the other, the point is that doesn't matter you love what there is now, even if it's dual or non-dual, materialistic or idealistic, you see the illusion in all and trascend in loving whatever there is. See this is the problem when u realize Conciousness and Truth but not love, that your understanding  gets deluded. Don't wanna sound cliche but love is truly the answer. Who doesn't want to love? The problem is that to love more and more you have to be selfless and lose yourself. The problem is that the ego loves to be someone who knows and is concious but the Light of love destroys all ilusion. It is the same as when u love someone, and u start meeting... there is a point where your union is maximum. It is at that point where they both want space. Why? because the love is uniting them so much that they are losing themselves, their individuality and identity. We want this perfect love and orgasmic existence of full ecstasy but we don't want to lose ourselves in this universal Love. But see, there is no choice beloved. The love of God is all being and the reunification will happen even if u want it or not, u will experience death, so universal justice will be done and Love will be all you are.

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