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Purist thinking

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I noticed some similarities I have with white separatists and grammar Nazis.  These people insist on something being done one way while resisting evolution.  It is a fruitless battle because evolution does not stop because I don't like it.  "Ain't" is now a word in the dictionary and the white race can't be separated forever.

In my case I noticed sentimentality with video games.  Speed runners broke the game and are not playing it the way intended.  I'm not the only one who feels disappointed by this.  I nevertheless would rather enjoy the effort people put into beating games as fast as possible.  some people try 10,000 times before they get a world record speedrun.

Purist thinking is similar to conservatism.  The objective is to maintain the status quo.  This is a form of collective homeostasis.  This idea of keeping things the way they are is meant to serve our survival.  Why do I resist a better way though?  Especially when it is clearly good.

Other examples include

"I didn't get student debt forgiveness.".

" this is how our ancestors did it. ".

"This ideology or religion is true and any change to it is a corruption."

" Psychedelics are invalid because enlightenment is not a state. ". 

" Don't kill the penny. " "save our history."(sentimentality),

How should I approach my sentimentality toward evolution?  Can I stop thinking of the death of the old way as a bad thing?  Have you noticed your own purist thinking?

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31 minutes ago, trenton said:

How should I approach my sentimentality toward evolution? 

With more curiosity & inspection. ?



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Understanding deeply that everything changes sooner or later resolves that issue. 

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