
Materialism, idealism, solipsism, panpsychism What is TRUE? NONE? Wat isn't

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Everyone agrees that matter (no matter if it is or isn't the structure of reality) can influence consciousness OR the content of consciousness, if you say that time is a content of consciousness (illusory or not). Like Sam harris said in the interview with rupert sipra, anaesthesia influences the continuity of consciousness.
Rupert sipra said that it didn't. THAT I don't understand. Continuity has nothing to do with objective time? Or is continuity still continuity between falling asleep and waking up, because there is no experience during "sleep".

If idealism is true, consciousness creates and manipulates matter. Every living being is a conscious agent and their consciousness fuels the existence of it's content including matter and the whole universe. Infinite timelines and infinite universes? The mandela effect is possible with this worldview. Mandela died in prison in some timelines and mandela became president in other timelines. Consciousness decides the "objective" reality the soul lives in.

Panpsychism (top-down) is basically infinite mind, so I guess you guys are on board with the idea that we are the universe (God) splitting itself and experiencing itself.
Panpsychism bottom up, is basically materialism with consciousness at it's base, which I guess means the same thing as top-down, just from a different/objective perspective.

Solipsism is basically Idealism, everyone has their own timeline and happenings, the higher self creates everything INCLUDING seemingly conscious agents which aren't conscious, just contents of the dream, meat-robots.

From my awakenings, IF I HAD to construct a metaphysical worldview without thinking about it, it would be a mix from pan-psychism and solipsism, Solipsism with the only distinction, that I am nothing, exactly like the other conscious agents. However, I refuse to believe that other agents aren't conscious, even though they are no-thing. I cannot know that, you probably can't either.

What from what I said is true, what is BS? Do we share a dream, which varies for every conscious agent? Are YOU the only conscious agent, and this text is just your higher self summoning it?

"It's a dream", well a solipsistic one, an idealistic one or a panpsychist one? That reality has the substance of a dream, doesn't mean I am the only conscious angent even though it SEEMS that way.

Can you know that this experience is NOT solipsistic? Or does it go up to solipsism and the rest you have to assume?

Enlighten my metaphysical hypothesis of the world, before I taste the nothingness again.

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 Continuity has nothing to do with objective time probably, from my experience at least, losing objective time means just that you do not feel time, you are not concerned by time as if there is no better or worse time, because for you there is no difference in this matter, but it does not mean that you do not recognize continuity, change in experience, or you do not know conceptual meaning of time as for example, at this time I need to be there, or do that. 

Edited by PureRogueQ

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3 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Can you know that this experience is NOT solipsistic? Or does it go up to solipsism and the rest you have to assume?

When you directly realize your Self, not at the conceptual, but at the spiritual level, solipsism shows its empty hand. When your eyes open, you see the sameness, and the seamless contiguity, between all beings. That seeing dispels the lie of solipsism. Nonduality finally makes sense, not to the mind, but to the God that You are. I am only localized Consciousness, a transient wave with a beginning and an ending, but ultimately I am God, and so are you.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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6 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Everyone agrees that matter (no matter if it is or isn't the structure of reality) can influence consciousness OR the content of consciousness

Perceptions can be changed (content of consciousness), not consciousness itself

8 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Like Sam harris said in the interview with rupert sipra, anaesthesia influences the continuity of consciousness.
Rupert sipra said that it didn't. THAT I don't understand. Continuity has nothing to do with objective time? Or is continuity still continuity between falling asleep and waking up, because there is no experience during "sleep".

Time doesn't exist, which makes the notion of "continuity" obsolete. That's why Spira said there's no influence on continuity. 

10 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Do we share a dream, which varies for every conscious agent

There are no conscious agents. There's just the dream and that dream is a groundless appearance of consciousness as whatever it happens to appear.

The same Buddha-Nature that I realize myself to be, I can also see when I look at you.  

15 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Can you know that this experience is NOT solipsistic?

Solipsism is a shell game, a fraud, it's not real. No "solus" and no "ipse" because there's nobody homexD

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@Moksha Yeah well nothingness within me came with a mirror of no-thing-ness in other-selves. Well it was long ago, I'll ask the solipsism question when god shoves his grace down my throat again :D 

@Kalo I used materialism to show that matter (and time) influences contents of consciousness and to compare materialism with bottom-up panpsychism. Because Materialism can be true IF you include consciousness in as the most fundamental thing within objective reality.

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@Tim R Okay, what are your thoughts about idealism? Is it a lucid dream or is it just a regular dream?


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2 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

@Moksha Yeah well nothingness within me came with a mirror of no-thing-ness in other-selves. 

Isn't that your answer? If Your ultimate nature, directly realized, is recognized as the same nature that imbues everything else, how could solipsism be true?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha Well because the illusory thing that was projected within me, the ego, was also projected within other-selves, but the fact that my self was illusory and the nothingness, means that other-selves are also illusory. However, there is no direct perception/evidence of the other-self being sentient, just the projection of my ego into other people, which was destroyed by the insight into no-thing-ness of the self.

I'm not sure everyone is on the same page here. Intuitively I would say panpsychism (top down). From pure perception I can only say Solipsism, and from wishful thinking: idealism.

It's not clear to me (yet). I wonder if it is clear to you guys. If there is any doubt.

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@Kalo Matter influences the objects of consciousness, the ego, the lower self. anaesthesia for example. Now what is the unchanging consciousness underneath it, isn't clear to me. You could make the case about "jumping" in time from the instant you fall asleep until the moment you wake up. But that's too subjective for me. Especially if you are not idealist or solipsistic.

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@Nahm I don't know what you mean by me-ism. My experience is real. even if it has the substance of a dream. Me is nothingness as a structure, and other objects/perceptions as it's contents. Lower self may be an illusory identity, but still an experience, which may not make it necessarily true but it exists.

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All of it is TRUTH. Many parts are True. Other parts are true. All of it is FALSE. Many parts are False. Other parts are false. This applies to everything though. All of it, none of it, and some of it is this ???????????♾❤️???????????????‍?????etc. forever. 

But really, to be honest, it all just IS as IS everything else, and that’s all that matters. 

But if you want my detailed take on each philosophy in the full nuance I can provide, pm me and we can talk on the phone or FaceTime. You’ll never get enough nuance reading text on this forum. Look for a more human connection imo when trying to get answers to this stuff. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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11 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Like Sam harris said in the interview with rupert sipra, anaesthesia influences the continuity of consciousness.
Rupert sipra said that it didn't. THAT I don't understand. Continuity has nothing to do with objective time? 

When Rupert had the anaesthisia the mind stopped being aware but consciousness was still there. Nothing influences it on that level. Time happens within consciousness.

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@Vibroverse your understanding of "True" is not the same for me. 

My own definition of TRUTH=undeniably True.  Only direct experience meets this definition.

All philosophy is just conceptual noise. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here Okay, fair enough, however the things that are not perceived are not necessarily "untrue". There is still a possibility of it being outside of our reach. The fact that you cannot know if other humans are sentient, doesn't mean they aren't.

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@BipolarGrowth We can have a phone call about this if you want, but why don't you share your understanding of metaphysical reality so everyone can read it in this thread?

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None of those terms do the truth justice.

The best way to put it is: It's God!

Stop using those philosophy terms and just say GOD.

Reality is God. The end.

Now all that's left is for you to awaken to what is God?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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