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Atmospheric Energetic Resonance: Improvisational Creativity (music not songs)

2 posts in this topic

So as described.

Noticing that I find it extremely difficult to consciously create music when others around (even if they're 50 meters away) --- only when I energetically resonate with the environment can I----(has nothing to do with nervousness really), I find that they inhabit my consciousness, influencing my emotions incredibly, so I've decided to make an experiment of it. Very fascinatingly, it feels like I tap into the emotional wavelengths of the surrounding area, of other peoples energies, that are not my own, so express their emotions through my voice or my emotions of the unique energetic atmosphere through my voice. 

It's extremely unusual, that I'm not able to inhabit my own world in this way, that there are all these consciousness simultaneously entering and influencing my own being the beginning point of which is an energetic improvisation through the ending point being song.

I see this more as an energetic improvisation than a music improvisation, because I'm tapping into what's being experienced on that level rather than "trying to come up with a song".

Don't think of what I post here as "songs", just think of them as resonant pieces.

I'll be keeping them as pure as possible, starting from the beginning of a recording before I even start strumming the guitar (or whatever else) so the energetic transitions can be captured.


[[[[[[ few hours later..... and as the consciousnesses fly off further and further away from me, my being begins to return to homeostasis, rekindle its inner essence, warmth flows in, and essence becomes the sunlight that shines out onto the world from the head, no longer nearly as influenced by outside energies  ------- this is the foundation in which "self channeling" can begin to arise"]]]] 

Edited by Origins

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Read first post for understanding of what I'm doing here (sometimes there will be unavoidable sound issues)


WHITE BACKGROUND RESONANT (no "me" just tuning) - 5th of Feb




Edited by Origins

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