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  • The mythology of the Greeks - once upon a time the Gods on high Olympus had the desire to create something so they got together and they took clay and they molded it into the form of a beautiful woman, and having made a perfect statue the Gods decided to give it life, so they made it living and each gave something to it.  Athena gave it wisdom, understanding, sympathy and insight.  One of the others gave it courage, another gave it longevity, and many of the Goddesses got together and made beautiful robes and garments and flowered turbans for this new wonderful creature and when they all had finished there was Pandora.
  • Pandora is an interesting symbol and most interpreters have failed to get the meaning of it.  It is evident that Pandora is a personifying symbol of the planet Earth itself.
  • It began, or is basically clay, it is molded into the detours and forms and lines and styles that we see today.
  • All the wisdom of the ages has conferred beauty upon the earth, wisdom and courage and understanding and laws, so that it is truly a gorgeous planet and this is what the Gods had indented and which they had accomplished so magnificently.
  • Zeus was having troubles with Prometheus, a titan that was brave, strong and audacious and this titan had dared to take the fire of heaven against the will of Zeus and give it to mortals among the Earth.
  • Prometheus had a brother who was also an activist who was concerned largely and deeply with the advancement of the work of fire upon the Earth and on the the development of arts, crafts and sciences.
  • Zeus was weighing that Pandora should marry this titan, so they got married with a great ceremony and as a wedding present Zeus bestowed upon Pandora a box.
  • Some say it was the shape of a cube, some say the shape of the Earth or a vase or urn with a lid, some believed it was some kind of a casket.
  • He gave it with the admonition that under no condition should it be opened.


  • Pandora was not the one who opened the box, it was her husband, and he let out all the ills and evils of mankind to come out of the box and before he could get the lid down everything was gone except hope which was clinging desperately to the inside of the box.
  • Here we have nature; beautiful and wonderful and united in marriage to the ambitions of the human mind.  And that was the beginning of the big trouble.  It was the big trouble because no sooner had the husband become aware and seen the disaster flowing out of the box, he was impelled to do something about it and nearly everything everyone has done about it since the beginning has only made things worse.
  • Every development, invention, science, has its box.  It has its Pandora lid down, and somebody lifts it.  Then the trouble starts.
  • The trouble gradually forms to prove conclusively that practically every achievement of man is in violation with the laws of nature.  The struggle between man and nature begins in the story of Pandora's box.
  • In this particular case, we find that man attempting to advance his own destiny in the natural world, begins from the beginning to do his will and not the will of nature.  He does not follow the loving pattern of his wife, Pandora, but of his brother, Prometheus, who is bound to create a world that pleases him and in this process he gets creation into difficulties.
  • Nearly everything we know today began with nature.  He have a planet that is capable of sustaining a large number of human beings, also many other forms of life and like a ship is floating through space in its orbit. 
  • The Earth is capable of a great deal of advancement and perfection, but it is also capable of a great many disorders because nature comes to tell us that there are laws that must be followed and man says these laws of nature do not agree with our ambitions, we do not want to live according to nature, we want to shape nature according to ourselves.
  • We wish to become the rulers of this planet, we are going to be like Pandora's husband.  We are going to run this world as we believe it should be run and we are going to keep right on doing this.
  • Somewhere in the beginning of time it was not obvious that most creatures had very little knowledge of natural law, they only had experience to prove to them what was best and what was not best.
  • As time went on, science, philosophy, religion and the arts increased our knowledge of nature, they showed us a great deal about the world in which we live.  They showed us many of the laws of this world and the disasters that would happen if you broke the laws, but never heeding nor minding, man's mind went on doing as it pleased with no consideration for the natural values of life.
  • The ambitious individual forgot that this little earth on which we live is like an alchemical bottled and it's been used as a symbol in alchemy, but in this little earth there are limited amounts of many things, but they are limited.  This earth is a vessel, or Pandora's box which if we use it will release to us all kinds of potentials, will help us to grow in a thousand ways, but if abused and perverted this same earth can turn upon us as a very sad and angered victim of our interferences. 
  • Man started out to change the earth, he knew what he was doing in a sense, but he had forgotten that his own will was not paramount, behind the will of man is the will of nature and behind the will of nature is the mind of God, therefor the human being when he goes against nature, violates not only natural but divine law. 
  • And nature punishes him for his violation of natural law and divinity punishes him for his violation of divine law.


  • We are beginning to see the use and abuse and misuse of the normal available resources of life.  The earth is like a bottle, it can be filled, it was full when we took it over.  But it is not a self filling bottle, it is not a magic pitcher, as we exhaust the resources of the earth there is no way of restoring them, therefore the first thing that we should be considering always is to conserve these resources so that they can endure indefinitely. 
  • We are wasting these resources every single day.  We are already in serious difficulties.  Supposing we consider another bottle, the human body.
  • The human body has assets and liabilities which we have to remember and consider.  We would not bleed blood out of this body every day for years and have the body remain alive, yet we take petroleum out of the earth and we do not care how much of it we use, we actually try to force the sale of it.  We try to make more of everything in order that we can squander, swap, borrow  steal and exchange.  There is no sense of actual conservation behind this program.
  • It gradually changes from something founded in nature and essentially good to something that has been reworked over by man and is now essentially dangerous.
  • We gave thanks to the inventor of the automobile and to ourselves that we were privileged to have this convenience, we were morally glad because it saved many horses from the misery and tortures of cruel drivers and herdsmen.  
  • Gradually something happened until today we are inundated by automobiles.  Instead of conserving, we go into a vast area of exploitation.  We try to sell more cars and to do this we have to build more highways.  Gradually we are going to be choked to death by our own cars that all started as a beautiful idea, but nobody kept the rules.  
  • The rules were that you do everything as economically, carefully and moderately as possible and we did the exact reverse.  We have taken what could have been a very nice moderate thing to help us get around and changed it into a vast empire of profits, with built in decile and declare and an annual output that will keep on until there is not room on the planet earth to take care of them.
  • This is how one by one we have turned the natural skills of man into the bad news that comes out of Pandora's bottle.
  • Every one of  mankind's ailments that were in the bottle or box represented an original good idea ruined by human selfishness, corrupted by avarice and overworked by ambitions.  
  • We were never willing to live with nature as a friend.  We have never been able to live together with nature without trying to dominate, confuse, buy, sell, barter, or exchange something that never belonged to us.  So we have this type of thing coming every day and the news is becoming interesting to a great many people.  We are more thoughtful than we were were before in matters concerning such things as this.
  • And after we got the automobile carefully built, we now have millions of them coming off the various creative companies every year, we turn to another thing that came along. 
  • About this time somebody invented airplanes.  We are now creating planes by the thousands.  We now have a tremendous military industry out of something that was originally a very nice way of sailing from here to the next town.  No thought of nature, no thought of what we are doing, no thought of overbuilding, no thought of extravagance, no attention paid to the tremendous price of now creating an airplane.  
  • Everything going part of a great economic industrial system in dead contrast to the natural laws onto which we live.
  • The motion picture was also developed, which started off as educational tools, that were unrolled into a basket and wound up by hand - these primitive films were at the Nickelodeon where you paid five cents to watch something juggle about for a few minutes.  All this has changed, now we have a vast economic empire, with millions of people over payed with the production values almost exterminated, with everything that might have come out of this great discovery sacrificed for profit.  We pay more for less until we decide that this is psychotic.
  • Nature was not against the motion picture, but it was against any abuse of any subject at any time and penalizes it, and so gradually, inevitably this interesting device is turning into a disaster, a tremendous cause of misery.  One of the sorrows that came out of Pandora's box.  And we hardly got that out of the way because something else came along to give us fear, and now we have atomic and nuclear fission. 
  • This was inspired in the hope of being able to find a more convenient way of motorizing our vehicles, our industrial plants, but what we have come out with is a very dangerous and very deadly possibility for self destruction, either intentional or accidental.  A great mystery surrounds the whole subject and we are still suffering from the causes we have set in motion.
  • Petroleum industry is in the same condition.  It was started by a few little lamps that were harmless and managed to light the neighborhood for a while has now become a multi-billion dollar monopoly in which it is being used for every purpose except that which nature intended.
  • So nature doesn't like these things.  And it has ways of finding out that it is unhappy and is not pleased.  So we go one from one thing to another and the last contribution to all of this is the computer.
  • Now we have a new ailment.  An ailment which we don't know very much about, but is developing with leaps and bounds and is being over used, misused and abused.  It is gradually supposed to save us all hard work, it is supposed to take the take the place of a large part of education, which in turns means a very great diminishment of discipline in the mind.
  • It gradually is going to take the place of our own thinking and think for us.
  • All of this is considered just wonderful.  We're just going to pretty soon have nothing to do and when we have nothing to do, we will not be paid anything to do it.  This type of problem is there, but most of all as far as nature is concerned is the waste that is involved.
  • We are living on the surface of a bottle, there is only so much of anything in the bottle, the surface of the earth is gravel, sand or rock.  We have now risen above the surface of the earth all over the world with great cities that are built entirely off the surface of the earth and are strengthened and built by the exhaustion of natural resources, we are building and building until there won't be a square foot on land left for the individual to use for any purpose except business.  All of this is not pleasing to nature.  It is not what was intended because it is a slow but inevitable form of suicide.  
  • we have no indication or proof that when these supplies are exhausted that they will be replaceable.  We have no proof of our hope that sometime we can mine into the fields of space and find an answer there.  The truth of it is we will not find answers for problems that we should never have created.
  • If we were alleged legitimate tragedy as a result of factors beyond our consideration or knowledge things could be done about it, but the present world in it's present condition is definitely an achievement of our own.  We have created it, we are trying to live in it and we are finding it unlivable. 
  • This is part of the plan that Zeus has.  He warned the world that when Prometheus stole the fire that this fire would not be used forever just to warm the cold feet of primitive people, this fire was going to be used for incendiary purposes and the Chinese fireworks that were used for weddings and funerals were changed into aerial bombs to torpedo the earth.  So we gradually abused things and now comes the possibility of reckoning.
  • No one wants to look forward to the probability of the extermination of our planet and there is no need to, but there is need for us to begin to recognize a need for conservation of resources.  There is need for us to think a little beyond ourselves.
  • Not too long ago people were not very much interested in that thought, because they felt that whatever was going to go wrong would go wrong after they had left here and would fall upon their decedents into the third and fourth generation.
  • We are not so sure of that now because it looks as though some of the pain is starting already and therefore that we cannot continue to put off corrections and continue to culminate devices.  So here we have a new world order coming about.


  • We have more and more people conscious of the needs, we have greater and greater emphasis on this development of characters are strong, constructive and right.  We are becoming cautious and disillusioned on the problem, certainly suspicious and more and more inclined to be as thoughtful as conditions permit.
  • We are beginning to realize that we have to change out own ways.  This goes back into another one of Pandora's boxes and that is the world home.
  • The home is a box, it's an institution, it was created to provide security for coming races so that they could develop into maturity with intelligent backgrounds of care and thought and dedication.  Their motives now require a certain amount of unselfishness and there are fewer and fewer unselfish people.
  • They want perfect freedom, they want to do as they please and as a result of that, old natural law is in more and more trouble.  Natural law cannot react in just a volcanic equation or maybe an earthquake although they can come to, but natural law comes in the increasing of tragedy.  Natural law is the result of narcotics.  Natural law shows that these things cannot be done with impunity. 
  • Man makes rules, nature makes laws.  We are under the rulership and laws of a power greater than ourselves and we will never be able to compromise or modify that power.  We can ignore it, we can misinterpret it, claim that it means something else, but the fact of the matter, law as far as the universe is concerned is unchangeable.
  • Law punishes vice and rewards virtue, and it terms that vice, which is destructive and not virtuous which is constructive. 
  • We are now coming to a sort of parting of the waves, we are coming to the time when a new way of life is getting closer and closer.  A way of life that is based upon cooperation for the common good instead of competition for private profit.
  • We are coming to see we are approaching a dead end of selfishness, that it cannot continue without it ultimately destroying the planet.  So we must now find ways of reeducating ourselves.
  • It might be a good idea somewhere along the line for the public school system to take a greater interest in the study of natural law, the rules of the game of life, because it is perfectly possible to find out what is not right even thought we may not be completely sure of that which is right. 
  • We can prove up to a certain point that the mistakes that we make are always followed by the same unfortunate consequences.
  • We can discipline young people into the realization that perversity does not pay, that suffering is inevitable when an individual goes contrary to the pattern in which he belongs.
  • We look out at the stars, into the heavens at night and we see the galaxies all governed and controlled by law and the fact that the human being in a little insignificant detail somewhere does not prevent him from being under that same law, the law that creates the galaxy is also responsible for the growth and development of the human being.
  • He is a comparatively small microcosm, but he is a miniature of the greater world and the rules that apply to one apply to both, everywhere we turn there is a great need for recognizing that there is no way of patching up mistakes.
  • The individual must be taught so that these mistakes are no longer made, you can never remedy a situation completely once it has gotten out of hand and has disintegrated in misery for all concerned.
  • To get hold of these natural laws we must go beyond the stock exchange, we must get into an entirely different field of life.  We must study carefully and thoughtfully the biologies of nature, we must realize what happens when things happen that we do and what we cause.
  • We must realize what is going to happen if we keep on contaminating water - the water supply is in danger.
  • We are also in a condition where our atmosphere is in danger.  Instead of trying to find ways to change that, we are trying to change law to permit it to continue. 





  • We object to controlling the various ailment and misfortune which we are causing, therefore we have to get back down to the fact that man was not created for the purpose of being an economic giant.  He was not embodied into this place so that he can continue to fight with his neighbor until the end of time, he was not created for the purpose of building a home and then walking out on it, nor was he built with the intention of developing physical habits which would destroy him.
  • The individual can never win in a battle against natural law, he might as well learn to save himself.  He cannot create a remedy for a mistake except by changing the mistake, he cannot get a pill that will cure him of his transgression unless he changes his own nature and the world is now paying millions and billions of dollars for panaceas, economic, social and biological, to correct or help us to survive our own mistakes, this won't happen.  We will keep on making the mistakes, those who create panaceas will be richly rewarded while they are selling a mistake and the errors will go on as before.
  • Education now calls for a complete renovation of who is who in the universe.  The actual thing that we have to know is that we are living under an immutable system of laws.  These laws are completely benevolent, impartial, impersonal, they are created for the purpose of advancing the common good, to perpetuate life where it belongs, to maintain the balance of nature in every field. 
  • As we gradually cover every square foot of earth until it is nowhere visible anymore, lose all our farmlands, lose our air to smog and all these things, we keep right on with the assumption is the great reason we are here is to build industries that will pay us with millions of dollars and then go around sneezing our heads off with the smog or paying elaborate doctors bill to finding a panaceas for it which can never be done.
  • So we are now in this position when common sense must come back into authority.  All else has been tried.  We have done everything we can conceive of to avoid facts.
  • We disagree with facts because they disagree with ambitions.  We all want to be successful but we do not realize that unless our success is founded in natural law it will only end in suicide.  
  • Then we have a great new science coming, it is not now the tablets of the law revealed to Moses from the crest of Sinai, it is now the infinite plan of things is written in every grain of sand, that is revealed in every act of living things, in the balance of nature, in the magnificent coordination of the working parts of natural existence.
  • We must gradually come face to face with the fact that we must maintain this balance, that we must prevent excess, and whether this excessive poverty or excessive wealth it is equally punishable.  So everywhere the science of finding what nature wants should be the supreme quest of human nature and human beings.
  • We have gotten to realize that the Pandora's box cannot be closed again, but the only thing that remains for us that may useful is hope, and hope is the ability to dream of things to be done.  Hope, faith and love are the great redeeming powers at this time, and in not one of the the three is involved in profit.  
  • It is involved in character and the restoration of right, the end of all kind of political diligences and indiligences that cause the common problems we face today.
  • The question is is it naturally inevitable.
  • We must get back to nature, we forget that we are the same type of life as all other living things on this planet.  We share a certain universality with the tree and the bird and while we are not trees nor birds, we have the same rules, and these rules must be kept.  Each animal has it's territory.  And it doesn't try to take over somebody else's each one of us has certain responsibilities which we have to carry.
  • And while we may avoid these responsibilities and try to create a fun generation, we will end where all this type of fun does end, in misery.
  • Gradually developing a new science of building upon natural law in all things, not merely in the scientific laboratory, but in morality and in ethics.  We have faced the physical universe through science and have learned a great deal but have not learned just enough to take care of ourselves, but as far as our moral and ethical lives are concerned - we have not made a solid basic science out of doing it right.
  • We have still allowed all of our industries and our activities to be motivated by physical profit rather than by obedience natural law.
  • We are all under nature, we can't get away from it, there is no use hoping that each of us can be an exception to this rule.
  • The truth is born in each of us and when we forget that truth we die and until the truth is available to the people of the world, until we realize this earth is capable of sustaining 3 times it's present population, if the idea of profit is modified.
  • We are able to conserve resources, we do not have to have everything we want because if we do pretty soon no one will have what they need.  We do not have to have the expansion of wealth.  We do not need a five car garage, because we have no road to put them on, and we are impoverishing the earth of the materials to build them.
  • We are no longer in a position to waste, we also have to find proper uses for our nuclear waste, for all our other problems, we cannot continue to contaminate the oceans.
  • We cannot continue to decimate the living things upon the earth because each one has a part to play in the survival of all the rest.
  • A cooperation has to arise out of competition.
  • Now it will come!  Hope will not in the bottom of the box, but it is also in the bottom of the human heart, we all hope.  We all also have reasons to believe that hope if a form of enlightenment.  To hope is to come once more into the family of the God-lead.  To hope is to recognize the inevitable salvation of that which is right.
  • We know these things inside ourselves now we have got to begin to live them.
  • We are going to have to do those things which will enable this planet to continue for a long time.  And if we do it right and if we behave ourselves, there are possibilities that we will have special despeciation as we find them in nature, that nature does not destroy anything for the pleasure of destroying it.
  • Nature does not wreck anything that is right, but it will not preserve or maintain things that are essentially wrong.
  • So we can begin in little ways to cultivate a realization of nature and its laws.  We can sit down and read a little about it to give ourselves a foundation, such as astronomy, we can also learn from astronomy the dangers we face there, the contamination of the earth's atmosphere and the fact that we have energy problems.  This energy problem is in danger, there is in indication that we are polluting the air faster than nature can cleanse it.
  • This doesn't seem to affect anybody, the same old smokestacks are still belching forth, the same somewhat unreliable are continuing to service the smog bank with more and more of that type of thing.  Also other fumes, chemicals in other ways and the congestions of cities, slowly the atmosphere is getting sick.
  • This isn't going to be good for anybody and no matter how many dollars we have we aren't going to get far if the atmosphere fails us, so we have to begin to think about conserving in person.
  • There are billions of human beings and there are a considerable number than can be made aware of its moral responsibilities but nobody makes them aware of it, no one really goes out after it.
  • Theologian talks about laws of God, but not much to say on laws of nature, which God established.  We find this Politian has no interest in the laws of nature he is tied to his political commitments.
  • The average man does not know much about the laws of nature, he knows only the effects of drugs upon ailments and is largely learning that the drugs don't work.
  • We have the same in the arts, we no longer portray the beautiful because we don't know it when we see it, and the prize now goes to some incongruous thing which no one understands including the artist who made it.
  • We are not learning the beauties of things, our music is contaminated and we know this contamination is dangerous psychologically.  We don't pay attention to it because we don't care.
  • And then somewhere along the line an illness hits us and we say the bottom is out of the universe.
  • But everywhere there is an indifference to values, an indifference to integrities, there is no concern over the problem such as narcotics.  Sure there is concern, but the problem should be solved by the common sense of humanity, rather than making all kind of laws and rules and arresting the peddlers.  The person who understands even the basic principals of life will not be contaminated.
  • But nobody gets at the basic facts.  No one is able to reach behind the moralist routine preachments that do not have a great effect.  We have to get back to the facts, that each of us as an individual is part of a creation and is a miniature of that creation and each of these creations is part of a larger development in the face of nature and finally the planet itself is a vast microcosm, an instrument with rules and laws.  
  • It gives life to those who obey and it takes life from those who disobey.  It doesn't take life in the sense of destroying it because nature's laws are physical and therefore all nature is rulership is the physical.  But the physical in turn , our physical body for example, we know has it's own rules.
  • These rules may not be the same as those of our minds or emotions, but we do find usually that if the mind helps the body we are better off, and if the emotions support the findings of science we are still a little better off, in other words while our supernatural or super physical bodies are not part of the physical world, it is true that our invisible spiritual natures do affect the security of these physical bodies and help to assure that they will continue as long as possible.
  • Therefore it is up to the individual to go to work, to correct the emotional and mental problems of his own inner life, his entire nature is within a bottle.
  • This bottle is his magnetic field and within this magnetic field he lives and moves and has his being, and into this magnetic field he tosses all the refuse of his life.  In go his hates, angers, fears, cynicisms, into this goes his endogenies, his poisonings, and evil acts and thoughts.  
  • He could destroy or corrupts his own source of immediate vitality by the perversion of his own conduct.
  • Nature has something to do with this, nature's laws are that the body of things will be better if the thought that is in the body is also obedient.
  • The emotions are not necessarily obedient to the laws of the psychical world, but they are obedient to laws of integrities, to honesties, to constructive and creative uses.  The mind and the emotions must be used and not abused or they contribute to the destruction of the whole structure.
  • You cannot have a healthy body if the mind is sick, you cannot have a healthy mind if the emotions are sick.  Health is a kind of completeness.
  • In this case the human being is the bottle, is the earth, the substance and the physical rules are there in natural law, as we follow the natural laws we protect health of the body.  We get over dissipations, overindulgences, and within the body is the emotional life.
  • The planet has an emotional life as well, these emotions are the tears of nations, the sorrows of abused peoples, the evidences of corrupted administrations, the structure of the earth - this has to be and this pain affects the entire fabric from which each individual must gather the elements of his own emotions as we must keep the physical body nourished by the foods that grow in the ground or on trees.
  • So the emotional life of the individual must be nourished from the emotional resources of the planet, and these emotional resources are being adulterated and perverted into hate and fear are about the only thing we have in abundance.
  • We have the change all this, we have to nourish the emotional life of the planet, we have to be kind, we have to use things in a way that will help us restore the original garden to which we were given in the first place, which we were supposed to take care of it, to be gardeners in the garden of the Lord.
  • Instead of that we are pilching the plants, allowing the weeds to take over and spending our time somewhere else wasting time.  All these things have got to change, the mind has to change.  A good mind and good emotions in a physical body that is well organized may or may not extend physical life, depending on circumstances that cannot be fully estimated, but will make the eternal life of that person, here elsewhere or in other embodiments that much further ahead and the more we grow now, the more growth we will have with which to face the future.
  • And if we can grow a little now that will come into our world in due time, person with greater vision, greater intelligence, greater integrities to help us to face these problems with which we must all someday be faced.
  • So we have one world under one rule and there is no way of escaping this, there is no possible way of the individual succeeding in wrongdoing.  For the moment he may get away with his lie, but in the end the lie will do away with him.
  • For the moment he may make great profits, but a few little bacteria somewhere in the system can end the profit system for him.  We may hope that we can conquer nations, but none of us can ever own anything except the very body that we have and that is perishable.  Everywhere we are building on a false foundation,
  • We are believing that great cities have strength in them, proud of population increase, afraid of the birthrate but more afraid of the death rate.
  • Everything is in excess, we wonder how we are going to take care of the millions of people here, we can take care of three times of what we have if we are not completely selfish, thinking of only extreme profit for ourselves and letting the rest do the best they can.
  • Nature will control this problem.  Some years ago there was a series of experiments made on one of the Mesas in the Southwest and this particular Mesa, there was a flat plateau on the top and the sides were such that no living creature other than a bird could possibly get to the top of that mesa.  Everything that had to climb or crawl had to stay below, also there was very little chance in that desert region for any form of plantlife to make the ascent because it was pretty much above everywhere it could go and also the barren surface was not hospitable to keep plants alive.
  • A team went up there and examined the situation and found a miniature society there of living things.  They found the in the Mesa, a little isolated area of a few acres on the top of precipitous cliffs had its own flora and fauna, that for centuries certain creatures had continued to thrive there by cooperation.
  • Everything there was saved from contamination by outside selfishness.  There was no hunter to shoot the animals, there was no man to fish the stream.  There was no smog to destroy living creature or blight the foliage, and there for thousands of years, a miniature economy had been a success and will be a success until humans find a way to destroy it, then it will be gone.
  • But nature will give us what we need if we use it wisely, it will give us the means to survive almost any challenge that can possibly come to us, but it will not abide in foolishness or stupidity.
  • We are working towards world peace and hope we find it, but if we don't find it or even if we do find it let us remember that war has never yet been able to accomplish one good thing because it is contrary to nature.
  • Wars have accomplished reforms, but if there had been no war and nature had been obeyed the reforms would have been unnecessary because the vices would not have existed.
  • There are two ways to get rid of a vice, one is to shoot and the other is to change it into something constructive and useful to all concerned.
  • We should also recognize that as we go far now into another century with increase in everything and a form of responsibility that we should personally make a careful study of our own adequate applications of principals.
  • What do we need?  What do we want most?  What are we willing to sacrifice for what we do need?  What is it that we can do to advance our own destiny at the same time not detract from the destiny of anything else?  What can we do to grow without living as parasites off of something else?
  • We have rules on all these things, there are actual laws, the great scriptures and philosophies of the world have given us good working rules but we have to obey them and against these are indifference, selfishness and ambition.
  • We are not much interested in keeping the rules, we want a house in the summertime and another in the winter, we want new cars periodically, we are willing to pay fabulous sums for athletic events, we do all the things that we can do that we want to do and which gratify appetites that strangely enough can never be gratified.
  • The Egyptians represented the appetites as a many headed monster that could never be fully fed and the same is true of extravagances and of personal ambitions and the desire and willingness to compromise truth for the sake of profit. 
  • Each person has to work this out for himself.
  • What goes does it do to the common group?  It will do something, but we have to remember that in this pattern of things according to our philosophical convictions we do not depart from here forever, and go either to heaven or hell.
  • Most people are too good for hell but not good enough for heaven, therefore we are not going there, we are going to the next school and if we are the head of the class and left here we will find ourselves at the head of a class when we get there - when we get back everything we have gained in personal character helps us to make a contribution to the future, increase our own integrities and live a better life and become part of a better culture.



  • We have to earn citizenship in a better world, and  in order to do that we have got to help to build a better world while we are here now, otherwise we will not accomplish the dreams and hopes and aspirations which are more or less lurching in nearly every human relationship.
  • We are becoming more aware also of very simple rules regarding personal habits.  We are beginning to see what happens when people make basic certain common mistakes and one of them is the failure to give proper consideration to the raising of the young.
  • We are neglecting children dramatically, forcing the responsibility for them upon the state or school or something of that kind while we neglect them in order to have fun.
  • This is something that is mountaining the crime wave to be greatly beyond our expectations, there isn't a day go by in which we don't learn about juvenile delinquency and we should not expect anything else.
  • Why don't we take this as proof of something and few do, but there are parents who do their best, but most who listen to these announcements go on doing what they please.
  • There is not enough acceptance of the responsibility for mature conduct.  We find the crime wave, we read what causes it and keep on keeping on because it doesn't touch us unless somebody steals our car, and then it becomes a tragedy.
  • These are only symptoms, the real failure lies in the individual and the school system and society in general, failing in common sense.
  • Not failing in higher education, but failing in the honest, simple values of  life summed up in the statement, "As ye sows so shall ye reap."
  • And we look around and see a harvest of weed, but we don't notice the fact that we sowed them or we blame it on something else, like on a political system or something, but we are those systems.
  • And today we are faced with the result of our own gradual, increasing selfishness.  We no longer want to establish a permanent home, it is too much of a burden and responsibility, everyone wants to be completely free, but if we keep doing this we will be free in space without a planet under us.
  • We cannot continue this type of thinking.  Wisdom has been with us for many many ages to try and help us in these realizations.  There are as many great schools of philosophy and ethics that can help us in these things
  • There is the golden rule, which is a good one.
  • Many other good laws and rules, scriptures and religion are bound in moral truths that could be used and about two thirds of the world's population is affiliated with an organized religion.  
  • Religion as a system or a part of knowledge is accepted, but not necessarily lived.  We are not doing what we should do to make sure that we have found certain rules of common sense in our religious teachings.
  • And common sense is simply honesty, and honesty is concern, consideration, a recognition of common good.
  • This we are gradually losing.


Black pearl, precious little girl
Let me put you up where you belong
Black pearl pretty little girl
You been in the background much too long
You been working so hard your whole life through
Tendin' other people's houses
Raisin' up their children too
Hey how about something for me and you
Here in my arms you're gonna reign supreme
No more servin' baby
They're gonna serve my queen
It's our turn for happiness and our day has come
Living for each other answering to no one

Kali the dark one




Edited by Loba

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Finishing up the notes from above, starting around 56 mins in.  Darn you short window of edit time.  First... coffee and weed.



  • Now we come to another election year and we are going to go through another problem which we do not fully understand and which may cause us further anxiety, but this is the opportunity for the individual to do the very best thinking that he can.
  • We have to try to take every emergency that comes along as a means of testing internal strength.  And the way in which we can meet this emergency.  Can we only sit and wring our hands?  Can we learn something?  Can we do something?  All of us can learn something if we want to.  It may what we learn can help us to do something that is better as time goes on, but in all cases and in the future now on, we are living in a shrinking planet.
  • We are living in a planet tired of the abuses that we have wreaked upon it.  We are gradually exhausting many many resources, the fun generation is not permanent, it cannot be, therefore we have to economize, why not use better the productions that we have?
  • Why not look around and try to avoid the mistakes that are bringing misery to millions of other people. 
    • Pandora's Box and Hope.  Flourishing Under Natural Law.
  • So we go back to Pandora and her box and we see in Pandora today a kind of outraged nature.  We see a nature that is being torn apart.  We see a planet that is being devastated, and we know that this planet was called by the ancients the Great Mother.
  • Because it is from this planet that we must all gain the substance of survival.  The ancients had understood not only the surface of this planet, but it's under surfaces, that with which was within it, knew about the magnetic and electric cores with the planet, knew also that everything in that planet and this planet is alive, whether it is animated as we know it, minerals, metals and substances are all living parts of a great planetary biology.
  • Everything that is in the planet is necessary to the planet, but as parents are willing to sacrifice something of themselves for their children, so the planet will sustain and support a great variety of labours and opportunities, but not waste.


  • We must stop wasting the resources of our earth.  We must use our magnetic fields and those things which are available to use for the greatest good of the greatest number, unless we do this we are going to find ourselves in a serious problem.
  • We also know that contamination goes down into the ground.  We know that there is an inner vital core that the planet is alive.  This planet is just as much alive as we are, maybe more so.  It has various systems, it has it's arterial system, nervous system, its bony structure, just as any living thing has this planet has an entire living integration within itself.


  • It is to serve denoted by three stripes or streaks of life energy from below upward, comes the energy that maintains growth.  All plants and things of this nature are nourished from an energy radiating from the core.
  • This energy rises through the major stems and roots of the plants.  The animal or emotional body is sustained by horizontal bands circling the earth, these bands nourish animals and birds largely through the horizontal spine or through some horizontal part of the structure which accepts the energy from the earth itself, for these creatures and plants are all nourished by one earth.  By one substance, by one life.
  • Then when it comes to the human being it is a little different.
  • The human being is nourished primarily from the higher ozone added to areas of the earth's surface.
  • The great magnetic fields that extend outward, providing us with oxygen, providing us with live giving energies and protecting us from the sun.
  • Now we learn from scientific statements recently made that the atmosphere of the outer earth, the part which protects us against the rays of other planets or the solar energy, this is thinning.  Little by little we are losing the protection which nature provides.  And we are losing it because we are wasting it, because we have contaminated, because we paid no attention to what we shot out into space.
  • We could experiment forever with an atomic bomb and keep on putting out nuclear weapons and there will be a big flash and we think that's the end of it.
  • This is where we are wrong, we are gradually killing the air that we have to live with, we are gradually losing the protections which nature set up and which are there until man destroys them.
  • So all this has to be taken into further consideration.
  • The energy primarily necessary for the energy of man comes from the circumference of the magnetic field and comes from the circumference downward to the center, therefore man has been called by the Greeks an inverted plant because he is rooted in heaven, but his body is upon the earth.
  • But the roots of the vegetable is in the ground, the root of man is rooted in space, but they are all rooted in life, law and common sense and they all have responsibilities to keep the rules by which they were created.
  • The human being is the more fortunately placed of all creates that we know.  He was appointed as a gardener in this particular planetary environment.
  • It is therefore not only up to him to protect his own environment, but the environment of all other things.  He has responsibilities to protect vegetation, the entire animal kingdom and various locked in spiritual entities we call minerals.  All these things are part of our responsibility.  We use these as we please, destroy them as we want to and care nothing for what happens.
  • This means a new way of life has got to be created in which we are recognizing the fact that we are stewards, we are not here to rule it or to own it. We are here to serve it in the name of that power which alone has the right to proclaim its ultimate ownership and that is heaven itself.
  • If we can continue to do the right thing we will find that our energies will be protected.  Today we are very despondent, we are negative, we are half sick, tired, worried and concerned.  Furthermore the air we breath is not what it aught to be, the water we drink is not what it aught to be.
  • The food that we eat is contaminated.  All around in the name of profit we are killing ourselves.
  • And this will keep on until we realize that actually while we cannot die, we can do a certain amount of repentance.  We can also suffer from our own mistakes even though these mistakes cannot destroy us as living things because the life is not in the material world but in something beyond which physical things cannot reach but can hurt and damage and injure and cause sorrow and sadness.
  • As we look around at the world as it is today we see a great influx of new hope.  Hope is in the bottom of the barrel and always has been. 
  • We see hope for all the future, a new light is beginning to shine.  A new hope is beginning to develop within us, the individual who has suffered much is beginning to realize that something can be done about it.  The corruptions of nations no longer pass unnoticed.
  • The various debilities which afflict us now challenge us, groups are forming all over the world to help the common causes of trouble.
  • We are working desperately to find answer to all militant warfare, we are trying desperately to find cures for poverty, for sickness, for ignorance, for narcotics and for all the other ills that flesh is heir to.
  • We caused them, now we have to find the cure, but the cures are coming and hope springs eternal and our hope is well founded, for there's barely a day that goes by that we do not hear of some new effort to do it better.  We are every one of us working as best we can to try and see that some of these things work out in our time and lay the foundations for others that have to work out in greater time.  We know that we can do things.
  • We are beginning to fear for the future, that this future will come while we are still alive, that it is a future that cannot be put off that can hurt us now.
  • We are beginning to recognize that cooperation is the life of survival and competition the eternal cause of death and destruction.  As this gradually grows in us, we will find the work of peace will spread.


  • That religion will have new impetus and new values with which to work and develop, that religion itself will take on the realization that to keep the laws of nature is to obey the commandments of God.
  • The ten commandments have to do with morality.  Ten principals of conservation, natural resources and the protection of the earth itself from the vices of tyranny.  These things are coming now more and more into focus.
  • The wars of religions are going to come to an end because we can only defend these wars by making new mistakes.  We cannot destroy another faith without killing part of the world we belong to, and to destroy anyone's belief is a deep wound in the surface of the planet.
  • All these things have the be handled in a different and better way and we have to help any way we can to restore the garden as it was meant to be, whether there is enough for all, and minds freed from the competition and tyranny of ambition can settle down to the study of realities.
  • The advancement of inner life, the strengthening and purifying of the purposes of existence.  We can each release more of the inside instead of trying to crowd everything on the outside.
  • In this new way of life, the secret point can come out and be known, the painter, the musical with real music in his soul can be heard again, great books can be written again, great adventures can be undertaken, great studies of the inner values of life, the study of the extrasensory perception band, the development of the knowledge of man's eternal power to cooperate with the divine plan, and the way of finding within himself conscious verification of the dreams and hopes that have become so necessary to our survival.
  • We can find in this pressure of things, not an avenging God, but a kindly parent who must be a little more strict and must bring about the things that we all need, whether we want them or not and if we fail to do that or the parent fails, we will ultimately as untrained children accuse the parent of failure.
  • We will never be able to accuse nature of failure because nature will never fail to teach the lesson until the lesson is learned, and then it becomes a part of the great resource of understanding and insight that helps to bring us all closer to the divine power which we all desire inwardly and spiritually to serve.
  • This can be the beginning of our first conscious dedication to those rules and laws which will lead to life rather than to death.


Kali - I'd rather be in a warm blackness, than a blinding white light.  After-death bardo preference.  I want to be under or amongst the stars; with a light body, and I can sleep if I choose to.  This will be my "room" in between lives.  The souls of everyone in the sky, accessible.  Or I can come down to the warm black sand for solitude and rest, like zooming out.  Forever, man telling stories amongst the fire, everyone chattering and flickering amongst themselves.  When I decide the sun rises, I will be born again, after however much bardo/integration I might want.  There is no time here.  I can play anything, any music I want.  It will reverberate and echo across the silence, the sound quality will be incredible.




  • Over very large spans of time we can say that creativity is conserved, that the universe becomes more creative and out of that state of creative acundity, more creativity is manifest so that from that point of view the universe is almost what we would have to call an art making machine.  And engine or the production of ever more novel forms of connectedness, evermore exotic juxtapositions of desperate elements.
  • And out of this, arises implicitly a set of principles that we can then apply to the human artist in the human world.
  • Nature's creativity is obviously the wellspring of human creativity, we emerge out of nature almost as it's finest work of art.
  • The medieval mind spoke of the productions of nature, a phrase you hear as late as the 18th century, and human creativity emerges out of that., whether you have a model of the Aristotelian great ladder of being or a more modern evolutionary view where we actually consolidate emergent properties and somehow bring them to a focus of self reflection.
  • We couldn't carry out a discussion of this sort without observing that the prototypic figure for the artist as well as for the scientist is the shaman.
  • The shaman is the figure at the beginning of human history that unites the doctor, the scientist and the artist into a single notion of caregiving and creativity, and to whatever degree art over the past several centuries has wandered in the desert, it is because this shamanic function has been either suppressed or forgotten and we're different images of the artist have been held up at different times.
  • The artist as a artisan, the artist as a handmaiden of a ruling class or family, the artist as designer for the production of integrated objects into a civilization.
  • This notion of the artist as mystical journeyer, as one who goes in to a world unseen by others, and then returns to tell them of it was pretty much lost in the post medieval and renaissance conception of art up until the late 19th century or early 20th century where beginning which the romantics there is a new permission to explore the irrational.
  • This really is the bridge back to the archaic shamanic function of the artist; permission to explore the irrational. 
  • The romantics did it with their elevation of titanic and motion.  Romantic love specifically, the symbolists in the mid 19th century did it by a reemphasis on the emotional content of this image and a rejection of the previous rationalism and that emphasis on the image and on the emotions set the stage then for the truly shamanic movements in art, which begin really with Alfred Jarry in the late 1880's and early 1890's.  Jarry was the founder of something called the Cataphysical College.
  • Jarry announced cataphysics is the science, the problem was nobody could understand what it meant or what it stood for including Jarry.
  • This was a true effort to spin the boundaries of art, to create new permission, permission really for the unthinkable and this again, reinforces the shamanic function.
  • What do we mean when we say unthinkable?  We mean: the envelope of that which can be conceived and for at least 200 years the ostensible mission of the artist has been to test the conceptual and imagistic envelope of what society is willing to tolerate and this has taken many forms.
  • Deconstruction of imagery that we get with that abstract expressionism and going back into impressionism and pointillism.
  • Or the permission for the irrational imagery of the unconscious, the realism and German expressionism make use of this permission.
  • Always the idea of being to somehow destroy the idols of the tribe, dissolve the conceptual boundary of ordinary expectation.
  • In order to do this there is a precondition for the creation of art called understanding, not meant in an intellectual sense, but meant in the sense that Alfred North Whitehead intended when he defined understanding as the perception of pattern as such.  As such, there's nothing more to it than that.
  • If we were to look at this room and squint our eyes and he sees people dressed in red or blue and this is a pattern that tells him what he is looking at, now he shifts his depth of field and where men and women are sitting, this is a different pattern and tells him more about what he is looking at.
  • The number of these patterns theoretically present in any construction is infinite.  That says that the depth of understanding cannot be known.
  • Everything is imminent.
  • You can see infinity in a grain of sand, so understanding then is the precondition for creativity and this understanding is not so much intellectual as it is visual.
  • In thinking about it, he realized what an influence upon his own ideas in this area Aldous Huxley was - a book called the Art of Seeing, in that book he makes the point that a good art education begins with a good drawing hand.  To be able to coordinate the hand and eye and to see into nature, to see into the patterns present as such is the precondition for a kind of approach to the absolute.
  • Out of this process of seeing; understanding, the creative process ushers in novelty.  Nature is a novelty producing engine of some sort, and ourselves almost as the handiwork of nature - but this same handiwork of nature which we represent we also internalize and re-express through the novelty of the human world.
  • If we take seriously the shamanic model as a basis for our authentic art, then certainly in the modern context what we see missing from the repertoire of the artist are shamanic techniques.
  • Cast your mind back to a great seminal moment, germinal moment, in the history of human thought, which was about 25 thousand years ago the great glaciers that had covered most of the Eurasian landmass began to melt and human populations that had been islanded from each other for about fifteen millennia began to recontact each other and reconnect and out of this comes what is called the Magdalenian revolution from 18 thousand to 22 thousand years ago and what it is is nothing less than a tremendous explosion of creativity and aesthetic self expression on the part of the human species.
  • We find for the first time bone and antler technology takes its place along with stone technology.  Musical instruments appear over a wide area, and cave paintings - some paintings in areas and recesses so remote from the surface of the ground that it takes several hours to reach them - are painted and set up in dramatic tableaus specifically designed to bring together sound, light, and dance in herophonies, extravaganzas of aesthetic output that invoke  a kind of transcendent other that human beings for the first time are trying to come to grips with and make some kind of cultural statement about, and this pulling into matter of the ideas of human beings first in the forms of beadwork and chipped stone and carved bone within 20,000 years ushers in to the kinds of high civilizations that we see around us and points us toward the kind of extra planetary mega civilization that we can feel operating on our own present like a kind of great attractor.
  • This whole intellectual adventure in exteriorization of ideas, is entirely an aesthetic adventure until very recently utility is only a secondary consideration.  The real notion is a kind of seizure by the tremendum, by the other, which then forces us to take up matter, clay, bone, flint and put it through a mental process where we then excrete it as objects that have lodged within them ideas.
  • This is the special, unique, transcendental function of the human animal, is the production and condensation of ideas and what made it possible for the human animal is language, if you're seeking the thumbprint of the transcendental on the myriad phenomena that compose life on this planet, the place to look is human language.
  • Human language represents an ontological break of major magnitude with anything else going on on this planet.
  • Language is the unique province of human beings, and language is the unique tool of the artist, the artist is the person of language.
  • The work he has done with psilocybin mushroom and the observation of psychedelic plant use in the Amazon centered around ayahuasca lead him to the conclusion that it is the synergy and catalysis of language that lies behind not only the emergence of human consciousness out of animal organization, but then it's ability to set a course for a transcendental dimension and pursue that course, against all the vicissitudes of biology and history over ten or fifteen thousand years. 
  • Language has made us more than a group of pack hunting monkeys, it has made us a group of pack hunting monkeys with a dream.
  • The fallout from that dream has given us our glory and our shame, our weaponry, our technology, our art, our hopes, our fears, all of this arises out of our own ability to articulate and to communicate with each other, used in the broadest sense.
  • The glory of the human animal is cognitive activity, song, dance, sculpture, poetry, all of these cognitive activities when we participate in them we cross out of the domain of animal organization and into the domain of a genuine relationship to the transcendent.
  • As you know, shamans in all times and places gained their power through relationships with helping spirits which they sometimes call ancestors, sometimes called nature spirits.
  • But somehow the acquisition of a relationship to a disincarnate intelligence is the precondition for authentic shamanism.
  • Nowhere in our world do we have an institution like that, that we do not consider pathological except in the now very thinly spread tradition of the muse, that artists alone along human beings are given permission to talk in terms of 'my inspiration' or 'a voice which told me to do this' or 'a vision that must be realized'.
  • The thin line/thread of shamanic descent into our profane world bleeds through the office of the artist.  And so if society is to somehow take hold of itself at this penultimate moment as we literally waver on the brink of planetary extinction, then the artist is going to have to follow this shamanic thread back through time.
  • The most disempowering thing that has been done to us by the male dominated culture is to brush out our footprints into the past.  We don't have a clue as to how we got here.
  • we have been disempowered by a rational tendency to deny our irrational roots, which are a kind of embarrassment to science because science is the special province of the ego, and magic and art are the special province of something else.
  • It could be named, but it prefers to be unnamed.  So how seriously then are we to take this obligation to follow the shamanic thread back into time?

Note to self:  You are a beginner.  Don't forget.  Remembering this will actually save you time, it will make you more authentic and you will learn so much more.  Be grateful that there is so much here to learn!  Good news!


Edited by Loba

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  • I suppose that time is the most remarkable dimension within which we live throughout our daily experiences in this world.  Time vanishes into eternity and beyond the life we live now there will only be occasional embodiments within time dimensions, but there can become very important and necessary to the part of the universal plan to which we belong.
  • The human being has responsibility.  Time measures opportunity.  All opportunities that come to us in this life come within time patterns, but every opportunity has its own responsibility.
  • The complete picture of an embodiment is an opportunity with responsibility.
  • We are here for a purpose, we are not born to simply wander around in a chaos for a few years and disappear.
  • There's a reason we are here.  Most persons are not aware of this reason and are therefore constantly in conflict with the plan to which they belong and of which they are apart, therefore it is proper and important for us to recognize that this life is an opportunity with a price on it.  We are here to grow.
  • Now to most persons growth sounds rather unpleasant.  We are inclined to think of growth as a problem of burden, duties, and frustrations. 
  • To many person his entire mortal life is a frustration.  They see no reason for their own existence and no justice in what happens to them.  These folks make life very hard for themselves and contribute to the misfortunes of others.
  • It is wiser to realize that every time we come into this world we come in to learn.  We come to grow and to understand.  And most of all to unfold the internal potentials of our own natures.  We have no real idea of what is locked inside of ourselves.  We know that occasionally a genius arises and is remembered by others as a person of superb talents or abilities.
  • But if you look at the whole world, you finally come to the realization that the human potential is limitless.
  • We not only have a special power within ourselves, but we share the power of all other living things.
  • Therefore there is no limit to the unfoldment of ourselves if we wish to make a project of growing.
  • More likely we make a project of complaining, and born into this world under the present conditions there seems to be a just reason for complaint.  The powers administrating our material society are not aware, either of their own destiny or the purpose for anything else.
  • They live within a very narrow concept of material existence, the world as it is today measures people in terms of time allotments, at five dollars an hour, or fifty dollars an hour or a thousand dollars an hour.
  • We work according to time patterns.  When we can no longer fulfill those labors we retire, and then for a time enjoy or suffer from social security. 
  • Actually, the individual sort of drifts through this world, he works as much as he has to, he creates debts which he has to pay, he raises a family which he has to educate, and he is bound to a pattern of specialized abilities, which he will remain with as long as he lives.  He will work so many hours every day, he will complain largely of the fact that his abilities are not recognized, that he is not appreciated, and very often in the family circle, that he is not understood.
  • All of these situations constitute the pressures of living, to escape from these pressures, he develops certain side aptitudes. 
  • We have escapes, we escape from problems of life by viewing imitations replicas of them on the entertainment level.  We follow sports, we try to keep up with the news but are rather baffled, and at the end of the day we fall into bed and wait for time to pass so that we can start another day just the same.
  • If this was the real reason for life, there would be abundant reason to suspect that the materialist is right, there is no purpose in anything.
  • But actually, the materialist is unable to prove his point because he is talking about something that is alive.
  • He is talking about a being that has within itself a vast diversity of abilities, of aptitudes, a being capable of education, capable of achievement in many fields, we do not know what is in this being, but we know that it has come here, that it is partly developed, that it has some abilities and many debilities, that it seems to be going nowhere, but is moving forever along the road of time.  Time is the measure of it's duration in this dimension of existence.
  • Some people are suspecting that there is a real purpose for life and that by one cause or another this purpose is being frustrated every day, also it becomes obvious that many persons who might have had a valid purpose have been frustrated by circumstances and forced to join the others in a comparatively meaningless existence.
  • Realizing these things, it seems that those who really wish to prove that life is significant must take hold of their own abilities, take hold of their own natures and try to release or develop talents and capacities and dimensions of consciousness which will enrich their lives.
  • Problems come for apparently one primary reason.  They must be solved.  And the to solve a problem is one way in which the internal of the human being is released into manifestation, if there were no problems we would probably sit back in a condition of perpetual inertia.
  • We are forced to meet circumstances, we are forced to devise ways of achieving a certain measure of comfort or security, we are constantly challenged to grow and the rewards of life are largely reserved for those who have grown in one way or another, sometimes only economic growth, or skills, but they have their rewards and a well lived life has a large reward if you can achieve this level of insight.
  • Let us assume for a moment that the human being really has four levels of achievement open to him.  He is not just one creature, he is a compound, he has within himself a number of unidentified by identifiable elements of potentials.
  • The human being first of all in our understanding a physical creature; he has a body.  Now the body itself is a mystery that has never been solved.  We work with it continuously, we study it constantly but we still do not understand it, but we are gradually coming to realize something that is important and that is that this body has laws and rules of its own, and if we break the rules of the physical necessities of life, we are chastised appropriately.
  • The body has laws, it has demands and requirements, and it also has a certain tendency to regard itself as the younger child of something else.  The body is a small child in a family of which the mind and the heart are the parents.  Each body looks to its own leaders for safety, for health and for the maintenance of the various functions and faculties and powers which manifest through it.
  • Therefore our first consideration is the responsibility of the body.  A responsibility that is given to us when we are born.  The responsibility tells us one very simple truth.  Take good care of the body and it will care for you, abuse it and you will lose it.
  • Many people do not think through cause and effect that far, the result is that we have a great numbers of persons every day who are committing an involuntary suicide.  They are constantly and not knowingly and intentionally violating the laws of the body, among these of course are the alcoholics, the narcotics addicts and those who do variously disparate the health of which they have been naturally endowed.
  • So an individual with a body of which he is responsible has to learn to discipline the relationships with that body, he can do it as a child; most children require a certain amount of discipline and it is necessary that he discipline the body.
  • Normally the body would rather discipline itself, but placed in a false environment and surrounded by temptation with which it is not familiar, the body gets into difficulties, so we have to develop nutritional factors, we have to constitute our bodies according to rules of health.  We have to therefore put a certain control over the fulfilment of bodily appetites, we have to take care of the rugged side of it's physical efficiency, we have to nourish it adequately, we have to protect it in all ways we can from emergencies, accidents and disasters.
  • One of the problems that we have with the body today is nutrition.  The nutritional factor with the body is almost entirely chemical.  Nutrition has to do with getting the proper food to the body.  This in itself a rather complicated procedure because opinions on the subject of nutrition are numerous and diversified.
  • In the long run most persons have to work it would through trial and error until they find what is good for them.
  • There are junk foods, the kinds we like the best, we've had long experience in enjoying the pleasures of the dinner table and we do not like to be frustrated into some kind of a diet that tastes as though we were living on hay most of the time.  This requires control, but obviously junk food is a problem with the body and we have to gradually wake up to the importance of keeping it nourished properly.
  • This is one of the uses that we have to make of our time allotments, if we wish to be as healthy as possible, we must discipline ourselves in the controlling of physical appetites.
  • The next level above this is the emotional life of the individual.  The emotional life is the life of art, music, affection, friendship and the more intimate and kindly relationships of life.  The emotion life is fulfilled through the expression of various high moral and emotional qualities.
  • It is expressed through love, it is expressed through service and compassion, but the emotional nature must bet rained just as surely as the physical.  Those  false stimulations to emotion which create only tension and stress are like the junk foods in relation to the physical body.  The emotions must be nourished upon a proper type of nutrition, this individuals emotions should be given adequate expression under discipline.  These emotions should be centered upon creativity, understanding, understanding, sympathy, compassion and service.  
  • Every individual should have some emotional expression of the beautiful.
  • Every once in a while we find someone who succeeds in living an entire lifespan with practically no emotional reactions, they have very few friends and they lose the ones they have, they live alone, even if they are in the houses with others, they have no reaction to the simple joys or beauties or insights of life.  They have very little fun for humour and joy are emotional factors.
  • And the individual who considers that the good life is the life that is forlorn, miserable, introverted and separated from society is making a serious mistake, that the actual suppression of man's appreciation for beauty is desperately detrimental.  
  • The individual who has not a warmth within himself, a natural kindliness, who does not realize the importance of curbing the unkind word because it hurts - the individual with proper normal emotions does not want to hurt any living thing, there is sympathy, there is compassion, there is self forgetfulness and there is freedom from this tremendous egocentricity in which the individual thinks only of himself.
  • So the emotions call upon our attention and demand recognition.  To use these emotions in daily life, takes very little more time than denying them expression, the simple emotions of human relationships are proper and appropriate to the need of the individual.
  • But where too much criticism comes in, there is too much personal ambition, where there is envy or jealousy or where the individual is simply unable to forgive wrongs or get over slights and difficulties, when this arises the emotional nature is in trouble.
  • This trouble can extend all the way along the road of life, it can begin in early childhood and continue until death.
  • The appearance of these tendencies should be recognized as one of the things we are here to overcome, transmute and change.
  • If we want to know why we are here, the first thing we may learn is to be able to control properly the body we inhabit, the second thing we are here to do is to control and direct and rationalize the emotional life, to make it beautiful. 
  • It costs no more to be kindly than it costs to be critical, in fact far less, kindliness has many rewards, criticism has numerous penalties.
  • So we have to go to work and realize that one of the things we are here to do is to clarify, purify and redirect our emotional resources so that in every instance the emotion is handled in a constructive and helpful manner.
  • A danger to that is modern entertainment.  Modern entertainment seems to be based upon whipping the emotional life, it causes us to develop all kinds of fears and anxieties.  The individual reading the newspaper could have a complete breakdown over the difficulties and disaster of society.
  • He also develops hate for people he knows nothing about or accepts joyously someone who is a born scoudrel, he does not know the difference.  But one thing is certain, he is punishing himself whenever he catered to the tendency to morbidity which is developing in so many people today.
  • If he turns on the television he should turn on something constructive and if there is nothing constructive he should turn it off and read a good book.
  • The problem of trying to entertain your way along a path of life, so that thousands of hours of opportunity are wasted in front of a box, this is not the fulfillment of a life for which we were created nor is it the proper use of the time allotment which we have.
  • So the emotions search for the beautiful, they try to create artistry in every field of life, in clothing, in furnishing of a home, in selective of ornamentations in the building of public structures, everywhere beauty is an important dimension and a tremendously powerful if intangible ingredient in the compound, so everywhere we can and in every way we can, we should live beautifully.  Simply, the most beautiful of all things are simple.  But with dignity, with internal gentility of life so that our entire relationship has a certain politeness, a condition in which we do everything graciously, and try in every way possible to avoid the brusque of the critical or that which is asymmetrical.  

I dislike this song, with a passion - but it will work for what I need to do.  Reminds me of Kali, nature and also falling into a black hole.



"Oh no!"

I knew you were
You were gonna come to me
And here you are
But you better choose carefully
'Cause I'm capable of anything
Of anything and everything

Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
But don't make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
'Cause I'm coming atcha like a dark horse

Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm
'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine
There's no going back

Mark my words
This love will make you levitate
Like a bird
Like a bird without a cage
But down to earth
If you choose to walk away, don't walk away

It's in the palm of your hand now baby
It's a yes or no, no maybe
So just be sure before you give it up to me
Up to me, give it up to me

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
'Cause I'm coming atcha like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm
'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine
There's no going back

She's a beast
I call her Karma
She eat your heart out
Like Jeffrey Dahmer
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Shawty's heart was on steroids
'Cause her love was so strong

You may fall in love
When you meet her
If you get the chance you better keep her
She swears by it but if you break her heart
She turn cold as a freezer
That fairy tale ending with a knight in shining armor
She can be my Sleeping Beauty
I'm gon' put her in a coma

Woo! Damn I think I love her
Shawty so bad
I'm sprung and I don't care
She got me like a roller coaster
Turn the bedroom into a fair
Her love is like a drug
I was tryna hit it and quit it
But lil' mama so dope
I messed around and got addicted

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
'Cause I'm coming atcha like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm
'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine
There's no going back


Mastering time, executive functioning, help with this please... ?


"You murdered him."
My heart strings broke and it was me

I pull they stretch infinitely
In the summer silence
I was getting violent
In the summer silence


Edited by Loba
Found a better video for what I need.

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The Mystery of Time and How to Master It for Self Development - continued from above ^


  • If we can make a diagram of our emotion lives and in some cases those diagrams would be remarkable, every shape, colour with every disproportion that could be combined, but gradually these things can be straightened out until the fulfillment of the natural love of the beautiful becomes a major part of our living in this world.  We are here to unfold not only the skills of life, but the gentleness of life, we are here to gain insights and appreciations into things that are not commercial, or not limited within the commercial pattern of our daily experience.
  • Now the mental life becomes an important part of important focus.  This is necessary to discipline our own thinking, because in many instances our thoughts are little more than a continuing pageantry of discomforts and discords of one kind or another.
  • Thinking, the mind is here in order that we may experience and gain insights into the whole study and life of mankind.  
  • It is the mind that gives us the memory of our own lives, of the memory of the world's life, it is the mind that supports science, supports all the different discoveries that are made.
  • It is essential to the advancement or progress in every field or activity, it is also something you have to live with yourself every day.
  • The mind can get into bad habits and can take on a diet of junk foods also, in which the thinking produces nothing and every waste of mental energy is a loss to the person, it is doing something to make his stay here less good for him, less desirable for those around him.
  • Looking over the world today, the tendency to be critical, disillusioned or even frightened to death is strong, but actually it is the power and right of the mind to discover the validity of existence as it is.  We may not like it.  We may know that there is something wrong with it, but we must know that It Is, that it exists, and it will continue to exist as it is until something changes it, and the thing that has to change it is ourselves.
  • There is nothing wrong with the world that the human being cannot change if he so wills.
  • But up to the present time the will to change for the better has been restricted to a small group of persons. 
  • It may be for some time restricted, but if it is, it is still the right of every person who has a life to live to gradually correct mistakes even if they are social and not considered wrong.
  • If he is aware of a better way of life than those around him it becomes his duty to live it, thus the mint becomes in many ways the ruler of the material world of which we live.
  • It administers all the rules, it creates all the laws, it signs all the treaties and documents, it also shows us the long story of our own growth through time - reveled clearly the mistakes we have made and would inspire us not to make them again, but a mind that having seen all the mistakes of the past continues to make them, personally in his own life, is not learning from the life that has been given to him.
  • He is not improving.  He is not using his time allotment.  He is wasting time, failing to change his own attitudes and drifting further and further into the morass for with which we are afflicted today.
  • So we have these levels and all of these levels have to be worked out within the time dimension, we have a certain number of years to work as far and as continuously as we can in the direction we want to go.  Now there is another dimension that becomes vital to us.
  • Out of the confusion of the body, and we wonder why we should inhibit it, the emotions we wonder why we should try to change them, the thoughts we are certain are correct and need no help, but we are in trouble all the time.
  • Above this is another dimension, which is experienced abstractly but is still very important, it is that dimension with in ourselves which comes the nearest to timelessness and that is man's spiritual nature.
  • Behind the mind there is something else and even today materialists are beginning to suspect it very clearly.  There is within and behind the individual a pattern of incentives; the individual will not do better until he believes that better can be done and he will probably not put much energy behind doing anything well unless he realizes that there is a reason for doing it well.
  • There is a power in nature that judges all things and rewards action according to its own merits, so gradually the person seeking better orientation and better use of his privileges or opportunities becomes aware of an over power, and over self in the universe, and over self in his own compound; this over power is a spiritual directive.
  • He is reminded in one way or another that the power of deity created him, the power of deity fashioned the universe in which he exists, the power of deity ordained the purpose for human existence and that purpose was to fulfill the will of deity and become in a sense like God, knowing good and evil.
  • So the spiritual overtone becomes the basis for consolation, it gives reason and purpose, it gives courage and times of discouragement, it gives a definite consecration to principals and to the divine plan of things, the nature of that plan, the purpose of it and the administration of it, these have descended to us in the sacred books of the world.
  • Every nation has had a scripture either in the form of a book or an oral tradition in which the will of the creative power is explored as far as the creature can trace it.
  • He cannot trace it all the way, but he becomes gradually aware that there is a reality behind life.
  • He begins to sense why it is important for him to try to be a better person, he begins to realize his destiny involves the development of a divine power within himself or the release of god through his own nature.
  • He becomes in a sense a cathedral builder, for he is constantly building a house for an invisible power which rules all things. 
  • The human being is here to come to the direct experience of a divine purpose, he is here to find the one consolation that can carry on through all eternity and that's the consolation of the power of God to perfect him and all other creatures.
  • So faith becomes a very important soul power and becomes more or less an ornament to the entire compound of man's nature and it is in a sense the duty of faith to discover the reason for the mind the emotions and the body.
  • It is is faith that can direct them all, it is faith that can redeem the individual from the curiosities and misconceptions which have burdened him for so long.  
  • So time has to do with all these things, time is the opportunity, the span for the ripening of reality in the individual.
  • It is that part of his own place in space in which he is here to do the job he came to do.
  • Very few people know what that job is and they may never find out in this life, the only way they can approach it as most thoughtful person's have, "I do not know what the job is, but if I do not fail in any of my ordinary labours I probably have done the job, because whatever it is, it is within the scope of normalcy, it requires no strangeness, no peculiar self deceit or knows suffering for the sake of doing the job.
  • It is when we do the wrong thing that we get into trouble.
  • Time is interesting in another way, time is a kind of orienting factor.
  • Times are constantly changing, the great unrolling pageantry of time from the beginning of somewhere in space to the end somewhere in God.
  • This tremendous pageantry is not known to us exactly, it is partly evident through the great mysteries of the cosmos, it is partly reveled to us through the various arts and sciences, particularely mathematics.
  • It is also to a degree made known to us in our own small pattern of life, but for the most part we gain a moral insight from history. 
  • Now history has a wonderful way of showing to us the actual purpose behind life.  The average person cannot fully justify his own ideals, but if he is fairly well equipped historically, he can see why we should do the right thing.
  • He can realize the mistakes and what has caused them and what has come from them.  From history he can find out what is wrong with his political and social world and discover the causes or war and poverty, he can understand the misuse of power and authority and understand a little more clearly those constant groups of people who seemingly learn nothing and pass out of this life no better than when they came in.
  • These kinds he can be careful not to imitate.  
  • There is no reason why anyone should come to the end of life without some sense of achievement, many people have been in a situation who regret something, they wish they had been more kind, had a few more years to live more wisely, wish they had found happiness or greater insights and not be buried in professions or trades or economic patterns that were unbreakable.
  • Very few people pass on fully convinced that they have achieved as far as they could what they were here for, but those who do pass along with a greater sense of peace and integrity do look back upon the kindliness that they have shown, the sacrifices that they have made for others were more than worthwhile, they keep to themselves everything they gave, they lose from themselves everything they kept.
  • This type of feeling comes near the end, it comes when the individual in a flash more or less relives his own life and this life is simply a span of existence in time.
  • He has been in time before, he will be in time again.
  • But now how is slipping out of time and the problem is to estimate the value of a life that he lived here.
  • Now when we come to working out a plan for all this we come against a certain number of inevitable obstacles. 
  • The individual feels himself to be pretty well captured in a patter which he can do very little about, he finds that he must earn time, he must work so many hours to have so many hours for himself.
  • If he works faithfully for 8 hours he may have a few hours every day to do as he pleases.
  • Sometimes what he pleases is comparatively trivial, sometimes it's important, but outside of the working hours and the hours necessary for sleep and rest there are hours that are at the disposal of the person.  He has paid well for those hours, he has gone through maybe 16 years of schooling in order to get the job which pays him a living wage and gives him a few hours every day to do what he pleases with.
  • This allotment has been expensive, more expensive than we realize.  It has taken the best of hour energies and will do so through our working years.
  • But in all instances what are we trying to do?  We are giving of ourselves and from ourselves in order to gain a little time.  We want time to do things that we want to do.
  • Employment is a thing we have to have, the leisure represents a privilege to select some kind of specialized activity.
  • Due to the constant progress of various industrial economical mechanical statutes and structures, we are given more time than we used to get.
  • In the old days when man worked from 6 in the morning to 6 at night, time was the most precious thing if he had any of it.  Today we have many vacations and holidays and we have comparatively short working hours and is a very bad life now who doesn't have two or three hours day to do as he pleases.
  • We can do almost anything we want to do with this time that we have purchased, we might say on the basis of comparison, if our working hours bring an income of ten dollars an hour, to gain those three or four hours of special privileges is costing us 40 to 60 dollars a day, and for that we have bought something.  We have bought the right to do what we please for a time.  For a limited period we can be ourselves.
  • Now what do we do with this very valuable and expensive product for which we are sacrificing life and life and which we have to use within the boundaries of the present embodiment?
  • What are we going to do with this precious freedom that we have bought by hours, months, years of monotony?  This is the question, and people find the more ingenious and nonsensical way of spending it.  They can do nothing, this is considered to be the supreme achievement.
  • Many people believe firmly that if they do nothing and are waited on by other then they are supremely happy, they do not realize that it is the person who waits on them that gets the soul growth, not themselves.
  • Others feel that one thing they do not want to do at this time is face any responsibility, everything must be easy.  
  • We find people who have all kinds of hobbies, interests, travel, beauty parlors, building things, spent on the telephone.
  • But what do we really do with time?
  • Here we have something within it the potential of the infinite unfoldment of ourselves, leisure time is the time when we can be ourself.  We can do whatever we feel is right and best.  We can escape from the burdens and depravations of employment and for a few hours every day we can really be the person we want to be.  That is of course if there is a person we want to be, perhaps we do not feel this need at all so we come home, flop down in front of the television instead.
  • But what does this mean in the life of the person?  If this was the only life and were going to oblivion when it ends it wouldn't make any difference where we spend our leisure time or how little discipline we assert.
  • The disciplined and the undisciplined will lie down together in eternal forgetfulness, but if this is not it and there seems to be quite a possibility that it isn't, then what are we really doing with time?  Are we making something out of it? 
  • Each person should for their own sake and for the sake of their associates sit down and carefully note the time factor to find out what they can do with time, which is going to make them more able, more intelligent, more understanding than the condition they're in at the moment, how are we going to discover this?
  • One of the things you always get thrown at you when you try to start a conversation is that
  • the individual is tired, they've worked, they do not want to be part of programs of further labour.  
  • They do not want to consider leisure as labour opportunity, they want to rest, they want to have fun, they want to engage in small talk and very possibly take on more alcohol that is good for them.
  • So the idea of planning disciplining leisure is for the most part resented, the person feels he has bought the time to do exactly what he pleases.
  • The difficulty with this is a dedication of this type when carried into practice does not seem to work, the individual does not have the happiness he hopes for, he does not find his family as understanding and cooperative as they might be, he finds the programs on TV getting worse all the time, he gets no real satisfaction out of not planning a purpose to existence.
  • How do we best gain that which we lack?
  • Quote

    People, can you hear me?
    Hear the message that I'm sending out
    I've got the answers to all your problems
    And tonight I'll be singing it loud

    Just surrender yourself to the rhythm
    Put your hands up in the sky
    Feel the energy deep inside your system
    And leave this world behind

    People, can you hear me?
    Hear the message that I'm sending out
    I've got the answers to all your problems
    And tonight I'll be singing it loud

    Just surrender yourself to the rhythm
    Put your hands up in the sky
    Feel the energy deep inside your system
    And leave this world behind


  • Those who have these problems should set them up and catalogue them properly; they should ask themselves a number of very simple but direct questions, as to what makes them happy, how they wish they could spend the time if they could do anything they wanted to, what they are anxious to become more than what they are and how they are going to face a future that is going to close in on them relentlessly.

  • Quote


    My work is infinitely light. B|

    It's the calm before the storm
    Things aren't as they were before
    You best start bracing (ooh)

    Did you think you could keep us out?
    Shut the gates, forget us now
    The tides are changing (ooh)

    Can you hear the sound?
    Can't stop us now
    We're not backing down, know what we're doing
    Things about to change, it's evolution
    Our voices shake the ground, you feel it moving

    We're the revolution
    Oh (hey), oh
    We're the revolution
    Oh (hey)
    We're the revolution
    Oh (hey), oh
    Oh (hey)

    We're the ground beneath your feet
    We're the whisper in the trees
    Do you feel us watching? (Ooh)

    Hunger in our eyes
    Victory's on our minds
    It's our time to rise

    Can you hear the sound?
    Can't stop us now
    We're not backing down, know what we're doing
    Things about to change, it's evolution
    Our voices shake the ground, you feel it moving

    We're the revolution
    Oh (hey), oh
    Oh (hey)
    We're the revolution
    Oh (hey)
    We're the revolution

    We're not backing down, know what we're doing
    Things about to change, it's evolution
    Our voices shake the ground, you feel it moving
    We're the revolution



  • There has to be something in the form of a plan to make life really valuable, and without value life is a sort of drifting from the cradle to the grave, there is no purpose in it.
  • The history of the world and the present condition of society both indicate clearly that the average person does not purpose his own existence, he depends on outside influences, he can be worked into a frenzy by a tyrant, he can buy things he can't use and doesn't need, he can demand luxuries that are not necessary and many are detrimental to him, he just goes around doing what he pleases, ending something in a premature grave and sometimes in an involuntary bankruptcy.
  • Out of all this, time is wasted.  We have lost approximately 25 years of life.
  • If not all in one place, it is scattered through, is a 75 year lifespan only about 1/3 can be said to be available to the average person as time for himself.  The other 2/3 go to work and sleep.
  • But this third that belongs to him is a magnificent opportunity for a career, the person has a paid initiation into the best schooling, he has the right and privilege of learning almost anything he wants and if he wishes to want only that which is best he will find that his economic situation may improve through less ambition and less extravagance and he can really have a very important extra life that is now lost.
  • He can have another complete existence, instead of being a working man for 8 hours, and then a sleeping man for 8 hours, he can also be a growing person for 8 other hours of every day.  Growing up into new aptitudes and opportunities.
  • So what are the opportunities today?  Probably one of the best forms of growth that we can work with now is cooperation and service to each other.
  • The individual finds perhaps the greatest basic joy that there is in the human composition when he brings joy or releases joy through other persons.
  • One of the simplest things we can do is to plan a program of helpfulness, of not thinking about ourselves but earning the respect, admiration, confidence and affection of other people.  It is something to look back quietly upon a good deed that has brought security to another.  And this type of backward looking is probably the  most cheerful as possible.
  • So service to others, if you do not know what to do, help someone in desperate trouble.  Forget being deprived of a few hours of television or being requested to turn away from some ordinary leisure that you have planned, but try to see what you can do to help other people.
  • If you have trained abilities, there are many opportunities that open themselves to the person who really wants to help.  If you have music, as a background and have the abilities, find some young people who want music and cannot afford it and instead of sitting around gossiping or answering phone calls, help these young people with music.
  • If you are in business, take young people and train them - they will not get proper training in school but they can get it from someone who has been through it and knows what is right and know what should and should not occur.
  • Everyone can do something and out of the best they have done themselves share with another.


  • There are things you can do for yourself if you are not in a position or do not feel equipped to work with other people, then work with yourself.  Develop those faculties and powers which are not functioning properly today.
  • Look over your own life and see what your mind is doing; is your mind growing?  Watch your thoughts and see if your are criticizing things you do not understand instinctively or have developed prejudices which interfere with justice and judgement.
  • Look over your own nature and then go to work on the problem that you find needs attention.
  • It is not good to simply covert yourself, to sit down and say I shouldn't hold that attitude is usually not very meaningful, what you really should do if you dislike a certain condition is get into that condition yourself.  Move in on it and find out why people think the way they do instead of criticizing from some set point within yourself, find out why other people are not more successful in their judgements.
  • He knows people who have simply gone into walks of life which are not their own in order to find out how other people really live.  And it is almost certainly an eye opener.
  • If you do not which to go through all this, then the best attitude you can have is to believe firmly to believe every individual is doing the best for what he is. 
  • And it is always important to estimate what he is and help him to become better.
  • We have to study what we are and find out why it isn't satisfactory and then start to fill in the areas where we are deficient.
  • Nature tells us from experience that each one of us should have at least three and probably four dynamic interests, these interests are not in conflict unless we put them in conflict.  Realities are never in conflict, they simply absorb more and more time but with judgment and control can be properly allotted.
  • First of all everyone should have a physical regime of some kind, a short period of physical exercise and be watchful of the health of the body, diet, not abusing medications and things of this type.
  • You have a little pattern there to set aside a few minutes a day to make sure that this very useful creature that carries us about has proper attention and care, on the other hand we must sometimes get this creature over the problem of being utterly spoiled.
  • In which every desire, every craving, every appetite is dynamically fulfilled regardless of cost - this type of attitude will result in a short and discomfortable lifetime.
  • Having done this to work out that, we can go to the emotional nature.  We should have an outlet, if we have art or music this becomes an outlet and a little time every day should be devoted to it.  If we are not skilled, then the study of art can become very important, the appreciation of art, beautiful books are valuable, and also art carries us inevitably towards the recognition of the dynamics of beauty, the dynamics of beauty also tell us that attitudes are beautiful or not beautiful.  Words spoken, beautify or deform.
  • Modern art and music is a form of deformity but we have grown so accustomed to it that we have assumed these deformities are normal, they are not, deformity, asymmetry, discords are not ever normal.  They are the natural results that arise in lives that are themselves not normal.
  • In art we also find poetry.  We find all kinds of appreciations for beauty in every field, we also feel the importance of the art of living.  To live kindly and graciously, to endure everything that we can, to maintain the essential simple dignity of the human being.
  • The moment we lose temper, we are destructive.
  • The moment we do not transform or transmute suffering into soul power we begin to become neurotic.
  • Beauty is something we must all have, a beautiful view, picture, etc. - if these things are denied us, whatever beauty we can build in the intimate associations of which we exist.
  • There's always the possibility of tuning in some good music on a radio, there are programs on art, on humanities that do come through on some of these stations, especially public service stations, all these things can give us pleasure with growth.
  • But whenever we settle down for a nice long evening of murder we're in trouble.  We are sickening ourselves.  It's just as though we were slowly taking a poisonous dope, after a while we reach a point where without a murder the show is too slow.  We demand crime, and of course the thing that we are all self deceived by is that we are seeing fabrications and artificial things that are conjured up for audience appeal, and assuming the world is like the abnormalcies we see.
  • Certainly you may find traces of any degenerate influence somewhere in society, but to have it thrown at us day after day certainly disillusions and destroys the integrities that we must build if we want to be good, successful people.
  • If all else fails get a good book; do something that will give you inspiration instead of closing in and making you feel more and more hopelessness and futility of personal growth.
  • Everything should have some kind of meaning.
  • Another important point is friendship.  Friendship today is a hard thing to have, most people do not find friendship easy, they are imposed upon, their friends are too demanding, their friends are selfish and self centered and the individual finds gradually that he is hurt more than helped by contact with society.
  • One thing to do if you find this happening in your own life, take another look and make sure that you are not aggravating other people, make sure that your own attitudes are not such that other people can't take it any longer.
  • If your great joy is to criticize and condemn something, you will drift into loneliness because people looking to friendship look for one thing more than anything else and that is truth of the essential kindliness and goodness of human nature.
  • They may fail you, that is their problem.  When you fail them it is your problem.  Everyone should try to live and think that they can be happy and pleasant and constructive with people who do not exactly agree with them.
  • We should be happy to know that people are trying and doing things and we shouldn't try to dominate them and make them do only what we want them to.
  • Friendship is very vital and a small group of congenial persons can make a great difference in life.  In the older group where we have retirement problems, friendships can be very vital to the happiness of the older person who wants to share the experiences of his own life with those around him.
  • The best and happiest elderly are the ones who can look back with a quiet joy on the simple things of life, that were hard when they happened some of them, but now they are turning into a kindly realization that things were pretty good.
  • A sense of humour is necessary.  The individual who is too serious about life is always in trouble because actually humour is not ridiculing other people, humour is the recognition of the delightful mistakes that we all make and which can become very valuable as an outlet.  Humour is a form of hysteria which relaxes the nervous system without damage.
  • The problems them go back finally to the mind-level again.  The mind-level has all kinds of interests and preferences and for many people, mental recreation becomes difficult these days because of the inconsistencies of society.
  • One of the best ways to develop a better mental relationship with life is to take some field of activity and specialize it.
  • There are all kinds of things that people can do mentally to enrich their lives and perhaps help other people.
  • Very often an avocational literary career can be developed in which the person finds either in his own life or in the lives of those around him interesting episodes and incidents with which he can share with other people.
  • Another form of that is continuing education.  If the person is interested in any subject of importance, adult educational opportunities are probably available.
  • And these opportunities help to fill in or enrich the mind on some phase of life.  Fix something which perhaps you have always felt wasn't right.  You've always thought that particular field was either worthless or actually contributing to some form of mistake and take a course in it and see what happens.
  • You will find that very few people intentionally or consciously take up lines of activities which they think are no good, they take up something they feel they can use or is going to be useful to others.
  • An outsider standing on the side of the line does not realize what makes other people better, or makes them think more wisely, or more kindly, or more thoughtfully.
  • Again there are other types of exercises and lessons that have good mental opportunity building.  One is language.  Very few people have a full a control of language as they ought to have and many have no interest or no background in foreign languages.
  • If the older person has leisure, and foreign language will help, or to complete an education that has been interrupted by the processes of living.  There is almost nothing you can take up that will not do better for you than watching a television show.
  • You will learn something, and learn is to use time for some constructive purpose.  And is some skill perhaps, very often persons will find as they go along that if they had a certain kind of knowledge their affairs would run more smoothly. 
  • Therefore as adults, they can take the courses, study the subject or read at home and gradually familiarize themselves with these subjects which have been difficult or unsatisfactory up to the moment.
  • Also of course the educational field offers a secondary career in many instances.
  • The individual who works at a certain type of job can at another time go out and take a scouting troop as a scout master, or can become associated with youth, rehabilitation projects or join a useful civically oriented fraternal organization.  He can find things to do in which he will share with other people useful activities.
  • It used to be things of this kind were more or less considered to be men's activities but today the average woman needs them more than the man does because she needs to experience a world which has been previously dominated largely by male thinking and she is now working into that field to take her proper place in it, therefore everything educational, everything that will strengthen her contributions to society is far more important to her than small talk or just routine procedures.
  • Everyone should try to find ways to be bigger than they are so they can do a better job than they are doing and this is really a joy in the last analysis.
  • There is something very wonderful in having done it right and having everyone else know you did it right, this is an experience not enough of us have.
  • And then also on the mental-level we have the creation and inventive side of life.  People can begin at any time in life to take up an art or a science and do whatever time permits them to do while in this particular embodiment. 
  • Not doing anything or "it's too late, too soon too weak, too involved in other things" is an illusion.  The thing is if you have the incentive and the intention you can do it and this takes your life and puts it in your own hands.
  • Another point comes to the religious matter.  Religion is so vitally important that time devoted to it is very useful, but there's one problem in connection with religion and that is if it is not properly understood it can be the world champion time waster.
  • There is nothing that is a greater waste of time than theological argument.
  • It is also a waste of time for the individual to walk out of society to some isolated mountain top and commune with God for the rest of his life, this does not do any good to anybody.
  • Religion like any form of knowledge must contribute.  It must strengthen.  It has nothing to do with avoiding and evading life.
  • It is not also the idea that by having some grand and wonderful concept of what is going to happen in infinity, we can go on and be nothing now, this is a common fault in many religious organizations.
  • They retire into small groups of their own kind, very small, practically isolated, they spend all their time trying to study some system of theology, they try to meditate themselves into nirvana and they get all the common responsibilities of living.
  • And it is in this that they fail.
  • The purpose of our being here is not to be physically here and mentally somewhere else, the purpose of being here is to learn the lessons that are here. 
  • Religion becomes a wonderful help in time of trouble.  It is a background inspiration all the time.  It also helps to strengthen morality and ethics, it gives us the strength to keep the ten commandments and it gives us the internal moral quality which enables us to appreciate the sermon on the mount.
  • Religion has a tremendous overtone of integrities as wonderful and highly important, but the individual who wishes to consider religion to be his labour should take a very firm look at himself and see what religion is actually doing for him or to him.
  • If religion is making him more useful, if it is making the family closer, if the religious person is a better father, mother, child, that is fine.
  • But if it is simply a series of intellectual allegiances and everybody remains the same as far as conduct is concerned, we are not getting very far.
  • This is the problem with this type of thing.  Conversion is something people get over very quickly for the most part, but a dedication that is experienced within the self can be a tremendous thing if it is a dedication to service, if it is a dedication to unselfish giving.
  • When you get into a situation today where the minister expect 50,000 dollars a year and 25,000 expense account, or he wants to live in a fine home with a swimming pool and things of this nature, the old dedication to the service of people has gotten pretty weak in many localities.
  • It is now a profession and a business.  A career.  Not a dedication.  So the study of religion and the life of the person, religious life is one of dedications.  Of self sacrifice for the service of that which we believe to be the noblest of all things.
  • The glory of God and the security and salvation of our brother creatures.
  • To work with these problems is fine, but the real answer is always in religion.  Don't retire into it, rather allow it to come through you to serve other people.
  • The great sermon is the good life and if we are able to achieve that, we achieve everything.
  • So a little ways along the way we try to find answers to what makes time a wonderful opportunity.  An opportunity to grow and to be and to become that which we were intended to be.
  • We can never outgrow our own potential, it is greater than we can ever fathom because if we trace deep enough into ourselves we find God there.
  • We find everything is flowing from a great spiritual source.
  • Man has been given a limited intellectual individuality, he has been made capable of doing what is right and also failing to do what is right.  The reason why this determinism is of the greatest importance is there can be no virtue unless it is a decision.
  • There can be no true right without the realization of that which is not right, therefore the individual cannot do everything he pleases, he must do those things which his own capacities make possible.
  • He has the right of choice, free will is the right of choice.  He can choose the better or fail to choose the better.  If he chooses the better, the power of choice gives him growth and good karma.
  • If his choice is for that which is not the best then the experience gives him punishment and pain and is also karma.
  • Each person has their inevitable and eternal right to grow, to use the potentials that have been given to him to make his own decisions about character and life and the degree that he makes these decisions wisely, he grows and at the end of an appointed span of 80 or 75 year or whatever it may be he goes forth and nature says that he is a good and faithful servant.
  • The infinite accepts the good into itself as part of itself, and each of us in our own way must make decisions and the times of the decisions is leisure time.  It's when we can sit down and think things through, it is gradually building a career around a conviction.
  • Whatever that conviction is once we have it set up, we should keep it and we will find that keeping it in the long run improves health, saves money, prevents wasted time and prevents the individual indoctrinating himself in falsehoods or things that are of no value to himself or anyone else.
  • So each one in his own way has to use up time, and the best way to use it is to almost forget it exists because we are so busy doing things that are important for each other when we no longer really remember we are working with time we are probably using it the best because we are then saying to ourselves, "I haven't got much more time for this."  And then hurrying up a little to get more done anyway.
  • We have to really find a proper use for every potential we have, every though that we have comes from a thinking power.
  • Every emotion from a great feeling power.
  • Every thought can lead to wisdom.
  • Every emotion can lead to wisdom, affection and understanding.
  • Every physical condition leads to the improvement of the ability of the body, and over all of this is the incentive.
  • "Why should we do these things?" "Why should we try?" "Why should we aspire to being better?"
  • The answer is that through a religious experience, religious enlightenment and through the contemplation of the universal plan of things as it has been given to us in the great scriptures of the world, be become aware of the strong reason why we should grow.
  • We realize it is not a little decision of our own, that actually the problem of growing better every day is a fulfillment of a purpose and that we must fulfill this purpose, and failure to do it now simply projects the problem into the future.
  • Nothing is every solved except by achieving solution.
  • So in our time we should be friendly, we should be loving, we should take care of the responsibilities, we should build firm homes, we should be honest in our trades and make weights and measures, we should have a good deal of fun along the way, good friends, kindly associates and we should live in a world in which we are making increasingly beautiful by the simple process of releasing beauty through ourselves.
  • We may do this in spite of the difficulties of world time in fact the evil pressures of society make it more important that we find the roots and centers within our own nature.
  • The condition of the world today as we find it is a tremendous constructive pressure to the individual to become a better person and to stand for the principles be believes, to work cheerfully in the presence of the discouragements around him, to never compromise or falter in the realization that in the great plan of things, all things work together for good.
  • We can help them to achieve that good, we can discover it in ourselves and in this way every hour of the day becomes an important element in the unfoldment of the divine plan through ourselves.


Edited by Loba

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@Loba Beautiful! ❤❤❤

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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  • The relationship of ideas to death and how shamans claim that they're seeing into a world of souls.
  • The presence of these English speaking entities in the trance - from Jung and Freud you expect residual memories, but not these entities, these beings and then the question is where are they, who are they.
  • The possibilities are limited:  They are either dead people because they are more like people than animals, they speak and communicate and have intentionality in a purely intellectual realm, but they're not like anybody you have every seen so are they dead people or are they extraterrestrials.
  • This is another possibility, the problem is we have never seen an extraterrestrial.  We know there are dead people, but we don't know if anything survives bodily death, so another idea is are they from the future?
  • Are they future people.  We see people now so we can extrapolate there must be people in the future.
  • These are the choices, aliens, souls or advanced humans.
  • The dead lead by a mile, just by logical deduction, so the strangest hypothesis turns out to be the most likely, that these are the souls of the dead and it is possible that reincarnation is truth and we learn about the secrets of death.
  • It could be a communication line to the ancestors. 
  • People do the work on their own but then they tend to form into circles, this is how the serious psychedelic voyaging gets done because the circle gives people permission and courage.
  • If we had an unbroken cultural tradition we would be initiated by master shamans.
  • As it is we have had to sort of reinvent the whole of the world's oldest religion and we haven't done that bad of a job.
  • The anthropological literature of the world is vast and if you spend time with it, you will know more about these things on a certain level than most people in a traditional culture.
  • What you can bring to this that is useful and respected is a tremendous general knowledge.
  • There are rituals and song and techniques but the spirit of shamanism is open-minded and open-ended, and these people are really doing this out of curiosity.  To find out the mythological structures created by any kind of shamanic system are largely for the consumption of the client, not the shaman.
  • The shaman knows this is all provisional and what was found by shamans in the Amazon was a great curiosity and a desire to try novel concepts to integrate weird ideas into their own cosmology. Electromagnetism, viruses, computers, they loved all these things because they saw them as metaphors that they could integrate into their visions.
  • The flying saucer is a metaphor for this, very strong in the ayahuasca mythology.  
  • The domains in which we all operate are within our minds.
  • Inside culture it is all whatever we say it is, in other words, other than that it is day and night, nature doesn't say much to use - we pursue our activities all inside a construct of culture that comes out of language.
  • The problem of real and unreal - the real world is so strange that it's too freakish to suppose.
  • "The world is not only stranger than we suppose, it's stranger than we can suppose."
  • This is a tremendous liberation once you grab onto it - it's really true that the world at any moment could come completely and utterly apart, and it has not happened.  That's the concern to communicate - the provisional nature of reality - has a certain momentum, if you are an edge runner, if you keep poking, there are these things you can do and it just springs to pieces.
  • It is not all lies, it doesn't seem to operate in the domain of truth and lies, it's just that this is all such a limited slice to what's possible.
  • It always floats to the top, it always comes down and turns back into this, rooms full of people sitting and listening, but beneath that is this really unspeakably bizarre thing - not as we are told it should be, in fact as told it isn't, the one thing they tell you it isn't it is.
  • It is made of magic, anything can happen.  To have elves by the thousands pouring into your apartment...
  • What happens in within a single moment in the privacy of your own reality, it is revealed to you that all of history is a mistake, delusion and horrible misunderstanding but you are given no evidence only the conviction that this is so, then you are set down among your peers and they don't know what you are talking about and can't understand why you have become so agitated and addled.
  • This is what psychonauts live with.  They can't be sure than anybody has ever really seen the true naked heart of the stone but themselves and so then it's this tremendous catalyst to language to try and build metaphors, to be recognized so that we are satisfied. 


  • To bring little moments of presence into a busy day, nobody is so busy that they cannot have little moments of presence and if you have meetings frequently, it's always good to start a meeting with a moment of presence.  You can introduce this idea, that it is important, doesn't take more than 30 seconds and you can build on it.
  • At first people are not used to it and may feel uncomfortable and whenever you're having discussions because part of your work is to discuss things, what do we do now?
  • You can bring in presence by becoming aware of the background of alertness when you listen to others, because then you are accessing a more creative part of your mind.
  • You are accessing the deeper intelligence and you will come up with probably better answers and solutions, so you bring stillness into a discussion.
  • Become aware of your own alertness as you listen, there's an alert presence through which you are listening that is very intelligent.  You are not preparing anything mentally and not immediately judging what a person is saying, that you give yourself the space of alertness.
  • Some people are too quick to react to what someone else is saying without giving it space or thought.
  • To become spacious in some areas of your work, you may not be able to sustain it all the time, but one area is when you are communicating with other people.
  • Normally that would draw you into the mind and into thought.
  • You are accessing the higher, deeper intelligence within you and then there are other things that you do that are as you know are recommended.
  • When you get in the car give yourself 30 seconds to just be present, unless it is an emergency.
  • Try to embody and enjoy the 30 seconds - focus on your breath - or the inner body - the awareness of the inner body - practice the being, you bring a little bit of being into the doing.
  • At some point later the two will merge completely.
  • There are other moments when things that you do frequently everyday, there you can bring in awareness so that it is not a means to an end.


  • Have a number of gaps during the day, like when you wash your hands.
  • Make a list of things you do every day that will allow you to practice presence and to bring in spaces.
  • So you have brief practices of bringing in spaces and even while engaged in the doing, there too you can see if you can sense the presence that you are while listening, be alert.
  • It increases your intelligence, and it is an intelligence that is deeper than the IQ intelligence.


  • Something that is found to arise is alert listening out of that often comes is questions.  You ask questions.  One of the most creative ways of participating in a discussion is to ask questions.  Other people, when they say something, the light of your awareness shines on it, and a question arises. 
  • In the creative process of finding solutions and answers, often overlooked especially when identified with the mind then the mind has certain preconceived notions, opinions and it will just repeat those so when somebody comes forward with an idea that's totally new, if you're very much identified with your mind it could happen that you say, "Oh no that's not going to work."  
  • But with this you develop the ability to truly listen; true listening is alert and still, the aspect is a small one, you are alert and still and you may find that you may not have the answers, but you begin to ask questions and then the other person perhaps brought forward an idea is then forced to reply and it may drive him or her deeper to see what's working, and where can we go with this.
  • So one of the most creative things and the very creative people in that kind of environment, they are the ones who ask the most questions.
  • This is how the entire philosophy of Socrates developed because, the Socratic method, which somebody comes and asks Socrates a question, and so he goes from one to another to another question. 
  • Socrates knew he knew nothing, which means he was comfortable with a state of not knowing and out of that state of not knowing often questions arise and in this question, the answers suddenly come - a joined endeavor, the answer may not even come through you but you asked the right questions and then the group suddenly comes up with an answer and that is also spiritual practice.
  • It can be totally incorporated into what you are doing.
  • In many areas, maybe the hardest is being on the computer screen to be present there, but there you could practice as much as possible, have a little reminder next to the computer to be present; in your body, have inner body awareness - because computer draws your attention out, you go, "it depletes you after a few hours, it depletes you of energy, it flows out, it absorbs because all your focus goes there and so it's double important to sustain presence.
  • While you are writing or reading something, look at the reminder - you may not succeed immediately, but it is possible to be aware of your body, have some background awareness in the energy field of the body.
  • Another thing where you lose energy is places with continuous stimulus, exhibition halls, department stores, ect, after a half an hour you are depleted.
  • If you try these techniques you will gradually increase awareness.



Edited by Loba

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  • Medieval crusades in which persons in every walks of life, every degree of intelligence set out on that great pilgrimage from Europe to Jerusalem.  Many got only a short distance and gave up, other kept on to die in the desert.  Still others forced their way through and either died or gradually returned to their own lands, a fraction came back.
  • They were all seeking the holy city, the city of their faith.  And in spite of every effort for centuries, Christendom was never able to recapture that city.
  • This is like the struggles of today in every religion, every faith, every cult and creed, human beings are searching for the personal experience of reality.  They are seeking to come to understand themselves, to find a reason for their own existence.  To find that balm of Gilead that has been promised to them.
  • They've come in every colour, creed, race and type and every degree of intelligence and yet with it all, so very few have reached the goal that they sought.
  • Many reached a goal which they had thought was what they sought.  But after a time it proved illusive and delusionary and the search continued.
  • The alchemists sought to make gold and also to reform society.  The Hermetists studied the secrets of nature, the Greek mystics and philosophers studied the world with the most profound attention and with the greatest benevolence.
  • Many of them came to extraordinary conclusions, but now in the 20th century these conclusions arranged against each other and the new materialism, a new intellectualism has taken over and a new pilgrimage has been declared, a pilgrimage into the great economic future of a world industrial well.
  • Still the search goes on, a search for peace among nations.  Peace in our own hearts.  Peace in our family lives.  Peace in our national governments.  We are still searching for that mysterious integrity which alone can bind up the errors of society.
  • Looking back as far as we can in history on this, we observe a certain number of special points of interest, and these include both eastern and western thinking, the wisdom of both combined and it all seems to sum up in come peculiar inconsistency, namely that the individual seeks something better without becoming better himself.
  • He seems to think of religion as a way of atoning for something, atoning for his own misdeeds or his own ignorance, he seems to believe that if he can become part of an association of religious peoples that he can drift with them into the better land beyond, but actually we are today no closer to that which we essentially seek than we were thousands of years ago.
  • Because we have added more to our difficulties than we have to our solutions and now we all stand in the midst of the greatest challenges we have ever known.
  • How all of the good of the past, how the love and wisdom of thousands of dedicated souls could not prevent this emergency is a very strange and sad commentary on our way of life. 
  • So this morning we want to take out the problem of opening the doors of the inner self, the reality within us to see if we can come to a little better understanding of the problems that we face.


  • Those of you who have in travel visited primitive people's may note one interesting point - namely way back in the beginning of time there were those who had visions, there were those who had strange beliefs but these beliefs were supported by extrasensory perceptions and in those old days the great sculptures of the world were written; in those days the great philosophical times were laid down and we have only inherited the skill to make certain improvement upon original revelations.
  • Therefore the great period of revelation is not now, the great period gave the world Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Krishna, all the great scholars of wisdom, teachers of the past.
  • Why is that the way it is, why were those dates better for the development of wisdom than ours?  
  • The answer is probably reasonably evident: namely an uncluttered existence.  Our ancestors did not have the great ambitions we have, even the forbearers of this country did not.
  • In those days people lived close to natures which was a great advantage.  They lived in a simple natural environment that had been spoiled completely.
  • They lived with some unpleasant animals and things of this nature and quite early began to develop feuds among themselves, but generally speaking primitive man lived in the natural world, and living in a natural world, when he tried to create a philosophy of life with limited resources to work, not really understanding that there was a philosophy of life, he began to build his way of living by studying the life of the world around him.
  • There is an account of to the effect that speech came from nature.  That long before the individual was able to have words or created alphabets, he copied natural sounds and having the proper structure in the throat to do so he was able to imitate the sound of a waterfall or the wind through trees or the cries of birds an animals.
  • And this seemingly was the beginning of language.  He found it possible to communicate certain ideas, feelings, impulses by accepting the sounds of the natural world. 
  • He knew sounds that frightened him and sounds that pleased him.  He knew sounds of birth and sounds of death.  And from all these he began to develop a series of sounds which became gradually letters of a primitive alphabet.
  • But these sounds came definitely from the natural world, so did everything else he had.  He had to come to the conclusion that if he was ever going to understand the invisible he must be able to find it in the visible. 
  • Almost all old theologies are merely abstractions of natural phenomenon.
  • All of the rules and laws attributed to deities were the result of human relationships testing the possibility of community existence.
  • So little by little we built a world in which nature provided the only available facts.
  • These fact could be by careful meditation perhaps or constant reinvestigation could become truths.
  • And this in a sense is the beginning of modern science in the 17th century Europe, namely that there were truths that could be built upon facts.
  • That these facts could become the basis of rules, that these fact by constant repetition and investigation showed natures way in a great many directions, it made it possible to decide internally to a major at least what nature expected us to do on the the basis of nature would penalize anything that was not within it's own approval.
  • So little by little the science of nature began to take the form of a natural philosophy.  A natural philosophy that was based upon the seasons, climates, nature, phenomena, everything from the gently blowing stream to the volcanic eruption.  All these things had to be fitted into something supported by facts and facts were things that you could see, touch or have some way of a direct contact.
  • From facts the problem of truths resulted in morality.  Mortality was really the moral interpretation of facts, it was a fact made alive and vivid through experience.
  • The individual taking the fact and working with it discovered finally that it had within itself a meaning, a moral value that it produced good consequences that had advanced causes, whereas error nearly always destroyed.
  • So little by little the truth factor came in, and after a long time with truth the mind and consciousness began to ascent to a higher level and this was reality.
  • Reality is the higher octave of truth and is something gradually built into an understanding as a complicated network of truths working together and through their interaction producing what we call reality.  Reality is the final proof of the truth of a fact.
  • On this basis we have build most of the learning that we know today.
  • It also follows from the beginning of time individuals in a mysterious way began to question themselves.
  • The caveman was among the first to ask why he was created in the first place, the answer has not yet been found.


  • Most people have no idea where they came from and nowhere near about where they are going, except in terms of the mortuary.  All of the rest is an internal reaction to something.  The individual is not willing to accept the fact alone, he had to build it into a moral value which became his truth and he had to accept it to contact reality.
  • How the people of today or long ago continue their search for reality and what did they use to open the doors between the visible and the invisible.
  • How did they expect to obtain a concrete visual audible reality.
  • In the earliest days that we know of there were in all tribes and nations certain mystics and these mystics where persons who were given to strange dreams; visions; curious experiences, which did not limit their consciousness entirely to the common world.
  • Somewhere in the long line, dreams became a part of man's structure of searching.
  • A dream had certain technical advantages.  It could be described, could be experienced and it could be in a sense fitted into the social pattern.  A dream might therefore pertain to a world or vision or place beyond this life.  A vision could be an experience of that which is beyond, a conscious contemplation.
  • For a long time dreams were considered symbolic and mystically valuable and were the means of healing in ancient Greece and social growth among American Natives.  
  • Dreams where always something a little beyond and intangible but substantial to be called, remembered and shared with other people.
  • Dreams also gave another proportion to consciousness. Dreams often were centered in some other place than the ones we are familiar with.
  • We had dreams of temples, palaces, shrines, great mountains, hierarchies of celestial beings and all the mysterious mechanism of Dante's divine comedy.
  • All of these things could be experienced and we might add to be practical, they were perhaps best experienced after reading Dante's divine comedy because that type of reading places certain attitudes and ideas in the subconscious of the human being and gradually hi intellectualism increased and improved, the individual began to downgrade him dreams and changed them to meet the changing social conditions of his times, but dreams were a sleep phenomena that has played a part in man's evolution from the very earliest time.
  • There have always been natural mystics, these natural mystics were not necessarily psychic, they had experiences, but these experiences were inward revelations, the true mystic was not telling his neighbor what was going to happen to him, the true mystic was exploring a realm or vista far greater than the material world in which he lived.
  • Notable mystics: Johan Torah, Jacob Bei Me and Emanuel Swedenborg.
  • These persons came from different areas of life, different levels of culture, but also had similar experiences.  Swedenborg was a scientist of high standard and Bei Me was a shoemaker and Torah was a monk.
  • These different people all had mystical experiences and these experiences resulted largely from a great longing or a great yearning, or as in the case of several of them a great tragedy in their personal lives.
  • There came a time as there is always a time when a individual becomes sorry for himself, perhaps legitimately, not simply an emotional state of affairs, but a frustration of the real values of living, an individual of this time may retire into themselves and live in a world of constructed and idealistic fantasies.
  • But are they fantasies?  This is also a question that has never been satisfactorily solved to meet everyone's requirements.
  • We also know that the mind has become a powerful factor in the effort to make the invisible real to us, and the mind has developed all kind of experimental processes, the mind has borrowed heavily from outside sources for the information intended to reform the inner life of the person whom that mind belongs.
  • So the mind almost always builds an invisible upon the visible through a certain intellectual mental approach, and today we have all kinds of such approaches, they are found in every religious system of the world and opposed by every agnostic system.
  • They have become the basis of moral philosophy and have resulted unfortunately in the rise of a great many competitive institutions.  But the mind becoming more and more enmeshed in the obvious or the external, and the external becoming less and less soundly founded so that it is based today very heavily upon mistakes and misfortunes.
  • The mind becomes a dangerous instrument.  Now the mind was not such a dangerous instrument long ago when society was a simple structure.
  • The mind's domination of the situation began with the dawn of ambition and when ambition reached a certain degree where it was willing to accomplish it's end through destructive means then ambition became a mental liability of which we have several today; the mind is no longer capable of direct thinking.
  • It is no longer capable of truth seeking in the real sense of the word.
  • The term truth has come into bad time and has now been applied to so many different mistakes that it is impossibly classified, but the fact seemingly remains that the mind which might possibly have opened the doors to the internal has only become another gate keeper preventing us from entering.
  • The mind guards the gate of the superior as a watchman to make sure that the individual does not outgrow the level of thinking which is common to his society, if he does this he will be an outlaw, impoverished and disgraced.
  • So the mind guards his outer reputation at the expense of his inner life.
  • What have we left has ways of finding the inner?  The second way is religion as expressed through the heart doctrines of many people, most people who follow the heart doctrine are not many intellectuals and may have excellent minds, but they also have something else, they have a dimension of sympathy, a dimension of compassion and they also have a deep rooted belief and feeling that somewhere in the great pattern of things an infinite love is moving the universe.
  • These emotional centered people therefore come closer to reality than the intellectual, in emotion you have experiences, sometimes disillusionments, discouragements, destructive reactions, hatreds and so on, but basically the heart doctrine is one based upon the teachings of Jesus or one of the other great benevolent world teachers.
  • It is based on the assumption that the search for the reality of this is the primary purpose of human beings and to live together in a fraternity based upon the realization of reality is the solution to the social dilemma.
  • So the heart doctrine has many exponents and many of them have had a greater benevolent influence on mankind.
  • The person who is in friendship and in love and affection seems to live on in the virtues and achievements of himself through his descendants.
  • It is therefore an important point to make sure we realize the tremendous significance of religion affections, but now comes the rub, the religious reflections run into controversy.  The individual wishing to be a devout person may find that devotion today is strangely altered.
  • That the simple of doing good, of being kind, unselfish, these things are no longer really available in terms of affection, the individual has been cheated too often.  He has been imposed upon and he has also develop ulterior motives within himself.
  • So powerful he is incapable of a pure emotion.  He cannot prevent his emotions by being coloured, or he cannot reconcile the inconsistency between a noble emotion and an un-noble action.  Both exist within the same person and this conflict results in a loss of man's affection as a means of liberation.


  • A lower problem; one that is distinctive; social relationships.  The humanitarian.  The individual who lives to help the underprivileged, the benevolent person, the person who devotes his life to the service of mankind in one kind of way or another; devout; the individual who basically is unselfish becomes a servant of physical needs of human beings and also becomes an inspiration to their internal requirements.
  • These all constitute a level of virtue in which a person becomes virtuous through service, and service is of course and in fact envision and in substance the noblest expression of man's inner life, but the inner life itself must still be considered.
  • We must try to find out what happens to help the individual to have an inward experience that is great enough to dominate his mental, emotional and physical attributes.
  • And in that way give him back to the leadership of the best of himself.
  • Plato says that a country is best ruled when the best persons rule.  The human being is best governed when the best part of himself leads.
  • Some think the mind is the best part, some emotions and some the body, but all of these finally come under the leadership of that which dwells within the body, within the emotions, behind the mind.
  • What is this basis of reality?  How are we going to reach it?  How are we going to challenge it to come out of it's strange aloofness so that it can become available to the person.
  • One thing we find out immediately is this search has to be personal.
  • There is no way of communicating this reality in any way necessary to solve the problem of the individual.
  • Except that it be given to the individual with his particular problem, so we have to try to find out how to reach the opening of the inner light so that something superior to mind can become the ruler of mind, to use the mind, the emotions and the body as an instrument for the fulfilment of his sacred purpose which has to be discovered in one way or another.
  • We begin to see that image of times there were various doctrines that were developed largely for the purpose of bringing the individual into contact with his own higher nature.
  • That there were teachings that taught him to rise above, into an immediate and intimate experience of reality.
  • This became a very deep and important problem, particularely with the Neoplatonists and the Buddhists and several other groups.
  • The quest for the way to become enlightened.  Enlightenment being in this case the light of the inner shining upon the outer, it was not the individual holding a candle up for his own mind, it had to be something else.  The light had to be something that came from above and not through him as a person, it had to be a blessing, a benediction, a baptism of the spirit and he had to try to find if there was any way in the world in which it could happen to him.
  • Most who have achieved greatly believed it could happen and those who's recorded remarks and opinions on the subject have descended to us, while they do not tell us the way, and maybe give us a clue in what we can do in our own time/way.
  • One of the first things that we are told in ancient scriptures is the simple line, be still and know that I am God.  This is one of the most important statements in connection with man's religious life.
  • The problem of trying to be still.
  • When we think of still, if we are bound to material things, we will simply say that the individual does not think, this is not the answer, that is not what is intended.
  • Intended only to become part of worship.  When the individual seeks the ordinary he can read a schoolbook or attend a class, when he seeks to know the mystery of his own inner self, he cannot storm the gates of heaven.
  • If he tries to get into the sheepfold, which was the old name for religion, by any way except the proper gate, he is then a thief and a robber, therefore the ethics, the morality, the integrities involved have to be kept in mind at all times.
  • To be still to the mystic means to be free from the involvements of mind and emotion, and free also from various physical symptomologies that may arise in order that he will be permitted that which is truly the over self to be heard, the still, small voice comes to the individual who stops talking long enough to hear it and that is rare, even in religion.
  • The problem always is that we are trying desperately to decide for ourselves our mental, emotional and physical levels.  Those problems and decisions which can come only from something superior to what we now use, we have to someway break into that mysterious realm that has been called intuition or the extrasensory band.
  • Now we have to be careful even of this because the extrasensory band is now become locked in the intellectual pattern, the extrasensory pattern now is to explore scientifically those parts of the universe which might be useable here, but which we are not aware of at the present time, therefore extrasensory perception may become completely selfish, maybe intended advanced destruction, maybe engaged in in order to find new weapons and new ways of avoiding truth, these things can come from the wrong understanding of what is intended by the concept of be still and know.
  • To be still for us in this particular world we live it seems is to cease doing that which is not necessary, not right and not good.
  • The individual much choose sometime to face the fact that he cannot be right if he continues to act wrong, that there is a relationship between conduct and consciousness.  There is a relationship between a material personality and that mysterious locked over self which we are seeking to understand.
  • Therefore it is necessary to be still in the sense of recovering from all of those intemperances of attitudes by means of which the normal growth of the consciousness is delayed or disposed of entirely.
  • Therefore if we want to really understand this, we have to begin the process of ironing out ourselves.
  • To get rid of those things which interfere with the natural mistakes of life.
  • A man was told if he stopped all these various attitudes that he had, he would be better off and he replied unhappily that if he stopped thinking about all the mistakes, he will have nothing at all to think about.
  • There might be some things to think about that are not mistakes if you give room for such thinking and are willing to gradually iron out the impulses and intemperances with which we have burdened ourselves for thousands of years and brought with us in any sequence of rebirth that happens to us.
  • Suppose we say the individual who wants to get better is trying to grow because the present condition has become intolerable.  The person is not satisfied as he is, he is not satisfied in what he has been, but he does not know how to carry himself into the future without dragging this rubble with him, tomorrow is just another day in which to worry about the problems of yesterday.
  • This whole problem of continuity of a compound attitude has to be broken up in some way and the person has to be able to be quiet without unhappy thoughts coming, he must be able to be relaxed without thinking destructively, critically or detrimental to others and if his thinking is so bad he has got to learn to get over the instinct towards addiction to forget himself.
  • The individual trying to forget himself is trying to forget a personality that is impossible and there is no way of getting rid of it except outgrowing it.
  • Some people have gotten away with drinking themselves to death.
  • These people believe in the kind of life that we are generally living, they will feel they have got release, but to the deeper thinker they have solved nothing and have escaped nothing so that the problem comes again.
  • Cure it now rather than face it later.
  • In the problem of getting started on this inner search we have to find out that nature in it's own way is essentially cooperative.  The body has laws and rules, if we keep them it will keep us as long as possible.
  • It has rules we cannot break and the moment we begin to reject our responsibility to the body we are in trouble.  We get so interested mentally and emotionally that we wreck the body and because we wreck the body we are accomplishing a large fortune, we feel the wreckage is worthwhile but it isn't.
  • The first law that man faces are obvious to himself, he faces them in his daily living, but he has learned to ignore the findings and has developed a new escape with our ancestors didn't really have, namely he could hire someone to get him out of trouble.
  • But it is just as difficult to have another person solve your problems, like them eating your food or something, this can't be done.
  • So we have now a complex situation of people who want to grow but have already stunted their own growth badly, they want to be better but they do not know what to do with the mistakes that have accumulated.
  • Old mystic's answer: Simply be quiet and know that I am God.
  • Not a theological definition but based upon the concept that when we cease to build our own mistakes, when we cease to passion a giant monster out of our own intemperances and relax - all of these evil things simply fade away.
  • But they will not fade as long as a drop of nutriment is available, if we continue to be unhappy, we will not solve the mystery of our own inner consciousness.
  • The way of life physically that gives us the maximum probability for years is the same type of discipline as that which is necessary to the mind and the emotions so that they will fulfill their duties as perfectly as possible, when the emotions are quieted down to simple, gentle, real values, the emotional nature is protected, we have no likelihood or trouble with some of the internal organs of the endocrine system which have control over our emotions, we will not kill ourselves by false feelings any more than we will kill ourselves with bad food.
  • When we go up to the mind, the mind was used and intended to be used for the common good, for the advancement of everything that is real and valuable in life.
  • If the mind could be released from the terrific pressure of self interest, if it could get away from all its scheming on how to defeat someone and quietly work out how to help him, all things would be better in the mental world.  Less mental breakdown and not suffering from senility.
  • Is is the misuse of the mind that gradually changes life into a dismal dwelling for the individual, so when each of these levels there is a natural law.
  • Each of these creatures has it's rights and privileges, each level of ourselves has its inalienable needs and corrections, they're all here if we want to use them.
  • A lot of people have been perfectly willing to support religions industriously, they have been willing to make pilgrimages and willing to do all kind of penances to remove some guilt mechanisms within themselves and at the same time, this great experience of projection into something higher has not occurred to them.
  • And largely it is the result of not being able to quiet the separate levels of our consciousness, they are on their own levels and then quiet the relationships of them to each other.
  • The mind and emotions locked in conflict, they are in trouble, whenever there is conflict there is a false motion; destruction, whenever there is an obstruction there is a decay, desintigration of values in which something becomes sick.
  • All selfishness is sickness no matter what you want to call it.  All jealously is sickness.
  • These things are just exactly as serious as sickness is as are the ordinary physical ailment which we may or may not be able to cure.
  • This problem therefore is to get rid of the sickness arising from the misuse of powers, faculties and principles within ourselves.
  • Unless we are able to do this, we will stay in trouble.  We may be a good church member while in this problem, it has never occurred to use that religion demanded anything more than allegiance.
  • Like a parent demand the child obey but did not contribute to any enlightenment in the child.
  • The religious association which washes away sins with baptism or water has not gotten to the point where it realizes or bad people realize that they have got to wash their own sins away with their own tears.
  • So there is time to get at some of these values directly if the person wants to be born again in the theological sense of the word, it isn't that he simply accepts a religion, to be born again means to not make the same mistakes again.
  • A new slate, a new birth, a fresh, clean, honest mind - carrying nothing from the past that was destructive.
  • Everything that is detrimental must be left aside.  It must not be carried forward.


  • If the individual may be born again and still be in some business which is competitive or in a family relationship in which tyranny dominates or children are neglected or older members of the family are ignored, all of these things are not assumed to interfere with being born again, but to be born again with them is to be the same, instead of a new birth its just a new name for the same thing that you always did.
  • Out of this is something more than keeping the morality straight.  It is part of this business of being quiet.  Every agitation, every intensity of negative attitude is dangerous to the inner life of the person, therefore we say that when we want the individual to be still and know, we want the individual to change his entire basic formula for life.
  • It doesn't mean he can't speak, it doesn't mean he can't have ideas.
  • But he has to have only things that work together for good.
  • The body, mind, emotions must be brought into harmonic relationships, there must be no discords in the compound of the person, it doesn't mean he is well advanced, he isn't perfect and is not above mistakes but if he makes a mistake he knows and is sorry, and if he is not too wise he may be much deeper in the mysteries of his own inner life.
  • So the problem with stillness now is the end of conflict, not the end of function, it is that no longer will the individual be in a continuous disturbance with himself.  He will not regret what he did yesterday, he will regret today.
  • Pythagoras advised this doctrine of recollections to accomplish freedom from habit patterns.  He advised his disciples they should live their lives over again backwards for that day, see what they did right and wrong and determine to correct any mistake that way made during that day.
  • Recognize it, correct it and outgrow it and reach the condition in which it will not be repeated.
  • What we ask for really is a good natured person of kindly disposition who is not bitter, who is able to live in pleasant relation with other people, who is not jealous, who does not tear down reputation and doesn't lock in feuds with anybody, who holds no violent dislikes they do not understand.  DO not take sides on problems they do not know and remain open and ever watching for the good.
  • And watching and rewarding only the best of their own conduct, this means a more or less simple life.  One way that the mediaeval found to gain this simple life was to join the clergy.
  • They became monks, lived in monasteries, worked in gardens, spent most of their time in prayer and meditation, but this didn't work quite well either because the isolation was the individual arming himself against himself.
  • He was determined to destroy the opportunities to make mistakes and gained virtue in that way, it's not done that way.  it doesn't work.  The individual does not recover from the mistakes because he locks himself away from temptation.  Because temptation is still there, internal pressures affect and afflict him even while he is in a monastic existence.
  • Stay in the world, but be able to live your own inner life without worry and fear and if other people wish to ridicule it, let them, but do not resent them for their ridicule, it is not worth it.
  • Do that which your inner light is right and order to do that you have to get a message - now messages coming from the inner life are often mistaken, very often what we consider to be a vision is merely a way of supporting our own personal attitudes.  When visions support our right to be wrong, we have good reason to question our visions.  They can be nothing but nightmares and expressions of our own defects.
  • They can reveal to a clinically trained physiatrist or phycologist just what is wrong with our dispositions and why we are in trouble, this type of vision or dream is of no basic value except as a warning.
  • If he has pressures he will have dreams and most will be related to his pressures, either justifying them or help him fulfil the thing that have created the pressures.
  • So we don't go on that level, but if there are no pressures, no intensities, if the individual is living a very quiet, reasonable life, he may end up Jakob Böhme, the great German mystic, he was raised and educated as a shoe maker.  He was an apprentice shoemaker.  Finally got his papers and became a master shoemaker and lived in a little town all his life, he was married and had children, attended the Lutheran church and was a simple person with only the education possible from a local school which only taught him enough to read the bible.  So this man quietly, peacefully made a strange compact with himself.  He resolved to live as best he could in his simple way, the best he knew -  he was quiet and charitable - and when the Lutheran communion turned against him, he never for one moment showed resentment towards them, while they denounced  him, he was sitting listening to it and was unwilling to pick a quarrel with the men who were accusing him of heresy and downgraded him.  They say he was a good father, friend and husband and an honest craftsman and marked and guaranteed every shoe he made.
  • To this simple man came some of the most extraordinary visions recorded in history.
  • One day while he was working in his shop he had the chance to look up and he saw a raw of light striking a pewter plate on the wall, it struck him in the eyes and in that moment he had a vision of another world and this vision had none of the peculiarities that we associate with sectarianism, he did not have the terminology for it.  He borrowed words from friends and neighbors because he had no words.
  • He also was able to gauge some terminology from alchemy and astrology but he used them in his own way.
  • Little by little Jakob Böhme discovered in himself a strange and wonderful truth, that was the basis of all his thinking and all his living.  He said that in the very beginning there was nothing in the universe but peace, that this peace reached everywhere and everyone was in peace with everyone else and they talked to God and God answered them in the voice of a small child, a very gentle child not much older than themselves, because he was speaking to common people and not to great scholars and they were all peaceful until along came Lucipher and Lucipher was self-willed fell the angels.
  • And when Lucipher asked deity for certain privileges, he was a faithful cherub at that time, God spoke again in the voice of the little child and said what was necessary and Lucipher said he didn't like it and didn't want to live in a universe that was ruled by a small child, and if the deity can't speak out the great and glorious words I want to hear, I am going to take over the job.
  • So said he would take over, run the universe, so he challenged the child and that was the start of the great disobedience and in an instant the heavens completely changed, the sky was filled with great spiritual powers and in the midst of them were placed the inevitable deity.  All power, splendour, all skills, and a thunder and rumbling voice that could be heard everywhere and it is thus that the pride of Lucipher opened the abyss of the self.
  • Opened the world of sorrow and pain because he had tried to take over the management of the universe and because he could see no God until he disobeyed and then the whole glory of heaven broken upon him.
  • Something about this myth can be carried down, when man taking over the universe because God didn't seem big enough to handle the job, something that we all might think about occasionally, also all the problems that we have when we think of the universal and divine plan as too weak to handle us to take care of our problems, so that we have to suddenly become helpers in this deal.
  • We may get into serious trouble, but Boehme was a great mystic - he pointed out that when the human being becomes aware of the realities and uses them properly, the great sorrow fades away again and man and God live together in infinite community, all with man obeying that which was eternally ordained to be obeyed.
  • So in this way Boehme has his peace that was disrupted by human faults, so that to be still is to know the universe as stillness.  To be still is to hear the voice of God and the voice of a small child, to disobey is to bring down upon one's self a thunder of an immutable power.
  • To obey, we do not know there are laws.  When we break them we discover to our sorrow that we have not been very wise.  
  • So we are going to try and think in terms of a quietude that is free from ulterior motive and this is what Zen attempted to do in India and Taoism in China.
  • It was the idea that man only comes into trouble if he does it wrong, as long as he is right he doesn't know there are any laws, because keeping them perfect, everything is serene and well balanced but the moment self interest takes over, the power of the abyss is loosened upon us.
  • So we think of quietude as just quietly doing the things that are right.  Peacefully doing the things that must be done in peace and performing all good deeds in the name of the one sovereign good upon which we all depend and from which we must gain all our life and resource.
  • The mystics have found out that if we live this quiet inner life we can carry energy responsibility of the outer life with dignity.  There is no need for us to go around depriving ourselves of everything, we only have to deprive ourselves of those things which were never any good in the first place.
  • We only have to get over what was wrong we are never punished for what is right.
  • But if we get these things into a peaceful quietude then this achieved condition is the opener of the door.  This is the power that makes possible for us the actual direct participation in reality, it is that power which comes to us when we do not interfere or condition that power.
  • In the ancient days the wise slept without dreams.
  • There was no dream about mistakes, just a quiet and in this quietude a perfect peace - the heavens open and the reality affirms itself in our lives.
  • The story of the fable of Christ knocking at the door is in this thoughtfulness.
  • That which is real knocks at the door when we listen, but when we do all the talking ourselves we cannot hear the gentle voice of truth or note the gentle knocking on the door.
  • It is in peace and quietude alone that we can open the doors.
  • If it opens the doors means we make ourselves receptive to a higher level of consciousness. We make ourselves receptive to the experiences of the inner life, we have a victory of soul over circumstance.
  • We have a victory of reality in ourselves over the errors and illusions of daily living, as a result we are in peace, we are quiet.
  • Now in the old initiation rights we were usually subject to very serious tragedies.  In ancient mystery rituals the candidate was given firm and terrible tests.
  • There were even degrees in which life itself might be hazarded unless he was right and in all these things he had to fulfil the great test of life, he had to recapitulate his own existence and go through a serious of harrowing circumstances which would result finely in his obtainment with oneness with inner consciousness.
  • We are taking the same rituals.  We don't call them rituals, we call them mistakes or inabilities of governors to govern, or people to govern themselves, we call blames.
  • They are tests.  Experiences that will never cease until we stop making the mistakes that caused the trouble.  There will never be a time when social legislation will prevent the individual from making a mistake and we can never have perfect leadership until we have an intelligence following.
  • There must be dedicated followers and enlightened leaders in which case enlightenment means self victory, the victory of the inner life over the outer circumstances.  The outer temptations, beliefs, circumstances which lead to trouble.
  • Buddhists and Zen have a quiet method of meditation, they sit quietly and they simply allow not a blank to set in, the idea is not to make the mind a blank, the idea is to make the mind a gentle disciple at the kneeling or seated at the foot of the reality within.
  • The human becomes the tailor of the divine, becomes the disciple of that which must always be the leader, and various ways these revelations come to people.
  • Sometimes it may come in a dream or a vision or a real spiritual experience which is rare, but all spiritual experiences must be doubted if the individual who has them has not conquered the common mistakes of himself.
  • Anyone who believes an extrasensory experience and is still incapable of the direct control of his own life, constructively must be afraid of imposter.  And any organization that promised the individual that he can become great without becoming good is also a very dubious organization.
  • There can be no rising upward into the higher levels of consciousness except through a kind of meditative discipline, and what is meditation in this case.
  • It is not sitting in a corner somewhere with your eyes closed and fists tight, meditation in this case is the quiet recognition, realization of the values of life as they have been presented to us in daily experience.


  • Meditation helps to bring us a new way of being useful, a new way of solving or helping to solve problems around us.  We can say with all meditation practices that nobody can solve anybody else's problems, this is true, therefore if we think we are solving them is not really true.
  • The part that is beneficial to us is that we have given up something of ourselves because we love someone else more.
  • Every individual who becomes happy must make himself happy, there is no possible way of anyone making anyone really happy, and any apparent happiness arises without the control of inner faculties is going to come on the rocks one of these days and become shipwrecked.
  • All of these things are part of a large plan a large purpose, a divine way of things and in our quietude in the small voice, the voice of the silence will speak and the voice will be like the voice of God.
  • It could be a small quiet voice, never a thundering of power or final order descending from on high, but a quiet voice of a gentle person telling us something we aught to know and telling us as though we are beloved children and not because we are great people.
  • The recognition of these great experiences comes off in small ways.
  • One case an individual was fond of a garden, they loved to plant flowers and always loved them.  It was a beautiful, quiet relationship and one day this person while looking at a flower that was particularely beautiful had something happen.
  • Suddenly the flower seemed to speak, and suddenly the law of that flower burst into the mind of this kindly gardener.  The law of the flower became a symbol of the whole unfolding of the cosmos, an infinite symbol of an infinite purpose.
  • Most of those who look at the flower don't see it that way, but this person saw the flower that way, bursting forth into perfect symbolism of the universe, it was there all the time, but at that moment, reality in the individual picked it up and brought it out.
  • The message came from something beyond the mind and emotions, an infinite impression of reality, which meant that the person had for a moment's contact with one of the levels of higher insight.
  • Luther Burbank could talk to the plants and if he wanted them to do something, they did it. 
  • You have to talk with a plant and understand them and commune as reality they will do what you want of them.
  • A Chinese man took the time to watch him and was able to replicate getting plants to do what they wanted.
  • You've got to understand life, life is not you and nothing or you and something that doesn't mean anything, and all the flowers and birds and animals and creatures of the universe are real and to each level of man's thinking some form of life becomes immediately instructive and by accepting the instruction a great new dimension of consciousness is achieved. 
  • This is the only way reality can be proven, it can't be proven in laboratories, it can't be proven except all of nature.  The very planet and the very things on it bears an absolute eternal witness to reality, but the reality is not obvious to the person who doesn't know the term or doesn't know what the experience means.
  • To us humanity is a unique thing, other things are different.
  • Now we're beginning to take interest in animal life, but at the same time we haven't found the realities in these things, we haven't found that by looking at the most simple living thing that we come face to face with a truth, a reality, and inevitable which we can never influence, but which we can learn to accept and obey.
  • The Indian did vigil because he knew the air was filled with life, that everything that existed was real.
  • He couldn't come back and explain all this to his fellow tribesman although most sympathetic to it, but the proof of the fact was something else.
  • The proof was that when he went out as a healer and sat and did vigil the great ones, the true ones, sent symbols to him so that he would know what to do.
  • A little light appeared on the earth around him, a little plant or flower or weed or some little small animal or creature and he knew instantly that that which the light was around was the thing that the sick man needed - the one he way praying for, so he took usually an herb he has never used before, no botanical knowledge, but he had seen in a meditation that this was it and he took it made a tea with it, gave it to the sick man.  The man got well.
  • That was the only reality that could be demonstrated.
  • All the others could be sick, it maybe a mistake, but if the man got well, by a mystical experience then that experience was real and it's the same all the way along, we cannot get the positive demonstrations that we seek of all these things, the only thing we know is the closer we can come to reality, the closer we come to peace, happiness and health.
  • And the further we get from reality the more rapidly our problems multiply.  There are things we can do ourselves each day, we can begin to quiet the prominent causes of confusion, there is no meditation based upon some esoteric exercise that can ever work that the individual has not accomplished a transformation within himself, this was the highest phase of alchemy.
  • Alchemy was to make gold out of base metals.
  • Spiritual alchemy was to discover the eternal gold of reality in all things which can be released and brought into manifestation by art, and art in this case is the beauty, it is the skill, it is the wonder by which we do what is right because it is right.
  • This type of thing is something that has come down to us for a long time and will continue until we obey it.
  • We must find the only answer there is and that is the utpoian answer that the human being must live the fullness of humanity, of his own endowment, he must manifest all the manifestations of the condition on the level of life of which he exists and doing this he may request quietly, or might not even have to, because realities perpetuate themselves. 
  • We expect to go on to the next level of understanding and insight, we are held behind by the ballast of our own mistakes and until we are able to master those and redeem them or restore the integrities in them, we will remain in trouble.
  • So the first thing to do if you are anxious to get onto the discipleship principle in nature is to start in and prove worthiness, prove as the ancients did in initiation tests.
  • When they disciple wanted to enter into the mysteries of Isis in Greece, the first thing that was done was that his community was invited, the icon, the leader of the community was invited to tell what they thought of this person, if they were a good person, a good son or daughter, was this person a good, worthy, honorable person and if the father said yes that he had never been in trouble and been a good member of the community that was a good mark for the person.
  • If he was troublesome he would never have been admitted any further and if that was true they went to his teacher, where did this person study and what did he study, so they found the master or an old sophist of some kind who had instructed him, and if they said yes, he would be given examinations at the temple and if he passed these he was placed on a five year probationship in which it was assumed he would take the hope of going on as the basis of a great improvement in himself, he was supposed to go back into his ordinary life and would do good things that would be approved of by the temple. 
  • No egotism, must not look down on others, he must simply live a clean, natural, honourable life serving his family, keeping the rules of the community and developing his own inner life.
  • The end of that time he was put into the tests, these tests were very severe on many occasions, but they were tests of every courage that the individual had, and every opportunity was given to be corrupted or sidetracked, but if he succeeded and lived on and passed the final test, he was brought forth to the temple and crowed with a laurel wreath and declared to be an official recognized member of the religious group.
  • This became something so important that in the presence of an initiative of the mysteries, even the king of the country could not remain seated, the divine instruction took precedence over all material honours and the initiation was more important than to win a great military victory or to obtain to be an archon of the state or to become a leader in an external affair, he might win the Olympic games ten times but it was not nearly as much of an honour as to have the wreath of initiation placed on him and in that time he was bound by oaths greater than himself that he would never compromise or corrupt in any way abuse and never falsely reveal to the unworthy, the instruction for personal physical gain.
  • These instructions we must all ultimately face, fortunately we don't face it all at once, we don't have to do all that is right all the time, but little by little and day by day, discipline our mistakes, gaining control over them and correcting attitudes not conducive to common good and in this way by of a certain regular order of things come finally to the point where the interior takes complete control of the exterior and the individual lives from the root of his own reality, he is no longer a person - he is now a great soul in a body, he is an illuminate, he has achieved the end that the physical world can bestow and he has now available to him all the knowledge of his race, all the wisdom of nature around him and all the love of the deity who he represents and brought him forth.
  • These are the things that open the gates of integrities, and these are the only ways that the gates of wisdom can truly be opened.



Edited by Loba

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Seth Speaks notes - chapter 1:

You have heard of ghost hunters,  I can quite literally be called a ghost writer, though I do not approve of the term "ghost".  Names are not important.  I am quite independent of a physical image, and so are you.  Consciousness creates form.  It is not the other way around.  All personalities are not physical.  It is only because you are so busily concerned with daily matters that you do not realize that there is a portion of you who knows that its own powers are far superior to those shown by the ordinary self.

You have each lives other existences, and that knowledge is within you though you are not consciously aware of it.  You would be much better off in reading this book if you asked yourself who you are rather than asked who I am, for you cannot understand what I am unless you understand the nature of personality and the characteristics of consciousness.

If you believe firmly that your consciousness is locked up somewhere inside your skull and is powerless to escape it, if you feel that your consciousness ends at the boundary of your body, then you sell yourself short, and you will think that I am a delusion.  I am no more a delusion than you are, and that may be a loaded sentence.  

I am an energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical matter.

You are not stuck in time like a fly in a closed bottle, whose wings are therefore useless.  You cannot trust your physical senses to give you a true picture of reality.  They are lovely liars, which such a fantastic tale to tell that you believe it without question.  You are sometimes wiser, more creative, and far more knowledgeable when you are dreaming than when you are awake.

What I will tell you has been told before throughout the centuries, and given again when it was forgotten.  I hope to clarify many points that have been distorted through the years.  And I offer my original interpretation of others, for no knowledge exists in a vacuum, and all information must be coloured by the personality who holds it and passes it on.  Therefore I describe reality as I know it, and my experience in many layers and dimensions.
This is not to say that other realities do not exist.

I adopt from my own bank of past personalities those characteristics that seem appropriate.  There are many of us, personalities like myself, unfocused in the physical matter or time.  Our existence seems strange to you only because you do not realize the true potentials of personality, and you are hypnotized by your own limited concepts.

You create the world that you know.  You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outwards into physical form.  The fact is that each of you create your own physical reality, and en masse, you create both the glories and the terrors that exist within your earthly experience.  Until you realize that you are the creators, you will refuse to accept this responsibility.  You have grown "ego-bound" instead, held in a spiritual rigidity, with the intuitive portions of the self either denied or distorted beyond any recognition.

Since we have mentioned animals, let me say here that they do possess a kind of consciousness that does not allow them as many freedoms as your own.  Yet at the same time, they are not hampered in its use by certain characteristics that often impede the practical potential of human consciousness.

Consciousness is a way of perceiving the various dimensions of reality.  Consciousness as you know it is highly specialized.  The physical senses allow you to perceive the three-dimensional world, and yet by their very nature they inhibit the perception of other equally valid dimensions.  Most of you identify with your daily physically oriented self.  You would not think of identifying with one portion of your body and ignoring all other parts, and yet you are doing the same thing when you imagine that the egotistical self carries the burden of your identity.

I am telling you that you are not a cosmic bag of bones and flesh, thrown together through some mixture of chemicals and elements.  I am telling you that your consciousness is not some fiery products formed merely accidentally through the interworkings of chemical components.

You form the physical body that you know at a deeply unconscious level with great discrimination, miraculous clarity and intimate unconscious knowledge of each minute cell that composes it.  This is not meant symbolically.
Now because of your conscious mind, as you think it, is not aware of these activities, you do not identify with this inner portion of yourselves.  But this seemingly unconscious portion of yourself is far more knowledgeable, and upon its smooth functioning your entire physical existence depends.  This portion is conscious, aware, alert.  It is you, who do not listen to it's voice.

I call this seemingly unconscious the "inner ego", for it directs inner activities.  It correlates information that is perceived not through the physical senses, but through other inner channels.  It is the inner perceiver  of reality that exists beyond the three-dimensional.  It carries with it the memory of each of your past existences.  It looks into subjective dimensions that are literally infinite, and from those subjective realities all objective realities flow.



This portion of your identity is quite natively clairvoyant and telepathic.

The "outer ego" and the inner ego operate together, the one to enable you to manipulate in the world that you know, the other to bring you those delicate inner perceptions without physical existence could not be maintained.
There is however a portion of you, the deeper identity who forms both the inner ego and the outer ego, who decided that you would be a physical being in this place and in this time.  This is the core of your identity, the psychic seed from which you sprang, the multidimensional personality of which you are a part.  Where I place the subconscious, imagine it as a meeting place between the outer and inner egos, there are no real divisions to the self, however, so we speak of carious portions only to make the basic idea clear.

You cannot understand yourselves until you rid yourself of the notion that personality is a "here and now" attribute of consciousness.

The self that you know is but one fragment of your entire identity.  These fragment selves are not strung together, however like beads of a string.  They are more like the various skins of an onion or segments of an orange, all connected through the one vitality and growing out into various realities while springing from the same source.  I want to emphasize that as these things grow from within outward, so does each fragment of the entire self.  You observe the outside aspect of objects.  You physical senses permit you to perceive the exterior forms to which you then react, but your physical senses to come extend force you to perceive reality in this manner, and the inside vitality within matter and form is not so apparent.

Nothing exists, neither rock, mineral, plant, animal or air, that is not filled with consciousness of its own kind.  There is no such thing as dead matter.  There is no object that was not formed by consciousness, and each consciousness, regardless of its degree, rejoices in sensation and creativity.  You cannot understand what you are unless you understand such matters.

There are no limitations to the self.  There are no limitations to its potentials.  You can adopt artificial limitations through your own ignorance, however.  You can identify, for example, with your outer ego alone, and cut yourself off from abilities that are a part of you.  The personality is multidimensional.

Now at times I will be using the term "camouflage", referring to the physical world to which the outer ego relates, for physical form is one of the camouflages that reality adopts.  The camouflage is real, and yet there is a much greater reality within it - the vitality that gave it form.  Your physical senses then allow you to perceive this camouflage, for they are attuned to it in a highly specialized manner.  But to sense the reality within the form requires a different sort of attention, and the more delicate manipulations than the physical senses provide.  The ego is a jealous god, and it wants its interests served.  It does not want to admit the reality of any dimensions except those within which is feels comfortable and can understand.

It is not natively as rigid as it seems.  Its curiosity can be of great value.  If you have a limited conception of the nature of reality, then your ego will do its  best to keep you in the small enclosed area of your accepted reality.  If, on the other hand, your intuitions and creative instincts are allowed freedom, then they communicate some knowledge of greater dimensions to this most physically oriented portion of your personality.

Personality is a gestalt of ever-changing perception.  It is the part of the identity which perceives.  I do not force my perceptions upon the woman through whom I speak, nor is her consciousness blotted out during our communications.  Instead there is an expansion of her consciousness and a projection of energy that is directed away from three-dimensional reality.
This concentration away from the physical system may make it appear as if her consciousness is blotted out.  Instead, more is added to it.  Now from my own field of reality I focus my attention toward the woman, but the words she speaks, these words upon the pages, are not initially verbal at all. 
In the first place, language as you know it is a slow affair: letter by letter strung out to make a word, and words to make a sentence, that result of linear thought pattern.  Language as you know it is partially and grammatically the end product of your physical time, and your language structure is not given to the communication of intricate, simultaneous experience.

I am aware of a different kind of experience, not linear, and can focus upon and react to an infinite variety of simultaneous events.  This ability to perceive and to react to unlimited simultaneous events is a basic characteristic of each whole self or entity.  Each reader, being presently ensconced within a physical form knows only a small portion of himself.  The entity is the overall identity of which his personality is one manifestation.  All knowledge or information bears the stamp of the personality who holds it or passes it on.

There is within this personality a rather unique facility that makes our communications possible.  I will put this as simply as possible: There is within this psyche what amounts to a transparent dimensional warp that serves almost like an open window through which other realities can be perceived, a multidimensional opening that has to some extend escaped being clouded over by the shade of physical focus.

The physical senses usually blind you to these open channels, for they perceive reality only in their own image.  To some extent, then, I enter your reality through a psychological warp in your space and time.  In a manner of speaking, such an open channel serves much as a pathway between the author's personality and my own, so that communication is possible between.  Such psychological and psychic warps between dimensions of existence are not infrequent.  They are merely recognized as such infrequently, and utilized even less so.


Edited by Loba

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Seth Speaks notes with examples - chapter 2

While my environment differs in rather important respects from that of my readers, I can assure you, with ironic understatement, that it is as vivid, varied, and vital as physical existence.  It is more pleasurable, though my ideas of pleasure have changed some since I was a physical being, being more rewarding and offering far greater opportunities for creative achievement.  

My present existence is the most challenging one that I have known, and I have known many, both physical and nonphysical.  There is not just one dimension in which nonphysical consciousness resides.

My environment, now, is not like the one in which you will find yourself immediately after death.  I cannot help speaking humorously, but you must die many times before you enter this particular plane of existence.  (Birth is more of a shock than death.  Sometimes when you die you do not realize it, but birth almost always implies a sharp and sudden recognition.  So there is no need to fear death.

My work in this environment provides far more challenge than any of you know, and it also necessitates the manipulation of creative materials that are nearly beyond your present comprehension.  I will say more of this shortly.  First of all, you must understand that no objective reality exists but that which is created by consciousness.  Consciousness always creates form, and not the other way around.  So my environment is a reality of existence created by myself and others like me, and it represents the manifestation of our development.

We do not use permanent structures.  There is not a city or a town, for example, in which I swell.  I do not mean to imply that we are off in empty space.  For one thing we do not think of space as you do, and we form whatever particular images we want to surround us.  They are created by our mental patterns, just as your own physical reality is created in perfect replica of your inner desires and thoughts.  You think that objects exist independently of you, not realizing that they are instead the manifestations of your own psychological and physic selves.  We realize that we form our own reality, and therefore we do so with considerable joy and creative abandon.  In my environment you would be highly disoriented, for it would seem to you as if it lacked coherency.

We are aware if the inner laws that govern all materializations, however.  I can have it night or day, in your terms, as I prefer, or any period of say, your history.  These changing forms would in no way bother my associates for they would take them as immediate clues as to my mood, feelings, and ideas.

Permanency and stability basically have nothing to do with form; but with the integration of pleasure, purpose, accomplishment, and identity.  I travel to many other levels of existence in order to fulfill my duties, which are primarily those of a teacher and educator, and I use whatever aids and techniques serve me best within those systems.  In other words, I may teach the same lesson in many different ways, according to the abilities and assumptions that are inherent in any given system in which I must operate.  I use one portion of myself from many personalities that are available to my identity in these communications.  In other systems of reality, this particular Seth personality that I, the larger Seth identity adopt here, would not be understood.

All systems of reality are not physically oriented, you see, and some are entirely unacquainted with physical form.  Nor is sex, as you understand it, natural to them,  Therefore I would not communicate as a male personality who has lived many physical existences, though this is a legitimate and valid portion of my identity.

Now: In my home environment I assume whatever shape I please and it may vary, and done, with the nature of my thoughts.  You, however, form your own physical image at an unconscious level in more or less the same manner, but with some important differences.  You usually do not realize that your physical body is created by you at each moment as a direct result of your inner conception of what you are, or that it changes in important chemical and electromagnetic ways with the ever-moving pace of your own thought.

Having long ago recognized the dependence of form upon consciousness, we have simply been able to change our forms entirely so that they more faithfully follow each nuance of our inner experience.  This ability to change form is an inherent characteristic of any consciousness.  Only the degree of proficiency and actualization varies.  You can see this in your own system, in a slowed-down version, when you observe the changing forms taken by living matter through its evolutionary history.

Now, we can also take several forms at one time, so to speak, but you can also do this although you do not generally realize it.  Your physical form can lie sleeping and inert upon the bed while your consciousness travels in a dream form to places quite distant.  Simultaneously you may create a thought form of yourself, identical in every respect, and this pay appear in the room of a friend quite without your conscious awareness.  So consciousness is not limited as to the forms it can create at any given time.

We are rather more advanced along these lines than you, and when we create such forms we do so with complete awareness.  I share my field of existence with others who have more or less the same challenges to meet, the same overall pattern of development.  Some I have known and others I have not.  We communicate telepathically, but then again, telepathy is the basis for your languages, without which their symbolism would be meaningless.
Because we do communicate in this manner, this does not necessarily mean that we use mental words, for we do not.  We communicate instead through what I can only call thermal electromagnetic images that are capable of supporting much more meaning in one sequence.  The intensity of the communication is dependent upon the emotional intensity behind it, although the phrase emotional intensity may be misleading.

We do feel an equivalent of what you call emotions, though these are not the love or hate or anger that you know.  Your feelings can best be described as the three-dimensional materializations of far greater psychological events and experienced that are related to the inner senses.

Suffice it here to say that we have strong emotional experience, although it differs in a large measure from your own.  It is far less limited and far more expansive in that we are also aware and responsive to the emotional climate as a whole.  We are much freer to feel and experience, because we are not afraid of being swept up by feeling.
Our identities do not feel threatened, for example, by the strong emotions of another.  We are able to travel through emotions in a wat that is not now natural to you, and to translate them into other facets of creativity than those with which you are familiar.  We do not feel the need to conceal emotions, for we know it is basically impossible and undesirable.  Within your system they can appear troublesome because you have not yet learned how to use them.  We are only now learning their full potential, and the powers of creativity with which they are connected.

Since we realize that our identity is not dependent upon form, therefore, of course, we do not fear changing it, knowing that we can adopt any form we desire.  We do not know death in your terms.  Our existence takes us into many other environments, and we blend into these.  We follow what rules of form exist within these environments.  All of us here are teachers, and we therefore adapt our methods, also, so that they will make sense to personalities with varying ideas of reality.  Consciousness is not dependent upon form.  It always seeks to create form.

There are no real barriers to separate the systems of which I speak.  The only separation is brought about by the varying abilities of personalities to perceive and manipulate.  You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them.  And even when some event intrudes from these systems into your own three dimensional existence, you are not able to interpret it, for it is distorted by the very fact of entry.

I told you that we do not experience you time sequence.  We travel through various intensities.  Our work, development, and experience all takes place within what I term the moment point.  Here within the moment point, the smallest thought is brought to fruition, the slightest possibility explored, the probabilities thoroughly examined, the least or the most forceful feeling entertained.  It is difficult to explain this clearly, and yet the moment point is the framework within which we have our psychological experience.  Within it, simultaneous actions follow freely through associative patterns.  For example, pretend that I think of you.  In so doing I immediately experience - and fully - your past, present and future in your terms, and all of those strong or determining emotions and motivations that have ruled you.  I can travel through those experiences with you, if I choose.  We can follow a consciousness through all of its forms, for example, and in your terms, within the flicker of an eye.

Now it takes study, development, and experience before an identity can learn to hold its own stability in the face of such constant stimuli; and many of us have gotten lost, even forgetting who we were until we once more awakened to ourselves.  Much of this is quite automatic to us now.  In the infinite varieties of consciousness, we are still aware of a small percentage of the entire banks of personalities that exist.  For our vacations we visit amid quite simple life forms, and blend with them.

To this extend we indulge in relaxation and sleep, for we can spend a century as a tree or an an uncomplicated life form in another reality.  We delight our consciousness with the enjoyment of simple existence.  We may create, you see, the forest in which we grow.  Usually however, we are highly active, our full energies focused in our work and in new challenges.

We can form from ourselves, from our own psychological entireties, other personalities whenever we wish.  These, however, must then develop according to their own merit, using the creative abilities inherent in them.  They are free to go their own way.  We do not do this lightly, however.

Each reader is a portion of his or her own entity, and is developing toward the same kind of existence that I know.  In childhood and in the dream state, each personality is aware to some extend of the true freedom that belongs to its own inner consciousness.  These abilities of which I speak, therefore, are inherent characteristics of consciousness as a whole and of each personality.

My environment changes constantly, so does your own.  If a room suddenly appears small and cramped to you, and you take it for granted that this change of dimension is imaginative.  The fact is that the room under such conditions will have changed quite definitely, and in very major respects, even though the physical measurements will still measure the same.  The entire psychological impact of the room will have altered.  Its effect will be felt my others besides yourself.  It will attract certain kinds of events rather than others, and it will alter your own psychological structure and hormonal output.  You will react to the altered state of the room even in quite physical ways, though its width or length, in inches or feet, may not seem to vary.

You are constantly changing the form, the shape, the contour, and the meaning of your physical body and most intimate environment, although you do your best to ignore these constant alterations.  On the other hand, we allow them full rein, knowing that we are motivated by an inner stability that can well afford spontaneity and creation, and realizing that spiritual and psychological identity are dependent upon creative change.
Our environment therefor is composed of exquisite imbalances where change is allowed full play.  You own time structure misleads you into your ideas of the relative permanency of physical matter, and you close your eyes to the constant alterations within it.  Your physical senses confine you as best they can to the perception of a highly formalized reality.  Only through the use of the intuitions and in sleep and dream states, as a rule, can you perceive the joyfully changing nature of your own, and any, consciousness.

There is no end to our environment.  In your terms there would be no lack of space or time in which to operate.  Now this would put tremendous pressure on any consciousness without proper background and development.  We do not have one simple, cozy universe in which to hide.  We are alert to other quite alien systems of reality that flash on the very outskirts of consciousness as we know it.  There are far more various kinds of consciousness than there are physical forms, each with its own patterns of perception, dwelling within its own camouflage system.  Yet all of these have inner knowledge of the reality that exists within all camouflage and that composes any reality, by whatever name it is called.

Now many of these freedoms are quite natural to you in the dream state, and you form dream environments often to exercise such potentials.
You can learn to change your physical environment, therefore, by learning to change and manipulate your dream environment.  You can also suggest specific dreams in which a desired change is seen, and under certain conditions these will then appear in your physical reality.  Now often you do this without realizing it.

Whole consciousness adopts various forms.  It need not always be within a form.  All forms are not physical ones.  Some personalities, therefore, have never been physical.  They have evolved along different lines, and their psychological structures would be alien to your own.

To some extent I also travel through such environments.  Consciousness must show itself, however.  It cannot unbe.  It is not physical, it must therefore show its activation in other ways.  In some systems for example, it forms highly integrated mathematical and musical patterns that are themselves stimuli for other universal systems.

The senses that you use, in a very real manner, create the environment that you perceive.  Your physical senses necessitate the perception of a three-dimensional reality.  Consciousness is equipped with inner perceptors, however.  These are inherent within all consciousness, regardless of its development.  These perceptors operate quite independently from those that might be assumed when a given consciousness adopts a specialized form, such as a physical body, in order to operate in a particular system.

Each reader, therefore, had inner senses, and to some extent uses them constantly, though he is not aware of doing so at an egotistical level.  Now, we use the inner senses quite freely and consciously.  If you were to do so, then you would perceive the same kind of environment in which I have my existence.  You would see an uncamouflaged situation, in which events form and were free and not stuck in a jellylike mold of time.

You could see, for example, you present livingroom not only as a conglomeration of permanent-appearing furniture, but switch your focus and see the immense and constant dance of molecules and other particles that compose the various objects.  You could see a phosphorescent-like glow, the aura of electromagnetic structures that compose the molecules themselves.  You could, if you wished, condense your consciousness until it was small enough to travel through a single molecule, and from the molecule's own world look out and survey the universe of the room and the gigantic galaxy of interrelated, ever-moving star-like shapes.  Now all of these possibilities represent a legitimate reality.  Yours is no more legitimate than any other, but it is the only one that you perceive.

Using the inner senses we become conscious creators, cocreators.  But you are unconscious cocreators whether you know it or not.  If our environment seems unstructured to you, it is only because you do not understand the true nature of order, which has nothing to do with permanent form, but only appears to have form from your perspective.
There is no four o'clock in the afternoon or nine o'clock in the evening in my environment.  By this I mean that I am not restricted to a time sequence.  There is nothing preventing me from experiencing such sequences if I choose.  We experience time, or what you would call its equivalent nature, in terms of intensities of experience, a psychological time with its own peaks and valleys.

This is somewhat similar to your own emotional feelings when time seems speeded up or slowed down, but it is vastly different in important ways.  Our psychological time could be compared in terms of environment to the walls of a room, but in our case the walls would be constantly changing in colour, size, height, depth and width.

Our psychological structures are different, practically speaking, in that we utilize a multidimensional psychological reality that you inherently possess , but are unfamiliar with at an egotistical level.  It is natural, then, that our environment would have multidimensional qualities that the physical senses would never perceive. 
Now I project a portion of my reality as I dictate this book to an undifferentiated level between systems that is relatively clear of camouflage.  It is an inactive area, comparatively speaking.  If you were thinking it terms of physical reality, then this area could be likened to one immediately above the atmosphere of your earth.  However, I am speaking of psychological and psychic atmospheres.


It is also in a way distance from my own environment, for in my own environment I would have some difficulties in relating the information in psychically oriented terms.  You must understand that by distance I do not refer to space.

Creation and perception are far more intimately connected than any of your scientists realize.
It is quite true that your physical senses create the reality that they perceive.  A tree is something far different to a microbe, a bird, an insect, and a man who stand beneath it.  I am not saying that the tree only appears to be different.  It is different.  You perceive its reality through one highly specialized set of senses.  This does not mean that its reality exists in that form in any more basic way than it exists in the form perceived by the microbe, insect or bird.  You cannot perceive the quite valid reality of that tree in any context but your own.  This applies to anything within the physical system that you know.

It is not that physical reality is false.  It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself.  The physical senses force you to translate experience into physical perceptions.  The inner senses open your range of perception, allow you to interpret experience in a far freer manner and to create new forms and new channels through with you, or any consciousness, can know itself.

Consciousness is among other things, a spontaneous exercise in creativity.  You are learning now, in a three-dimensional context, the wats in which your emotional and psychic existence can create varieties of physical form.  You manipulate within the psychic environment, and these manipulations are then automatically impressed upon the physical mold.  Now our environment is itself creative in a different manner than yours.  Your environment is creative in that trees bear fruit, that there is a self-sustaining principle, that the earth feeds its own, for example.  The naturally creative aspects are the materializations of the deepest psychic, spiritual, and physical inclinations of the species, set up in your terms eons ago, and a part of the racial bank of psychic knowledge. 

We endow the elements of our environment with an even greater creativity that is difficult to explain.  We do not have flowers that grow, for example.  But the intensity, the condensed psychic strength in our psychological natures forms new dimensions of activity.  If you paint a picture within three-dimensional existence, then the painting must be on a flat surface, merely hinting at the complete three dimensional experience that you cannot insert into it.  In our environment, however, we could actually create whatever dimensional effects we desired.  All of these abilities are not ours alone.  They are your heritage.  As you will see later in this book, you exercise your own inner senses, and multidimensional abilities, more frequently than it might seem, in other states of consciousness that the normal, waking one.

Since my own environment does not have easily defined physical elements, you will be able to understand its nature by inference, as I explain some related topics throughout this book.
Your own physical environment appears as it does to you because of your own psychological structure.  If you gained your sense of personal continuity through associative processes primarily, rather than as a result of the familiarity of self moving through time, then you would experience physical reality in an entirely different fashion.  Objects from past and present could be perceived at once, their presence justified through associative connections.  Say that your father throughout his lifetime has eight favorite chairs.  If your perceptive mechanisms were primarily set up as a result of intuitive associate rather than time sequence, then you would perceive all of these chairs at one time; or seeing one, you would be aware of the others.  So environment is not a separate thing in itself, but the result of perceptive patterns, and these are determined by psychological structure.

So if you want to know what my environment is like, you will have to understand what I am.  In order to explain, I shall have to speak about the nature of consciousness in general.  In doing so I shall end up telling you much about yourself.  The inner portions of your identity are already aware of much that I will tell you.  Part of my purpose is to acquaint your egotistical self with knowledge that is already known to a larger portion of your own consciousness, that you have long ignored.

All of your attention is focused in a highly specialized way upon one shining, bright point that you call reality.  There are other realities all about you, but you ignore their existence, and you blot out all stimuli that come from them.  There is a reason for such a trance, as you will discover, but little by little you must wake up.

My environment includes, or course, those other personalities with whom I come in contact.  Communication, perception and environment can hardly be separated.  Therefore the kind of communication that is carried on by myself and my associates is extremely important in any discussion of our environment.  I hope to give you an idea, quite simply, of our existence, the world in which we are involved, the dimension in which we exist, the purposes that we hold dear; and most of all, those concerns that make up our experience.


Edited by Loba

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Seth Speaks notes - chapter 3 

We are aware of what you would call our past selves, those personalities we have adopted in various other existences.  Because we use telepathy, we can hide little from each other, even if we wished to.  I assure you that even now none of your thoughts are hidden, but are known quite clearly to your family and friends.  You are simply not aware of this fact.

This does not mean that each of us is like an open book to the other.  There is such a thing as mental etiquette.  We are much more aware of our own thoughts than you are.  We realize our freedom to choose our thoughts, and we choose them with some discrimination and finesse.

The power of thoughts has been made clear to us, through trial and error in other existences.  We have discovered that no one can escape the vast creativity of the mental image, or of emotion.  This does not mean that we are not spontaneous, or that we must deliberate between one thought or another, in anxious concern that one might be negative or destructive.  That, in your terms, is behind us.

Our psychological structure does mean that we can communicate in far more various forms than those which you are familiar, however.  Pretend, for example that you meet a childhood friend whom you have long forgotten.  Now you may have little in common.  Yet you may have a fine afternoon's discussion centered about old teachers and classmates, and establish a certain rapport.
So when I meet another, I may be able to relate to him much better on the basis of a particular past life experience, even though in my now we have little in common.

We will be quite aware that we are ourselves, however - the multidimensional personalities who shared a more or less common environment at one level of our existence.  As you will see, this analogy is a rather simple one that will do only for now, because past, present and future do not really exist in those terms.

Our experience does not include the time divisions with which you are familiar.  We have far more friends and associates than you do, simply because we are aware of varying connections in what we call for now past incarnations.

We have of course therefore more knowledge at our fingertips.  There is no period of time, in your terms, that you can mention, but some of us have been from there, and carry within our memories the indelible experience that was gained in that particular context.  We do not feel the need to hide our emotions or thoughts from others, because all of us by now well recognize the cooperative nature of all consciousness and reality, and our part in it.  We are highly motivated.  Simply because we have at out command the full use of our energy, it is not diverted into conflicts.

Now each whole self, or multidimensional personality, has its own purposes, missions, and creative endeavors that are initial and basic parts of itself and that determine those qualities that make it eternally valid and eternally seeking.  We are finally free to utilize our energy in those directions.  We face many challenges of quite momentous nature, and we realize that our purposes are not only important in themselves, but for the surprising offshoots that develop in our efforts to pursue them.  In working for our purposes, we realize that we are blazing trails that can also be used by others.  We also suspect that the purposes themselves will have surprising results, astounding consequences that we have never realized, and that they will merely lead to new avenues.

When one has been born and has died many times, expecting extinction with each death, and when this experience is followed by the realization that existence still continues, then a sense of the divine comedy enters in.

We are beginning to learn the creative joy of play and that all creativity and consciousness is born in the quality of play, as opposed to work, in the quickened intuitional spontaneity that I see as a constant through all my own existences, and in the experience of those I know.  I communicate with your dimension, for example, not by willing myself to your level of reality, but by imagining myself there.  All of my deaths would have been adventures had I realized what I know now.  On the one hand you take life too seriously, and on the other, you do not take playful existence seriously enough. 

We enjoy a sense of play that is highly spontaneous, and yet I suppose you would call it responsible play.  Certainly it is creative play.  We play, for example, with the mobility of our consciousness, seeing how far one can send it.

The pathways we make continue to exist and can be used by others.  We leave messages to any who come by, mental signposts.  We can be highly motivated therefore, and yet use and understand the creative use of play, both as a method of attaining our goals and purposes and as a uprising and creative endeavor in itself.

Often the material I present will initially be given without any sign of my presence, seemingly as a startling revelation.

In your system, for example, and in connection with the woman through whom I now write this book, initial contact on my part was made long before our session began.  The personality was never consciously aware of the initial meeting.  She simply experienced sudden new thoughts, and since she is a poet, these appeared as poetic inspirations.  I had known of her psychic gifts since her childhood, but the insights necessary were channeled through the poetry until the personality attainted the necessary background that was needed in this particular case.
As a part of my work, therefore, I have been coaching the young woman in one way or another, all of this as a preliminary to the serious world that began with our sessions.



Won't you be my dictionary
Won't you translate fun
Into something necessary
Inter uni sun

Won't you be my dictionary
Can't I be very necessary
Inter uni fun
Comes back

Satellites they mix you up
And hypnotize you with the sound
Reproducing would fuck you up
And make you forget what you found

Won't you be my dictionary
Can't I be very necessary
Inter uni fun
Comes back

Space as you perceive it simply does not exist.  Not only is the illusion of space caused by your own physical perceptive mechanisms, but it is also caused by mental patterns that you have accepted - patterns that are adopted by consciousness when it reaches a certain stage of evolution within your system.

When you arrive, or emerge, into physical life, not only is your mind not a blank slate, waiting for the scrolls that experience will write upon it, but you are already equipped with a memory bank far surpassing that of any computer.  You face your first day upon the planet with skills and abilities already built in, thought they may or may not be used; and they are not merely the result of heredity as you think of it.

You may think of your soul or entity as some conscious and living, divinely inspired computer who programs its own existences and lifetimes.  But this computer is so highly endowed with creativity that each of the various personalities it programs spring into consciousness and song, and in turn create realities that may have been undreamed of by the computer itself.

Within the personality, however, comes with a built-in idea of the reality in which it will operate, and its mental equipment is highly tailored to meet very specialized environments.  It has full freedom, but it must operate within the context of existence to which it has been programmed.  Within the personality, however, in the most secret recesses, is the condensed knowledge that resides in the computer as a whole.  I must emphasize that I am not sating that the soul or entity is a computer, but only asking you to look at the matter in this light in order to make several points clear.

Each such personality has within it the ability to not only gain a new type of existence in the environment - in your case physical reality - but to add creatively to the very quality of its own consciousness, and in doing so to work its way through the specialized system, breaking the barriers of reality as it knows it.

Your environment is not real in the terms that you imagine it to be.  When you are born, then, you are already conditioned to perceive reality in a certain manner, and to interpret experience in a very limited but intense range.
I must explain this before I can clearly give you an idea of my environment, or of those other systems of reality in which I operate.  There is no space between my environment and yours, for example no physical boundaries that separate us.  In a very real way of speaking, you concept of reality as seen through your physical senses, scientific instruments, or arrived at through deduction, bears little resemblance to the facts - and the facts are difficult to explain.

Your planetary systems exist and once, simultaneously, both in time and in space.  The universe that you seem to perceive, either visually or through instruments, appears to be composed of galaxies, stars and planets, at various distances from you.  Basically, however, this is an illusion.  You senses and your very existence as physical creatures program you to perceive the universe in such a way.  The universe as you know it is your interpretation of evens as the intrude upon your three-dimensional reality.  The events are mental.  This does not meat that you cannot travel to other planets for example, within that physical universe, any more than it means that you cannot use tables to hold books, glasses and oranges, although the table has no solid qualities of its own.
When I enter your system, I move through a series of mental and psychic events.  You would interpret these events as space and time.
Root assumptions are those built-in ideas of reality of which I spoke - those agreements upon which you base your ideas of existence.  Space and time, for example, are root assumptions.  Each system of reality has its own set of such agreements.


The entity, or the soul has a far more creative and complicated nature than even your religions have ever granted it.  It utilized numberless methods of perception, and it has at its command many other kinds of consciousness.  Your idea of the soul is indeed limited by your three dimensional concepts.  The soul can change to focus of its consciousness, and uses consciousness as you use the eyes in your head.  Now in my level of existence I am simply aware of the fact, strange as it may seem, that I am not y consciousness.  My consciousness is an attribute to be used by me.  Soul, or entity, then, is more than consciousness.
When I enter your environment, I turn my consciousness in your direction, therefore.  In one way, I translate what I am into an event that you can understand to some extent.  In a much more limited manner, any artist does the same thing when he translates what he is, or a portion of it, into a painting.

When I enter your system, I intrude into three-dimensional reality, and you must interpret what happens in the light of your own root assumptions.  Now whether or not you realize it, each of you intrudes into other systems of reality in your dream states without the full participation of your normally conscious self.  In subjective experience you leave behind physical existence and act, at times, with strong purpose and creative validity within dream that you forget the instant you awaken.

When you think of the purpose of your existence, you think in terms of daily waking life, but you also work at your purpose in these other dream dimensions, and you are then in communication with other portions of your own entity, at work at endeavors quite as valid as those you are about in waking life. 

When I contact your reality, therefore, it is as if I were entering one of your dreams.  I can be aware of myself as I dictate this book, and yet also be aware of myself in my own environment; for I send only a portion of myself here, as you perhaps send out a portion of your consciousness as you write a letter to a friend, and yet are aware of the room in which you sit.  My environment, as I mentioned earlier, is not one of a personality decently dead in your terms.  One large difference between your environment and mine is that you must physically materialize mental acts as physical matter.

Remember also that is physical reality is in a larger sense an illusion, it is an illusion caused by a greater reality.  The illusion itself has a purpose and a meaning.  Perhaps it is better to say that physical reality is one form that reality takes.  In your system, however, you are focused much more intensely upon one relatively small aspect of existence.
We can travel freely through such varying numbers of such realities.  I do not mean to minimize the importance of your present personalities, nor of physical existence.  To the contrary.
Three-dimensional experience is an invaluable place of training.  Your personality as you now know it will indeed persevere, and with its memories, but it is only a part of your entire identity.  You will continue to grow and develop, and you will become aware of other environments.  But environments are not objective things, conglomerations of objects that exist independently of you.  Instead you form them and they are quite literally extensions of yourself; materialized mental acts that extend outward from your consciousness.  
I will tell you exactly now you form your environment.  I form mine following the same rules, though you end up with physical objects and I do not.  The mind can influence matter.  Mind creates and forms matter.

Now your closest environment, physically speaking, is your body.  It is not like some manikin-shape in which you are imprisoned, that exists apart from you like a casing.  Your body is not beautiful or ugly, healthy or deformed, swift or slow simply because this is the kind of body that was thrust upon you indiscriminately at birth.  Instead your physical form, your corporeal personal environment, is the physical materialization of your own thoughts, emotions and interpretations.

Quite literally, the inner self forms the body by magically transforming thoughts and emotions into physical counterparts.  You grow the body.  Its condition perfectly mirrors your subjective state at any given time.  Using atoms and molecules, you build your body, forming basic elements into a form that you call your own.

You are intuitively aware that you form your image, and that you are independent of it.  You do not realize that you create your larger environment and the physical world as you know it by propelling your thoughts and emotions into matter - a breakthrough into three-dimensional life.  The inner self, therefore, individually and en masse, sends its psychic energy out, forming tentacles that coalesce into form.

Each emotion and thought has its own electromagnetic reality, completely unique.  It is highly equipped to combine with certain others, according to the various ranges of intensity that you may include.  In a manner of speaking, three-dimensional objects are formed in somewhat the same way that you see on your television screen are formed, but with a large difference.  And if you are not tuned into that particular frequency, you will not perceive the physical objects at all.

Each of you acts as transformers, unconsciously, automatically transforming highly sophisticated electromagnetic units into physical objects.  You are in the middle of a matter-concentrated system, surrounded, so to speak, by weaker areas in what you would call a pseudo-matter persists.  Each thought and emotion spontaneously exists as a simple or complex electromagnetic unit - unperceived, incidentally, as yet by your scientists.

The intensity determines both the strength and the permanency of the physical image into which the thought or emotion will be materialized.  In my own material I am explaining this in depth.  Here, I merely want you to understand that the world that you know is the reflection of an inner reality.

You are made basically of the some ingredients as a chair, a stone, a head of lettuce, a bird.  In a gigantic cooperative endeavor, all consciousness joins together to make the forms that you perceive.  How because this is known to us, we can change our environments and our own physical forms as we wish, and without confusions, for we perceive the reality that lies underneath.  


We also realize that permanency of form is an illusion, since all consciousness must be in a state of change.  We can be, in your terms, in several places at once because we realize the true mobility of consciousness.  Now whenever you think emotionally of another person, you send out a counterpart of yourself, beneath the intensity of matter, but a definite form.  This form, projecting outward from your own consciousness completely escapes your egotistical attention.  When I think emotionally of someone else, I do the same thing, except that a portion of my consciousness is within the image, and can communicate.

Environments are primarily mental creations of consciousness trust out into many forms.  Now you do the same thing when you sit in your livingroom, but you do not realize what you are doing; and presently you are somewhat restricted.  When my associates and I meet, we often translate each other's thoughts into various shapes and forms out of pure enjoyment in the practice.  We have what you might call a game, demanding some expertise, where for our own amusement we see which of us can translate any given thought into the most numerous forms.


There are such subtle qualities affecting the nature of all thought, such emotion gradations, that no one is ever identical, and incidentally no physical object in your system is an exact duplicate of any other.  The atoms and molecules that compose it - any object - have their own identities that colour and qualify any object that they form.  You accept and perceive and focus upon continuities and similarities as you perceive physical objects of any kind, and in a very important manner you shut out and ignore dissimilarities out of a given field of actuality.  Therefore you are very highly discriminating, accepting certain qualities and ignoring others.  Your bodies not only change completely every seven years, for example.  They change constantly with each breath.

Within the flesh, atoms and molecules constantly die and are replaced.  The hormones are in a constant state of motion and alteration.  Electromagnetic properties of skin and cell continually leap and change, and even reverse themselves.  The physical matter that composed your body is different in important ways from the matter that forms your body in this instant.
If you perceived the constant change within your body which as much persistence as you attend to its seemingly permanent nature, then you would be amazed that you ever considered the body as one more or less constant, more or less cohesive, entity.  Even subjectively you focus upon and indeed manufacture the idea of a relatively stable, relatively permanent conscious self.  You stress those ideas and thoughts and attitudes that you recall from past experience as your own, completely ignoring those that were once characteristic and now are vanished - ignoring the fact also that you cannot hold thought.  The thought of a moment before, in your terms, vanishes away.

You try to maintain a constant, relatively permanent physical and subjective self in order to maintain a relatively constant, relatively permanent environment.  So you are always in a position of ignoring such change.  Those that you refuse to acknowledge are precisely those that would give you a much better understanding of the true nature of reality, individual subjectivity, and the physical environment that seems to surround you.

What happens to a thought when it leaves your conscious mind?  It does not simply disappear.  You can learn to follow it, but you are usually frightened of turning your attention away from its intense focus in three-dimensional existence.  Therefore, it seems that the thought disappears.  It seems also that your subjectivity has a mysterious unknown quality about it, and that even your mental life has a sort of insidious dropping-off point, a subjective cliff over which thoughts and memories fall, to disappear into nothingness.  Therefore to protect yourself, to protect your subjectivity from drifting, you erect various psychological barriers at what you suppose to be the danger points.  Instead, you see, you can follow these thoughts and emotions simply by realizing that your own reality continues in another direction, beside the one with which you mainly identify.  For these thoughts and emotions that have left your conscious mind will lead you into other environments.

These subjective openings through which thoughts seem to disappear are in fact like psychic warps, connecting the self that you know with other universes of experience - realities where symbols come to life and thoughts are not denied their potential. 

There is communication between these other realities and your own dream states, and a constant interaction between both systems.  If there is any point where your own consciousness seems to elude you or escape you, or if there is any point where your consciousness seems to end, then these are points where you have yourselves set up psychological barriers, and these are precisely those areas that you should explore.  Otherwise you feel as if your consciousness is enclosed within your skull, immobile and constricted, and every lost thought or forgotten memory at least symbolically seems like a small death.  And such is not the case.


Edited by Loba

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Seth Speaks notes - chapter 4

Your own environment includes far more than you may have supposed.  Earlier I referred to your environment in terms of the daily physical existence and surroundings with which you are currently connected.  In actuality, you are aware of very little of your larger, more extensive environment.  Consider your present self as an actor in a play; hardly a new analogy, but a suitable one.  The scene is set in the twentieth century.  You create the props, the settings, the themes; in fact you write, produce, and act in the entire production - you and every other individual who takes part.

You are so focused in your roles, however; so intrigued by the reality that you have created, so entranced by the problems, challenges, hopes, and sorrows of your particular roles that you have forgotten they are of your own creation.  This intensely moving drama, with all its joys and tragedies, can be compared with your present life, your present environment, both individually and en masse.

But there are other plays going on simultaneously, in which you also have a part to play.  These have their own scenery, their own props.  They take place in different periods of time.  One may be called "Life in the twelfth century A.D." or "in A.D. 3000".  You also create these plays and act in them.  These settling also represent your environment, the environment that surrounds your entire personality.

I am speaking of the portion of you who is taking part in this particular period piece, however; and that particular portion of your entire personality is so focused within this drama that you are not aware of the others in which you also play a role.  You do not understand your own multidimensional reality; therefore it seems strange or unbelievable when I tell you that you live many existences at one time.  It is difficult for you to imagine being in two places at once, much less in two or more times, or centuries.

Time is not a series of moments.  The words that you speak, the acts that you perform, appear to take place in time, as a chair or table appears to take up space.  These appearances, however are a part of the complicated props that you have set up beforehand, and within the play you must accept these as real.
Four o'clock in the afternoon is a handy reference.  You can say to a friend, "I will meet you at four o'clock at the corner," or at a restaurant, for a drink or a chat or a meal, and your friend will know precisely where and when he will find you.  This will happen despite the fact that four o'clock in the afternoon has no basic meaning, but is an agreed-upon designation.  If you attend the theatre at none o'clock in the evening, but the actions of the play take place within the morning hours, and the actors are shown eating breakfast, you accept the time as given within the theatre's play.  You also pretend that it is morning.

Each of you are now involved in a much larger production, in which you all agree on certain basic assumptions that serve as a framework within which the play can occur.  The assumptions are that time is a series of moments one after another; that an objective world exists quite independently of your own creation and perception of it; that you are bound within the physical bodies that you have donned; and that you are limited by time and space.

Other assumptions accepted for the same reason include the idea that all perception comes through your physical senses; in other words, that all information comes from without, and that no information can come from within.  You therefore are forced to focus intensely upon the actions of the play.  Now these various plays, these creative period pieces represent what you would call reincarnational lives.


They all exist basically at one time.  Those who are still involved in these highly complicated passion-play seminars called reincarnational existences, find it difficult to see beyond them.  Some, resting between productions, as it were, try to communicate with those who are still taking part; but they themselves are merely in the wings, so to speak, and can only see so far.

The plays seem to be taking place one before the other, and so these communications seem to intensify the false idea that time is a series of moments, passing in a single line from some inconceivable beginning, to some equally inconceivable end.

This leads you to think it terms of a very limited progress, both in individual terms and in terms of your species as a whole.  You think, those of you who have even considered reincarnation, "Well, certainly the race must have progressed from the time of the Middle Ages," although you greatly fear it has not; or you turn to technological progress and say, "At least we have come a long way in that direction."
You may smile and think to yourself that it is quite difficult to imagine a Roman senator addressing the multitudes through a microphone for example; his children, watching his performance on television.  But all of this is highly misleading.  Progress does not exist in the terms that you consider it to, any more than time does.

In each play, both individually and en masse, different problems are set up.  Progress can be measured in terms of the particular ways in which those problems were solved or not solved.  Great advances have been made in certain periods.  For example, great offshoots appeared that from your viewpoint you might not consider progress at all.

In some plays, generally speaking, the actors are each working on a seemingly minute portion of a larger problem that the play itself is to resolve.
Though I use the analogy 'drama', these plays are highly spontaneous affairs in which the actors have full freedom within the play's framework.  And granting these assumptions that have been stated, there are no rehearsals.  There are observers.  As in any good theatre production, there is an overall theme within each play.  The great artists, for example, did not emerge out of a particular time simply because they were born into it, or because the conditions were favorable. 

The play itself was concerned with the actualization of intuitive truth into what you would call artistic form, with a creativity of such vast and sweeping results that is would serve to awaken latent abilities within each actor and to serve as a model of behaviour.

Periods of renaissance - spiritual, artistic, or psychic - occur because the intense inner focus of those involved in the drama are directed towards those ends.  The challenge may be different in each play, but the great themes are beacons to all consciousness.  They serve as models.


Progress has nothing to do with time, you see, but with psychic and spiritual focus.  Each play is entirely different from any other.  It is not correct, therefore, to suppose that your actions in this life are caused by a previous existence, or that you are being punished in this life for crimes in a past one.  The lives are simultaneous.  

Your own multidimensional personality is so endowed that it can have these experiences and still retain it's identity.  It is, of course, affected, by the various plays in which it takes part.  There is an instant communication and an instant feedback system.

These plays are hardly without purpose.  In them the multidimensional personality learns through its own actions.  It tries out an endless variety of poses, behavior patterns, attitudes, and changes others as a result.
The word result automatically infers cause and effect - the cause happening before the effect, and this is simply one small example of the strength of such distortions, and of the inherent difficulties involved with verbal thought, for it always implies a single-line delineation. 

You are the multidimensional self who has these existences, who creates and takes part in these cosmic passion plays, so to speak.  It is only because you focus in this particular role now that you identify your entire being with it.  You have set these rules for yourself for a reason.  And consciousness is in a state of becoming, and so this multidimensional self of which I speak is not a psychological structure completed and done with.  It is also in a state of becoming.

It is learning the art of actualization.  It has within it infinite sources of creativity, unlimited possibilities of development.  But it has yet to learn the means of actualization, and must find within itself ways to bring into existence those untold creations that are within it.  Therefore it creates varieties of conditions in which to operate, and sets itself challenged, some doomed to failure in your terms, at least initially, because it must first create the conditions which will bring new creations about.  And all of this is done with great spontaneity and unbounded joy.

You therefore create far more environments than you realize.  Now each actor, going about the role, focused within the play, has an inner guide line.  He is not left, therefore, abandoned within a play that he has forgotten in his own creation.  He has knowledge and information that comes to him through what I call the inner senses.

He has other sources of information, therefore, than those strictly given within the confines of the production.  Each actor knows this instinctively, and there are periods set and allowed for within the play itself in which each actor retires in order to refresh himself.  In these he is informed through the inner senses of his other roles, and he realizes that he is far more than the self appearing in any given play.

In these periods he understands that he had his hand in the writing of the play, and he is freed from those assumptions that bind him while he is actively concerned with the drama's activities.  These periods, of course, coincide with your sleep states and dreaming conditions; but there are also other times when each actor sees quite clearly that he is surrounded by props, and when his vision suddenly pieces the seeming reality of the productions.

This does not mean that the play is not real, or that it should not be taken seriously.  It does mean playing a role - an important one.  Each actor must of himself realize, however, the nature of the production and his part in it.  He must actualize himself out of the three-dimensional confines of the play's setting.

There is great cooperation behind such momentous productions, and in playing his role, each actor first actualizes himself within three-dimensional reality.  This multidimensional self cannot act within three dimensional reality until it materializes a portion of itself within it.  
Within this reality, it them brings about all kinds of creativity and development that could not appear otherwise.  It must then propel itself from this system through another act, another actualization on the part of itself that is three-dimensional.  During its three-dimensional existence it has helped others in ways that they could not otherwise be helped, and it has been itself benefited and developed in ways that would be impossible otherwise.

The meaning of the play is within you, therefore.  It is only the conscious portion of you that acts so well, and that is focused so securely within the props of the production.  The purpose of any given life is available to you, the knowledge beneath the surface of the conscious self you know.  All kinds of hints and clues are also available.  You have the knowledge of your entire multidimensional personality at your fingertips.  When you realize that you do, this knowledge allows you to solve the problems or meet the challenges you have set, quicker, in your terms; and also opens further areas of creativity by which the entire play or production can be enriched.

To the extend that you allow the intuitions and knowledge of the multidimensional self to flow through the conscious self, to that extent not only do you perform your role in the paly more effectively, but you add new insights, creativity and energy to the entire dimension.

Now it seems to you, of course, that you are the only conscious part of yourself, for you are identifying with the actor in this particular production.  The other portions of your multidimensional personality, in these other reincarnational plays, are also conscious, however.  And because you are a multidimensional consciousness, "you" are also conscious in other realities beside these.

Your multidimensional personality, your true identity, the real you, is conscious of itself, as itself, in any of these roles.
These "period pieces" overall, have a particular purpose.  By the very nature of consciousness, it seeks to materialize itself in as many dimensions as possible - to create from itself new levels of awareness, new offshoots.  In doing so it creates all reality.  Reality, therefore, is always in a state of becoming.  The thoughts you think, for example, in your actor's roles, are still completely unique and lead to new creativity.  Certain aspects of your own consciousness could be fulfilled in no other way.


When you think of reincarnation, you suppose a series of progressions.  Instead the various lives grow out of what your inner self is.  They are not thrust upon you by some outside agency.  They are a material development, as your consciousness opens up and expresses itself in as many ways as possible.  It is not restricted to one three-dimensional existence alone.
Your consciousness then takes many forms, and these forms need not be alike any more, say, than a caterpillar is like a butterfly.  The soul or entity has complete freedom of expression.  It changes its form to suit its expression, and it forms environments like stage settings, and worlds to suit its purposes.  Each setting brings form new developments.

The soul or entity is highly individualized spiritual energy.  It forms whatever body you now wear, and is the motive power behind your physical survival, for from it you derive your vitality.  Consciousness can never be still, but seeks further creativity.
The soul, or entity, endows three-dimensional reality, and the three-dimensional self with its own properties.  The abilities of the entity lie within the three-dimensional self.  The three-dimensional self, the actor, has access to this information and to these potentials.  In learning to use these potentials, in learning to rediscover its relationship with the entity, the three-dimensional self raises still further the level of achievement, comprehension, and creativity.  The three-dimensional self becomes more than it knows.


Twice I turn my back on you
I fell flat on my face but didn't lose
Tell me where would I go
Tell me what led you on I'd love to know

Was it the blue night
Gone fragile?
Was it both men
In wonder steady gone under?
Was it the light ways
So frightening?
Was it two wills?
One mirror holding us dearer now

I thought I had an answer once
But your random ways swept me along
Colossal signs so I got lost
With so many lovers singing soft

Now only is the entity strengthened, but portions of it, having been actualized in three-dimensional existence, now add to the very quality and nature of that existence.  Without this creativity, planetary life in your terms would always be sterile.  The soul or entity then gives breath to the body, and to the three-dimensional self within it.  The three-dimensional self then goes about its purpose of opening up new areas of creativity.
Entities, or souls in other words, send out portions of themselves to open up avenues of reality that would not exist otherwise.

The three-dimensional selves, in existing within these realities must focus their attention there completely.  An inner awareness gives them a source of energy and strength.  They must, however, comes to understand their roles as actors, "finally" from their roles, and through another act of comprehension, return to the entity.

There are those who appear within these plays fully away.  These personalities willingly take roles, knowing that they are roles, in order to lead the others toward the necessary realization and development.  They lead the actors to see beyond themselves and settings they have created.  These personalities from other levels of existence oversee the play, so to speak, and appear among the actors.  Their purpose is the open up within the three-dimensional selves those psychological doorways that will release the three-dimensional self for further development in another system of reality.


You are learning to be co-creators.  You are learning to be Gods as you now understand the term.  You are learning responsibility - the responsibility of any individualized consciousness.  You are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes.

You will be bound to those you love and those you hate, though you will learn to release and lose and dissipate the hatred.  You will learn to use even hatred creatively and to turn it to the higher ends, to transform it finally into love.

The settings in your physical environment, the sometimes lovely paraphernalia, the physical aspects of life as you know it, are all camouflages are composed of the vitality of the universe.  The rocks and stones and mountains and earth are living camouflage, interlocking psychic webs formed by minute consciousnesses that you cannot perceive as such.  The atoms and molecules within them have their own consciousness, as do the atoms and molecules with your body.  Since you all have a hand in forming the physical setting, and since you are ensconced yourself in a physical form, then using the physical senses you will only perceive this fantastic setting.  The reality that exists both within it and beyond it will elude you.  Even the actor is not entirely three-dimensional, however.  He is part of a multidimensional self.

Within him there are methods of perception that allow him to see through the camouflage settings, to see beyond the stage.  He uses these inner senses constantly, through the actor part of himself is so intent upon the play that this escapes him.  In a large manner, the physical senses actually form the physical reality they seem to only perceive.  They are themselves part of the camouflage, but they are like lenses over your natural inner perceptions that force you to see an available field of activity as physical matter; and so they can be relied upon only to tell you what is happening in a superficial manner.  You can tell the position of other actors, for example, or time, by clock, but these physical senses will not tell you that time is itself a camouflage, or that consciousness forms the other actors, or that realities that you cannot see exist over and beyond the physical matter that is so apparent.

You can, however, using your inner senses, perceive reality as it exists apart from the play and your role in it.  In order to do this you must momentarily turn your attention away from the constant activity that is taking place - turn off the physical senses, as it were - and switch you attention to those events that have escaped you earlier.

The effect would be something like changing one set of glasses for another, for the physical senses are as artificial, basically speaking, to the inner self, as a set of glasses or hearing aids is to the physical self.  The inner senses are but rarely used completely consciously.

You would be more than disoriented, for example, but quite terrified, if between one moment and the next your familiar environment was you knew it disappeared to be replaced by other sets of data that you were not yet ready to understand, so much information from the inner senses must be translated in terms that you can comprehend.  Such information must somehow make sense to you as three-dimensional selves, in other words.

Your particular set of camouflages is not the only set, you see.  Other realities have entirely different systems, but all personalities have inner senses that are attributes of consciousness, and through these inner senses communications are maintained about which the normally conscious self knows very little.  Part of my purpose is to make some of these communications known.

The soul or entity, then, is not the self that reads this book.  You environment is not simply the world about you as you know it, but also consists of past-life environments upon which you are not now focusing.  Your real environment is innocent of space and time as you know them.  In your real environment you have no need for words, for communication is instantaneous.  In your real environment you form the physical world that you know.

The inner senses will allow you to perceive the reality that is independent of physical form.  I will ask you all to momentarily forsake your roles therefore, and to try this simple exercise:


Pretend that you are on a lighted stage, the stage being the room in which you now sit.  Close your eyes and pretend that the lights have gone out, the setting has disappeared and you are alone.  Everything is dark.  Be quiet.  Imagine as vividly as you can the existence of inner senses.  For now pretend that they correspond to your physical ones.  Clear from your mind all thoughts and worries.  Be receptive.  Very gently listen, not to physical sounds but to sounds that come through the inner senses.


Images may begin to appear.  Accept them as sights quite as valid as those you see physically.  Pretend that there is an inner world, and that it will be revealed to you as you learn to perceive it with these inner senses.
Images may begin to appear.  Accept them as sights quite valid as those you see physically.  Pretend that there is an inner world, and that it will be revealed to you as you learn to perceive it with these inner senses.

Pretend that you have been blind to this world all your life, and are now slowly gaining sight within it.  Do not judge the whole inner world by the disjointed images that you may at first perceive, or by the sounds that you may first hear, for you will still be using your inner senses quite imperfectly.

Do this simple exercise for a few moments before sleep or in the resting state.  It may also be done even in the midst of an ordinary task that does not take all of your attention.
You will simply be learning to focus in a new dimension of awareness, taking quick snapshots, as it were, in a strange environment.  Remember that you will only be perceiving snatches.  Simply accept them, but do not attempt to make any overall judgements or interpretations at this stage.

Ten minutes a day to begin with is quite sufficient.  Now the information in this book is being directed to some extent through the inner senses of the woman who is in trance as I write it.  Such endeavor is the result of highly organized inner precision, and of training.  The inner senses are channels that provide communication between various dimensions of existence.  Yet even here the information must be distorted to some extent as it is translated into physical terms.  Otherwise it would not be perceived at all.

I have spent some time emphasizing the fact that each of us forms our own environment, because I want you to realize that the responsibility for your life and your environment is your own.
If you believe otherwise, then you are limited; your environment then represents the sum total of knowledge and experience.  As long as you believe your environment to be objective and independent of yourself, then to a large extent you feel powerless to change it, to see beyond it, or to imagine other alternatives that may be less apparent.

I have also discussed reincarnation in terms of environment because many schools of thought over-emphasize the effects of reincarnational existences, so that often they explain present-life circumstances as a result of rigid and uncompromising patterns determined in a past life.  You will feel relatively incompetent to handle present physical reality, to alter your environment, to affect and change your world, if you feel that you are at the mercy of conditions over which you have no control.

The reasons given for such subjugations matter little in the long run, for the reasons change with the times and with your culture.  You are not under a sentence placed upon you for original sin, by any childhood events,  or by past-life experience.  Your life, for example, may be far less fulfilling than you think you would prefer.  You may be less when you would be more, but you are not under a pall placed upon your psyche, either by original sin, Freud's infancy syndromes, or past-life influences.  I will try to explain the last life influences a bit more clearly here.  The affect you as any experience does.  Time is not closed, however - it is open.  One life is not buries in the past, disconnected from the present self and any future self as well.

As I explained earlier, the loves or the plays are happening at once.  Creativity and consciousness are never linear achievements.  In each life you choose and create your own settings or environments; and in this one you chose your parents and whatever childhood incidents that came within your experience.  You wrote the script.

Like a true absent-minded professor, the conscious self forgets all this, so when tragedy appears in the script, difficulty or challenges, the conscious self looks for someone or something to blame.  Before this book is done I hope to show you precisely how you create each minute of your experience so that you can begin to exert your true creative responsibility on a conscious level - or nearly so.

As you read this book, now and then look about you at the room in which you sit.  Chairs and tables, the ceilings and the floors, may seem very real and solid - quite permanent - while you by contrast may feel yourself to be highly vulnerable, caught in a moment between birth and extinction.  You may even feel jealous when you think of it, imagining that the physical universe will continue to exist long after you are gone.  By the end of our book, however, I hope you will realize the eternal validity of your own consciousness, and the impermanence of those physical aspects of your environment, and of your universe, that now seem so secure.


Edited by Loba

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Seth Speaks chapter 5 notes:

As you read the words upon this page, you realize that the information that you are receiving is not an attribute of the letter of the words themselves.  The printed line does not contain information.  It transmits information.  Where is the information that is being transmitted then, if it is not on the page.
The same question of course applies when you read a newspaper and when you speak to another person.  Your actual words convey information, thoughts and feelings.  Obviously the thoughts or the feelings and the words, are not the same thing.  The letters upon the page are symbols, and you have agreed upon various meanings connected with them.  You take it for granted without even thinking of it that the symbols, the letters, are not the reality, the information or thoughts, which they attempt to convey.


Now in the same way, I am telling you that objects are also symbols that stand for a reality whose meaning the objects, like the letters, transmit.  The true information is not in the objects any more than the thought is in the letters or in words.  Words are methods of expression.  So are physical objects in a different kind of medium.  You are used to the idea that you express yourselves directly through words.  You can hear yourself speak them.  You can feel the muscles in your throat move, and if you are aware, you can perceive multitudinous reactions within your own body - actions that all accompany your speech.

Physical objects are the result of another kind of expression.  You create them as surely as you create words.  I do not mean that you create them with your hands alone, or through manufacture.  I mean that objects are natural by-products of the evolution of your species, even as words are.  Examine for a moment your knowledge of your own speech, however.  Though you hear the words and recognize their appropriateness, and though they may more or less approximate an expression of your feeling, they are not your feeling, and there must be a gap between your thought and your expression of it.

The familiarity of speech begins to vanish when you realize that you, yourself, when you begin a sentence do not know precisely how you will end it, or even how you form the words.  You do not consciously know how you manipulate a staggering pyramid of symbols, pick from them precisely those you need to express a given thought.  For that matter, you do not know how you think.

You do not know how you translate these symbols upon this page into thoughts, and then store them, or make them your own.  Since the mechanisms of normal speech are so little known to you on a conscious level, then it is not surprising that you are equally unaware of more complicated tasks that you also perform, such as the constant creation of your physical environment as a method of communication and expression.  It is only from this viewpoint that the true nature of physical matter can be understood.  It is only by comprehending the nature of this constant translation of thoughts and desires, not into words now, but into physical object, that you can realize your true independence from circumstance, time, and environment.

Now, it is easy to see that you translate feelings into words or bodily expressions and gestures, but not quite as easy to realize that you form your physical body as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as you translate feelings into symbols that become words.

You have heard the expression before, I am sure, that the environment expresses a particular individual's personality.  I am telling you that this is a literal and not symbolic truth.  The letters upon the page have the reality only of ink and paper.  The information they convey is invisible.  As an object, this book itself is only paper and ink.  It is a carrier of information.


You may perhaps argue that the book was manufactured physically, and did not suddenly erupt through the author's skull, already printed and bound.  You in turn had to borrow or purchase the book, so you may think, "Surely, I did not create the book, as I created my words."  But before we are finished we will see that basically speaking, each of you create the book you hold in your hands, and that you entire physical environment comes as naturally out of your inner mind as words come out of your mouths, and that man forms physical objects as unselfconsciously and as automatically as he forms his own breath.


The peculiar, particular aspects of your physical world and dependent upon you existence and focus within it.  The physical universe does not contain physical objects of solidity, width and depth, for example, to those whose existence is not within it.

Other kinds of consciousness coexist within the same space that your world inhabits.  They do not perceive your physical objects, for their reality is composed of a different camouflage structure.  You do not perceive them, and generally speaking they do not perceive you.  This is a general statement, however, for various points of your realities can and do coincide, so to speak.

These points are not recognized as such, but they are points of what you could call double reality, containing great energy potential; coordinate points, indeed, where realities merge.  There are main coordinate points, pure mathematically, sources of fantastic energy, and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number.

There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities.  These coordinate points also act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another.  They also act as transformers, and provide much of the generating energy that makes creation continuous in your terms.

Your space is filled with these subordinate points, and as you will see later, these are important in allowing you to transform thoughts and emotions into physical matter.  When a thought or emotion attains a certain intensity, it automatically attracts the power of one of these subordinate points, and is therefore highly charged, and in one way magnified, though not in size.

These points impinge upon what you call time, as well as space.  There are certain points in time and space, therefore, that are more conducive than others, where both ideas and matter will be more highly charged.  Practically speaking, this means that buildings will last longer, in your context, that ideas wedded to form will be relatively eternal.  The pyramids, for example, are a case in point.

These coordinate points - absolute, main or subordinate - represent accumulations or traces of pure energy, minute to an extreme if you are thinking in terms of size - smaller than any particle of which your scientists know for example, but composed of pure energy.  And yet this energy must be activated.  It is dormant until then - and it cannot be activated physically.

A few clues here that might help you, or mathematicians.  There is an ever-so minute alteration of gravity forces in the neighborhood of all these points, even of the subordinate ones, and all other so-called physical laws to some extent or another will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighborhoods.  The subordinate points also serve in a way as supports, as structural intensifications within the unseen fabric of energy that forms all realities and manifestations.  While they are traces or accumulations of pure energy, there is a great difference between the amount of energy available in the various subordinate points, between the main and absolute points.

These are points, therefore, of concentrated energy.  The subordinate points are far more common, and practically speaking, affect your daily concerns.  There are better places than others to build houses or structures - points where health and vitality and strengthened, where other things being equal, plants will grow and flourish and where all beneficial conditions seem to meet.  
Some people can sense such neighborhoods instinctively.  They occur within certain angles made by coordinate points.  The points obviously are not themselves physical - that is, they are not visible, though they may be mathematically deduced.  They are felt, however, as intensified energy.

In a given room, plants will grow more effectively in a particular area than in other areas, providing that both areas contain such necessary requirements as light.  All of your space is permeated by these coordination points, so that certain invisible angles are formed.

This is highly simplified, but some angles will be more on the outskirts than others, and will be less favorable for all conditions of growth and activity.  In speaking of the angles we will treat them as three-dimensional, though they are of course multidimensional.  Since the nature of these angles is not the main topic of my book, it is not possible to explain them thoroughly here.  They will seem to be stronger during certain times than other times, though these differences have nothing to do with either the nature of the coordinate points or with the nature of time.  Other elements affect them, but we need not be concerned with these now.

The concentrated energy points are activated by emotional intensities that are well within your normal range.  Your own emotions or feelings will activate these coordinates whether you know of them or not.  Greater energy will therefore be added to the original thought or feeling, and its projection into physical matter accelerated.  Now this applies regardless of the nature of the feeling; only its intensity is involved here.

These points are like invisible power plants, in other words, activated when any emotional feeling or thought of sufficient intensity comes into contact.  The points themselves intensify whatever activated them in quite a neutral manner.


This is highly simplified, but the subjective experience of any consciousness is automatically expressed as electromagnetic energy units.  These exist beneath the range of physical matter.  They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.
These units are natural emanations from all kinds of consciousness.

They are the invisible formations resulting from reaction to any kind of stimuli.  They very seldom exist in isolation, but unite under certain laws.  They change both their form and their pulsation.  Their relative duration depends upon the original intensity behind them - that is, behind the original thought, emotion, stimuli, or reaction that brought them into being.

Again, highly simplified here, under certain conditions the coagulate into matter.  Those electromagnetic units of high enough intensity automatically activate in the subordinate coordinate points of which I have spoken.  They are, therefore, accelerated and propelled into matter far more quickly than units of lesser intensity.  Molecules would appear as large as planets to these units.  Atoms and molecules and planets and these electromagnetic energy units are simple different manifestations of the same principles that bring the units themselves into being.  It is only your relative position, you focus within an apparent space and time, that makes this seem so unlikely.

Each thought or emotion therefore exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or as a combination of these under certain conditions, and often with the help of coordinate points, they emerge into the building blocks of physical matter.  This emergence into matter occurs as a neutral result regardless of the nature of any given thought or emotion.  Mental images, accompanied by strong emotion, and blueprints therefore upon which a corresponding physical object, or condition or event, will in your terms appear.


The intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image is, therefore, the important element in determining its subsequent physical materialization.  The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic energy units form.  In your terms, the more intense the core, the sooner the physical materialization.  This would apply whether the mental image was a fearful one or a joyful one.  Now these is a very important problem here:  If your turn of mind is highly intense and you think in vivid mental emotional images, these will be swiftly formed into physical events.  If you are also of a highly pessimistic nature, given to thoughts and feelings of potential disaster, then these thoughts will be quite faithfully reproduced in experience.
The more intense your imagination and inner experience, therefore, the more important it is that you realize the methods by which this inner experience becomes physically real.  Your thoughts and emotions begin their journey into physical actualization at the moment of conception.  If you happen to live in an area where the coordinate environment is strong, one of those areas I have spoken of as unusually conducive, then it will seem that you are deluged by illnesses or disasters, if these are the nature of your thoughts, because all thought is so fertile in this environment.  If, on the other hand, your feelings and subjective experience are fairly well balanced, fairly optimistic and creative in a constructive manner, then it will seem to you that you have been blessed with unusual luck, for your pleasant suppositions will come to pass so quickly.

Briefly, in your own country, the West Coast, portions of the East Coast, Utah, the Great Lakes, the Chicago area, the Minneapolis area, and some other southwestern areas, are in those neighborhoods of excellent coordinate activity, for the reasons given.  Materialization will quickly appear, and potential therefore for both constructive and destructive elements are high.


These coordinate points themselves activate the behaviour of atoms and molecules as, say for example, the sun aids the growth of plants.  The coordinates activate the generating behaviour of atoms and molecules, and greatly encourage their cooperative abilities, their tendency to swarm, so to speak, into organizations and structural groupings.

The coordinate points magnify or intensify the behaviour, the latent spontaneity inherent within the properties of physical matter.  They act as psychic generators, propelling what is not yet physical into physical form.

Let me remind you that these emanations in varying degrees rise from all consciousness, not simply your own.  This includes cellular consciousness as well, so that an invisible network of electromagnetic units pervades your entire atmosphere, and upon this webwork and from it, the particles of physical matter are then formed.  A whole book could easily be written upon this subject.  Information regarding the locations of main and absolute coordinate points could be highly advantageous, for example.  You pride yourselves on your technology, and the production of durable good, buildings and roads, yet many of these are insignificant when compared to other structures within the past.

A true understanding of the way in which an idea becomes physical matter would result in a complete revamping of your so-called modern technology, and in buildings, roads, and other structures that would far outlast those you now have.  While psychic reality behind physical matter is ignored, then you cannot use those methods effectively that do exist, nor can you take advantage of them.  You cannot understand the psychic reality that is the true impetus for your physical existence unless you first realize your own psychic reality, and independence from physical laws.  My first purpose, therefore, is to make you aware of the inner identity of which you are a part, and to clear away some of the intellectual and superstitious debris that prevents you from recognizing your own potentialities and freedom.  Then perhaps you can begin to learn the many wat in which that freedom can be used.

Edited by Loba

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Seth Speaks notes chapter 6:

With the little background given so far, we can at least begin to discuss the subject of this book: The eternal validity of the soul.  Even when we are exploring other issues, we will be trying to illustrate the multidimensional aspect of this inner self.  There are many misconceptions connected with it, and first of all we shall try to dismiss these.

First of all, a soul is not something that you have.  It is what you are.  I usually use the term "entity" in preference to the term "soul", simply because those particular misconceptions are not so connected with the word "entity", and its connotations are less religious in an organizational sense.


The trouble is that you frequently consider the soul or entity as a finished, static thing that belongs to you but is not you.  The soul or entity - in other words, your most intimate powerful inner identity - is and must be forever changing.  It is not, therefore, something like a cherished heirloom.  It is alive, responsive, curious.  It forms the flesh and the world that you know, and is in a state of becoming.

Now, in the three-dimensional reality in which your ego has its main focus, becoming presupposes arrival, or a destination - an ending to that which has been in a state of becoming.  But the soul or entity has its existence basically in other dimensions, and in these, fulfilment is not dependent upon arrivals at any points, spiritual or otherwise.

The soul or entity is always in a state of flux, or learning, and of developments that have to do with subjective experience rather than with time or space.  This is not nearly as mysterious as it might sound.  Each of my readers plays a game in which the egotistical conscious self pretends not to know what the whole self definitely does know.  Since the ego is definitely a part of the whole self, then it must necessarily be basically aware of such knowledge.  In its intense focus in physical reality, however, it pretends not to know, until it feels able to utilize the information in physical terms.

You do have access to the inner self therefore.  You are hardly cut off from your own soul or entity.  The ego prefers to consider itself the captain at the helm, so to speak, since it is the ego who most directly dreams with the sometimes tumultuous seas of physical reality, and it does not want to be distracted from this task.

Channels, psychological and psychic, always exist, sending communications back and forth through the various levels of the self, and the ego accepts necessary information and data from inner portions of the personality without question.  Its position in fact depends in a large manner upon this unquestioning acceptance of inner data.  The ego, in other words, the exterior self that you think of as your self - that portion of you maintains its safety and it seeming command precisely because inner layers of your own personality constantly uphold it, keep the physical body operating, and maintain communications with the multitudinous stimuli that come both from outside conditions and inside conditions.  The soul or entity is not diminished but expanded through reincarnations, through existence and experience in probably realities.

It is only because you have a highly limited conception of your own entity that you insist upon its being almost sterile in its singularity.  There are millions of cells within your body, but you call the body a unit, and consider it your own.  You do form it, from the inside out, and yet you form it from living substance, and each smallest particle has its own living consciousness, each individual, with their own destiny and abilities and potentials.  There are no limitations to your own entity, therefore, how can your entity or soul have boundaries, for boundaries would enclose it and deny it freedom.


Often it seems that the soul is thought of as a precious stone, to be finally presented as a gift to God, or considered as some women used to consider their virginity - something highly prized that must be lost; the losing of it being signified as a fine gift to the receiver.

In many philosophies this sort of idea is retained - the soul being returned to a primal giver, or being dissolved in a nebulous state somewhere between being and nonbeing.  The soul is, however, first of all creative.  It can be discussed from many viewpoints.  Its characteristics can be given to some degree, and indeed most of my readers could find out these characteristics for themselves if they were highly enough motivated, and if this was their main concern.  The soul or entity is itself the most highly motivated, most highly energized, and most potent consciousness-unit known in any universe.


It is energy concentrated to a degree quite unbelievable to you.  It contains potentials unlimited, but it must work out its own identity and form its own worlds.  It carries within it the burden of all being.  Within it are personality potentials beyond your comprehension.  Remember this is your own soul or entity I am speaking of, as well as soul or entity in general.  You are one manifestation of your own soul.  How many of you would want to limit your reality, you entire reality, to the experience you now know?  You do this when you imagine that your present self is your entire personality, or insist that your identity be maintained unchanged through an endless eternity.

Such an eternity would be dead indeed.  In many ways the soul is an incipient god, and later in this book we will discuss the "god concept".  For now, however, we will simply be concerned with the entity or soul, the larger self that whispers even now in the hidden recesses of each reader's experience.  I hope in this book not only to assure you of the eternal validity of your soul or entity, but to help you sense its vital reality within yourself.  First of all, however, you must have some idea of your own phycological and psychic structure.  When you understand to some extent who and what you are, then I can explain more clearly who and what I am.  I hope to acquaint you with those deeply creative aspects of your own being, so that you can use these to extend and expand your entire experience.

Many individuals imagine the soul to be an immortalized ego, forgetting that the ego as you know it is only a small portion of the self; so this section of the personality is simply projected onward, ad infinitum so to speak.  Because the dimensions of your reality are so little understood, your concepts are bound to be limited.  In considering immortality, mankind seems to hope for further egotistical development, and yet he objects to the idea that such development might involve change.  He says through his religions that he has a soul indeed, without even asking what a soul is, and often he seems to regard it again, as an object in his possession.


Now personality, even as you know it, constantly changes, and not always in ways that are anticipated - most often, in fact, in unpredictable ways.  You insist upon focusing your own attention upon the similarities that are woven through your own behaviour; and upon these you build a theory that the self follows a pattern that you, instead, have transposed upon it.  And the transposed pattern prevents you from seeing the self as it really is.  Therefore, you also project this distorted viewpoint upon your conception of the reality of the soul.  You think of the soul, therefore, in the light of erroneous conceptions that you hold regarding even the nature of your mortal selves.

Even the mortal self, you see, is far more miraculous and wondrous than you perceive, and possesses far more abilities than you ascribe to it.  You do not understand as yet the true nature of perception, even as far as the mortal self is concerned, and therefore you can hardly understand the perceptions of the soul.  For the soul, above all, perceives and creates.  Remember again that you are a soul now.  The soul within you, therefore, is now perceiving.  Its methods of perception are the same now as they were before your physical birth, and as they will be after your physical death.

You can find out what the soul is now, therefore.  It is not something waiting for you at your death, nor is it something you must same or redeem, and it is also something that you cannot lose.  The term, "to lose or save your soul", has been grossly misinterpreted and distorted, for it is the part of you that is indeed indestructible.  We will go into this particular matter in a portion of the book dealing with religion and the god concept.

Your own personality as you know it, that portion of you that you consider most precious, most uniquely you, will also never be destroyed or lost.  It is a portion of the soul.  It will not be gobbled by the soul, nor erased by it, nor subjugated by it, nor on the other hand can it ever be separated.  It is, nevertheless, only one aspect of your soul.  Your individuality, in whatever way you want to think of it, continues to exist in your terms.

It continues to grow and develop, but its growth and development is highly dependent upon its realization that while it is distinct and individual, it is also but one manifestation of the soul.  To the extent that it realizes this, it learns to unfold in creativity, and to use those abilities that lie inherent within it.

Now unfortunately, it would be much easier simply to tell you that you individuality continues to exist, and let it go at that.  While this would make a fairly reasonable parable, it has been told that particular way before, and there are dangers in the very simplicity of the tale.  The truth is that the personality you are now and the personality that you have been and will be - in the terms in which you understand time - all of these personalities are manifestations of the soul, of your soul.

Your soul therefore - the soul that you are - the soul that you are a part of - that soul is a far more creative and miraculous phenomenon than you previously supposed.  And when this is not clearly understood, and when the concept is watered down for simplicity's sake, as mentioned earlier, then the intense vitality of the soul can never be understood.  Your soul, therefore, possesses the wisdom, information, and knowledge that is part of the experience of all these other personalities; and you have within yourselves access to this information, but only if you realize the true nature of your reality.  Let me emphasize again that these personalities exist independently within and are a part of the soul, and each of them are free to create and develop.


There is however an inner communication, and the knowledge of one is available to any - not after physical death, but now in your present moment.  Now the soul itself, as mentioned earlier, is not static.  It grows and develops even through the experience of those personalities that compose it, and it is, to put it as simply as possible, more than the sum of its parts.

Now, there are no closed systems in reality.  In your physical system the nature of your perception limits you idea of reality to some extent, because you purposely decide to focus within a given locale.  But basically speaking, consciousness can never be a closed system, and all barriers of such a nature are illusion.  Therefore the soul itself is not a closed system.  When you consider the soul, however, you usually think of it in such a light - unchanging, a psychic or spiritual citadel.  But citadels not only keep out invaders, they also prevent expansion and development.

There are many matters here very difficult to express in words, for you are so afraid for your sense of identity that you resists the idea that the soul, for example, is an open spiritual system, a powerhouse of creativity that shoots out in all directions - and yet this is indeed the case.


I tell you this, and at the same time remind you that your present personality is never lost.  Now another word for the soul is entity.  You see it is not a simple matter of giving you a definition of a soul or entity, for even to have a glimpse in logical terms you would have to understand it in a spiritual, psychic, and electromagnetic terms, and understand the basic nature of consciousness and action as well.  But you can intuitively discover the nature of the soul or entity, and in manty ways intuitive knowledge is superior to any other kind.

One prerequisite for such an intuitive understanding of the soul is the desire to achieve it.  If the desire is strong enough, then you will be automatically led to experiences that will result in vivid, unmistakable subjective knowledge.  There are methods that will enable you to do this and I will give you some toward the end of this book.

For now, here is one quite effective but simple exercise.  Close your eyes after having read this chapter to this point, and try to sense within yourself the source of power from which your own breathing and life forces come.  Some of you will do this successfully at your first try.  Other may take longer.  When you feel within yourself this source, then try to sense this power flow outward through your entire physical being, through the fingertips and toes, through the pores of your body, all directions, with yourself as center.  Imagine the rays undiminished, reaching then through the foliage and clouds above, through the center of the earth below, extending even to the farthest reaches of the universe.


Now I do not mean this to be a merely symbolic exercise, for though it may begin with imagination, it is based upon fact, and emanations  from your consciousness and the creativity of your soul do indeed reach outward in that manner.  The exercise will give you some idea of the true nature, creativity, and vitality of the soul from which you can draw your own energy and of which you are an individual and unique portion.

This discussion is not meant to be an esoteric presentation with little practical meaning in your daily lives.  The fact is that while you hold limited concepts of your own reality, then you cannot practically take advantage of many abilities that are your own; and while you have a limited concept of the soul, then to some extent you cut yourself off from the source of your own being and creativity.

Now these abilities operate whether you know it or not, but often they operate in spite of you rather than with your conscious cooperation; and often when you do find yourself using them, you become frightened, disoriented, or confused.  No matter what you have been taught, you must understand, for example, that basically speaking, perceptions are not physical in the way the term is usually used.  If you catch yourself perceiving information through other than your physical senses, then you must accept the fact that this is the way perception works.

What often happens is that your conception of reality is so limited that you take fright whenever you perceive any experience that does not fit into your conception.  Now I am not speaking merely of abilities loosely called extrasensory perception.  These experiences seem extra-ordinary to you only because you have for so long denied the existence of any perception that did not come through the physical senses.

So-called extrasensory perception gives you but a crude and distorted idea of the basic ways in which the inner self receives information, but the concepts built around extrasensory perception are at least nearer the truth, and as such represent an improvement over the idea that all perception is basically physical.

Now it is nearly impossible to separate a discussion of the nature of the soul from a discussion of the nature of perception.  Very briefly let us review a few points:  You form physical matter and the physical world you know.  The physical senses actually can be said to create the physical world, in that they force you to perceive an available field of energy in physical terms, and impose a highly specialized pattern upon this field of reality.  Using the physical senses, you can perceive reality in no other way.

This physical perception in no way alters the native, basic, unfettered perception that is characteristic of the inner self, the inner self being the portion of the soul that is within you.  The inner self knows its relationship with the soul.  It is a portion of the self that acts, you might say, as a messenger between the soul and the present personality.  You must also realize that while I use terms like soul or entity, inner self and present personality, I do so only for the sake of convenience, for one is a part of the other, there is no point where one begins and another ends.

You can see this easily for yourself if you consider the way in which psychologists use the terms ego, subconscious and even unconscious.  What seems subconscious in one instant may be conscious the next.  An unconscious motive may also be conscious at one point.  even in these terms your experience should tell you that the words themselves make divisions that do not exist in your own experience.

You seem to perceive exclusively through your physical senses, and yet you have only to extend your egotistical idea of reality, and you will find even your egotistical self accepting quite readily the existence of nonphysical information.

As it does, so its own ideas of its own nature will automatically change and expand, for you will have removed limitations to its growth.  Now any act of perception changes the perceiver, and so the soul, considered as a perceiver, must also change.  There are no real divisions between the perceiver and the thing seemingly perceived.  In many ways the thing perceived is an extension of the perceiver.  This pay seem strange, but all acts are mental, or if you prefer, psychic acts.  This is an extremely simple explanation; but the thought creates the reality.  Then the creator of the thought perceives the object., and he does not understand the connection between him and this seemingly separate thing.

This characteristic of materializing thoughts and emotions into physical realities is an attribute of the soul.  Now in your reality, these thoughts are made physical.  In other realities, they may be constructed entirely in a different fashion.  So your soul, that which you are, constructs your physical daily reality for you from the nature of your thoughts and expectations.


You can readily see, therefore, how important your subjective feelings really are.  This knowledge, that your universe is idea construction, can immediately give you clues that enable you to change your environment and circumstances beneficially.  When you do not understand the nature of the soul, and do not realize that your thoughts and feelings form reality, then you feel powerless to change it.  In later chapters of this book, I hope to give you some practical information that will enable you to alter practically the very nature and structure of daily life.

The soul perceives all experience directly.  Most experiences of which you are aware come packaged in physical wrapping, and you take the wrapping for the experience itself, and do not think of looking inside.  The world that you know is one of the infinite materializations taken by consciousness, and as such it is valid.

The soul, however, does not need to follow the laws and principles that are a part of the physical reality, and it does not depend upon physical perception.  The soul's perceptions are of acts and events that are mental, that lie, so to speak, beneath physical events as you know them.  The soul's perceptions are not dependent upon time, because time is a physical camouflage and does not apply to nonphysical reality.

Now it is difficult to explain to you how direct experience actually works, for it exists - a total field of perceptions, innocent of the physical clues such as colour, size, weight, and sense, with which your physical perceptions are clothed.

Words are used to tell of an experience, but they obviously are not the experience that they attempt to describe.  Your physical subjective experience is so involved with word thinking, however, that it is almost impossible for you to conceive of an experience that is not thought-word oriented.

Now, each event of which you are aware is already a translation of an inner event, a psychic or mental event that is perceived by the soul directly, but translated by the physically oriented portions of the self into physical sense terms.

It goes without saying then that the soul does not require a physical body for purposes of perception; that perception is not dependent upon physical senses; that experience continues whether or not you are in this life or another; and that the soul's basic methods of perceptions are also operating within you now even as you read this book.  It also follow that some hints of the soul's direct experience can be gained by momentarily switching the physical senses off - by refusing to use them as perceptors, and falling back upon other methods.  Now you do this to some extent in the dream state, but even then in many dreams you still tend to translate experience into hallucinatory physical terms.  Most of the dreams you recall are of this nature.

At certain depths of sleep, however, the soul's perception operates relatively unhampered.  You drink, so to speak, from the pure well of perception.  You communicate with the depths of your own being, and the source of your creativity.  These experiences, not being translated physically, do not remain in the morning.  You do not remember them as dreams.  Dreams, however, may later the same evening be formed from the information gained during what I will call the depth experience.  These will not be exact or near translations of the experience, but rather of the nature of dream parables - an entirely different thing, you see.


Now this particular level of consciousness, occurring in the sleep state, has not been pinpointed by your scientists.  During it, energy is generated that makes the dream state itself possible.  It is true that dreams allow the physically oriented self to digest current experience, but it is also true that the experience is them returned to its initial components.  It breaks apart, so to speak.  Portions of it are retained as past physical sense data, but the whole experience returns to its initial direct state.


It exists ten, eternally, separated from the physical clothing that you need in order to understand it.  Physical existence is one way in which the soul chooses to experience its own actuality.  The soul, in other words, has created a world for you to inhabit, to change - a complete sphere of activity in which new developments and indeed new forms of consciousness can emerge.

In a manner of speaking, you continually create your soul as it continually creates you.

Now the soul is never diminished, nor basically are any portions of the self.

The soul can be considered as an electromagnetic energy field, of which you are a part.  It is a field of concentrated action when you consider it in this light - a powerhouse of probabilities or probable actions seeking to be expressed; a grouping of nonphysical consciousnesses that nevertheless knows itself as an identity.  Look at it this way:  The young woman whom I speak once stated in a poem, and I quote "These atoms speak, and call themselves my name."


Now your physical body is a field of energy with a certain form, however, and when someone asks you your name, your lips speak it - and yet the name does not belong to the atoms and molecules in the lips that utter the syllables.  The name has meaning only to you.  Within your body you cannot put your finger on your own identity.  If you could travel within your body, you could not find where your identity resides, yet you say, "This is my body." and "This is my name."

You cannot be found, even by yourself, within your body then where is this identity of yours that claims to hold the cells and organs as its own?  Your identity obviously has some connection with your body, since you have no trouble distinguishing between your body and the chair, say, upon which you may sit.

In a larger manner, the identity of the soul can be seen from the same viewpoint.  It knows who it is and is far more certain of its identity, indeed, than your physical self is of its identity.  And yet now where in this electromagnetic energy field can the identity of the soul as such be found?

It regenerates all other portions of itself, and gives you the identity that is your own.  And when it should be asked, "Who are you?" it would simply answer, "I am I" and be answering for you also.

Now in terms of psychology as you understand it, the soul could be considered as a prime identity that is in itself a gestalt of many other individual consciousnesses - an unlimited self that is yet able to express itself in many ways and forms and yet maintain its own identity, its own, "I am-ness", even while it is aware that its I am-ness may be part of another I am-ness.  Now I am sure it may seem inconceivable to you, but the fact is I am-ness is retained even though it may, figuratively speaking, now merge with and travel through other such energy fields.  There is, in other words, a give and take between souls or entities, and no end of possibilities, both of development and expansion.  Again, the soul is not a closed system.


It is only because your present existence is so highly focused on one narrow area that you put such stern limits upon your definitions and the self, and the project these upon your concepts of the soul.  You worry for your physical identity and limit the extend of your perceptions for fear you cannot handle more and retain your selfhood.

The soul is not frightened for its identity.  It is sure of itself.  It ever seeks.  It is not afraid of being overwhelmed by experience or perception.  If you had a more thorough understanding of the nature of identity you would not, for example, fear telepathy, for behind this concern is the worry that your identity will be swept away by the suggestions or thoughts of others.

No psychological system is closed, no consciousness is closed, regardless of any appearances to the contrary within your own system.  The soul is a traveler, as has been said so often; bit it is also the creator of all experience, and of all destinations in your terms.  It creates worlds as it goes, so to speak.

Now is the true nature of the psychological being of which you are a part.  As mentioned earlier, later in the book I will give you some practical suggestions that will allow you to recognize some of your own deeper abilities and utilize them for your own development, pleasure, and education.

Consciousness is not basically built upon those precepts of good and evil that is so presently concern you.  By inference, neither is a soul.  This does not mean that in your system, and in some others, these problems do not exist and that good is not preferable to the evil.  It simply means that the soul knows that good and evil are but different manifestations of a far greater reality.

I want to emphasize again that while all this sounds difficult in the telling, it becomes much more clear intuitively when you learn to experience what you are, for if you cannot travel inside your psychological body to find your identity, you can travel through your psychological self.

There are far more wonders to perceive through this inward exploration that you can possibly believe until you begin such a journey for yourself.  You are a soul; you are a particular manifestation of a soul, and it is sheer nonsense to think that you must remain ignorant of the nature of your own being.  You may not be able to put your knowledge clearly into words, but this will in no way negate the value or the validity of the experience that will be yours one you begin to look inward.

Now you may call this a spiritual or psychological or psychic exploration, as you prefer.  You will not be trying to find your soul.  In that respect there is nothing to find.  It is not lost, and you are not lost.  The words you use may make no difference, but your intent does indeed.




All of my flaws make me out to perfection
Only hearts never fear flying in the masses
I can't even lie on my fight to the death, yeah
If it feels like heaven



Edited by Loba

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I swear I can make it all better
If you want me I'll give it, all to you
You're all I see, baby you're everything

Assal - Honey, Storm, Hurricane, Tornado, Wildfire, Lightening, Wolf, Soul, Personality, Non-Localized Consciousness, Deity, Aeonic Energy, Masculine Creative Principle/Original Intention/Archetype, Destroys to Create, Artist, Wise, Wild, Free, Heavy, Thick, Humorous, Sexual, Natural, Observant, Talisman, Fierce, Brave, Dark, Masculine Yin, Penumbra, Blackhole, Rage, Massive, Black With Blue Eyes; Stars and Sky; the Universe, Hermaphrodite, Dark Energy, True Love, Key Element, New World, Karma, Electricity, Death, A Rarity, Common, Shapeshifter, Lover, Legion, The Knowledge of Entire Evolutionary Chains of Various Worlds; Through Aeonic Influence and Intention, Very Dark on the Outside But Shining with God's Light Inside, The Original Gods Were Dark


Dragon Energy
"Humans are the flowers of Gaian consciousness, and now we will produce the seed that will leave this planet and spread across the cosmos."

You're on my mind
Thinking 'bout you all the time
I don't want you to let go
No, I don’t want you to let go


To Summon - Let Go of Control, Accept Death, Open Yourself to Love, Love yourSelf, Humility, Gratitude, Giving Energy, Receiving Energy, Not Taking Energy, Creativity, Meditate, Calmness, Faith, Sexuality, Hollow Bone State, Look Outside of One's Self and at the Forces of Nature on a Wider Scale

Purpose - Ushers in creative and destructive powers to bring about a new age.  Is an ancient deity.  Aeon.  Can be used to harness creative potential.  You cannot control this deity and use it for egotistic purposes.  It is prominent in this world, and yet remains largely unseen and works in the shadows so to speak.

My Goals - None, just to understand it through writing, and to finish some artworks.  I don't want to meddle with aeonic energies if I don't know what I am doing.  This will be a lifetime for understanding.  I do not know why it chose me to be a writer.  I seem to have stumbled across it as a child, I've always had this energy around me and up until the past two years have not been able to really sit down and figure out what it is.  I thought it was evil for the longest time because of its darkness.  There's still so much to learn, but I am getting closer.  Maybe that was the point of All Dogs Go to Heaven journal - to learn that I am a writer, self love, and that my demons are deities.  I plan on sitting on this energy for a while.  I don't want to act in a way that loses it, or causes harm.  I have a lot of memory loss from child abuse, and this thing protected me from it.  So it's like a guardian, but multi-faceted and could turn on me if I misuse certain things if I am in full knowing of what I am doing.  When I am not, I am just warned.  But when I Know, I don't act in a way that would go against nature or Love, and this allows me to go further in my development when I move towards Love anyways.


It holds within it some very bad memories that it took away from me and I don't want them to come up prematurely.  Nature is Good.  There are mechanisms in place to protect the minds of children.  It's a big mystery uncovering all of it, thus the ravenous need to understand.  I could sit with this energy and never use it on anyone except myself, for creative endeavors, and of course - stop me when ignorant, aid me when I'm aware.  I've said some nasty things to this Be-ing as well; I was afraid of it, I didn't know what the heck it was - and by its very nature you would expect destruction upon meeting it - dark, heavy, fierce, wave - I spent a lot of time bargaining for my life with it, coming to understand the nature of the Other - He is a talisman as well, that I made within my art.  Talismans are things that carry souls in them.  "As above, so below." 


I will die youngish, this I already know, which is why I write so much, with such fervor.  I don't want to be alone when I die.  So I wish to use my imagination and creativity to curate this energy to accompany me.


Reading as Soul Making

For a book to have soul it must make us feel. It is a bodily act, not an intellectual one. 

Works of great intellect can also pair with soul; wisdom is the pairing of intellect with knowing from life experience and bodily feeling.

To be an author is to give birth, to be involved in a soul-making, soul-baring process in which what emerges is another life-form. Something with a soul, a body, a way of being in the world all its own. 

A book that has soul becomes an individualist in a world that so often prizes sameness and mediocrity. It makes us reconsider reality from a different vantage point, and for this reason it is often loved by many and hated by others. 

To react to a book, no matter the reaction, is an indication that the book has a spirit all its own.

True magic, true soul, breaks the conditioning of our world and what we know to be true wide open. 

It allows for us to move beyond the hedge into the wild terrain of the Other. 

To know that there is a magic in a world that continually repeats back to us that we live in a magic-less world is an act of rebellion of the best kind.

A book that is enlivened with soul has a spark to it… we remember it long after we have read it. The book may jump out in front of us at a bookstore, mysteriously end up on our kindle, or we may have a friend recommend it at just the right time in our lives.

A book with a depth of soul is a talisman. It has a vibration, a life-force all its own. To own such a book is to have a piece of magic in your home.

Opening such a book and reading it is delving into liminal space, a gateway to other worlds and new ways of thinking and seeing that are truly initiatory. 

We emerge a different person than we were prior to having this book.






Edited by Loba

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The Heart of the Wolf

You are the Red Dawn
Gentle bloody waves
And a deafening silence
As the sun sets for the last time and darkness dawns upon land

Didn’t I warn you not to? 
Didn’t I warn you good? 
Maybe we couldn’t help it.
Maybe we never should.

We are witness to a warm, enveloping darkness
The blackhole that will devour the light
And strip us all of form
And ultimately unite us for a time of rest

Didn’t I say it slowly? 
Didn’t I make it clear? 
Is it unfair to ask you? 
Why it is you’re still here? 


You are misunderstood as a harbinger of hatred
And of energy too wild to wield
Yet you sit for me, calmly, sweetly, at the red gates
And wait for me to accept the beauty of Death into my heart

You cut your teeth on the lack of answers, singing.
Come back home and it don’t feel the same.
Well I’ve bled words onto a page for you.
And you never knew my name.


"Do You love me?"
"I've wanted to be with you.  Do you fear me?  Why won't you look at me with a clear vision?"

I'm staring at a heart, a soul, a personality, a deity.
"Because it's frightening to look steadfast into the face of Death, no matter how calm and sweet the waves look, they're still made from blood."

Didn’t I make it harder? 
Didn’t I leave you that? 
Was it too much to ask you? 
Why it is you still care? 


You want a witness to the fall of Mankind.
You want me to understand that we have done it to ourselves; collectively.
You are what You are and You are proud of Yourself.
You are a fury in Love; and I am still ambivalent to See all that You are.

You cut your teeth on the lack of answers, singing.
Come back home and it don’t feel the same.
Well I’ve bled words onto a page for you.
And you never knew my name.



But at the center of the beast
Was its still spinning heart

A heart of wonder
A heart of stone

A heart of a jealous child
A heart of the war trumpets
A heart of struggle


The darkness is alive,
That one little white dot is for me.
It's a window.
Forgotten.  Majestic.  Contrast.
We have a contract.
You expand beyond the mountain ranges of consciousness.
You are a beautiful hate, because I choose to seek to understand...
I get a window to See why and what you find so beautifully artistic in the act of something being ruined.
You are fury, hatred, malice - reflected to me - my own fears spilling out of my psyche.
I am a broken human.
A chosen nobody.
A loser...
You are my lack of self love, a contrast to the light that you block out, it seeps out of your edges.
You hate that I can't see you properly.
That it takes all this work just to look at the face of Death.
The colour of hatred that runs through me.
I betrayed You.  By not looking at You; by not redeeming You; freeing You.
You are my shadow side.

That little window of Light is what keeps me safe.  It is the goodness in You, the Love in your fury. 
There is only one window, just as there is only one and that one is me.
I chose to Love the darkness, and to see its beauty.
It swallows everything up, yet Loves so deeply.
Good luck finding Love in that, it isn't easy.
Death has returned, with a new name and a new face.


How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen when your heart's not open

I've called You a parasite before, and I've cursed You.
You've looked like the Devil itself.
A force of nature doesn't sound evil, it sounds True and I can handle True.
The Wolf.  Fenrir.  The storm.  The archetype.  An intention.
Love with the ferocity of a hurricane.
Childhood memories of being close to death and on the edge; You were there.
As a sunset, a witness, a storm, the sky, and a ferocious manifestation of the universe;
As well as the face of Nothing before I could understand what that meant.

Mmh, mmh, if I could melt your heart
Mmh, mmh, we'd never be apart


How many little lace angels did you devour?
Each one with precious porcelain faces fixated towards the Sunlight,
While the wind whipped all around them
Struck in awe and terror.
You sent them white doves to let them know.
There are powers in this world that are beyond comprehension.
You can Know whatever one might need,
But there's no escape.
A wall of water keeps getting closer.
You simply wish for others to witness all that You are, and yet You kill each one.

Destruction is there and it's real, and I don't know if it is permissible to move towards this sort of nature.
If one could see the beauty in destructive acts, I would have to accept what You are.
And like this song, it's just quite a paradox.
There is so much suffering in the world that You will cause.
That You have already.
And yet, it's simply what You are.
You are all that and yet Love deeper than a zombie like me ever could.

Humans are numb compared to the emotional landscapes of other beings.
"The Call of Dawn"


Edited by Loba
A bad omen for the future of mankind. :(

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So I’ve been gazing at the stars for a minute
I never could connect the constellations
But I really liked the way they all kinda shimmer
City light, pollution’s said to be the fall, now I'm waiting
In black coals, strips base walls and
The Matrix leaves me an enigma, food for thought, I’m the top chef
I did the box, lost profit
Speak to the cosmos before thoughts process


Right my little pooh bear, wanna take a chance?
Wanna sip the smooth air, kick it in the sand?
I’ll say I told you so but you just gonna cry
You just wanna know those peanut butter vibes

Pray, pray, I can’t, I can’t pray
Pray, pray, peanut butter, I can't pray

Meaning’s my end language, state
Super beings sign treaties of the lands and space
See the sharks in the distance, watch me swim in their direction
Archbishop of the new world, curled in the mess
Found pearls in the wreckage, pawned 'em
Spawned a thousand ships to arm the armada
Garments, hard posture, slate
Onyx and jade weapons in cold breast plate
Blessed with the crest made of thin gold



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If you are the dealer, I'm out of the game
If you are the healer, it means im broken and lame
If thine is the glory, then mine must be the shame
You want it darker
We kill the flame


Magnified, sanctified
Be the holy name
Vilified, crucified
In the human frame
A million candles burning
For the help that never came
You want it darker


Hineni, hineni
I'm ready, my Lord


There's a lover in the story
But the story's still the same
There's a lullaby for suffering
And a paradox to blame
But it's written in the scriptures
And it's not some idol claim
You want it darker
We kill the flame


They're lining up to prisoners
And the guards are taking aim
I struggle with some demons
They were middle class and tame
I didn't know I had permission
To murder and to maim
You want it darker


Hineni, hineni
I'm ready, my Lord


Magnified, sanctified
Be the holy name
Vilified, crucified
In the human frame
A million candles burning
For the love that never came
You want it darker
We kill the flame


If you are the dealer, let me out of the game
If you are the healer, I'm broken and lame
If thine is the glory, mine must be the shame
You want it darker


Hineni, hineni
Hineni, hineni
I'm ready, my Lord





Edited by Loba
You want it darker? We kill the flame. Prophecy.

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I heard the news today
That you're not mine to keep
Don't struggle too much now
While I kill you in your sleep
What is lust if it's not being by yourself?
I won't be gentle to the body on the shelf

It's only water
It's only fire
It's only love
It's only slaughter
We're only liars
It's only blood
They're only thoughts that
I'm having stored safe within my head
You're only crying
You're only dying
You're only dead

I heard the news today
That you weren't mine to save
I hope that you're comfortable
In the quiet plastic grave
What is lust if it's not being by yourself?
I won't be gentle to the body on the shelf


Fenrir, also called Fenrisúlfr, monstrous wolf of Norse mythology. He was the son of the demoniac god Loki and a giantess, Angerboda. Fearing Fenrir’s strength and knowing that only evil could be expected of him, the gods bound him with a magical chain made of the sound of a cat’s footsteps, the beard of a woman, the breath of fish, and other occult elements. When the chain was placed upon him, Fenrir bit off the hand of the god Tyr. He was gagged with a sword and was destined to lie bound to a rock until the Ragnarök (Doomsday), when he will break his bonds and fall upon the gods. According to one version of the myth, Fenrir will devour the sun.

Fenrir figures prominently in Norwegian and Icelandic poetry of the 10th and 11th centuries, and the poets speak apprehensively of the day when he will break loose.

"Much I have travelled, much have I tried out,
much have I tested the Powers;
from where will a sun come into the smooth heaven
when Fenrir has assailed this one?"

"It looks to me that with this ribbon as though I will gain no fame from it if I do tear apart such a slender band, but if it is made with art and trickery, then even if it does look thin, this band is not going on my legs."

"If you bind me so that I am unable to release myself, then you will be standing by in such a way that I should have to wait a long time before I got any help from you. I am reluctant to have this band put on me. But rather than that you question my courage, let someone put his hand in my mouth as a pledge that this is done in good faith."


Unfettered will fare the Fenris Wolf
and ravaged the realm of men,
ere that cometh a kingly prince
as good, to stand in his stead.



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I'm the shit, use your throne as my toilet seat
I demand the king's ransom for royalties
I deserve a mansion, I'm royalty
Address me your majesty
To form a new dynasty
The old one was dying next, see
I am your highness, please
Address me your majesty

  • A type 6 civilization exists  even beyond the multiverse.  Just like how a type 5 civilization has the ability to control potentially infinite universes within a multiverse, a type 6 can do the same but instead of universes, it would control potentially infinite multiverses.

  • So to do this, a type 6 civilization would  need to exist outside of or parallel to the space-time continuum. This means that  it would exist outside of reality itself.  That would make it no different than the  concept of God as we humans know it today.

  • This type of civilization would be  capable of creating or destroying universes and multiverses as it pleases.  It would have complete control over everything  that could ever be possible or imaginable and would be the ultimate civilization watching over the entire space-time reality that lower civilizations occupy.

  • It would be able to travel at any point  within any given multiverse without a problem.  Not only could it travel in the present, but also,  in any timeline of any multiverse it pleases.

  • At this stage of advancement, some hypothesize  that beings of a type 6 civilization wouldn't even have any need for  individualism or social connections.

  • They would most likely be linked to each other  in a massive network of conscious thought providing them the ultimate knowledge and power  over everything else that exists beneath them.

  • So it would be just one ultimate being  that would be capable of any feat imaginable by any civilizations below it.


It's been classic, this classic in gold art
Urban black Smith, black fisted Mozart

Requiem for the souls of the old us
Gather round we can all watch the throne fall
A new king has ascended, a ghost ya'll
Crown me your majesty, oh lord
Majesty, oh lord
Oh lord
It's been classic, this classic in gold art
Urban black Smith, black fisted Mozart


  • Furthermore, similar to a type 5, this being would  have discovered and mastered all there is to know.  It would even know truths that were unknowable to anything imaginable possessing complete knowledge  of everything that there is.
  • Nothing would be a mystery to this being as it would have complete control  of everything that there is.  This implies that this being would be able  to just will things into or out of existence, very similar to what we call God.  Now, to us humans, even a type 5 civilization would be considered as God since it also can control everything there is within the multiverse.
  • But the key difference between  a type 5 and type 6 civilization is that although a type 5 would also  be able to manipulate and control everything with absolute knowledge  and power within their multiverse, it would still have not broken out of reality.
  • This would mean that it will essentially be  God-like but only within its own infinite multiverse, constrained by whatever laws  and lack of technological advancements that hold it back from breaking  out of the reality it occupies.
  • One comparison that could be made between  a type 5 and a type 6 civilization is that of a character in a video game versus a gamer who controls the game.
  • A type 5 civilization could be seen  as a game character that is maxed out on attributes with additional  hacks, patches, mods, and glitches making it flawless and unrivaled to anything  that could possibly exist within the game.
  • It would know and control any  and all aspects of the game as it pleases with nothing more  left to explore or exploit.
  • In contrast, a type 6 civilization would be the gamer with its hands on the controls. It  could decide to keep playing the game, switch to other games, or even turn  off the console any time it wanted to.
  • Now that puts a type 6 civilization at the top of it all with some serious power  to create or destroy entire realities at will.
  • So, will humans ever reach a type 6 status? Well, with our current  knowledge and understanding, it may seem extremely difficult or even  impossible to ever reach such a status. But if we keep advancing without any petty quarrels  and distractions and our eyes on the prize, we may one day hope to achieve even  this type of power and control.
  • Now all this leads to the question of whether  there is anything beyond a type 6 civilization?

Stay cool, the North King must be colder
Exhale, now I look like a smoker
They hail me as king, but when hell freezes over...
Will I reign supreme?
And that's hail on your shoulder
Rain drops feel like a boulder
Drown in a pool of your cold blood
Suffocate dumb kings, nothing in lungs
Hold your breath, I'm the heir to the kingdom

  • The answer to this is very surprising.


All the stars and galaxies, address me as your majesty
So bad to say your majesty, I might react erratically
Throw you in the fire, purify you
I'm the sire, my empires on the rise
Better find yourself a place to hide
Your place to find, but say it twice
My name divine, I'm aiming high
Don't look in my face or eyes
Take a bow and save your life
Glory to the emperor
My temperature is rising
Always hot, it's getting violent
I need silence, I need silence, shh


Requiem for the souls of the old us
Gather round we can all watch the throne fall
A new king has ascended, a ghost ya'll
Crown me your majesty, oh lord
Majesty, oh lord
Oh lord
It's been classic, this classic in gold art
Urban black Smith, black fisted Mozart

Fenrir, Loki and Shiva Bhairava

Chaos magic has been described as a union of traditional occult techniques and applied postmodernism – particularly a postmodernist skepticism concerning the existence or knowability of objective truth. Chaos magicians subsequently treat belief as a tool, often creating their own idiosyncratic magical systems and frequently borrowing from other magical traditions, religious movements, popular culture and various strands of philosophy.

Chaos Magic



Edited by Loba

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I don't Love You as deeply as I should.
Your power.
Simply to understand.  What makes up the dark space?  You.  What are You?  Who are You?
I've wondered this all my life.
Getting closer.  Should I have run away?

I also represent
Anyone on the receiving end of those jokes you offend
I'm the nightmare you fell asleep and then woke up still in
I'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen
Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin
Nope, it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly in
When they say all of this is approaching its end
But you refuse to believe that it's over, here we go all over again
Back's to the wall, I'm stacking up all them odds
Toilets clogged, yeah, ‘cause I'm talking a lot of
Shit but I'm backing it all up
But in my head there's a voice in the back and it hollers
After the track is demolished, I am your lack of a conscience
I'm the ringing in your ears
I'm the polyps on the back of your tonsils
Eating your vocal cords after your concerts
I'm your time that's almost up that you haven't acknowledged
Grab for some water
But I'm that pill that's too jagged to swallow
I'm the bullies you hate that you became
With every fa***** you slaughtered
Coming back on ya, every woman you insult
Batter, but the double-standard you have
When it comes to your daughters
I represent everything you take for granted
‘Cause Marshall Mathers, the rapper's persona
Is half a facade, and Matthew and Stan's just symbolic
Of you not knowing what you had 'til it's gone
‘Cause after all the glitz and the glam
No more fans that are calling your name
Cameras are off, sad, but it happens to all of them
I'm the hindsight to say, “I told you so!”
Foreshadows of all the things that are to follow
I'm the future that's here to show you what happens tomorrow
If you don't stop after they call ya
Biggest laughing stock of rap who can't call it quits
When it's time to walk away, I'm every guilt trip
The baggage you have, but as you gather up all your possessions
If there's anything you have left to say
'Less it makes an impact, then don't bother
So 'fore you rest your case
Better make sure you're packing a wallop
So, one last time, I'm back
'Fore it fades into black and it's all over
Behold the final chapter in a saga
Tryna recapture that lightning trapped in a bottle
Twice, the magic that started
It all, tragic portrait of an artist
Tortured, trapped in his own drawings
Tap into thoughts blacker and darker
Than anything imaginable; here goes a wild stab in the dark
Uh, as we pick up where the last Wolf left off


What do I desire?  Normal, productive mornings.  Please.


So long, long time ago
We were the force the sea and the stone
How far did you dance over the earth the first time you left?

Windside wing to the ground,
Where was the course and where was the sound
Say love where did you go, over the valley and when did you know?

Way down down to the ground
We were the earth the soil and the sand
No need to wait for me, give this body to the hallowed sea.

Give take Away
What you Give- Take Away



Edited by Loba

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