charlie cho

Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive

80 posts in this topic

@Striving for more I think I told you on a different post already.

Rsd inner circle on facebook. Its a group to find wings. I found people on RSD inner circle Barcelona. You look up any big cities near you and you should get into the group on Facebook, Whatsapp or Telegram




Edited by mmKay

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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@charlie cho Oh sorry I mislead you guys. I just noticed they took down the groups from search engine. I'm still in the old ones as I got in before all the takedowns. Initially I joined on old RSDNATION forum but that's gone as well.

Tyler is a multi millionaire lol if you don't bump into him on the street you ain't gonna have a chat with him for free without buying one of his coaching programs.

Edited by mmKay

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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It is a shame the RSD forum was shut down. That place had some golden gems amidst a sea of toxic things too.

One of the coolest things about it was that you could use it to find wings in any city in the world.

You could just be like, "Hey, I'm going to Vegas for the weekend. Who will wing me?" and you'd find at least a few guys. I found some good wings that way.

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I look forward to doing day game (maybe some night game) once the pandemic is over. I think girls will be more receptive than ever.

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7 hours ago, Frylock said:

I look forward to doing day game (maybe some night game) once the pandemic is over. I think girls will be more receptive than ever.

The day the pandemic ends, you thirsty guys be like:


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@Leo Gura I kinda gave up being "freedom of outcome". It would be awesome if I was such a pimp. I would have better things to think about in my life, but, right now, I'm not a pimp. Someday, I will be such a pimp ill have all my korean boys watch me leading two 10s of japanese - porn star looking - chicks in my arms loving me as much as i love them. My friends will think I'm a God. 

Edited by charlie cho

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@charlie cho Please contain the cringe.

Just improve with girls. Don't become a douche.

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7 minutes ago, charlie cho said:

@Leo Gura do i sound cringey? i thought being a pimp was opposite of cringe

It's just a childish egoic motivation wanting to become a pimp

You should be worrying about making true connections, not "manipulating" women into liking you.

You will die soon, no one will care about your accomplishments

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@Ghost to me pimping is like saying, let's kick some ass before a basketball game you're playing. I'm very far from a pimp. To be honest, I have no interest in manipulating women. I do think I said those japanese - porn star looking chicks- will love me as much AS I LOVE THEM. Of course, I was somewhat joking about accomplishing this goal, but at the same time, not joking if you know what i mean. What's so bad about having two japanese porn star looking chicks loving you? 

Edited by charlie cho

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I'm starting to regret even teaching you guys about pickup.

Bunch of horny devils looking to wreak havoc.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

I'm starting to regret even teaching you guys about pickup.

Bunch of horny devils looking to wreak havoc.

Man. Leo is facepalming all over the place. Wrap it up, guys.

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@Leo Gura There are wayy too many pick up stuff on youtube so in any case the devilry would have been fed pretty well. 

The thing is that girls love a douche bag more so of course horny devils that were ignored all their lives by women will be tempted to act more like that. It is fucked but this whole thing is selfish and fucked anyway. You are asking a hungry stray dog to behave properly, he will bite your hand in hopes of some food.

Edited by ColeMC01

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@Leo Gura

Its just a joke leo. Come on. I accept im horny, but do you honestly think Im that desparate to hurt a girl? Dont quickly judge people like that based on the words they speak. I sometimes think you do that too fast. You've known locker room talks right?

Edited by charlie cho

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@Girzo impressive!

Im an ENTJ.

Im supposed to be like gordon ramsay or harrison ford or the black woman in some show, so i can have a wicked sense of humor and be too direct for some people. 

Edited by charlie cho

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24 minutes ago, ColeMC01 said:

@Leo Gura There are wayy too many pick up stuff on youtube so in any case the devilry would have been fed pretty well. 

The thing is that girls love a douche bag more so of course horny devils that were ignored all their lives by women will be tempted to act more like that. It is fucked but this whole thing is selfish and fucked anyway. You are asking a hungry stray dog to behave properly, he will bite your hand in hopes of some food.

Im telling you right now. Leo calls me a douche, and apparently i am a douche but no hot girl is that attracted to me, so it seems to me your "douche" theory isnt working out very well. Maybe its "how" i should be douchey thats more important, not simply being a douche like me, am i right?

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I admit I sound like a douche. But as many people with my MBTI: ENTJ get misunderstood easily, you guys got to chill out with calling me a douche straight out without seeing me in person. With this thread, felt a lot of disappointment emotionally. 

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