James Pyle

5-MeO-DMT Trip Report and Video Idea

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Hello everyone on Actualized!  Today I wanted to share my 5-MeO-DMT trip report and then suggest a great video idea for Leo.  So basically I have been following Leo ever since 2016 when I was a Junior in High School.  I have been practicing meditation very hardcore and seeking non-dual awareness ever since then.  So finally last Thursday I finally got my hands on some Bufo off of the deep-web.  Before this the last few months I had been tripping somewhat regularly, a couple of shroom trips and a light acid trip, all on top of my daily spiritual practices.  I decided that finally this was the time I was going to do this.  I was honestly pretty scared going into it because of all the hell trip reports I had read in the past; but I decided that this was really something I had to do whether I wanted to or not.  I woke up at 6 am and I think around 7 am I took out the small 100 mg packet of Bufo and snorted it using a plastic straw.  I didn’t even weigh it out I just went for it because I knew I just simply had to embrace it no matter what.  I only snorted approximately half of it so it was actually a pretty good dose, especially for a first timer.  At first I did not feel anything and thought that I had inhaled it incorrectly, but then after about 7 minutes or so I started to feel the effects.  It is hard for me to recall exactly everything that went on during that trip of course.  But what I immediately felt is the same feeling of extreme fear you get from a strong mushroom trip where your awareness beholds infinitude and you are experiencing ego death.  I think I remember for the first few minutes I was almost thinking I couldn’t handle the experience and was afraid I was going to loose my mind.  Then probably around the 10-15 minute mark I was really beholding infinity and was even seeing slight hallucinations similar to what you might experience on mushrooms.  What I felt was an unbelievably clear presence of what Christians call Uncreated Divinity.  At round that time I felt this unbelievable joy just to experience being as infinite and I was absolutely flooded with gratitude for God.  Absolute Goodness is true and it is so good that it is really unbelievable.  The feeling you get from Bufo is like an eternal ‘thankyou’; God is so good that he allows evil to exist.  For anyone on Actualized who is doubting what Leo said about Absolute Good, I am here to testify that he said it how it really is, it’s so Good, it’s infinite Joy and divine Love.  Towards the end of the trip I was almost disappointed because I realized I already had this in my everyday experience and also because Bufo is so short-acting.  But at the same time I realized I could not complain because It is and It forever shall be and It is the best thing there is and ever was.  For the past few days after the trip I have been watching some of Rupert Spira on YouTube in order to help integrate the experience which really does work quite well.  Now I would like to make a suggestion for an awesome video that Leo can do.  You see during the years of 2019 through mid 2020 I was living in different Orthodox Christian monasteries around the US.  I was with them because I liked their tradition of spirituality and was even considering becoming a monk.  But eventually I knew I had to leave because I just couldn’t agree with what they believed.  I mean they literally think practically everyone is going to hell because they don’t have a good connection with Christ or they do not know him to begin with.  Now here is where I think Leo could make an absolutely awesome video, you see Christ himself said “I am the Truth and the Life” what this basically means is Christ is what Leo described in his video “What is Truth, the Definitive answer”  Christ is the Truth and the Life meaning he is the Absolute Good and the great I am.  In the words of St. Gregory the Theologian, “God always was, and always is and always will be.  Or rather, God always Is.  For Was and Will be are fragments of our time, and of changeable nature, but He is Eternal Being.  And this is the Name that He gives to Himself when giving the Oracle to Moses in the Mount.  For in Himself He sums up and contains all Being, having neither beginning in the past nor end in the future; like some great Sea of Being, limitless and unbounded, transcending all conception of time and nature, only adumbrated by the mind, and that very dimly and scantily.”  The other day I was looking at a picture of the Orthodox Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and it brought me tears of joy as I was looking at it.  Because it is not the beauty of the picture but it is the beauty of what it represents.  When Leo speaks of Absolute Goodness and fear being an illusion, in Christian terms that is referred to as “Christ has overcome death and granted us eternal joy.”  In the words of St. Cyril of Alexandria, “Indeed the mystery of Christ runs the risk of being disbelieved precisely because it is so incredibly wonderful.”  You see, if I were to go to the monks who I was with previously and tell them about the glory of God I experienced through use of Bufo they would criticize and judge me.  But the reality is by doing so they are missing out on the resurrection of Jesus Christ that would take place within them if they were to use Bufo.  You see, if you go to a non-denominational Protestant church you see this concert worship where they are singing about how much Christ has done for them and how great God’s love is.  But the sad reality is they reality is they have no idea what they are really singing about, they have no real experience of Uncreated Divinity.  I was talking to my dad the other day and I showed him some Bufo trip reports and how much people were benefited.  But instead of considering it he responded, “I feel bad for those people that they had to stoop so low to find meaning in life, because I have found true meaning in Jesus.”  I just looked at him and thought to myself, “Dad, you don’t even know the true Christ, you don’t even know what you are saying.”  And you see, these Protestant Christian Rock bands, they really mock the true Christ with their so called ‘worship’ which is just pure imagination, not actual reality.  Anyways, from my personal experience living at these Orthodox monasteries and after doing Bufo I really understand why it is important to have a personal relationship with the Absolute, the great I Am.  This is what Christ is, he is for Christians the deity of the Infinite reality of God; he is the logos or the ‘word’ of God.  And when they use the word ‘living’ in the Bible, what they are saying is God is ever new, not static.  So essentially if someone in our modern times wants to really know the One True Living God they should use 5-MeO-DMT.  When we describe God we use One meaning non-dual, True meaning Truth with a capital T, Living meaning eternally new and undying, God meaning You, the real You.  Leo, if you are reading this right now I can just imagine you laughing so hard because we all here on Actualized know this needs to be said.  So thank you to everyone who read this, may the deity of the absolute, which is Christ, bless you all!

Edited by James Pyle

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I don't think Leo agrees with christianism so I don't see why he would make a video stating that christ is absolute love

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