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Kuba Powiertowski

Her Majesty Reality:)

1 post in this topic

I want to share with You what I've recently discovered. 
Many times, during meditation I have far glimpses that I cannot comprehend now. Not at this point, it simply won't work. And forcing myself to incorporate these glimpses, result in very strong ego backlashes. Many of Your topics are about the same issue. Nonduality is something so out of this world, that I'm simply not able to apply straight forward. Try to force Yourself now to fully accept that Your closest relatives as Your parents are not real. It's insane! This process of assimilation nonduality is very slow. It must be. It must take years or lives, I would say.
I discovered that at this very early stage duality is good. It helps. When You start recognizing Your existence in every living being, first in Your relatives but afterward in everything that lives, You start providing good effortlessly because the good You deliver to others is the same good You give to Yourself immediately. The power that comes within is something very true and REAL. And this power You need to progress. Just keep on being good to the world, to Yourself. Practice good. You won't notice how powerful You become every single day. How You feel good:) How less distracted You are, more solid. That's the beginning of how You become Everybody. That's the beginning of assimilating nonduality. All rise, Her Majesty Reality is coming:)

Surrender to all, don't give up:)

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