
AOC reveals her experience on the day of the capitol attack.

41 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

Unfortunately, the devil will outlive all of us.

I believe in God triumphing the Devil. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And those people are devils too.

I am not trying to belittle AOC's legit concerns. She has serious danger to her life every day thanks to being demonized relentlessly by the right-

wing echo-chamber of imbeciles.


23 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Yea the Unempathetic ones especially on the right. 


23 hours ago, Preety_India said:

The system needs a deep floss. 

Cleaning the real swamp. 

This is why I think that some drastic has to be done to most conservatives in our country. They really are the political pandemic in the US that needs to be purified somehow. I am not suggesting killing them, but I mean can you imagine how much better our country would be without them?


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On 2/2/2021 at 3:46 PM, Alastair said:

As to the sexual assault charge, saying you are sexually assaulted does not mean you are sexually assaulted unless there is solid proof and said proof is validated in a court of law, something that seems to be ignored by AOC here.

What in the actual Fuck are you talking about? You think a court of law is the deciding factor of whether something actually went down or not? So if someone was murdered, but there's no clear evidence of who was the murderer, therefore the murder didn't actually kill anyone. That's the equivalent of your logic, using a court system to qualify facts that exist independently of a court. Unless you're playing word games with "oH wElL tEcHnIcAlLy sExUaL AsSuAlt oNlY CoUnTs iF tHeRe'S PrOoF" as if a court of law is some divine deciding factor on the truth of reality. Whether sexual assault is labeled as such in a court of law is irrelevant. The fact that someone's boundaries were broken is what matters, not whether some external force (a court) validates their story.

Since you like throwing around the word "proof," history has many, MANY examples of criminals getting away with their crimes, across all forms of crime. Our justice system is still in the literal dark ages dude... 

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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:



This is why I think that some drastic has to be done to most conservatives in our country. They really are the political pandemic in the US that needs to be purified somehow. I am not suggesting killing them, but I mean can you imagine how much better our country would be without them?


Totally agree on that one. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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15 hours ago, Hardkill said:

This is why I think that some drastic has to be done to most conservatives in our country. They really are the political pandemic in the US that needs to be purified somehow. I am not suggesting killing them, but I mean can you imagine how much better our country would be without them?

Let's maybe draw a distinction between wanting Legal Consequences for public figures that spread misinformation and incite political violence, and just wishing that Conservatives would go away somehow.  Because that's never going to happen, and phrasing it in the way you did could be perceived as a veiled threat, which needless to say is something we don't want. 

Edited by DocWatts

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@Consilience  *laughs at inability to understand why the Law was created in the first place*

I am actually crying what the fuck are you even talking about ????.

16 hours ago, Consilience said:

What in the actual Fuck are you talking about? You think a court of law is the deciding factor of whether something actually went down or not? So if someone was murdered, but there's no clear evidence of who was the murderer, therefore the murder didn't actually kill anyone. That's the equivalent of your logic, using a court system to qualify facts that exist independently of a court. Unless you're playing word games with "oH wElL tEcHnIcAlLy sExUaL AsSuAlt oNlY CoUnTs iF tHeRe'S PrOoF" as if a court of law is some divine deciding factor on the truth of reality. Whether sexual assault is labeled as such in a court of law is irrelevant. The fact that someone's boundaries were broken is what matters, not whether some external force (a court) validates their story.

Since you like throwing around the word "proof," history has many, MANY examples of criminals getting away with their crimes, across all forms of crime. Our justice system is still in the literal dark ages dude... 


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14 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Totally agree on that one. 

1 hour ago, DocWatts said:
17 hours ago, Hardkill said:

And people ask me why Green gets demonised so hard... ... especially people like dear old Alexandria Occasio Smollett ???.



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It's just fascinating to watch how this story is playing out. The right wing disinformation brigade have been falling over themselves trying to discredit and expose how AOC lied about her account of the Capitol riot. They are claiming she wasn't in any danger and is just trying to play the victim. They desperately want this to be true, it just sadly isn't.

I guess it is not surprising that someone like Tim Pool would run with this given that he didn't even watch her video.



What makes this story especially hilarious is that just a month ago Josh Hawley did exactly what they falsely accuse AOC of doing. If you haven't heard this, it's a really funny story. The amount of projection is off the scale.


Edited by Stomatopod

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@Alastair people always find a way to bring down A OC

If you are having a bad day, I specifically ordered this for you. It's delicious yogurt. 


It's Greek yogurt by the way. Specially ordered from Greece. :D


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Hardkill I think you have been misquoted or something buddy. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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27 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Alastair people always find a way to bring down A OC

If you are having a bad day, I specifically ordered this for you. It's delicious yogurt. 

It's Greek yogurt by the way. Specially ordered from Greece. 

Perhaps there is a reason why that is the case, as to why she gets so much flak as opposed to people like Nancy Pelosi, Tulsi Gabbard etc.. The latter 2 figures are equally hated on the Republican / Conservative side but they never got as much heat as she did in the past few days.


Then again, I suppose Green people never have the objectivity to see things from other peoples' viewpoints, eh?

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@Alastair  maybe people don't have the objectivity to see through a Green's perspective? 

Maybe people should start wearing green contact lenses in their eyes. 

That will cure it. 

Btw I got better things to do right now than bicker about Orange hating Green 

Have a good day. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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39 minutes ago, Stomatopod said:

It's just fascinating to watch how this story is playing out. The right wing disinformation brigade have been falling over themselves trying to discredit and expose how AOC lied about her account of the Capitol riot. They are claiming she wasn't in any danger and is just trying to play the victim. They desperately want this to be true, it just sadly isn't.

I guess it is not surprising that someone like Tim Pool would run with this given that he didn't even watch her video.



What makes this story especially hilarious is that just a month ago Josh Hawley did exactly what they falsely accuse AOC of doing. If you haven't heard this, it's a really funny story. The amount of projection is off the scale.


I wish I could even watch the first video if not for the sheer Leftist projection on that entire Youtube channel.

The 2nd one has a valid point to it, although you might as well be a pot calling the kettle black, a hypocrite "calling out" another hypocrite if you will.

And Tim did actually watch the whole video. Listen to his actual words for once and stop looking at video headlines, think that the headlines actually convey what you think the content of the video is going to convey , and make your assumptions from there.

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5 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Alastair  maybe people don't have the objectivity to see through a Green's perspective? 

Maybe people should start wearing green contact lenses in their eyes. 

That will cure it. 

Btw I got better things to do right now than bicker about Orange hating Green 

Have a good day. 

What makes you think you are not projecting right now eh?

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1 Corinthians 3:16

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Hey guys, this is what the conservative twins have to say about AOC's experience of the capitol riot: 

You guys think that any of their points are valid?

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2 hours ago, Alastair said:

@Consilience  *laughs at inability to understand why the Law was created in the first place*

I am actually crying what the fuck are you even talking about ????.

Trying to rely on our *contemporary* criminal justice system to know what is "right" and "wrong' is idiotic, a complete recipe for disaster. You think my message was a critique of the Meta structure of law. No. Not at all. Notice how you not only misinterpreted what my reply was pointing to, but straight up weren't able to comprehend it. Yikes.  

My critique was your view that our criminal justice system is a reliable system that can tell us right from wrong, or what actually happened in every circumstance, I was not asserting Law is a bad thing. My reply was challenging your direct claim that a court of law is required to validate reality, otherwise it didn't happen. Go re-read YOUR original post carefully, and see the horrendous epistemological error you're making. Yikes pt. 2. 

Many, MANY criminals have gotten away with crimes because of its corruption. Many, MANY people have been unfairly imprisoned due to this same justice system you're backing. 


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6 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Hey guys, this is what the conservative twins have to say about AOC's experience of the capitol riot: 

You guys think that any of their points are valid?

Just a litany of ignorance, projection, false equivalences, ad hominems, and repeating stupid talking points.

I mean these guys are not malicious. They're just really unsophisticated thinkers trying to make sense of the bad information fed to them, and coming up with all the wrong interpretations. Ironic that they come out hard against fact-checking, because it's impossible to fact-check content like theirs, when you would have to correct literally every sentence.

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7 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Hey guys, this is what the conservative twins have to say about AOC's experience of the capitol riot: 

You guys think that any of their points are valid?

Are they still doing the same juvenile shit 8 years later? :D

I swear, once you make it on YT your development gets frozen in stone. There's nothing like that sweet, sweet YT money to make you forget all about growing yourself.

Manchildren ;)

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