
Insights about spirituality and reincarination

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Let me ask you, do you want to suffer? Do you want to live your life knowing that you are going to continiously suffer? If I look at your future (as a joke) I can see you constantly going trough problems, sufferings, dulness e.c.t. That is without knowing any spiritual practice.

What you are going to suffer:

- Fear of various kinds;

- Boredom;

- Lust, leading in pain and guilt;

- Guilt for not having the stuff mass is having:

- Feeling of displaced in society;

- Inability to find anything lasting and secure, valuable;

- Inevitable loneliness (constant irritation when any form of entertainment is not available);

- Depression for various reasons;

- Depresion because of unfullfillment before achieving your life purpose, some personal desires e.c.t., depression because something was taken away from you by event or person;

- Depression of succes after acheving something and realizing this is not it and suddenly not meaning anything;

- Suffocation of various social, job, e.c.t. obligations to keep yourself running;

- Feeling exploited by society, family, spouse, or even people on the internet;

- Abuse of the body and mind - partcularly by some enemy, gaslighting you, brainwashing you, making you guilty for who you are, discriminating aginst you, make you constantly fear him or even harm you physically (and ALOOT of passive agressive bullshit, layers of perversions and conspiracies of the ill, unhappy people waiting to wake all their anger on just about anybody);

- Self-sabotage, surgeries, pains, not knowing what the fuck to do with various pains in the body, fear of suffering and death, unfullfillment of your desires;

- Constant confusion on the counterintuitiveness of how much of lie we are living in, a.k.a., many hypocrisies we have to live in and we are ourselves projecting;

- Desperation of not finding satisfaction in what you tought life was;

- Fear of not fullfilling even the survival needs which leads to harsh circumstances, compared to your great visions, dreams and luxurious lusts;

- Fear of accidents hapening in your life, car crashes, breaking of the limbs, cancers, e.c.t. somebody coming and stealing something or beating you up;

- Living in anger, irritation, enimity, selective love, vengefulness, insecurity, projecting it to others and destroying your relationships left and right;

- Spending your life in dulness, boredom, procrastination, fantasies which never come true, impossible greeds, having regret;

- The dreadful, suffocating feeling of waking up;

- Knowing you have to go trough a shitty day tomorrow;

- The constant irritation of not wanting to face some events;

- Seeing that any number of people seem to be doing so much more ok than you (Jelousy);

- The suffering in spiritual seeking also, being manipulated, the pain of seeking and wanting the truth, the constant dread that you want to be happy in all times/actions but you just can't for some reason;

- Fear of physical death, and being reborn again, just to go trough this uncertainty again and the same sea of suffering, just to seek the truth;

- Continiously forgotting the solutions to your probems and going trough the same set of repetitions of problems, just to conclude they are impossible to solve (you can't change your addictions e.c.t.)


So, knowing that you are much more than a mind and body, do you want to go trough this again? As pleasant as it can be sometimes, there is unpleasantness that you have to constantly face and figure, work around. I think it is the greatest mastery to choose to take another birth after a lifetime of spritual practice, people usually choose not to take another birth, as I have heard. Only the really commited people, like the incarnations and spritual masters and some of their disciples, that seems to be the practicality. Ignorant life is not a good news, no matter who you become and what you achieve and enjoy, it is a sea of suffering. Because all of that you will lose and if you decide to protect, you will not be always able to protect your assets, relationships, body, it will be a struggle, again you have to work around to not fall into depression and come out of the bad situation, or accept what has happened. After all, you don't need to look far how many people have become rotten by suffering.

It is a tremendous compliment to you if you decide to keep incarinating and exploring this incredible universe and do the sadhana that very few people get to do, however, just one problem, the practicality of it. In some sense it is a feature of design that you can't leave your body at will anytime, then all of us would have left at some point. But! At some point, by some event, the doubt will come, the tought of I want to be free from all of this, I don't care will occour. Then your spiritual journey will start if you are not on it in a stage where you are sincerely doing some practice or inquiry.

So, don't die in darkness, if you are already in a mindset that you want to be free and you would like this to be your last life, then just do some spiritual practice sincerely, connect to a master, feel their energy, and do their practices, that is the fastest way that I know of to grow. You can do by yourself also, but it will not be easy and you can almost forget about being productive in the world, because it will suck almost all your time, and anyway you will most likely come to some enlightened being, some spiritual master. Over time, this will take up your life, at least your free time, because you really want to be free.

But where you are heading is beautiful, anyway you are heading there, but you would probably like for it to happen sooner than later. You don't want to go trough this again and again i think. I might be wrong, I really don't want to. I get what I do in this life regarding my life purpose, spiritual practice is the only priority for me being blissful is the only priority, I don't care that I might become a unaccomplished bum who doesn't do much in the world, doesn't have children or even an independant place. The grace and bliss is so much better, in many ways it is better than everything I can ask for.

Cheers, have a nice day.

Edited by Applegarden

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