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Hoping Leo Reads This

3 posts in this topic

I'm 71 and was just hit with the idea a year or two ago that I could possibly become enlightened in this lifetime.

This pursuit has become more and more my primary /only real interest in life, having spent about six years in Thailand learning / practicing Vipassana.

I just viewed my second Leo video, Spiritual Enlightenment--The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear, tonight October 6, in Thailand, having spent the time since the first (partially viewed) Leo video, reading, listening, watching, learning Vedanta, Direct Path, etc. etc.

I have learned enough intellectually about enlightenment, since passing up my first experience of Leo, thinking that he was too far out there, to now know that Leo knows. 

I have the 1000+hours readily at hand, and I would like a personal guide, precise roadmap, or ?? to point me the way. As my user name says, I am Ready.

In the absence of a direct reply to this plea for help, I plan to sort through chronologically the how-to and other related videos and do self-study.

Thank you, Leo.





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@Ready You don't have a lot of time to waste.

No one is going to really help you become enlightened. It's all up to you.

Sit down and start deconstructing that ego.

And if you wanna blow your entire worldview out of the water in 15 mins, try 5-meo. You will learn more from those 15 minutes than you have in your entire meditation career combined.

You don't need more Vipassana. You need to self-inquiry. Answer the question: What are you? Answer it from direct experience only. No ideas, no philosophy, no belief, no Vipassana theory, no speculation.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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