
Can you force humility and love?

10 posts in this topic

Considering that we have free will but only to surrender.

Stay cool & dry.

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  On 2/2/2021 at 6:50 AM, Shunyata said:

@Dancer why? 

There is no why. Humility just does not exist. Look for yourself.

If you find any humility in yourself it's just masquerading arrogance.

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How could u force a flower to blossom? You can prepare the earth, water it every day, make sure it gets enough sun; then have faith, trust and love that it will flourish.

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Beautiful answers. Thank you all

Stay cool & dry.

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in my opinion you can. it worked on me. #nextlevelshit and im grateful on that.

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  On 2/2/2021 at 2:33 AM, Shunyata said:

Can you force humility and love?

Considering that we have free will but only to surrender.

Directly experience, ‘stretch’ your experiencing from one end of that polarity to the other, know from direct experience, ‘check’ with, stay with feeling as you do, rather than think about it, know & expand frame of reference form direct experience.  Be. 

Be selfless. Spend one day for others, or for someone else, with no gain at all for you. Give one single day, the entire day, hands on. Actually do this. Do the last thing you want to do, for the last person you want to do it for. Gather everything that is not critical to have and donate it. Write letters to people who’ve helped you, thanking them, like today’s you’re last day on this earth. Find the poorest most down rotten person you can and spend a day in their shoes, listening like the world and time stopped. Be them. 

Spend a day being a self righteous, self centered, egomaniacal asshole. Be a total fake. Pretend to do for others but make sure it’s actually only benefitting you.  Only care about yourself, be as attached as possible to thoughts and the body. Fill yourself with the fear of this. Look down upon and speak down to others to make yourself feel better about your own lack of inspecting that fear and lack of authenticity and sincerity.

Really be these ‘characters’ fully. 

See what surrender is. See what free will is. See what love is. Report back. ?

”Today it is very fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them’” - Mother Teresa



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It is not wise to force these things, if you do one day it may fail you. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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